logo of the journal Medifam: revista de medicina familiar y comunitaria

ISSN 1131-5768- print version



Scope and policy

The journal Medifam is the spreading organ of Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC) and follows a very objective editorial line at the service of family medicine.

Medifam shall accept all papers directly related to family medicine and comprehensive health care for publication in the different sections of the journal.


Manuscripts preparation

Manuscripts should be submitted double-spaced typewritten, including title page, abstract, text, acknowledgements, references, tables and figure legends.

Each component of manuscript should begin on a new page in the following sequence: title page, abstract with key words; text; acknowledgements, references, tables and illustrations. Each of them should have a title and footnotes.

The manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on one side of DIN-A4 with bond paper with margins of at least 25mm. Page numbers should be consecutive and appear in the upper right corner, beginning with the title page ( title page, abstract and key words, text, acknowledgments, references, tables [ a page per easch] and figure legends).

Manuscripts shall be sent in triplicate and electronic support (1.44 Mb diskette) to:

Director of MEDIFAM 


C/ Castelló, 128

28006 Madrid 

Manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter containing: 1) author rights: the authors must transfer, before its publication, the right to post and make a copy of their articles. That transfer of rights has the purpose of protecting the common interest of both authors and editors ; 2) The authors must give written permission of acceptance, adaptation and compliance of the Ethical Rules (Medifam 1195; 6: 216-7), the guarantee of no duplication or double send, the permission to reuse tables and figures when it‘s necessary and the permission of the patients when a reference to them was made. In any case, the clash of interests must be stated. ; 3) information about any previous publication or delivery for publication of any part of the manuscript ; 4) a clarification on any commercial or any other type of association that may pose a conflict of interest; 5) the name, address and telephone number of the corresponding author.

Todos los trabajos deberán cumplir las normas establecidas por MEDIFAM.


Title page 

It should contain:

1.   A concise but informative title

2.      A possible subtitle of no more than 40 keystrokes

3.      Full name of each of the authors with their highest academic degree.

4.      Name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work may be attributed.

5.      Name and address of the corresponding author

6.      Name and address of the author to whom the offprints are to be sent.

7.      Source(s) of economic assistance or any other type of support.

Abstract and key words

The second page will contain an abstract that should be no longer than 250 words, structured as follows: fundamental(s); objective(s), design, material and methods, results (quantified) and main conclusions. The abstract should emphasize the novel aspects of the paper. It should not include data that are not mentioned in the original manuscript. Three to ten keywords (using subject headings from the Index Medicus whenever possible) should follow the abstract. An English translation of the abstract and keywords should be included.


Original articles should contain the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and discussion. Clinical cases section will be divided into Introduction, Clinical Observation and Discussion. In the event of special opinion articles, section different from those already mentioned may be included so as to facilitate reading.


The objectives of the manuscript should be clearly stated and the reasons for undertaking the same should be summarized without extensively reviewing the subject. Only those necessary references will be cited.

  Material and method

Description of the selection of the studied subjects and sufficient information on methods, equipment and procedures used so as to allow the study to be repeated by other researchers. Methods including the statistical ones and reasons for using them as well as number of observations should be included. Some other detailed information of great interest may be presented as an annex.


The results should be presented logically in the text , graphs and tables. Data from tables in the text should not be repeated,  only the most important data should be stressed or summarized.


New important aspects of the paper and its conclusions should be stressed but without repeating in detail the results of the aforementioned section. The implications of the results and their limitations, comparing them to the other important studies, should be stated. The contents of this section will be based on the results of the paper and avoid conclusions that are not completely supported by such findings.


Persons or institutions that have substantially contributed to the study may be acknowledged by stating in one or more phrases:

a) Contributions that require acknowledgement but do not justify the quality of the author like the total support of the head of a department.

b) Acknowledgement for technical support.

c) Acknowledgement for material or financial support, stating its nature.

d) Financial relationship that may give rise to a conflict of interest.


They should be listed in the order that they are mentioned in the text, with consecutive numbering. The reference will be identified in the text by superscript numerals. “Abstracts” and “personal communications” should be avoided in references. Those manuscripts accepted but not yet published may be cited by giving the name of  the accepting journal followed by “impress” between parentheses. Information form manuscripts sent to a journal but not yet accepted may be cited as “unpublished observations” between parentheses. The authors of original articles should verify the references.

  A. Articles of journals

Standard article (cite all the authors when they are six or less; if they are seven or more, cite the first six and  write “et al”).

1. Standard article of a journal

Costa Martorell J, Piñero Gálvez C. Elevación persistente del segmento ST en el infarto agudo de miocardio de cara anterior: un signo de disfunción ventricular. Med Clin (Barc) 1991; 97: 401-3.

2. Collective author

Equipos de Salud Mental Infanto Juvenil del Área 5. Modelo comunitario de intervención en salud mental infantojuvenil. Documentos de psiquiatría Comunitaria 1991; 2: 17-8.

3. The author is not mentioned

Chemoprophylaxis for infective endocarditis: faith, hope, and charity challenged (editorial). Lancet 1992; 339: 525-6.

4. Suplemento de un volumen

Fleckenstein A, Fleckenstein-Grun G, Frey M, Zom J. Future directions in the use of calcium antagonists. Am J Cardiol 1987; 59 Suppl B: 177-87.

5. Supplement of a volume

Gardos G, Cole JO, Haskell D, Marby D, Paine SS, Moore P. The natural history of tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1988; 8 (4 Suppl): 31S-37S.

6. Volume with different parts

Hanl C. Metaphysics and innatesess: a psychoanalytic perspective. Int J Psychoanal 1988; 69 (Pt 3):389 99.

7.   Number with different parts

Edwards L, Meyskens F, Levine N. Effects of oral isotretinoin on dysplastic nevi. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989; 20 (2 Pt): 257 60.

8. Number without volume

Caballería J, Parés A. Alcohol e hígado. Medicine 1992; (8): 332 9.

9. No number no volume

Danoek K. Skiing in and through the history of medicine. Nord Medicinhist Arsb 1982; 86-100.

10. Numbering in roman numbers

Ronne Y. Ansvarsfall. Bloodtransfusion till fel patient. Vardfacket 1989; 13: XVI-XXVII.

11. Indication of the type of article if required

Ruiz Moral R. El médico de familia: mucho más que un hábil comunicador. [Carta]. Atención Primaria 1992; 9: 401.

12. Article with a retraction

Albert Cunyat V, Maestro Castelblanque E. Algunas consideraciones sobre la prescripción de medicación parenteral. [Retractación de Donedo-Mazarrón A, Grive M, Serrat, et al. En: Atención Primaria 1991; 8: 841-4]. Atención Primaria 1992; 9: 402.

13. Retracted article

Donedo-Mazarrón A, Grive M, Serrat JJ, et al. Análisis cualitativo sobre la medicación parenteral prescrita en un CAP. [Retractado por Albert Cunyat V, Maestro Castelblanque E. En: Atención Primaria 1992; 9: 402]. Atención Primaria 1991; 8: 841-4.

14. Comment on an article

Piccoli A, Bossatti A. Early steroid therapy in IgA neuropathy: still an open questions [comentario]. Nephron 1989; 51: 289-291. Comentario sobre: Nephron 1988; 48: 12-7.

l5. Commented article

Kobayashi Y, Fujii K, Hild Y, Tateno S, Kurokawa A. Kamiyama M. Steroid therapy in IgA nephropathy: a restrospective study in heavy proteinuric cases [ver comentarios]. Nephron 1988; 48: 12-17. Comentario en: Nephron 1989; 51: 289-91 .

16. Article with errata published

Schofield A. The CAGE questionnaire and psychological health [la fe de erratas aparece publicada en Br J Addict 1989; 84: 70] . Br J Addict 1988; 83: 761-4.

B. Books and other monographies

17. Individual author(s)

Colson JH, Armour WJ. Sports injuries and their treatment 2ª ed. rev. Londres: S Paul, 1986.

18. Editors(s), compiler(s) as authors

Ruiz de Adana R, editor. Manual de diagnóstico y terapéutica médica en Atención Primaria. Madrid: Díaz de Santos, 1989.

19. Organization as author and public entity

WONCA. Clasificaciones de la WONCA en Atención Primaria. Barcelona: Masson, SA, 1988.

20. Book chapters

Rakel RE, Storey P. Care of the Dying patient. En: Rakel RE. Texbook of Family Practice. 4ª ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1990; 181-97.

21. Minutes of communications and papers

Asua J. Epidemiología Laboral y Medioambiental. Actas de la VII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología; 1988 junio 16-18; San Sebastián. Vitoria: Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, l988.

22. Technical and scientific report

Sistema Español de Farmacovigilancia. Listado de reacciones adversas 1984-1988. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Dirección General de Farmacia y Productos Sanitarios, 1989.

23. Ph D thesis

Youssef NM. School adjustement of children with congenital heart disease [tesis doctoral]. Pittsburg (PA): Univ of Pittsburg, 1988.

24. Patent

Harred JF, Knight AR, McIntyre JS. Inventores Dow Chemical Company, concesionario. Epoxidation process US patent 3, 654, 3177. 1972 abr 4.

Other published papers

25. Article of a newspaper

Ricardo de Lorenzo. La responsabilidad médica ante el Acta Única Europea. Diario Médico, 29 May 1992; 2 (col 1-3).

26.  Audiovisual

AIDS Epidemic: the physician’s role [grabación magnética] Cleveland (OH): Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, 1987.

27. Computer file or program

Renal System [programa informático]. Versión S-DOS Edwardsville (KS): MediSim, 1988.

28. Legal materials

Real Decreto 1132/1990, de 14 de septiembre, por el que se establecen medidas fundamentales de protección radiológica de las personas sometidas a exámenes y tratamientos médicos. BOE 224 de 18 de septiembre 1990; 27261-2.

29. Map

Área 5 [mapa topográfico]. Madrid: Comunidad de Madrid. Consejería de Salud. Dirección General de Planificación, Formación e Investigación. Cartografía Sanitaria de la Comunidad de Madrid, l989.

30. A book of the Bible

Proverbios 3: 13-20. La Santa Biblia. Madrid. Ediciones Paulinas, 1989.

31. Dictionary and similar reference works

Gampsodactilia. Diccionario enciclopédico de medicina. 4ª ed. Barcelona: JIMS, 1980:403.

32. Classical Books

El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. 2ª parte, capítulo XX. Miguel de Cervantes. Barcelona: Ed Cedro, 1978.

33. In press

Lillywhite HB, Donald JA. Pulmonary blood flow regulation in an aquatic snake. Science. En prensa.

Figuras y tablas

Figures should have a good quality for reproduction and they should be numbered consecutively and jointly as figures. Tables should include: 1) numbering with Arabic numerals, 2) corresponding title. They must be clear with no correction. Acronyms and abbreviations  should always be accompanied by an explanation at the bottom.


Original manuscripts

Manuscripts related to any aspect of primary health care research, including clinical, epidemiological or quality control organizational aspects and in the form of scientific research works with the following section (introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion) will be accepted.

Those papers published or accepted by another journal will not be accepted, except for abstracts published in the minutes of scientific meetings and congresses. Accepted originals are permanent copyright of  MEDIFAM and may not be partially or totally reproduced without prior permission of the journal.

No more than 10 DIN A4 pages, double-spaced typed, 70 keystrokes per line, 4 figures and 4 tables will be accepted. It is recommended that the number of authors does not exceed six.


Other sections


Original manuscripts and opinion articles on topics about planning, programming, sanitary system organization, management, continued formation, quality of life, development of the nurse's role, social work, etc will be accepted. They are focused on the daily primary care practice. In the event that the author does not specify that his/her manuscript should be included in this section, then the editorial discretion will be exercised in including it without previous consultation, provided that such manuscript has been accepted for publication.


Clinical cases should be an original contribution and be related with primary care, with a multidisciplinary approach within the comprehensive context of care of individual and/ or its family. They should exemplify daily practice. Their structure will be: introduction, clinical observation (or methods and results) and discussion.

The submission of cases should be limited to 3 authors, 7 pages, 2 figures and 2 tables.

The acceptance of case series or individual cases leading to monographic review of the subject will be at the editorial board discretion.

Priority will be given to those cases of interest for showing the multidisciplinary team work, comprehensive care of individual, technical and scientific level of family medicine and for to lose the ability of suspicion in certain pathologies.



This section reflects the cooperation between family medicine and other specialties, taking a specific problem as a basis.

Papers that assist family physicians in topics such as diagnostic or therapeutic management of prevailing pathologies in primary health care, use of procedures and/ or diagnosis technologies and knowledge about sanitary management tools will be included.

Controversial topic review-oriented articles will be preferred.

The articles will be accompanied by a brief abstract (150 words), with its English translation, and 3 to 6 keywords.

The authors who are interested in cooperating with this section may request specific standards from the management of the journal.


This section highlights the realities of family as a system and unit of health care, with their mutual interaction  implications for the various members and the family as a whole.

The papers submitted in this section might be either review or case report/exemplifying situation articles for the family physician practice.

They will have an abstract of 150 words as maximum, with English translation, and 3 to 6 keywords.



The contents of this section will follow this structure or format:

1. Introduction: brief description of clinical and epidemiological data and substantiation of the procedure.

2. Technique indicators: table or scheme form is preferable

3. Technique: detailed description, good quality pictures and/or drawings of the sequential steps of the procedure. This is the most important part of the article and should take into account a clear and understandable exposition.

4. Further clinical follow-up. Instructions for patients: Further check-ups and all the control test that should be made until the recovery of the patient will be indicated. "Instructions for patients" section will appear in table format with a patient-oriented language.

5. Complications: the possible consequences and corresponding treatment in each case.

6. Cost estimation of the procedure: spent materials, time spending by professionals, etc.

7. Learning of a technique or procedure: difficulties, cooperation with other specialist, etc.

8. Final comments

9. Abstract and keywords (in English and Spanish) up to 100 words and 3 to 6 keywords.

The length will be 7-8 DIN A4 pages typed double-spaced, with title, references and authors in separate sheets.

The figures should always be original or published with the author`s permission, have very good quality and figure legend. The identification of the patient must be avoided.

Tables: they should be entitled, very clear, of high quality and with acronym specifications at the bottom of the table if existed. No more than 2 are acceptable, taking into consideration the table included in the "instruction for patients" section.


This section will include as soon as possible any objection or comment on articles which have been recently published in the journal, or any experience whose characteristics allow to be summarized in a brief text of interest for primary health care.

The letters should be limited to 2 pages (30 lines, 70 keystrokes per line), 2 graphs and 2 tables; no more than 4 authors and 8 references.

The journal includes other sections

a) Editorial. 

b) Reviews

c) Commented bibliography

In general, MEDIFAM editorial management requests these section. The authors who wish to cooperate with one of these section should first address to the editor or the journal.

Acceptance of originals

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the manuscripts that it considers inappropriate or to suggest changes if it deems necessary.

The Editorial Board will receive the sent manuscripts and it will notify the authors of their acceptance afterwards.

The author will  receive proofs for correction. Corrected proofs should be returned within 48 hours of reception.  

The accepted manuscripts become permanent copyright of MEDIFAM and may not be partially or totally reproduced without its written permission.

The author will receive 6 offprints of the number in which the manuscript is included after publication.  

MEDIFAM supports the uniform requirements for manuscripts is included after publication.

MEDIFAM supports the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals recommended by the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals.

See: International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals. Uniform requiriments for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. MEDIFAM, 1998; 8: 440-9.


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