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ISSN 0214-9915 - print version

ISSN 1886-144X - online version



Scope and Policy

Psicothema is an scientific open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to any user or institution.

Psicothema publishes empirical work in English which is done with methodological rigor and which contributes to the progress of any field of scientific psychology. As an exception, the Editorial Board may accept publication of work in Spanish if the content justifies such a decision. Theoretical work may also be accepted, if requested by the Editorial Board, with preference given to articles that engage with critical research issues or which discuss controversial approaches.

Psicothema is published under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike Licence (BY-NC-SA 4.0.).


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Studies must be unpublished. Articles which have been fully or partially published elsewhere will not be accepted, nor will articles that are in the process of publication or which have been submitted to other journals for review. It will be assumed that all those who appear as authors have agreed to do so, and all those cited for personal correspondence have consented.

The journal has a policy of “double blind” reviews, meaning that both authors and reviewers are anonymous during the review process. To that end, manuscripts must not contain information that would allow the authors to be identified. The Editorial Board will perform an initial review of manuscripts to ensure that they fit the journal’s objectives. If that is the case, each manuscript will be sent to at least two independent reviewers who will assess its scientific quality. The Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision to accept the article for publication or not.

Authors should suggest three people who they believe would be suitable reviewers for the article, clearly indicating their institutional affiliation and email address. Authors may also indicate people who, for whatever reason, they do not wish to be involved in the review process for their work.

Manuscripts will be screened by the Editorial Board to assess their relevance. Articles must adhere to the journal’s writing rules and editorial scope. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged immediately and within 10 working days the sender will be notified if the Editorial Board decides to begin the review process.

The original work may be submitted in Spanish initially. If so, and if it is accepted, the authors will be responsible for translating it into English for publication.

The authors are responsible for obtaining the relevant permissions to reproduce copyright-protected material. The authors must also declare possible conflicts of interest.

If an article is accepted for publication, the authors must sign an agreement assigning copyright rights to the journal, thus the rights for printing or reproduction in any form or medium belong to Psicothema, which will not reject any reasonable request from the authors for permission to reproduce their contributions.

The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not express the journal’s scientific policies or opinions.

The activities described in published articles must comply with generally accepted standards of ethics, both in reference to studies with human beings and animal experimentation, as well as all aspects of professional ethics. The authors will be responsible for being able to provide interested readers with copies of raw data, procedural manuals, scores, and generally relevant experimental material.

For any questions or clarifications, the journal can be contacted via the email address psicothema@cop.es

The Guide for Authors is available in the journal's website and in pdf format.


Manuscript submission

Articles should be submitted via the journal's web page (Authors section – submission of articles) available through the following link https://www.psicothema.com/submit.


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© 2023 Psicothema

Ildelfonso Sánchez del Río, 4, 1º B
33001 Oviedo · Spain
