Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Angiología]]> vol. 76 num. 5 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[The paradox of direct oral anticoagulants in peripheral arterial disease in Spain]]> <![CDATA[Covered stent implantation in common femoral artery after failed transcatehter closure during TAVI]]> Resumen Introducción: el acceso vascular más frecuente para la colocación de un implante percutáneo de una válvula aórtica (TAVI) es el transfemoral y el fallo del cierre percutáneo de dicho acceso varía entre 4-8 % y su reparación requiere la intervención de un cirujano vascular. Objetivos: analizar la permeabilidad de los stents recubiertos colocados en la arteria femoral común a medio plazo en pacientes a los que se les había implantado una TAVI en nuestro centro con fallo del cierre percutáneo. Material y métodos: se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de los pacientes tratados en nuestro centro mediante la colocación de un stent recubierto (Viabahn®) en la arteria femoral común por fallo del acceso percutáneo durante el implante de una TAVI. Se incluyeron un total de 7 pacientes con una edad media de 81,7 años; el 43 % de los pacientes eran varones. Resultados: el éxito Técnico fue del 100 %. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 21 meses. Durante el seguimiento se objetivó una permeabilidad de los stents en el 100 % de los pacientes, sin encontrarse casos de fracturas ni de trombosis. Conclusiones: la colocación de un stent recubierto en la arteria femoral común tras el fallo del cierre percutáneo del acceso para la colocación de una TAVI es una opción adecuada con buena permeabilidad a medio plazo en ambientes no quirúrgicos como alternativa a la reparación abierta.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: the most frequent vascular access route for TAVI is the transfemoral one and the rate of transcatehter closure failure is between 4 % and 8 % requiring the collaboration of a vascular surgeon. Objective: to study mid-term covered stent patency in the femoral common artery in patients with failed transcatheter closure during TAVI. Material and methods: we retrospectively collected data from 7 patients who underwent TAVI and failed transcatheter closure in our centre. Mean age was 81.7 years and 43 % of the patients were men. Results: technical success rate reached 100 % and mean follow up was 21 months. At the follow up, we did not identify any cases of stent occlusion or fracture. Conclusions: covered stent implantation in femoral common artery after failed transcatheter closure during TAVI is an acceptable alternative in a non-surgical environment and a suitable option with a reasonable mid-term patency. <![CDATA[Is presurgical embolization necessary in carotid body tumors? An experience of 15 years]]> Resumen Introducción: los tumores del cuerpo carotídeo son infrecuentes. Representan entre el 0,1 % y el 2 % de los tumores arteriales cervicales. Su tratamiento es principalmente quirúrgico y la realización o no de una embolización antes de la operación todavía es una cuestión controvertida. En este estudio se busca una respuesta a esta incógnita. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en el que se incluyeron a todos los pacientes tratados por tumor del cuerpo carotídeo en el Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad del Bajío (León de los Aldama, México) desde el año 2007 al 2022. Se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central para las variables cuantitativas. Para variables nominales y ordinales se realizaron análisis de frecuencias. Para describir asociaciones se utilizó χ2 y t de Student, según el tipo de variable. Se consideró significativo un valor p inferior a 0,05. Se utilizó el programa SPSS en su versión 25 para llevar a cabo el análisis estadístico. Resultados: se seleccionaron 33 pacientes, de los que el 93,3 % fueron del sexo femenino. La edad promedio fue de 42,21 años, con desviación estándar de 11,91 años. El 51,5 % de los pacientes se sometió a una embolización prequirúrgica. Se encontró la arteria faríngea ascendente como el principal afluente tumoral. El sangrado quirúrgico promedio fue de 385 cm3, con una desviación estándar de 338,09 cm3. No se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el sangrado quirúrgico y el número de complicaciones con la embolización prequirúrgica. Conclusión: los resultados presentados en este estudio no demuestran beneficio en la realización de una embolización prequirúrgica con respecto a complicaciones, sangrado quirúrgico y tiempo operatorio.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: carotid body tumors are rare, representing 0.1 % to 2 % of cervical arterial tumors whose treatment is mainly surgical and the need to perform embolization prior to the procedure is still considered controversial. In the present study we look for an answer to the question of whether to embolize or not. Materials and methods: a retrospective study was carried out including all patients treated for carotid body tumor at the Bajío High Specialty Regional Hospital from 2007 to 2022. Measures of central tendency were used for quantitative variables. Frequency analysis was performed for nominal and ordinal variables. To describe associations, chi-square test and Student's t test were used depending on the type of variable. A p value less than 0.05 was considered significant. The SPSS program version 25 was used to carry out the statistical analysis. Results: 33 patients were collected, of which 93.3 % were female. The average age was 42.21 years with a standard deviation of 11.91 years. 51.5 % of patients underwent presurgical embolization, finding the ascending pharyngeal artery as the main tumor tributary. The average surgical bleeding was 385 cc with a standard deviation of 338.09 cc. No statistically significant relationship was found between surgical bleeding and the number of complications with presurgical embolization. Conclusion: the results presented in this study do not show benefit in performing presurgical embolization with respect to complications, surgical bleeding and operative time. <![CDATA[Chronic limb-threatening arterial occlusive disease: experience in lifesaving]]> Resumen Introducción: en la enfermedad arterial oclusiva crónica que amenaza una extremidad la intervención de salvamento se muestra como un factor crucial para reducir el nivel de amputación y de discapacidad, así como los costes asociados con esta enfermedad. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados para la salud en pacientes sometidos a un salvamento de la extremidad inferior con enfermedad arterial oclusiva crónica. Metodología: estudio de cohorte ambispectiva en pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de enfermedad arterial oclusiva de estadio IV según la clasificación de Fontaine entre 2022 y 2023. Se recolectaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, costes y calidad de vida (EQ-5D-3L). Se usaron las pruebas de χ2, el test exacto de Fisher, la t de Student y la U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: los resultados revelaron la inclusión de un total de 160 pacientes, de los que el 52,5 % se sometió al salvamento de una extremidad. La mortalidad en el hospital en el grupo de salvamento fue del 2 % (IC 95 %, 0,5-9,1) y del 14 % (IC 95 %, 8,1-24,4) en el grupo sin salvamento (p = 0,005). Además, todos los pacientes sin salvamento terminaron con amputaciones mayores intrahospitalarias, mientras que en el grupo de salvamento solo el 31 % (IC 95 %, 30,4-51,4) requirió amputaciones menores, que son rehabilitables (p &lt; 0,001). En cuanto a los costes de atención, se observó un valor promedio mayor en el grupo de salvamento (5312 dólares americanos) en comparación con el grupo sin salvamento (3645 dólares americanos) (p = 0,0219). Respecto a la calidad de vida de los pacientes con salvamento, un 27,6 % (IC 95 %, 17,4-40,6) afirmó estar sin problemas en la variable movilidad y un 70,7 % (IC 95 %, 57,5-81,1) en la de cuidado personal, con un valor p = 0,003 y p = 0,007, respectivamente. Conclusión: estos hallazgos sugieren que el salvamento de extremidad puede ser efectivo para reducir la necesidad de amputación mayor y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con diagnóstico de isquemia crítica de extremidades.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: in chronic occlusive arterial disease threatening limb, salvage intervention is shown as a crucial factor to reduce the level of amputation, disability, and costs associated with this condition. Objective: the present study aims to evaluate health outcomes in patients undergoing salvage of the lower extremity with chronic occlusive arterial disease. Methodology: ambispective cohort study in patients over 18 years old diagnosed with Fontaine IV occlusive arterial disease between 2022-2023. Sociodemographic, clinical, cost, and quality of life (EQ-5D-3L) variables were collected. χ2 tests, Fisher's exact tests, Student's t-tests, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used. The analyses were conducted in Stata 17. Results: the results revealed the inclusion of a total of 160 patients, of which 52.5 % underwent salvage intervention. In-hospital mortality in the salvage group was 2 % (95 % CI, 0.5-9.1), compared to 14 % (95 % CI, 8.1-24.4) in the non-salvage group (p = 0.005). Additionally, all patients in the non-salvage group ended up with major in-hospital amputations, while in the salvage group only 31 % (95 % CI, 30.4-51.4) required amputation of which were minor and thus rehabilitable (p &lt; 0.001). Regarding healthcare costs, a significantly higher average value was observed in the salvage group ($5,312 USD) compared to the non-salvage group ($3,645 USD) (p = 0.0219). Regarding quality of life, patients undergoing salvage intervention reported no problems in the mobility dimension, with 27.6 % (95 % CI, 17.4-40.6), and personal care, with 70.7 % (95 % CI, 57.5-81.1) respectively. Conclusion: these findings suggest that limb salvage may be effective in reducing the need for major amputation and improving the quality of life of patients diagnosed with critical limb ischemia. <![CDATA[Effectiveness of the Amplatzer™ vascular plug versus gelatin sponge particle instrument on transarterial embolization of renal tumors to improval surgical outcomes: literature review]]> Abstract The recommended first-line therapy to replace open surgery of renal tumors is endovascular management through percutaneous transcatheter embolization. The use of Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug (AVP) and Gelatin Sponge Particles (GSP) for endovascular procedures has been widely reported and many have reported successful. A literature search was conducted using the PubMed, Embase, and Science Direct databases published between 2014-2021. Keywords used for searches included renal cancer, transarterial embolization, Amplatzer Vascular Plug and Gelatin Sponge Particles. Several studies reported that AVP is more effective than GSP. AVP causes total occlusion compared to GSP, resulting in long-term incomplete recanalization. The clinical symptoms after using AVP agents are minimal compared to GSP. AVP has the ability to place agents in places of tortuous and difficult blood vessels while GSP is still difficult in this regard. The complications after using AVP are minimal compared to GSP which has high complications. In several case reports, the use of AVP is effective and safe on transarterial embolization procedure for renal tumors. AVP is very effective in use, especially in cases associated with peripheral renal artery structures. Using GSP requires a long time and also requires recanalization. To achieve partial recanalization and complete thrombus, 4 weeks post-embolization with GSP is required.<hr/>Resumen La terapia de primera línea recomendada para reemplazar la cirugía abierta de tumores renales es el manejo endovascular mediante embolización percutánea transcaTéter. El uso de Amplatzer™ Vascular Plug (AVP) y partículas de esponja de gelatina (GSP) para procedimientos endovasculares se ha estudiado ampliamente y muchos autores han comunicado resultados exitosos. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Embase y Science Direct publicadas entre 2014-2021. Las palabras clave utilizadas para las búsquedas incluyeron cáncer renal, embolización transarterial, tapón vascular Amplatzer™ y partículas de esponja de gelatina. Varios estudios ha informado de que AVP es más eficaz que GSP. La AVP causa una oclusión total en comparación con la GSP, lo que resulta en una recanalización incompleta a largo plazo. Los síntomas clínicos después de usar agentes AVP son mínimos en comparación con GSP. AVP tiene la capacidad de colocar agentes en zonas de vasos sanguíneos tortuosos y difíciles, mientras que GSP sigue mostrando más dificultades en este sentido. Las complicaciones después de usar AVP son mínimas en comparación con GSP, que tiene muchas complicaciones. En varios estudios de casos, el uso de AVP es eficaz y seguro en el procedimiento de embolización transarterial para tumores renales. La AVP es muy eficaz en su uso, especialmente en casos asociados con estructuras de la arteria renal periférica. El uso de GSP requiere mucho tiempo y también requiere recanalización. Para lograr una recanalización parcial y un trombo completo se requieren 4 semanas posembolización con GSP. <![CDATA[Iodophor-impregnated drapes are associated with lower intraoperative contamination versus non-adhesive drapes. A systematic review and meta-analysis]]> Resumen La infección de la herida quirúrgica es una complicación temida en cirugía. Se han usado diferentes adhesivos como herramienta para prevenir infecciones, aunque la evidencia respecto a los impregnados en yodo es limitada. Este metaanálisis (PROSPERO-CRD42023391651) tiene como objetivo determinar si los adhesivos impregnados reducen la contaminación intraoperatoria, un factor de riesgo de infección. Hemos realizado una búsqueda sistemática en Medline, Scopus y Web of Science de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados comparando el porcentaje de contaminación intraoperatoria con los adhesivos impregnados frente a no usarlos. El objetivo primario fue el porcentaje de escobillones contaminados al final de la cirugía. Se utilizó el método Mantel-Haenszel para el efecto común estimado y su versión aleatoria para la heterogeneidad interestudio. Se identificaron cuatro artículos elegibles. La heterogeneidad interestudio fue baja (I2 = 0 %). Entre los 1784 pacientes incluidos, 906 (50,8 %) recibieron adhesivo impregnado y 878 (49,2 %) no los recibieron. De estos 1784 pa- cientes, 249 (14,0 %) presentaron escobillón contaminado al final de la cirugía: 95 (10,5 %) en el grupo de adhesivo impregnado y 154 (17,5 %) en el grupo de no adhesivo (RR: 0,60 [IC 95 %: 0,41-0,88], p = 0,02). En conclusión, los adhesivos impregnados en yodo se asocian con una reducción de la contaminación intraoperatoria respecto a no utilizarlos.<hr/>Abstract Surgical site infection is one of the most frightening surgery-related complications. Different drapes have been used as an infection prevention tool, although evidence regarding iodophor-impregnated drapes remains limited. This meta-analysis (PROSPERO- CRD42023391651) aimed to assess if iodophor-impregnated drapes reduced intraoperative contamination, a risk factor for infection. We systematically searched MEDLINE, SCOPUS and Web-of-Science databases for randomized clinical trials comparing the rate of intraoperative contamination with iodophor-impregnated drapes vs no-drape. Primary endpoint was the rate of contaminated swabs at the end of surgery. The meta-analysis was performed using the Mantel-Haenszel method to calculate the common effect estimate, and its random variant to account for inter-study heterogeneity. A total of 4 eligible articles were identified. All were parallel group randomized controlled trials. The inter-study heterogeneity was low (I2 = 0 %). Among the 1784 patients included in these 4 trials, 906 (50.8 %) received an iodophor-impregnated drape and 878 (49.2 %) received no drape at all. Among these 1784 patients, a total of 249 (14.0 %) had a contaminated swab at the end of the surgery: 95 (10.5 %) on the iodophor-impregnated drape group and 154 (17.5 %) on the no-drape group (RR, 0.60 [95 % CI, 0.41-0.88], p = 0.02). In conclusion, iodophor-impregnated drapes are associated with lower intraoperative contamination vs non-adhesive drapes. <![CDATA[Management of varicose vein surgery: joint recommendations from primary care and the Spanish chapter of phlebology and lymphology]]> Resumen En las tres últimas décadas el campo de la cirugía vascular ha experimentado avances significativos, particularmente en el tratamiento de las varices. La introducción de Técnicas endovasculares ha revolucionado no solo la forma en que se aborda esta patología, sino también el manejo posoperatorio. Estos cambios han llevado a una diversidad de enfoques quirúrgicos, cada uno con sus propias particularidades y desafíos. En este contexto dinámico y en constante evolución, la colaboración interdisciplinaria entre médicos de familia y cirujanos vasculares ha sido y es esencial para proporcionar una atención integral y de calidad a los pacientes que se someten a una intervención de varices. La variabilidad en las Técnicas quirúrgicas utilizadas y las particularidades individuales de los pacientes han generado la necesidad imperante de establecer pautas claras y consensuadas para el manejo posoperatorio. Nuestro objetivo en este documento es realizar la adecuada comprensión de las diferentes Técnicas entre médicos de familia y cirujanos vasculares y homogeneizar las recomendaciones posoperatorias para proporcionar una atención integral a los pacientes que se someten a este tipo de intervenciones, mejorando los resultados clínicos y su calidad de vida.<hr/>Abstract Over the past three decades, significant advances have been implanted in the field of vascular surgery specifically in the treatment of varicose veins. The widespread application of endovascular techniques has revolutionized not only the surgical approach but also the postoperative management of this common disease. These changes have led to a diversity of surgical approaches, each with its own particularities and challenges. In this dynamic and constantly evolving context, interdisciplinary collaboration between family physicians and vascular surgeons has been and is essential to provide comprehensive, quality care to patients undergoing varicose vein surgery. The wide variability of surgical techniques available, adjusted according to the individual needs of patients has generated the need for a clear consensus based on current guidelines for the postoperative management of varicose vein surgery. Our objective in this document is to achieve an adequate understanding of the different techniques among family doctors and vascular surgeons and to homogenize postoperative recommendations to provide comprehensive care to patients who undergo this type of interventions, improving clinical results and their quality of life. <![CDATA[Stent assisted coil embolization in traumatic internal carotid pseudoaneurysm]]> Resumen Introducción: los pseudoaneurismas de arteria carótida interna por trauma pueden presentar consecuencias hemorrágicas o isquémicas catastróficas. En los últimos años su tratamiento endovascular ha ganado terreno, dado que el tratamiento quirúrgico es complejo y tiene una gran comorbilidad. Caso clínico: presentamos un caso resuelto con esta Técnica de forma exitosa a través de la embolizacion con coils asistida por stent en nuestro centro. Discusión: en pacientes seleccionados es una Técnica segura que ofrece buenos resultados.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: traumatic carotyd intern artery pseudoaneurisms could present haemorragic or ischemic catastrophic consequences. In the last few years endovascular treatment gained ground given the fact that open surgery is difficult and gifted with several comorbidities. Case report: we present a case solved successfully with this technique, through stent assisted coil embolization in our centre. Discussion: in selected patients this is a safety technique and it offers good results. <![CDATA[Endovascular treatment of a postoperative lymphatic leakage in the neck]]> Abstract Introduction: latrogenic injury of the thoracic duct or its branches during cervical neck surgery is a rare condition, that usually it is limited and treated conservatively. Case report: we report an unusual case of a patient that showed a large neck lymphocele after surgery of a lusoria dysphagia and reimplantation of the aberrant subclavian artery in the common carotid artery. Discussion: after surgical reintervention due to recurrent lymphatic leakage, she underwent a thoracic ductus embolization with glue to be definitively closed.<hr/>Resumen Introducción: la lesión yatrogénica del conducto torácico o sus ramas durante la cirugía de cuello cervical es una lesión rara, que generalmente es limitada y tratada de manera conservadora. Caso clínico: presentamos un caso inusual de un paciente que presentó un gran linfocele en el cuello después de una cirugía de disfagia lusoria y reimplantación de la arteria subclavia aberrante en la arteria carótida común. Discusión: tras una reintervención quirúrgica por fuga linfática recurrente, se realizó una embolización del conducto torácico linfático con pegamento para su cierre definitivo. <![CDATA[Hybrid management of recurrent post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery]]> Resumen Introducción: los pseudoaneurismas poplíteos son lesiones infrecuentes relacionadas con traumas penetrantes y que tienen una morbilidad y una mortalidad altas. Dentro de los abordajes terapéuticos se encuentran alternativas tanto quirúrgicas como endovasculares, pero no existen pautas internacionales claras. Caso clínico: paciente joven de 24 años sin antecedentes, con pseudoaneurisma poplíteo postraumático posterior a una herida por arma cortopunzante que necesita un manejo endovascular híbrido, dada la recurrencia de esta complicación; un abordaje que hasta el momento no ha sido muy documentado en la literatura, pero que tiene buenos resultados. Discusión: los pseudoaneurismas poplíteos tienen una alta probabilidad de morbilidad, principalmente aquellos localizados en los miembros inferiores. Su diagnóstico y su intervención tempranos permiten una evolución satisfactoria.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: popliteal pseudoaneurysms are rare injuries, related to penetrating trauma, and have high morbidity and mortality. Among the available therapeutic approaches there are both surgical and endovascular alternatives, however, there are no clear international guidelines that benefit one approach. Case report: the case of a 24-year-old patient with no history of post-traumatic popliteal pseudoaneurysm following a sharp weapon wound is described, requiring hybrid endovascular management given the recurrence of this complication, an approach that until now has not been well documented in the literature, but with good results. Discussion: popliteal pseudoaneurysms have a high probability of morbidity, mainly in those located in the lower limbs; their early diagnosis and intervention allow a satisfactory evolution. <![CDATA[Focal shockwave therapy for plantar ulcer]]> Resumen Introducción: las complicaciones vasculares de la diabetes generan un gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La terapia con ondas focales de choque activa la angiogénesis, lo que permite la regeneración vascular y tisular. Caso clínico: paciente derivado por una úlcera de mal perforante plantar en el metatarso derecho al que se aplica una terapia de ondas focales de choque con resolución clínica. Discusión: el manejo de complicaciones de la diabetes, como es el caso de la úlcera plantar, debe abordarse desde un equipo multidisciplinar dirigido por el especialista en cirugía vascular en el que la participación de la especialidad de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación puede aportar soluciones terapéuticas como las ondas focales de choque.<hr/>Abstract Introduction: vascular complications associated with diabetes have a tremendous impact on the patients' quality of life. Focal shock wave therapy activates angiogenesis allowing vascular and tissue regeneration. Case report: patient referred due to the presence of a plantar malperforating ulcer on the right metatarsal region to whom focal shock wave therapy was applied with clinical resolution. Discussion: the management of complications associated with diabetes such as plantar ulcers must be addressed by a multidisciplinary team led by a vascular surgeon specialist with participation from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist who can provide therapeutic solutions such as focal shockwaves. <![CDATA[A hybrid clampless technique for aortoiliac derivation as a preparation for renal transplantation]]> Abstract Introduction: renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal failure. Different aortoiliac reconstruction techniques have proven feasible in preparing for renal transplantation in patients with severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. However, anatomies with heavy circumferential calcifications or shaggy arteries with extensive thrombus can themselves be a technical contraindication for these reconstructions. The aim of the work is to present a hybrid technique of ilio-femoral bypass performing a proximal anastomosis without clamping the donor artery, serving as an option for renal transplant preparation in these patients. Material and methods: we present the case of a 73-year-old male with end-stage renal failure deemed unsuitable for renal transplantation due to severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. After preoperative computed tomography evaluation, he was considered eligible for a left ilio-femoral bypass using a clampless hybrid technique. Following dissection of the left femoral tripod, the left common iliac artery was exposed. A small non-calcified window suitable for direct puncture was found in the artery, through which a guidewire was advanced into the aorta under fluoroscopic guidance. Then, a long over-the-wire sheath with the bevelled prosthetic graft around it was inserted. The graft was sutured to the adventitial layer without any arteriotomy or clamping, mimicking the final aspect of a side-to-end anastomosis. The anastomosis was dilated with a balloon and protected with a covered stent from de graft to the aorta. After tunnelling the graft to the femoral artery, the distal anastomosis was performed in the usual fashion. Results: this technique was successfully used, and the procedure remained patent 10 months later, without any complications related to the surgery. The patient is still waiting for the transplantation. Conclusions: a hybrid anastomosis technique without clamping is a feasible option in patients with prohibitive atherosclerosis. Long-term durability and transplant outcomes are still unknown. <![CDATA[Surgical management of aortic pathology, experience in a high complexity center]]> Abstract Introduction: renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal failure. Different aortoiliac reconstruction techniques have proven feasible in preparing for renal transplantation in patients with severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. However, anatomies with heavy circumferential calcifications or shaggy arteries with extensive thrombus can themselves be a technical contraindication for these reconstructions. The aim of the work is to present a hybrid technique of ilio-femoral bypass performing a proximal anastomosis without clamping the donor artery, serving as an option for renal transplant preparation in these patients. Material and methods: we present the case of a 73-year-old male with end-stage renal failure deemed unsuitable for renal transplantation due to severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. After preoperative computed tomography evaluation, he was considered eligible for a left ilio-femoral bypass using a clampless hybrid technique. Following dissection of the left femoral tripod, the left common iliac artery was exposed. A small non-calcified window suitable for direct puncture was found in the artery, through which a guidewire was advanced into the aorta under fluoroscopic guidance. Then, a long over-the-wire sheath with the bevelled prosthetic graft around it was inserted. The graft was sutured to the adventitial layer without any arteriotomy or clamping, mimicking the final aspect of a side-to-end anastomosis. The anastomosis was dilated with a balloon and protected with a covered stent from de graft to the aorta. After tunnelling the graft to the femoral artery, the distal anastomosis was performed in the usual fashion. Results: this technique was successfully used, and the procedure remained patent 10 months later, without any complications related to the surgery. The patient is still waiting for the transplantation. Conclusions: a hybrid anastomosis technique without clamping is a feasible option in patients with prohibitive atherosclerosis. Long-term durability and transplant outcomes are still unknown. <![CDATA[Making history]]> Abstract Introduction: renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal failure. Different aortoiliac reconstruction techniques have proven feasible in preparing for renal transplantation in patients with severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. However, anatomies with heavy circumferential calcifications or shaggy arteries with extensive thrombus can themselves be a technical contraindication for these reconstructions. The aim of the work is to present a hybrid technique of ilio-femoral bypass performing a proximal anastomosis without clamping the donor artery, serving as an option for renal transplant preparation in these patients. Material and methods: we present the case of a 73-year-old male with end-stage renal failure deemed unsuitable for renal transplantation due to severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. After preoperative computed tomography evaluation, he was considered eligible for a left ilio-femoral bypass using a clampless hybrid technique. Following dissection of the left femoral tripod, the left common iliac artery was exposed. A small non-calcified window suitable for direct puncture was found in the artery, through which a guidewire was advanced into the aorta under fluoroscopic guidance. Then, a long over-the-wire sheath with the bevelled prosthetic graft around it was inserted. The graft was sutured to the adventitial layer without any arteriotomy or clamping, mimicking the final aspect of a side-to-end anastomosis. The anastomosis was dilated with a balloon and protected with a covered stent from de graft to the aorta. After tunnelling the graft to the femoral artery, the distal anastomosis was performed in the usual fashion. Results: this technique was successfully used, and the procedure remained patent 10 months later, without any complications related to the surgery. The patient is still waiting for the transplantation. Conclusions: a hybrid anastomosis technique without clamping is a feasible option in patients with prohibitive atherosclerosis. Long-term durability and transplant outcomes are still unknown. <![CDATA[The Pandora's box of artificial intelligence in scientific writing: reflections on the stance of Angiología]]> Abstract Introduction: renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal failure. Different aortoiliac reconstruction techniques have proven feasible in preparing for renal transplantation in patients with severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. However, anatomies with heavy circumferential calcifications or shaggy arteries with extensive thrombus can themselves be a technical contraindication for these reconstructions. The aim of the work is to present a hybrid technique of ilio-femoral bypass performing a proximal anastomosis without clamping the donor artery, serving as an option for renal transplant preparation in these patients. Material and methods: we present the case of a 73-year-old male with end-stage renal failure deemed unsuitable for renal transplantation due to severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. After preoperative computed tomography evaluation, he was considered eligible for a left ilio-femoral bypass using a clampless hybrid technique. Following dissection of the left femoral tripod, the left common iliac artery was exposed. A small non-calcified window suitable for direct puncture was found in the artery, through which a guidewire was advanced into the aorta under fluoroscopic guidance. Then, a long over-the-wire sheath with the bevelled prosthetic graft around it was inserted. The graft was sutured to the adventitial layer without any arteriotomy or clamping, mimicking the final aspect of a side-to-end anastomosis. The anastomosis was dilated with a balloon and protected with a covered stent from de graft to the aorta. After tunnelling the graft to the femoral artery, the distal anastomosis was performed in the usual fashion. Results: this technique was successfully used, and the procedure remained patent 10 months later, without any complications related to the surgery. The patient is still waiting for the transplantation. Conclusions: a hybrid anastomosis technique without clamping is a feasible option in patients with prohibitive atherosclerosis. Long-term durability and transplant outcomes are still unknown. <![CDATA[Answer to: “Population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms. Pilot study in Salamanca”]]> Abstract Introduction: renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal failure. Different aortoiliac reconstruction techniques have proven feasible in preparing for renal transplantation in patients with severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. However, anatomies with heavy circumferential calcifications or shaggy arteries with extensive thrombus can themselves be a technical contraindication for these reconstructions. The aim of the work is to present a hybrid technique of ilio-femoral bypass performing a proximal anastomosis without clamping the donor artery, serving as an option for renal transplant preparation in these patients. Material and methods: we present the case of a 73-year-old male with end-stage renal failure deemed unsuitable for renal transplantation due to severe aortoiliac atherosclerosis. After preoperative computed tomography evaluation, he was considered eligible for a left ilio-femoral bypass using a clampless hybrid technique. Following dissection of the left femoral tripod, the left common iliac artery was exposed. A small non-calcified window suitable for direct puncture was found in the artery, through which a guidewire was advanced into the aorta under fluoroscopic guidance. Then, a long over-the-wire sheath with the bevelled prosthetic graft around it was inserted. The graft was sutured to the adventitial layer without any arteriotomy or clamping, mimicking the final aspect of a side-to-end anastomosis. The anastomosis was dilated with a balloon and protected with a covered stent from de graft to the aorta. After tunnelling the graft to the femoral artery, the distal anastomosis was performed in the usual fashion. Results: this technique was successfully used, and the procedure remained patent 10 months later, without any complications related to the surgery. The patient is still waiting for the transplantation. Conclusions: a hybrid anastomosis technique without clamping is a feasible option in patients with prohibitive atherosclerosis. Long-term durability and transplant outcomes are still unknown.