Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Archivos de Zootecnia]]> vol. 60 num. 229 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Archivos de Zootecnia</B>: <B>Editorial report 2010</B>]]> The editorial process of Archivos de Zootecnia during 2010 is reported below. A total of 384 manuscripts were received from 33 countries, mainly from Brazil (66.9%). Consequently, the language most frequently used in the manuscripts was Portuguese, followed by Spanish and English. The mean time between submission and publication of a manuscript was 836.3 days. The rejection rate was 50.8%. In 2010, 49 articles, 21 short notes and 10 reviews (total 83) were published by authors coming from 15 countries.<hr/>Se analiza el proceso editorial de Archivos de Zootecnia durante 2010. Se recibieron 384 manuscritos procedentes de 33 países, principalmente de Brasil (66,9%). Consecuentemente, el lenguaje más frecuentemente usado fue el portugués, seguido del español y el inglés. El tiempo medio entre recepción y publicación de un manuscrito fue elevado ( 836.3 dias). La tasa de rechazo fue del 50,8%. En 2010 fueron publicados 49 artículos, 21 notas breves y 10 revisiones (83 trabajos en total) cuyos autores pertenecían a 15 países diferentes. <![CDATA[<B>Performance traits of two cross-breeding of swine strains in deep bedding</B>]]> Este experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho de suínos criados em cama sobreposta, foram utilizados 480 animais, distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, num arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (cruzamentos x sexos), com três repetições de quarenta animais por unidade experimental. Foi avaliada a espessura de toucinho (ET) entre a 10ª e 11ª costela e na altura P2 e área de olho de lombo (AOL) utilizando-se ultra-som em tempo real e as características de desempenho. Verificou-se que houve efeito do sexo, onde machos apresentaram resultados superiores para consumo semanal (CS) e diário (CD) de ração, entretanto, a conversão (CA) e eficiência alimentar (EA) apresentaram resultados inferiores quando comparados às fêmeas. Não se observou efeito no ganho de peso diário (GPD) e peso final (PF), entre macho e fêmea. Suínos provenientes de ambos os cruzamentos e sexos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios e podem ser produzidos no sistema de cama sobreposta, entretanto, as fêmeas suínas apresentaram melhor desempenho zootécnico.<hr/>This experiment was conducted to evaluate the swine performance in deep bedding breeding. Were used 480 pigs in an experimental design of randomized blocks, and fatorial arrangement 2 x 2 (crossbreeding x sex), with three replications and forty animals per experimental unit. Were evaluated the pigs performance traits, backfat thickness (ET) between 10th and 11th rib and in the P2 height and loin eye area (AOL) using real-time ultrasond during the experimental period. Sex effect was verified: male presented results better than female for weekly intake (CS) and daily feed intake (CD); however, feed: gain ratio (CA) and feed efficiency (EA) for male were worse than females. There were not differences in average daily gain (GPD), between males and females. Animals from both crossbreeding and sexes showed satisfactory results, perhaps, swine females showed better performance than male and can be used in deep bedding breeding. <![CDATA[<B>Effects of poultry litter, cereal byproducts and sugar cane bagasse on lamb ruminal physiology</B>]]> Se determinó el efecto sobre el consumo y digestibilidad aparente de niveles crecientes de cama de pollo (Cp) con harina gruesa de subproductos de maíz (Hm) o pulitura de arroz (Pa) y bagacillo de caña amonificado (40%, Ba), en raciones para corderos en crecimiento en confinamiento total. Se realizó un experimento en un arreglo factorial 2x4 en diseño de cuadrado latino con 8 corderos canulados en el rumen, incorporando Hm o Pa (48, 39, 30 y 21%, en ambos casos) y Cp (11,4; 20,4; 29,4 y 38,4%). Las raciones con Cp y Hm fueron más consumidas que las de Cp y Pa (10 a 12,1% del peso metabólico en materia seca (MS), para Hm vs. 7,6 a 9,3% para Pa) y para la materia orgánica (MO) 8,1 a 8,5% del peso metabólico para Hm y 5,8 a 6,4% para Pa; respecto a la digestibilidad aparente (DA) se obtuvo un 34,2 a 43% de la MS y 67,8 a 67,1% de la MO para raciones con Hm vs. 30,5 a 37,2% de la MS y 65,5 a 66,1% de la MO para raciones con Pa. Se apreció que el pH y el nitrógeno amoniacal, no alcanzaron los valores indicativos de acidosis ni de intoxicación con amoniaco, lo cual se correspondió con valores normales de su fisiología sanguínea para raciones con Cp y Hm. Los resultados indican que Hm y Ba en raciones con Cp permitieron un consumo y digestibilidad de los nutrientes dentro de rangos normales para corderos, sin riesgos para la salud del animal, lo cual no ocurrió con las raciones que contenían Pa y Cp.<hr/>The effect on intake and digestibility of increasing levels of poultry litter (Cp), corn byproduct meal (Hm) or rice polishing (Pa) and sugarcane ammoniated bagasse (Ba, 40%) in rations for growing lambs in total confinement was determined. A factorial arrangement 2x4 Latin square design, with 8 sheep cannulated in rumen, was used, incorporating Hm or Pa (48, 39, 30 and 21% in both cases) and Cp (11.4, 20.4, 29.4, and 38.4%). Dry matter intake was higher in rations with Cp and Hm with respect to Cp and Pa (10-12.1% of metabolic weight for Hm vs. 7.6-9.3% for Pa) and for organic matter (MO) intake from 8.1 to 8.5% of metabolic weight for Hm and 5.8% to 6.4% for Pa; the apparent digestibility (DA) of dry matter was 34.2-43% and 67.8-67.1% for MO in rations with Hm vs. 30.5-37.2% and 65.5-66.1% respectively for Pa. The ruminal pH and amoniacal nitrogen levels, were not indicative of acidosis or ammonia poisoning, which was consistent with normal blood physiology for rations with Cp and Hm. Results indicate that Hm and Ba rations with Cp allowed consumption and digestibility of nutrients within the normal range for lambs, without risk to animal health, which did not occur with the ratios containing Pa and Cp. <![CDATA[<B>Response of <I>pennisetum</I> clons to periods of controlled hidric restriction</B>]]> O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação no Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco e objetivou avaliar clones de Pennisetum sp. submetidos a diferentes níveis de tempo de supressão da reposição hídrica. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial, sendo quatro clones de Pennisetum sp. e quatro níveis de estresse hídrico (0, 7, 14 e 21 dias sem irrigação), com 3 repetições. Foram estimadas a evapotranspiração, a percentagem e a produção de matéria seca (MS), a eficiência de uso de água, a altura média das plantas, o número de perfilhos basais, os sintomas de estresse hídrico nas plantas, o número de plantas rebrotadas e de perfilhos basais após estresse. O maior tempo de supressão da reposição hídrica reduziu mais a evapotranspiração do que a produção de matéria seca, tendo a eficiência de uso de água valores de 449 e 591 g de água por g de matéria seca nos tratamentos com 21 dias de déficit hídrico e sem estresse hídrico, respectivamente. Sete dias sem irrigação elevaram o teor de MS de 25,11% para 53,07% e de 29,25% para 46,89%, nos clones Australiano e HV 241, respectivamente, não tendo produzido mudanças significativas (p>0,05) nos dois outros clones. Dentre os clones avaliados, o Australiano e o HV 241 apresentam maior produção de massa seca quando sujeitas a estresse hídrico moderado.<hr/>The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco, to evaluate Pennisetum sp. clons submitted to different periods of water reposition suppression. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangement with four Pennisetum sp. clones and four periods without water reposition (0, 7, 14 and 21 days), with three replicates. Evapotranspiration, dry matter content and production, water use efficiency, average plant height, basal tiller number, water stress symptoms, number of regrowth plants and basal tiller number after the stress were measured. A longer water suppression period affected evapotranspiration more than dry matter production, with water use efficiency being 449 and 591 g of water per g of dry matter for treatments with 21 and 0 days of irrigation suppression, respectively. Seven days without irrigation increased dry matter content from 25.11 to 53.07 and from 29.25 to 46.89 for Australiano and HV241 clons, with no significant difference (p>0.05) for the two other clons. Among the evaluated clons, Australiano and HV241 had the highest dry matter production under moderate water deficit. <![CDATA[<B>Risk factors against bovine respiratory disease in suckling calves from Argentina</B>]]> Se ha realizado un estudio epidemiológico observacional de tipo transversal para conocer los factores que actúan sobre la seropositividad de los principales agentes víricos del síndrome respiratorio bovino: el herpesvirus bovino tipo 1 (HVB1), el virus de la diarrea vírica bovina (VDVB), el virus respiratorio sincitial bovino (VRSB) y el virus de la parainfluenza 3 (VPI3). Se tomaron muestras de sangre de terneros procedentes de explotaciones lecheras situadas en las provincias argentinas de Córdoba y Santa Fé, y se cumplimentaron cuestionarios epidemiológicos. Los análisis serológicos se realizaron mediante la técnica ELISA. En total se tomaron muestras de sangre de 852 terneros procedentes de 55 explotaciones entre los años 2000 y 2002. Se realizaron cuatro modelos epidemiológicos mediante regresión logística, uno por cada virus donde, entre otras, aparecen variables asociadas a la infección relacionadas con la edad del ternero, la estación del año, el número de animales, la alimentación, las vacunaciones o el sistema de crianza.<hr/>An observacional cross-sectional study was performed to determine the risk factors associated to the main viral agents of the bovine respiratory disease: bovine herpesvirus type 1 (HVB1), bovine viral diarrhoea virus (VDVB), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (VRSB) and parainfluenza 3 virus (VPI3). Blood samples from dairy calves in the provinces of Cordova and Santa Fe (Argentina) were obtained, and an epidemiological questionnaire was filled. Antibodies against studied viruses were detected by commercial ELISA kits. A total of 852 blood samples from 55 dairy operations were obtained between years 2000 and 2002. Four epidemiologic logistic regression models were performed. We found significant associations between infection and variables related to the age of the calf, the season, the size population, the vaccinations, the feeding or the breeding system, among many others. <![CDATA[<B>Effects of feeding snails with pineapple waste on feed consumption, growth and cost benefits</B>]]> The effect of inclusion of 0, 5, 10, and 15% of pineapple waste (PW) in the diet of growing snails (Archachatina marginata), on feed consumption, growth, dressing percentage and cost benefits was studied. Each treatment was replicated thrice with 7 snails per replicate in a completely randomized design. Variables studied were: feed intake, weight gain, shell length and width, feed conversion ratio and cost per weight gain. The weight gain until 10% level of inclusion compared favourably with the control diet. The feed conversion ratio was similar, respect to control, at all levels of inclusion. The feed intake reduced as the level of PW increased (p<0.05). The shell length and width were not affected by varying PW level. The dressing percent at 0, 5 and 10% levels of inclusion were not influenced by treatments. The cost/weight gain reduced as level of inclusion of PW increased in the diet. Pineapple waste could be included up to 10% in the diet of growing snails.<hr/>Se estudió el efecto de la inclusión de 0, 5, 10, y 15% de residuos de piña (PW) en la dieta de caracoles en crecimiento (Archachatina marginata), sobre el consumo de alimento, crecimiento, porcentaje de faenado y coste-beneficio. Se realizaron 3 repeticiones con 7 caracoles por repetición en un diseño completamente al azar. Se estudió la ingestión de alimento, ganancia de peso, longitud y ancho de la concha, índice de conversión de alimento y coste de la ganacia de peso. La ganancia de peso con inclusión de hasta el 10% de PW fue similar a la de la dieta control. El índice de conversión de alimento en todos los niveles fue similar al del control. La ingestión de alimento se redujo al aumentar el PW (p<0,05). El tamaño de la concha no fue afectado al variar el nivel de PW y tampoco el porcentaje en faenado a los niveles de 0, 5 y 10%. El coste de la ganancia de peso se redujo a medida que se incrementaba el PW. El residuo de piña puede incluirse hasta el 10%. <![CDATA[<B>Effect of the level of urea and period of treatment on composition of <I>paspalum notatum</I> hay</B>]]> Avaliou-se os efeitos das doses de uréia e períodos de tratamento sobre os teores de proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), hemicelulose (HCEL) e matéria mineral (MM) do feno de grama-batatais (Paspalum notatum). Foram utilizadas doses de 0 (tratamento controle); 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 e 2,5% de uréia com base na matéria natural e períodos de armazenamento de 21, 28 e 35 dias. O experimento foi conduzido segundo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado num desenho em parcela subdividida, com os períodos casualizados na parcela e as doses na sub-parcela. Não foi observado efeito de interação entre a dose e o período de armazenamento (p>0,05). Para o teor de proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, hemicelulose foi observado efeito de regressão (p<0,05) em função das doses de uréia aplicadas. Para o conteúdo de matéria mineral não foi evidenciado efeito de regressão. As doses de uréia aplicadas proporcionaram melhorias no tocante à redução dos constituintes da parede celular, porém, os períodos de armazenamento estudados não influenciaram o comportamento das variáveis analisadas.<hr/>This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of doses of urea and periods of treatment on the crude protein (PB), neutral detergent fiber (FDN), acid detergent fiber (FDA), hemicellulose (HCEL) and mineral matter (MM) of hay of Paspalum notatum. Were used levels of 0 (control treatment), 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5% of urea based on natural matter and storage periods of 21, 28 and 35 days. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a design in a split plot, with those randomized in the plot and the doses in the sub-plot. There was no effect of interaction between level and the period of storage (p>0.001) for the variables. For the content of FDN, FDA, HCEL and PB the regression effect was observed (p<0.001) depending on the dose of urea applied. For the content of MM was not evident effect of regression. The level of urea applied provided improvements with respect to the reduction of cell wall constituents, however, the storage periods studied did not influence the behavior of variables. <![CDATA[<B>Forage yield and nutritive value in <I>pennisetum</I> clones harvested in the forest zone</B>]]> Objetivou com este trabalho verificar a produção e valor nutritivo de cinco genótipos de Pennisetum (IRI-381, Venezuela, Elefante B, HV-241 e Hexaplóide) sob corte na Zona da Mata Seca de Pernambuco. As amostras foram obtidas de uma área útil de 2,0 m², num delineamento em blocos casualizados com 6 repetições. Após o corte de uniformização, efetuaram-se quatro cortes a intervalos de 60 dias. Foi tomada uma amostra de três perfilhos de cada parcela. Foram avaliados os percentuais de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), extrato etéreo (EE), matéria mineral (MM), digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) carboidratos totais (CHOT) e carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF). Os genótipos avaliados apresentaram rendimento médio de MS de lâminas foliares de 1,7 t/ha/corte e de colmos de 2,1 t/ha/corte, não havendo diferença entre clones (p>0,05). Nas lâminas foliares e nos colmos, respectivamente, observou-se 21,1 a 15,1% para MS; 9,1 a 5,3% para PB; 73,2 a 77,7% para FDN; 40,3 a 47,4% para FDA; 9,6 a 11,6% para MM; 1,9 a 0,7% para EE; 56,2 a 56,3% para DIVMS; 79,3 a 82,4% para CHOT e 11,4 a 9,7% para CNF. Os clones apresentaram de média a alta herdabilidade e rendimento forrageiro e valor nutritivo semelhantes, quando manejados aos 60 dias de idade nas condiçoes da zona da mata seca de Pernambuco.<hr/>The objective of this work was to verify the MS production and nutritive value of five clones of Pennisetum. The samples were taken from an utile area of 2,0 m² in each plot. After clipping the forage to standarize, four cuts were performed with 60-d intervals. In each plot, three tillers were oven-dried and grinded for laboratory analysis. The following response variables were determined: dry matter concentration (MS), crude protein (PB), neutral detergent fiber (FDN), acid detergent fiber (FDA), ether extract (EE), mineral matter (MM), in vitro dry matter digestibility (DIVMS), total carbohydrates (CHOT), and non-fibrous carbohydrates (CNF). The evaluated genotypes presented average MS yield of 1.7 and 2.1 t/ha/ cut, for leaf blade and stem, respectively. Average nutritive value was 21.1 and 15.1% for MS; 9.1 and 5.3% for PB; 73.2 and 77.7% for FDN; 40.3 and 47.4% for FDA; 9.6 and 11.6% for MM; 1.9 and 0.7% for EE; 56.2 and 56.3% for DIVMS; 79.3 and 82.4% for CHOT; and 11.4 and 9.7% for CNF, in leaf blades and stem, respectively. The clones presented medium to high heritability, similar biomass production and nutritive value, when harvested at 60 days of regrowth in the conditions of the forest zone of Pernambuco. <![CDATA[<B>Utilization of fermented castor oil seed (<I>ricinus communis</I>, L) meal in diets for cockerel chicks</B>]]> The effect of including 0, 50, 100 and 150 gkg-1 of fermented castor oil seed (FCSM) meal in the diets of 160 day old chicks of Nera strain, on performance, nutrient digestibilities, haematology and carcass yield, was assessed for 56 days. The final live weight, weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were affected (p<0.05) by treatments. The final live weight decreased (p<0.05) as FCSM increased in the diets. There were no differences in the weight gain of chicks fed control and 50 gkg-1 FCSM diet. The apparent nutrient digestibility of chicks fed control diets were higher (p<0.05) than those fed other dietary treatments. Chicks fed control diets recorded the highest (p<0.05) carcass yield in terms of plucked and eviscerated weight. These values obtained in chicks fed 50 gkg-1 were higher (p<0.05) than those fed 100 and 150 gkg-1 FCSM. There were no differences in back, breast, gizzard, and intestines weights. The white cell and platelet counts were affected (p<0.05) for chicks fed 100 and 150 gkg-1 FCSM diets. Higher (p<0.05) values of serum creatinine were obtained in chicks fed 100 and 150 gkg-1 FCSM. FCSM could successfully be included in chick starter diets at 50 gkg-1 inclusion.<hr/>Durante 56 días, se estudió el efecto de incluir 0, 50, 100 y 150 gkg-1 de harina de semilla de ricino fermentada (FCSM) en las dietas de 160 pollos de un día (línea Nera), sobre la producción, digestibilidad, hematología y rendimiento canal. El peso vivo final, la ganancia de peso, la ingestión y conversión de alimento fueron afectadas (p<0,05) por los tratamientos. El peso vivo final disminuyó (p<0,05) al aumentar la inclusión de FCSM. No hubo diferencias de peso vivo en los pollos que consumieron las dietas con 0 y 50 de FCSM. La digestibilidad aparente de los nutrientes en los pollos con la dieta control fue más alta (p<0,05) que en los que consumían FCSM. Los pollos de la dieta control consiguieron los mejores rendimientos de canal en términos de peso desplumado y eviscerado; estas variables fueron también más altas con 50 que en los demás tratamientos. No hubo diferencias en los pesos de dorso, pechuga, molleja, e intestinos delgado y grueso. Los recuentos de leucocitos y plaquetas fueron afectados por igual en las dietas 100 y 150 , niveles a los que también fueron registrados los mayores niveles de creatinina. La FCSM puede incluirse con buenos resultados al nivel de 50 en las dietas de arranque de pollos. <![CDATA[<B>Dry matter production and chemical composition of dwarf elephantgrass genotypes</B>]]> Foi realizado um experimento para avaliar a taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca (TAMS) e os teores de proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e lignina em ácido sulfúrico (LAS) de genótipos de capim-elefante anão submetidos a diferentes intervalos de corte. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com três repetições em esquema de parcelas subdivi-didas, onde os genótipos foram alocados nas parcelas e os intervalos de corte nas subparce-las. Foram avaliados cinco genótipos de capim-elefante anão (CNPGL 00-1-3, CNPGL 94-34-3, CNPGL 92-198-7, CNPGL 92-117-3 e CNPGL 00-1-5) e a cv. Mott em seis intervalos de corte (14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias). O genótipo CNPGL 00-1-3, considerado de porte intermediário, apresentou maior TAMS, entretanto, entre os demais genótipos de porte baixo, destacaram-se os genótipos CNPGL 92-198-7, Mott, CNPGL 94-34-3 e CNPGL 92-177-3. Quanto ao teor de PB, o genótipo CNPGL 00-1-3 e CNPGL 00-1-5 apresentaram compor-tamento linear e os demais genótipos apresentaram comportamento quadrático. O teor de FDN apresentou variação significativa em função dos intervalos de corte apenas para os genótipos CNPGL 00-1-3 e CNPGL 92-198-7. Houve interação entre genótipos e intervalos de corte para os valores de LAS somente para os genótipos CNPGL 00-1-3, CNPGL 92-198-7 e CNPGL 92-117-3. Os genótipos CNPGL 92-198-7 e CNPGL 94-34-3 foram selecionados para a fase de avaliação em sistema de pastejo.<hr/>The experiment was carried out to evaluate the dry mater accumulation rate (TAMS) and levels of crude protein (PB), neutral detergent fiber (FDN) and sulfuric acid lignin (LAS) in dwarf elephantgrass genotypes submitted to different cutting intervals. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replicates in a split-plot, where genotypes were allocated plots and subplots in the cutting intervals. Were evalued five genotypes of dwarf elephantgrass (CNPGL 00-1-3, CNPGL 94-34-3, CNPGL 92-198-7, CNPGL 92-117-3, CNPGL 00-1-5) and cv. Mott in six cutting intervals (14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days). The genotype CNPGL 00-1-3 showed higher TAMS, however, among other dwarf genotypes, those who stood out were the genotypes CNPGL 92-198-7, Mott, CNPGL 94-34-3 and CNPGL 92-117-3. As for protein level, the CNPGL 00-1-3 and CNPGL 00-1-5 genotype showed linear behavior and the other genotypes showed quadratic behavior. The level of FDN showed significant variation depending on the cutting intervals only for the genotypes CNPGL 00-1-3 and CNPGL 92-198-7. There was an interaction among genotypes and cutting intervals for the values of LAS only for the CNPGL 00-1-3, CNPGL 92-198-7 and CNPGL 92-117-3. Genotypes CNPGL 92-198-7 and CNPGL 94-34-3 were selected, together with the Mott genotype for the evaluation phase under grazing. <![CDATA[<B>Rumen degradability and nutritive value of wild cassava ensiled with levels of grape-wine residue</B>]]> Foi avaliado o melhor nível de inclusão do resíduo vitivinícola (0, 8, 16 e 24%) como aditivo na silagem de maniçoba, através da degra-dabilidade in situ, estimativa das frações energéticas (NDT, ED, EM, ELg e ELm) e índice de valor forrageiro (IVF). O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Semi-árido, em Petrolina, Estado de Pernambuco. Para a degradabilidade in situ utilizou-se quatro ovinos com fístulas ruminais, com tempo de incubação de 0, 3, 6, 24, 48 e 72 horas. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental quadrado latino com quatro animais, quatro tratamentos e quatro períodos de coleta. As estimativas energéticas foram determinadas por meio de equações de predição com base na composição química. O IVF foi determinado com base nas estimativas do consumo e digestibilidade que tem como fatores os teores de fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido do alimento. A fração prontamente solúvel (a) reduziu linearmente com adição do resíduo vitivinícola enquanto que, os parâmetros b e c não foram influenciados. A degradabilidade potencial e efetiva com taxas de passagem de 2, 5 e 8%/h, assim como os valores energéticos e o IVF foram influenciados negativamente com a inclusão dos diferentes níveis de resíduos na silagem, indicando que o seu emprego como aditivo no processo de confecção de silagem de maniçoba não é viável.<hr/>The best level content of grape wine residue (0, 8, 16 and 24%) was evaluated as additive in wild cassava silages by in situ degradability, energy estimative fractions and index of forage value (IVF). The experiment was performed in Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina City, Pernambuco State. Four ruminal canulated sheep were used for in situ degradability study, which 0, 3, 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours were the incubation time. A Latin Square Design with four animals, four treatments and four collection period was adopted. Energy was estimated according to prediction equations based on chemical composition. IVF was determined by intake and digestibility estimative which considered neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber content. There were no effects of the treatment on ruminal parameters (a, b and c). Potential and effective degradabilities (2, 5 and 8%/hour), energy values and IVF were negatively influenced by the levels of grape wine residue in the silage, indicating that its use as additive for ensiling is not viable. <![CDATA[<B>Poultry's embrionary heart development in relation whit cooling and altitude</B>]]> Se estudió la relación entre enfriamiento y altitud durante la incubación y el desarrollo cardiaco embrionario. Se incubaron huevos de pollo de engorda a 2250 m de altitud, en tres tratamientos: no enfriados (NE), enfriado a temperatura ambiente 6 o 12 h (E6 y E12) los días 10, 12, 14, 16 y 18; se compararon con embriones incubados en condiciones comerciales a 900 m (COM). El día 19 de incubación se sacrificaron 24 embriones por cada tratamiento, para determinar daño cardiaco ocasionado por frío e hipoxia. Los resultados indican que no hubo diferencia en peso del embrión, el peso ajustado del corazón fue mayor en el tratamiento COM (p<0,01); el largo y ancho del corazón se afectaron (p<0,01) por el enfriamiento presentando una relación directa con el tiempo de enfriamiento. Las correlaciones entre variables fueron altas. La duración del enfriamiento prolongó la incubación. El enfriamiento y la altitud de incubación afectaron el desarrollo cardiaco, posiblemente debido a las condiciones de hipoxia de los embriones estudiados durante la incubación.<hr/>The relationship between cool and altitude during incubation in embrionary heart development was studied. Chicks' eggs were hatched at 2250 m altitude, in three treatments: no cooled (NE), cooled at room temperature for 6 or 12 h in 10, 12, 14,16, and 18 incubation day (E6 and E12), there were compared with embryos hatched in commercial conditions at 900 m (COM). The 19 hatch day 24 embryos were culled for each treatment to determine heart demage by cool and hypoxia. The results showed no differences in embryo weight, the adjusted heart weight was mayor in COM treatment (p<0.01); heart length and width were affected (p<0.01) by the cool and showed directly relation with the cooling time. The correlations between variables were high; the cool time extended the hatch time. The cool and incubation altitude affected the heart development, maybe by the hypoxic conditions in the embryos studied during the hatch. <![CDATA[<B>Effect of the castor bean hulls in the dairy goat diet on production, content and fat acid profile of milk</B>]]> Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito dos níveis de substituição do feno de capim Tifton 85 pela casca de mamona na dieta de cabras sobre a produção, composição química e perfil de ácidos graxos do leite. Foram utilizadas 8 fêmeas caprinas Anglo-Nubianas, com peso médio de 45 kg. Os animais foram alojados em baias e distribuídos em delineamento em quadrado latino 4 x 4 duplo. Os tratamentos consistiram de três níveis de substituição do feno de capim Tifton 85 pela casca de mamona como alimento volumoso (0, 33, 67 e 100%) mantendo a relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50. Cada período experimental teve duração de 21 dias, sendo 14 dias de adaptação e sete dias de coleta de dados. Houve um decréscimo na produção quando a casca de mamona foi inclusa na dieta, sendo que os últimos dois níveis não diferiram entre si. Em relação à composição química do leite, não houve efeito da substituição do feno de capim Tifton 85 pela casca de mamona sobre os teores de proteína bruta, matéria mineral, lactose e extrato seco total. Houve aumento do teor de gordura do leite nos níveis 67 e 100% de substituição, porém isso não causou variação na densidade do leite, cujamédia foi de 1031. Quanto ao efeito da substituição do feno de capim Tifton 85 pela casca de mamona sobre a concentração dos ácidos graxos, houve efeito sobre os teores dos ácidos mirístico (C14:0), linoelaidico (C18:2n6t), linoléico conjugado (CLA 9t11) e para o perfil de ácidos graxos saturados (AGSAT), poliinsaturados (AGPOL) e essenciais (AGESS) (p<0,05). Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre ácidos graxos insaturados, de cadeia curta, de cadeia longa e monoinsaturados (p>0,05). A substituição do feno de capim Tifton 85 pela casca de mamona reduziu o índice de aterogenicidade (IA) da dieta. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se considerar que a substituição do feno de capim Tifton 85 pela casca de mamona em até 33%, é viável quando o objetivo for melhorar os aspectos qualitativos do leite de cabra.<hr/>The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of substitution levels of the Tifton 85 hay by castor bean hulls in diets for dairy goats on the yield, chemical composition and fatty acids profile of milk. Eight Anglo-Nubian female goats, breed, with average weight of 45 kg were used. The animals were allocated in stalls and distributed in a double 4x4 latin square experimental design. The treatments consisted of three levels of substitution of the Tifton 85 hay by castor bean hulls as roughage food (0, 33, 67 and 100%) maintaining the roughage:concentrate ratio of 50:50. Each experimental period had a duration of 21 days, being 14 days of adaptation and seven days of data collection. There was a decrease in production when the castor hulls were included in diet, and two diets containing the highest levels of inclusion of the castor bean hulls did not differ between themselves. For milk chemical composition, there was no effect when Tifton 85 hay was substituted by castor bean hulls on the crude protein, minerals, lactose and total dry extract. The fat milk level was increased when the castor bean hulls substituted the Tifton 85 hay in the levels 67 and 100%, but it caused no change in milk density, whose average density was 1031. The substitution of Tifton 85 hay by castor bean hulls promoted effect on the fatty acids concentration. Was found significant effect, for fatty acid concentration, on the levels of miristic acid (C14: 0), linoelaidic acid (C18: 2n6t), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA 9t11) and on the profile of saturated (AGSAT), polyunsaturated (AGPOL) and essential fatty acids (AGESS) (p<0.05). There was no effect of treatments on unsaturated, short chain, long chain and monounsaturated fatty acids (p>0.05). The substitution of Tifton 85 hay by castor bean hulls reduced the atherogenicity index (AI) of the diet. The castor bean hulls can replace the Tifton 85 hay in up to 33% in diet of dairy goats. This substitution can be viable when the goal is to have goat milk with better nutritional characteristics. <![CDATA[<B>Evaluation of markers used in the studies of intake and digestibility in cattle and buffalo</B>]]> O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os indicadores internos, matéria seca indigestível (MSi), fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi), fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi) e compará-los com indicador externo, o óxido crômico na estimativa dos fluxos omasal, fecal e da ingestão de matéria seca (IMS) de dietas contendo 60% de silagens de cana-de-açúcar e 40% de concentrado para bovinos e bubalinos. Foram utilizados 4 bovinos e 4 búfalos, cânulados no rúmen. O delineamento experimental foi em dois quadrados latinos 4 x 4, com um arranjo fatorial 2 x 4 x 4 correspondendo a 2 espécies, 4 dietas e 4 indicadores. Houve interação entre indicadores e espécie para o fluxo omasal, porém, não ocorreu interação para o fluxo fecal e estimativa de IMS. O fluxo omasal estimado pelo MSi não diferiu do estimado pelo Cr2O3 na espécie bovina, estas estimativas foram diferentes das obtidas pela FDNi e FDAi, que o subestimaram. Na estimação do fluxo fecal todos os indicadores internos diferiram do Cr2O3. A IMS estimada pela MSi e FDAi não diferiu da IMS observada (oferta menos a sobra). Portanto, pode-se utilizar a MSi para estimativa do fluxo omasal em bovinos, e, para a estimativa da IMS pode ser utilizado a FDAi e MSi, associado ao Cr2O3 como indicador de produção fecal total.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to evaluate three internal markers of digestibility: indigestible dry matter (iDM), indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF) and indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF), by comparing them with chromium oxide as external marker in the estimation of omasal and fecal flows and dry matter intake (DMI) of diets containing 60% of sugar cane silage and 40% concentrate. Four buffalos and four bovines, fitted with ruminal cannula, were used in a replicated split-plot 4 x 4 Latin square design with 2 species (buffalo and bovine) and 4 diets distributed among plots and 4 markers (Cr2O3, iADF, iNDF, and iDM) as subplots. Omasal flows differed between markers and animal species (interaction p<0.05). In buffalos, but not in cattle, there were large differences between omasal flow estimates from MSi and Cr2O3, while iNDF and iADF underestimated omasal flow in both species although to larger extent in buffalo than in cattle Fecal output estimates differed between markers similarly for both species, with all internal markers differing from Cr2O3. Estimates of IMS derived from Cr2O3 as faecal output markers, differed between internal digestibility markers to similar exent for all diets and species. Dietary IMS estimated from MSi and iADF did not differ from observed values, suggesting their potential as digestibility markers in the estimation of intake while Cr2O3 and iDM could be used to estimate omasal flows in cattle. <![CDATA[<B>Potential use of <I>stevia rebaudiana</I> in animal feeds</B>]]> The nutritional profile of the leaves and stem of Stevia rebaudiana, and their potential utilization in an animal model were studied. Stevia leaves and stem had 16% and 6.7% crude protein and were low in fat content (2.6 and 1.1%) respectively. The fatty acid profile of fat showed a preponderance of unsaturated fatty acids (65.8% and 71.4% for leaves and stem respectively). Linolenic acid was the most abundant fatty acid in stevia leaf oil (36%) whereas linoleic acid was the highest in stems (38%). The crude fiber contents on dry fat free basis were 6.8% and 45.4% for leaves and stem respectively. The K content of stevia leaves and stem were comparable; Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn were higher in leaves and the opposite was true for Na. The tests with broiler chickens showed that apparent, nitrogen corrected, and true metabolisable energy values for leaves were 2113, 2098 and 2223 kcal/kg and for stems 1573, 1554 and 1675 kcal/kg respectively. Retention of the protein from the leaves and stems by chickens was 63% and 65.7% respectively. Stevia leaves contain other nutritional attributes besides of the sweetening components.<hr/>Se estudió el perfil nutricional de hojas y tallos de Stevia rebaudiana y su potencial empleo en un modelo animal. Las hojas y tallos de Stevia rebaudiana tienen 16% y 6,7% de proteína bruta y bajo contenido de grasa (2,6 y 1,1%) respectivamente. La grasa extraída mostró un predominio de ácidos grasos insaturados (65,8% y 71,4% para hojas y tallos respectivamente). El ácido graso más abundante en la hoja fue el linolénico (36%) y en el tallo, el linoleico (38%). La fibra bruta sobre materia seca desgrasada supuso el 6,8% para hojas y 45,4% para tallo. El contenido de K de hojas y tallos fue similar, la concentración de Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn fue mayor en las hojas y al contrario para Na. Las pruebas con broilers establecieron que los valores de energía aparente, corregida para N y metabolizable verdadera, fueron 2113, 2098 y 2223 kcal/kg en hojas, y 1573, 1554 y 1675 kcal/kg en tallos respectivamente. La retención de proteína foliar y de los tallos por los broilers fue 63 y 65,7% respectivamente. El contenido de esteviósido de las hojas fue 6,5% y el de rebaudiósido A de 2,3%. Los valores correspondientes para los tallos fueron 0,69% y 0,3%. Las hojas de Stevia rebaudiana contienen otros atributos nutricionales además de la alta concentración de componentes endulzantes (esteviósido y rebaudiósido A). <![CDATA[<B>Applied mathematical models in the growth of beehives of <I>apis mellifera</I> l. in cariri paraibano</B>]]> Buscando avaliar a potencialidade da apicultura no Cariri Paraibano, objetivou-se a utilização de modelos matemáticos adequados para estimar o crescimento das colônias. Os dados foram tomados semanalmente com a pesagem de ninhos de 20 colméias instaladas na Estação Experimental de São João do Cariri (CCA/UFPB). A estimativa dos parâmetros foi feita por meio de regressões não-lineares, pelo procedimento NLIN do programa SAS (Statistical Analysis System), utilizando-se o método modificado de Gauss-Newton. Para a escolha do melhor modelo, utilizou-se número de interações, o coeficiente de determinação ( Ra² ) e o gráfico de distribuição de resíduo. Entre os modelos estudados, o que apresentou melhor ajuste foi a quadrático logarítmico.<hr/>The aim of this work was to evaluate the potentiality of the beekeeping in the Cariri Paraibano, using mathematical models to esteem the growth of the colonies. The data had been taken weekly with the weighing of nests of 20 beehives installed in the Experimental Station (CCA/UFPB) of São João do Cariri. The estimate of the parameters was made by means of nonlinear regressions, for procedure NLIN of Program SAS (Statistical Analysis System), using the modified Gauss-Newton method. For the choice of the best model, the number of interactions, the determination coefficient and the residue distribution graph were used. Among the studied models, better adjustment was achieved with the quadratic logarithmic model. <![CDATA[<B>Blood profile of vicuña <I>(vicugna vicugna)</I> in captivity at Huancavelica, Peru</B>]]> Con el objetivo de determinar el perfil bioquímico sérico de la vicuña en condiciones de cautiverio (alimentadas con pastos cultivados), se obtuvieron los niveles de proteína total, glucosa y colesterol, respectivamente, en 16 muestras de sangre de vicuñas juveniles machos (cautiverio) en el establo de la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica (UNH). Los análisis se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Fisiología Animal y Bioquímica de la UNH, mediante espectrofotometría de luz visible (Génesis 10 UV), según el protocolo establecido por Wiener (2000). Los resultados obtenidos de glucosa, colesterol y proteínas totales fueron: 100,06 &plusmn; 36,4; 21,69 &plusmn; 6,5 y 9,19 &plusmn; 1,8 respectivamente. Estos resultados difieren con los reportados por Siguas (2005), Fowler (1998), Garnica et al. (2003), en condiciones normales (alimentados con pastos silvestres) donde se encuentran diferencias significativas respecto a la proteína total siendo mayor en condiciones de cautiverio (alimentados con pastos cultivados), lo que obedece al cambio en el tipo de alimento que consumen en ambas condiciones estos camélidos.<hr/>In order to determine the serum biochemical profile of the vicuna in conditions of captivity (fed cultivated grasses), were obtained protein levels, glucose and cholesterol. Sixteen samples of blood male vicuña youth (captive) in the barn at the National University of Huancavelica (UNH) were collected. The analysis were performed at the Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry of the UNH, through visible light spectrophotometry (UV Genesis 10), according to the protocol established by Wiener (2000). The results of glucose, cholesterol and total protein were: 100.06 &plusmn; 36.4, 21.69 &plusmn; 9.19 &plusmn; 1.8 and 6.5 respectively. These results differ with those reported by Siguas (2005), Fowler (1998), Garnica et al. (2003) who, under normal conditions (fed with wild grasses), found significant differences in terms of total protein that was higher in conditions of captivity (fed cultivated grasses), which reflects the change in the food consumed in these conditions by both camelid types. <![CDATA[<B>More common sperm phatologies in brazilian pony stallions</B>]]> Durante a domesticação, o homem transfor-mou gradualmente os processos reprodutivos dos animais domésticos, de pastoreio livre e sistema de acasalamento estacional em intensiva produção com sistema reprodutivo abrangendo o ano inteiro. Em conseqüência, a eficiência reprodutiva dos animais domésticos declinou devido aos fatores ambientais e as demandas da produção econômica. Esses fatores podem resultar em falha reprodutiva parcial ou completa. O diagnóstico, controle e cura das desordens reprodutivas são essenciais para a indústria animal moderna. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e mensurar as patologias espermáticas mais comuns dos garanhões da raça Pônei. O trabalho foi realizado em 3 propriedades particulares da cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram selecionados 15 garanhões da raça Pônei Brasileiro em idade reprodutiva, já em atividade nos programas reprodutivos. Foi efetuado o esgotamento das reservas epididi-márias antes do início da fase experimental. Em seguida foram coletadas amostras de sêmen, de cada garanhão a cada quinze dias, totalizando dez coletas utilizando-se vagina artificial modelo Botucatu. No laboratório de Reprodução e Melhoramento Genético Animal de Monogástricos da UENF foram realizadas as análises microscópicas para a avaliação das patologias espermá-ticas. A média do percentual total de defeitos encontrada nos animais deste experimento foi 37,12% onde os defeitos maiores encontrados nos garanhões desta região foi de 28,94% e de defeitos menores 8,28%. A maioria dos animais do presente experimento apresentaram um percen-tual médio de patologias compatível com a espécie eqüina, apresentando-se férteis, porém com percentual de patologias espermáticas acima do preconizado pelo CBRA para comercialização.<hr/>During the domestication, the man turned gradually the reproductive processes of animals, from free grazing and seasonal mating system in intensive production with the reproductive system covering the entire year. Consequently, the reproductive efficiency of domestic animals declined due to environmental factors and the demands of economic production. These factors can result in partial or complete reproductive failure. The diagnosis, control and cure of reproductive disorders are essential for the modern domestic animals industry. The objective of this work was to identify and measure the most common sperm pathologies of Brazilian Pony stallions. The study was conducted in 3 private properties in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Fifteen Brazilian Pony stallions, in reproductive age, and active in reproductive programs, were selected. The epididimary reserves were depleted before the experimental phase. Semen samples of each stud were obtained every two weeks using an artificial vagina Botucatu model and totaling 10 collections. Microscopic analysis for the assessment of sperm pathologies were performed at Laboratory of Reprodução e Melhoramento Genético Animal de Monogástricos of UENF. The total number of defects found in animals of this experiment was 37.12% where, major defect reached 28.94% and minor defects 8.28%. Most animals of this experiment showed an average pathology compatible with the reproduction of equine species, but sperm pathologies were above the recommended by the CBRA for marketing. <![CDATA[<B>Effect of probiotics, organic acids or their mix on the growth performance of starting cockerels</B>]]> Two hundred and eighty eight 3 weeks old cockerels (127.9&plusmn;6.5 g) were randomly assigned to 7 treatments for a 42 days feeding trial. A basal diet (whithout additives) was formulated (maize, soybean meal, groundnut cake and wheat bran). Probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Saccha-romyces cerevisae and S. boulardii) was added to the basal diet at the expense of wheat bran at 0, 0.05 and 0.1% in diets I, II and III. Organic acids (formic and propionic) replaced the wheat bran at 0, 0.2 and 0.4% in diets I, IV and V. A mix of probiotics+acidifier replaced the wheat bran at 0.0+0.0, 0.05+0.2, and 0.1+0.4% in diets I, VI and VII. Increasing feed additive did not affect to final body weight, body weight gain, protein efficiency ratio and feed/gain ratio of starting chicken. Aditives at lower or upper levels of inclusion exert no influence on most performance criteria except on feed intake which was higher in birds fed a mix of probiotics and organic acids on diets VI and VII. Final body weight was highest on diet VI (711) and lowest on diet I (661), while feed/gain ratio was highest on diet VII (4.1) and lowest on diet III (3.8).<hr/>Doscientos ochenta y ocho pollos de 3 semanas (127,9&plusmn;6,5 g), fueron aleatoriamente asignados a 7 tratamientos para una prueba durante 42 días. Se formuló una dieta basal (maíz, harina de soja, torta de cacahuete y salvado de trigo). El probiótico (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Saccha-romyces cerevisae y S. boulardii) fue añadido a la dieta basal a expensas del salvado de trigo a razón de 0; 0,05 y 0,1% (dietas I, II y III). Los ácidos orgánicos (fórmico y propiónico) reemplazaron al salvado en proporciones de 0; 0,2 y 0,4% en las dietas I, IV y V. Una mezcla de probiótico y acidificante (%) de 0,0+0,0; 0,05+0,2 y 0,1+0,4 reemplazó al salvado en las dietas I, VI y VII. El aumento de la concentración del aditivo no afectó al peso vivo final, ganancia de peso vivo, relación de eficacia proteica y relación pienso/ganancia de los pollos. Los aditivos a niveles altos o bajos de inclusión no ejercieron efecto sobre la mayoría de los criterios de productividad salvo ingestión de alimento que fue mayor en las aves que consumían mezcla de probióticos y ácidos orgánicos en las dietas VI y VII. El peso corporal final fue mayor (711) en la dieta VI y menor en la I (661), mientras que la razón pienso/ganancia de peso fue mayor en la dieta VII (4,1) y menor en la III (3,8). <![CDATA[<B>Reproductive performance and EGG quality traits of crossbreeding between two strains of snails</B>]]> Forty five snails (Archachatina marginata saturalis ) of each strain (black and white skinned) were distributed into three groups on the basis of body weight: I: 40-44 g; II: 45-49 g and III: 50-54 g. Ten black skinned snails from each group were randomly selected and were individually mated with other ten white skinned snails from each group for twelve weeks. Crossing between the two types of snails is possible and its reproductive parameters are similar to those of pure lines. The body weight did not affect any of reproductive parameters evaluated.<hr/>Se emplearon caracoles Archachatina marginata saturalis de dos líneas: piel negra y piel blanca. A partir de 45 caracoles de cada tipo distribuidos en tres grupos según su peso vivo: I: 40-44 g; II: 45-49 g y III: 50-54 g, fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente 10 caracoles de carne negra de cada grupo y fueron cruzados individualmente durante 12 semanas con otros 10 caracoles de carne blanca de cada grupo. El cruce entre ambos tipos de caracoles es posible y sus parámetros reproductivos son similares a los de líneas puras. El peso vivo no afectó a ninguno de los parámetros reproductivos evaluados.