Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Archivos de Zootecnia]]> vol. 60 num. 230 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Transport of cattle in Spain</B>: <B>Technical, administrative and welfare aspects according to the destination</B>]]> To obtain a thorough description of how are cattle transported in spain with respect to the journey destination a survey was performed in 2004 and 2005. Information was obtained by means of a 119-parameters questionnaire, and 44 transport operators representative of the sector (27 slaughterhouses, 10 traders, and 7 cattle markets) were interviewed. Over 80% of journeys transported growing-finishing/finished animals, and about 3% of journeys transported both growing-finishing/finished and reproductive animals. With respect to farm transports, slaughter transports loaded in fewer farms (1.2 vs. 1.4 farms; p<0.05) and in most cases animals were not fasted (92.9 vs. 24.3%; p<0.001). slaughter transports were short, 125 km and 2.5 h on average, with farm transport duration being double (p<0.001), although 21% of slaughter transports lasted more than 8 hours, and 1.7% lasted more than 29 hours. Farm journeys transported more animals and stocking densities were higher (p<0.001), although most of drivers affirmed that it was possible to transport more animals in a suitably manner. Only 2.3% of slaughter transports were carried out using 2 drivers, and 80% of slaughter transports made no stops, substantially differing with what was observed in farm transports (p<0.001). The driver participated in the loading and unloading of animals, normally assisted by another person except for the unloading at slaughterhouses (40%). Average loading and unloading times in farm transports were about 60 and 30 minutes respectively, double than slaughter transports (p<0.001), although average loading and unloading time/animal were slightly higher in slaughter transports (3.1 and 1.4 minutes/animal respectively). Transport showed a limited effect on physical integrity of cattle, although a trend towards higher number of deaths and lesions was observed in slaughter transports. Transports were mainly carried out by specialized hauliers under request (60%), with vehicle being owned by the trader in 30.5% of farm transports, and by the farmer in 27% of slaughter transports (p<0.001). Drivers had an average experience of 17 years. Independently form destination; transport companies did not make research activities, with few of them performing training courses (8%). The compliance with a quality scheme was mainly declared by hauliers bound to a slaughterhouse, while load insurance was mainly contracted by traders. A high percentage of drivers declared to know animal welfare legislation, which this is not totally obeyed, and that laws should be closer to real circumstances. Almost half of slaughter transport drivers showed no interest in proposing improvements in current legislation, with proposals mainly being the need to being more informed and a better knowledge on the basis of the transport stops aspect.<hr/>Para conocer en detalle como se transporta el ganado vacuno en España según el destino del viaje, entre los años 2004 y 2005 se entrevistaron 44 operadores representativos del sector (27 mataderos, 10 comerciantes y 7 mercados) mediante cuestionarios que recogían información relativa a 119 parámetros. Más del 80% de los viajes fueron de animales cebados/para cebo, y algo más de un 3% de los viajes transportaban animales cebados/para cebo y reproductores. Los transportes a matadero cargaron en un menor número de explotaciones (1,2 vs. 1,4 granjas; p<0,05) respecto aquellos destinados a granja, en la mayoría de los casos animales no ayunados (93 vs. 24,3%; p<0,001). Los viajes a matadero fueron cortos, 125 km, y 2,5 horas de media, parámetros que se duplicaron en los viajes de bovinos para vida (p<0,001), aunque el 21% de los viajes para sacrificio fueron de más de 8 horas, y un 1,7% de más de 29 horas. Los viajes para vida se cargaron a mayores densidades (p<0,001) y transportaron más animales, aunque los chóferes opinaron que su camión podía transportar un mayor número de animales en buenas condiciones. El 80% de los viajes a matadero no efectuaron paradas y sólo un 2,3% fueron realizados por 2 chóferes, parámetros opuestos a los de los viajes para vida (p<0,001). El camionero intervino en la carga y en la descarga, normalmente con la ayuda de otra persona excepto en la descarga en el matadero (40%). El tiempo medio de carga y descarga en viajes a granja fue de unos 60 y 30 minutos respectivamente, el doble que en viajes a matadero (p<0,001), aunque el tiempo unitario de carga y descarga fue algo mayor en viajes a matadero (3,1 y 1,4 minutos/ animal respectivamente). El viaje mostró un efecto limitado sobre la integridad física de los animales, aunque se detectó una tendencia hacia valores superiores de mortalidad y lesiones en los viajes a matadero. Los viajes fueron realizados principalmente por transportistas especializados y en régimen discrecional (60%), siendo el vehículo propiedad del comerciante en el 30,5% de los viajes con destino a granja o del ganadero en el 27% de los viajes a matadero (p<0,001). Los chóferes afirmaron tener una experiencia media de 17 años. Independientemente del destino las empresas no realizan actividades de experimentación, y muy pocas de formación (8%). Los transportistas vinculados a matadero fueron los que principalmente declararon que su empresa seguía algún programa de calidad, mientras que el seguro de carga era principalmente contratado por los comerciantes. Un elevado porcentaje de chóferes declaró conocer la legislación en bienestar animal, que no se cumple totalmente, y que en su opinión se debería aproximar más a las circunstancias reales. La mitad de los chóferes a matadero no mostró interés en proponer mejoras en la actual legislación, y aquellos que las propusieron pidieron mayoritariamente más información y que se estudie mejor el fundamento del régimen de paradas obligatorias. <![CDATA[<B>Socioeconomic and productive characterization of goat family farms in the Mixteca Poblana, Mexico</B>]]> El objetivo del trabajo fue la caracterización socioeconómica y productiva de 15 unidades caprinas de tipo familiar en el municipio de Piaxtla, Puebla, mediante la realización de encuestas, que incluyeron características sociales, económicas y zootécnicas. De las dieciséis variables utilizadas el análisis de componentes principales selecciona nueve. Los índices de calidad de vida tanto en oportunidades de empleo, educación, salud, vivienda, alimentación balanceada, salario, deporte y cultura son precarios; lo que ha ocasionado durante varias décadas una fuerte corriente de migración de los jóvenes a USA.<hr/>The purpose of this work is the socioeconomic and productive characterization of 15 family goat farms in Piaxtla municipality of Puebla. Farms were studied by means of surveys, including social, economic and animal husbandry aspects. From sixteen variables used the principal component analysis selected nine. The indices of quality of life in employment, education, health, housing, balanced diet, salary, sports and culture are weak, this has caused a strong current of migration of young people in these communities to United States. <![CDATA[<B>How are the pigs transported in Spain?</B>: <B>Differences between slaughter and farm destinations</B>]]> To know in the logistics of pig transports in Spain 566 journeys, concerning 34 slaughterhouses and 13 traders, were surveyed by means of questionnaires collecting information relative to 119 transport aspects. Trucks loaded pigs in 1,5 farms on average, loading an average of 160 slaughter pigs or 493 piglets transported to growing farms, with an average stocking density of 214.4 and 103.8 kg/m² respectively. Pigs were fasted previous to the journey an average of 14.5 hours in 79.2% of slaughter journeys, which lasted 3.4 hours on average, less than half the average duration of farm transports (7.3 hours, p<0.001). In 39% of piglet transports the duration was higher than 8 hours, and in no case a 24 hour stop was necessary, although the percentage of journeys with more than 2 stops was higher than in slaughter transports (22.6% vs. 4.1%; p<0.001). More than 95% of journeys were carried out with one driver, who participated in the loading and unloading of the animals in more than 97% of the cases, and was assisted by another person in 79% of the unloadings at the slaughterhouse (p<0.01). The average loading time was similar between farm and slaugher transports (102 minutes), although the individual loading time in slaughter transports was higher (1.2 minutes/ animal). The unloading was faster at slaughterhouses than in farms (52.9 vs. 25.0 minutes; p<0.001), although the individual loading time was similar for both destinations (0.31 minutes). In both destinations the number of journeys with at least one dead animal was similar (12%), although the average number of dead animals/journey was higher in transports to farm (1.6 animals/journey; p<0.05). No injured pigs were detected at the end of the farm transports, although lesions were found at the end of 17.8% of slaughter transports (3.6 injured pigs/journey on average). Farm and slaughter transports were mainly carried out with vehicles owned by traders or specialized transportists (61.0% y 74.1% respectively; p<0.001), with an average drivers' experience about 15 years. More than 15% of drivers declared to know the current animal welfare legislation, above 48% declared to believe that legislation is not totally complied with, and that legislation should approach more to real transport circumstances. More information and a better scientific basis of the aspect of stops during the journey were demanded. Due to their way of acting is mainly based in a consolidated experience, additional descriptive studies of the activity of livestock transportists are important.<hr/>Para conocer la logística de cerdos en España se estudiaron 566 viajes, relativos a 34 mataderos y 13 comerciantes, mediante cuestionarios que recogían información relativa a 119 aspectos del transporte. La carga se efectuó en una media de 1,5 granjas, transportando una media de 160 cerdos a sacrificio o 493 lechones destinados a granja de cebo, suponiendo una densidad media de 214,4 y 103,8 kg/m² respectivamente. Los cerdos fueron ayunados antes del viaje una media de 14,5 horas en el 79,2% de los viajes a matadero, cuya duración media fue de 3,4 horas, menos de la mitad de la duración media de los transportes para vida (7,3 horas, p<0,001). El 39% de los transportes de lechones duraron más de 8 horas, y en ningún caso fue necesario parar 24 horas aunque el porcentaje de viajes con más de dos paradas fue superior respecto a los transportes para sacrificio (22,6 vs. 4,1%; p<0,001). Más del 95% de los transportes se realizaron con un único conductor, que intervino en la carga y descarga en más del 97% de los casos, y fue ayudado por otra persona en el 79% de las descargas en el matadero (p<0,01). El tiempo medio de carga fue similar entre viajes a granja y matadero (102 minutos), aunque el tiempo de carga individual en los viajes para matadero fue superior (1,2 minutos/animal). La descarga fue más rápida en matadero que en granja (52,9 vs. 25 minutos; p<0,001), aunque el tiempo unitario de descarga fue similar en ambos destinos (0,31 minutos). En ambos destinos el número de viajes con al menos un animal muerto fue similar (12%), aunque la media de animales muertos/viaje fue superior en los transportes para vida (1,6 animales/viaje; p<0,05). En los viajes para vida no se observó ningún cerdo con lesiones, lesiones que fueron observadas en el 17,8% de las descargas en matadero (3,6 animales/viaje). Los viajes para vida y para sacrificio se realizaron principalmente con vehículos propiedad de los comerciantes y de los transportistas (61,0% y 74,1% respectivamente; p<0,001), con una experiencia media de los chóferes de 15 años. Más del 15% de los chóferes declaró conocer la legislación en bienestar animal, más del 48% declaró creer que la legislación no se cumple totalmente, y que la legislación debería aproximarse más a las circunstancias reales de trabajo. Se exigió más información y más fundamento en el aspecto de las paradas obligatorias. Debido a que su forma de actuar mayoritariamente se basa en una experiencia consolidada, es importante la realización de otros estudios descriptivos de la actividad de los transportistas de ganado. <![CDATA[<B>Apparent digestibility of diets with probiotics or phytase in Mangalarga Marchador foals</B>]]> El uso de aditivos se ha desarrollado mucho actualmente, con el fin de mejorar el aprovechamiento de la dieta. El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de la suplementación con probióticos o fitasa sobre la digestibilidad aparente (DA) de los nutrientes en 24 potros (16 machos y 8 hembras) Mangalarga Marchador con 241,6 &plusmn; 23,2 días de edad y 216,7 &plusmn; 27,8 kg de peso vivo (PV). El experimento tuvo duración de 28 días (23 para la adaptación y cinco para la recogida de muestras de heces) y la dieta basal se compuso de pasto de Cynodon y pienso comercial (1,2 kg /100 kg PV), además de agua y sal mineralizada ad libitum. Los tratamientos fueron: dieta basal (T1); dieta basal + 5 g/día de 10(9)UFC/g de levadura S. cerevisiae (T2); dieta basal + 2 g/día de 10(8) UFC/g de bacterias B. bifidum, E. faecium, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum y 10(5) UFC/ g de levadura S. cerevisiae (T3); y dieta basal + 1250 FTU (unidades de fitasa)/dia (T4). La estimación del consumo se realizó utilizando el indicador externo LIPE® y la técnica de digestibilidad in situ. El diseño estadístico fue enteramente al azar, en esquema factorial 4 x 2, y las medias fueron comparadas por el test t de student (p<0,05). El grupo T3 tuvo mejor DA de la proteína bruta, cenizas, calcio y fósforo. El grupo T2 tuvo mejor DA de la hemicelulosa y calcio. El grupo T4 tuvo mejor DA de la fibra neutrodetergente y fue intermedio en DA de los minerales. Los resultados indicaron que los probióticos pueden ser una estrategia para la mejora del aprovechamiento de la dieta de potros, sobre todo cuando están compuestos por bacterias y levaduras vivas. La fitasa mejoró el aprovechamiento de la fibra cuando se administró en dosis de 205 FTU/kg de la dieta total, demostrando su potencial para la utilización en la nutrición equina.<hr/>Additives have been used to improve quality diet and animal development. The objective was to assess the effects of probiotic or phytase supplementation on apparent digestibility of nutrients in 24 Mangalarga Marchador foals (16 males, 8 females), aged 241.6 &plusmn; 23.2 days (mean &plusmn; SD/SEM), and weighing 216.7 &plusmn; 27.8 kg. The study lasted 28 days, the first 23 for diet and handling adaptation, and the last five days for fecal collection. The basal diet consisted of Cynodon pasture and pelleted concentrate (1.2 kg/100 kg body weight), as well as water and mineral salt ad libitum. There were four treatments: basal diet (T1); basal diet + 5 g/day of 10(9) CFU/g of s. cerevisiae (T2); basal diet + 2 g/day of 10(8)CFU/g of bacteria B. bifidum, E. faecium, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and 10(5) CFU/g of s. cerevisiae (T3); and basal diet + 1250 FTU/day of phytase (T4). The DM intake was estimated with an external marker (LIPE©) associated with cecal in situ digestibility of DM. All foals were randomized by replicate using a 4 x 2 factorial, and results were compared using student's t-test (p<0.05). Group T3 showed better digestibility of crude protein, total minerals, calcium and phosphorus; whereas T2 had better digestibility of hemicellulose and calcium. Group T4 had better digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and intermediary values of minerals digestibility. Probiotics can be used as a nutritional strategy to improve the digestibility of a foal's diet, particularly when live bacteria and yeast culture are used. A phytase dose of 205 FTU/kg DM in the basal diet improved fiber digestibility, indicating its potential in equine nutrition. <![CDATA[<B>Development of selection index in beef cattle under the focus of a bio-economic model</B>]]> O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver um modelo bioeconômico para determinação de ponderadores econômicos utilizados em índices de seleção em programas de melhoramento genético de bovinos de corte. Foi desenvolvido um cenário padrão, onde, em termos absolutos, as características de maior relevância econômica foram o rendimento de carcaça, as características ligadas à fertilidade do rebanho, seguidas pelas características de peso e ganho de peso e por último as referentes à mortalidade. Os valores genético-econômicos obtidos foram, para habilidade de permanência (HP) 0,879; para probabilidade de prenhes ao 14 meses de idade (PP14) 0,201; para ganho de peso pós-desmama (GPD245) 0,190; para peso a desmama (PD) 0,061; e 0,080 para peso ao sobreano (Ps). Portanto, verificou-se que as características reprodutivas, HP e PP14, foram de 4,28 a 13,46 vezes mais importantes economicamente do que as características de crescimento GPD245, PD e PS.<hr/>Aiming to increase the economical studies applied to animal genetic improvement, the present work had as goal to develop a bio-economical model to determine the economical weights utilized on indexes of selection in genetic improvement programs in beef cattle. A standard scenario was developed where, in absolute terms, the traits with major economical relevance were respectively, carcass yield, traits related to herd fertility, followed by those related to weight and weight gain, and last, referred to mortality. The genetic-economical values obtained were 0.897 for stayability, 0.201 for heifer pregnancy at 14 months (PP14), 0.190 for pos-weaning weight/kg/day, 0.061 for weaning weight and 0.080 for steer weight at 18 mo. Therefore, it was verified that the reproductive traits, stayability and PP14, were 4.28 and 13.46 times economically more important than the growth traits, pos-weaning weight, weaning weight and steer weight at 18 months. <![CDATA[<B>Assessment scale for behaviour in bulfighting cattle (EBL 10)</B>: <B>Reliability and validity</B>]]> Our intention is to objectively assess the behavior patterns related to bravery in bullfighting cattle by means of a scale devised for this purpose. Reliability and validity studies have been carried out. This instrument will allow researchers to analyse inherited behaviour characters, permitting breeders to select in a more objective and systematic way. The evaluation scale of bravery in Fighting bovines, EBL 10, has been constructed. A glossary has also been developed with the distinguishing definitions of the ten dimensions dealt with, as well as a set of objective indicators for each dimension. A feasibility and validity study of the scale has been undertaken, assessing a sample made up of 380 bulls' behavior during a bullfight. Previously, a reliability study was carried out by two evaluators in a sample of 116 cows during a practical bravery test, (tienta). The scale (EBL 10) is a valid and reliable tool for standard behavior assessment related to bravery in fighting bovines and may be useful for both researchers and breeders alike.<hr/>Se pretende evaluar objetivamente los comportamientos relacionados con la bravura en bovinos de Lidia mediante una escala elaborada con dicho propósito. Se realizaron los estudios de fiabilidad y viabilidad. Este instrumento permitirá a los investigadores estudiar la heredabilidad de caracteres comportamentales, posibilitando una selección ganadera más objetiva y sistemática. Se construyó la escala de evaluación de la bravura para bovinos de Lidia (EBL-10). Se desarrolló un glosario con las definiciones diferenciales de las diez dimensiones manejadas así como un conjunto de indicadores objetivos para cada dimensión. Se realizó un estudio de validación de la escala aplicándola a una muestra constituida por 380 toros durante la lidia. Previamente, se realizó un estudio de fiabilidad inter-evaluadores en una muestra de 116 hembras durante la tienta. Se dispone de un instrumento viable y fiable para medir el comportamiento relacionado con la bravura en bovinos de lidia, que puede ser útil a investigadores y ganaderos. <![CDATA[<B>Carcass quality of Criollo Cordobes and Anglo Nubian suckling kids</B>: <B>Effects of age at slaughter</B>]]> The objective of this study was to assess the carcass characteristics of two goat breed types reared under extensive system. Forty male kids, 20 Criollo Cordobes and 20 Anglo Nubian, were used. The animals were slaughtered at 60&plusmn;2 days old (group I) and at 90&plusmn;3 days old (group II). The carcass yield and fatness was significantly higher in Anglo Nubian than in Criollo Cordobes kids. Breed and age at slaughter significantly affect carcass conformation, some carcass measures and indices, and non-carcass components.<hr/>Se estudiaron las características de la canal de cabritos lactantes de las razas Criollo Cordobés y Anglo Nubiana, utilizando 20 machos de cada raza. Los animales se sacrificaron a dos edades: 60&plusmn;2 días (grupo I) y 90&plusmn;3 días (grupo II). Los rendimientos canal y el grado de engrasamiento fueron superiores en Anglo Nubiana. La raza y la edad al sacrificio tuvieron un efecto significativo en la valoración subjetiva, en las medidas e índices de la canal y en el quinto cuarto. <![CDATA[<B>Morpho-anatomical characterization of stem of corn genotypes</B>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar as características morfo-anatômicas de cinco genótipos de milho normais (F2, Lu16, F271, Lu5 e Lu6) e cinco bm3 (F2bm3, Lu16bm3, F271bm3, Lu5bm3 e Lu6bm3) com inferência à qualidade para silagem cultivados em Druelle-França, em parcelas de 150 m² durante o período de maio a setembro de 2002 (150 dias). Todas as avaliações foram realizadas no entrenó abaixo da espiga principal. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições por tratamento. Os genótipos apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto aos aspectos anatômicos, sendo que todos os genótipos bm3 apresentaram menores quantidades de células lignificadas tanto na região medular (1,24) quanto na região do córtex (1,72). Observou-se correlação positiva (r= 0,70) entre a quantidade de células lignificadas da região medular e a porcentagem de região medular. Também houve correlação positiva (r= 0,67) e negativa (r= -0,67), entre a espessura da parede celular com a % de xilema e com a % de floema, respectivamente. Os resultados encontrados estão coerentes aos tipos de linhagens estudadas, pois as linhagens bm3 são caracterizadas por apresentarem menores proporções de lignina quando comparados com genótipos normais.<hr/>The objective was to evaluate the morphoanatomical characteristics of ten genotypes of corn to silage, five normal (F2, Lu16, F271, LU5 and LU6) and five bm3 (F2bm3, Lu16bm3, F271bm3, Lu5bm3 and Lu6bm3), grown in Druelle-France, in plots of 150 m² during the period from May 2002 to september 2002, totaling a period of 150 days. All evaluations were performed in internode below the primary ear. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five replications per treatment. The genotypes showed significant differences on the anatomical aspects evaluated, and that all bm3 genotypes showed lower amounts of both lignified cells in the medullar region (1.24) as in the cortex (1.72). The statistic analysis pointed positive correlation (r= 0.70) between the amount of lignified cells in the medullar region and the percentage of medullar region. There was also positive correlation (r= 0.67) between the thickness of the cell wall with the xylem % and negative correlation (r= -0.67) between the thickness of cell wall with the phloem %. The results are consistent to the types of strains studied, because the bm3 lines are characterized by smaller proportions of lignin compared to normal genotypes. <![CDATA[<B>Microbial populations, fermentation profile and chemical composition of elephant grass silages with jackfruit</B>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de jaca (Artocarpus heterophyllus) in natura sobre as populações microbianas, perfil fermentativo, perdas de nutrientes e composição bromatológica de silagens de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum schum.). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos: capim-elefante; capim-elefante + 15% jaca; capim-elefante + 30% de jaca e capim-elefante + 60% de jaca e 100% de jaca, com quatro repetições. Os níveis de jaca foram definidos com base na matéria natural. O capim foi cortado aos 50 dias de rebrota e ensilado em silos de 6 litros de capacidade, com válvula de Bunsen para escape dos gases. A população de enterobactérias decresceu linearmente (p<0,05) com o aumento dos níveis de inclusão de jaca, acompanhando o decréscimo (p<0,05) linear do pH. A produção de ácido lático apresentou maior valor no nível de inclusão de 15% e tendeu a cair (p<0,05) com o aumento dos níveis de inclusão. Os teores de matéria seca (Ms) e proteína bruta (PB) aumentaram linearmente (p<0,05), atingindo 18 e 12% respectivamente, no tratamento com 15% de jaca in natura. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e hemicelulose (HEM) diminuíram linearmente (p<0,05), com a adição de jaca. As perdas por gases diminuíram (p<0,05) de 6,81 para 4,77% Ms com adição 15% de jaca, enquanto as perdas por efluente e recuperação de matéria seca aumentaram quadraticamente (p<0,05) alcançando 93,87 kg/t na silagem com 60% de jaca. A inclusão de 15% de jaca in natura assegura uma boa fermentação de silagens de capim-elefante, proporcionando diminuição das perdas por gases, aumento na recuperação de matéria seca e melhorias na composição bromatológica.<hr/>The objective of this work was to evaluate effects of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) inclusion on microbial populations, fermentation profile, nutrient losses and chemical composition of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum schum.) Silages. The experimental design was entirely randomized with five treatments: elephant grass; elephant grass plus 15% of jackfruit; elephant grass plus 30% of jackfruit; elephant grass plus 60% of jackfruit and only jackfruit. Jackfruit levels were based on natural matter. Grass was cut at 50 days old and ensiled in 6-l buckets with Bunsen valve to allow gases flow out. Enterobacter population decreased linearly (p<0.05) as jackfruit level has increased, similarly that observed to pH. Lactic acid production presented higher value in 15% jackfruit inclusion and tended to fall (p<0.05) as jackfruit level increase. Dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) contents increased (p<0.05) linearly, rising to 18 and 12% respectively in the treatment with 15% of fresh jackfruit. The contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and hemicellulose (HEM) decreased (p<0.05), with the addition of jackfruit. The losses by gas decreased (p<0.05) from 6.81 to 4.77% DM with the addition of 15% of jackfruit, as the effluent losses and dry matter recovery increased quadratically (p<0.05) reached 93.87 kg/t for silage with 60% of jackfruit. The inclusion of 15% in nature jackfruit ensure good fermentation profile of elephant grass silage, promoting decrease of gas losses, increase of dry matter recovery and improvement of chemical composition. <![CDATA[<B>Non esterified fatty acids at calving and its relationship with milk yield in holstein cows</B>]]> El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre ácidos grasos no esterificados (AGNE) al parto, reservas corporales (CC) y producción de leche en vacas Holstein en Chile central. Este estudio se realizó en dos rebaños lecheros comerciales con una producción promedio de leche de 8000 kg por lactación. Las vacas fueron alimentadas con ración completa basada en heno de alfalfa (heno y cortada en verde), ensilaje de maíz y concentrado comercial. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 350 vacas al momento del parto para la determinación de AGNE. Se determinó CC al parto y a los 60 días posparto y producción de leche acumulada a los 30, 60 y 100 días. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el procedimiento de modelos mixtos de SAS (2003). Los valores promedio de AGNE al parto y la CC fueron de 0,90 &plusmn; 0,47 meq/l y 3,6 &plusmn; 0,3, respectivamente. Considerando la CC al parto y el número de partos como variables independientes en un modelo multivariado, la relación entre los AGNE al parto y la producción de leche a los 100 días de lactación fue de tipo cuadrática, es decir, para valores tanto bajos como altos de AGNE, la producción acumulada fue menor en comparación a niveles intermedios (R²= 0,27; p<0,001). Se observó una correlación positiva entre CC y AGNE al parto (r= 0,26; p<0,05). Se determinó una tendencia a que en la medida que los valores de AGNE son mayores, el cambio en la CC es mayor. Se concluye que los AGNE al parto se asocian en forma cuadrática con la producción de leche acumulada a los 100 días.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) at calving, body condition score (BCs), and milk yield in Holstein cows from central Chile. The study was conducted on two commercial dairy herds with an average milk yield of 8000 kg per lactation. Cows were fed a total mixed ration based on alfalfa hay, corn silage and concentrate. Blood samples were taken from 350 cows at calving and NEFA were determined. BCs at calving and at 60 days post partum, accumulated milk yield at 30, 60 and 100 days of lactation were determined. Data were analyzed using the mixed procedure of SAS (2003). Mean values for NEFA at calving, and BCS were 0.90 &plusmn; 0.47meq/l, and 3.6 &plusmn; 0.3, respectively. In a multivariable level model, considering BCS at calving and parity as independent variables, the relationship between NEFA at calving and milk yield at 100 days of lactation was quadratic, with lower milk yield at high and low values of NEFA and higher milk yield at intermediate levels of NEFA (R²= 0.27; p<0.001). A positive correlation was observed between BCS and NEFA at calving (r= 0.26; p<0.05). Concentration of NEFA increased when the change in BCS between calving and 60 days post calving was higher. It is concluded that NEFA at calving, was associated in a quadratic form with milk yield at 100 days of lactation. <![CDATA[<B>Intake behavior of cows fed with sugar-cane and different concentrate levels</B>]]> Foram estudados os efeitos de diferentes níveis de suplementação de vacas leiteiras alimentadas à base de cana-de-açúcar sobre o comportamento ingestivo destes animais. Os níveis de suplementação concentrada foram definidos pelo balanceamento das dietas para conter nutrientes suficientes para mantença e produção de 6, 9, 12 e 15 kg.dia-1 de leite. O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda Paulistinha, na cidade de Macarani-BA, no período de julho a setembro de 2006. Foram utilizadas 16 vacas mestiças Holandês x Zebu distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, onde estes animais foram observados por dois dias consecutivos e feito uma média dos resultados obtidos para cada animal, chegando a 32 observações e oito repetições por tratamento. Os tempos despendidos com alimentação, ruminação e ócio, o tempo de mastigação total, o número de bolos ruminais, o número de mastigações merícicas por dia e o tempo de ruminação por bolo não diferiram entre os tratamentos (p>0,05), enquanto que para o número de mastigações merícicas por bolo apresentou um comportamento quadrático e para as eficiências de alimentação e ruminação houve um acréscimo linear com o aumento do nível de concentrado.<hr/>The effects of different levels of supplementation of dairy cows fed to the sugar-cane base on the intake behavior of these encourage were studied. The levels of concentrate supplementation were defined by the balance of the diets to contain sufficient nutrients for maintenance and production of 6, 9, 12 and 15 of milk. The experiment was driven in the Paulistinha farm, in Macarani - BA city, in the period of July to september of 2006. 16 cows crossbred Holstein x zebu used distributed in a design entirely at random, where these animals were observed by two consecutive days and made an average of the results obtained for each animal, arriving to 32 observations and eight repetitions for treatment. The times spent with feeding, rumination and leisure, the time of total mastication, the number of cakes ruminates, the number of mastications merícicas a day and the time of rumination for cake didn't differ among the treatments (p>0.05), while for the number of mastications merícicas for cake presented a quadratic behavior and for the feeding efficiencies and rumination had a lineal increment with the increase of the concentrate level. <![CDATA[<B>The effects of dietary copper supplementation on oxidative and antioxidant systems in broiler chickens</B>]]> This study was designed to investigate the in vivo effects of dietary copper supplementation on the oxidative and antioxidant systems in the erythrocyte and liver of broiler chickens. Birds were exposed to commercially prepared diet (control group, n= 20) or commercial diet supplemented with 250 mg CuSO4/kg diet (experimental group, n= 20) for 6 weeks. The copper burdens, oxidative lipid peroxidation (LPO), glutathione (GSH) concentration, activity of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were evaluated in the erythrocyte and hepatic tissues using well established techniques. Oral exposure to copper for a period of 6 weeks significantly (p<0.05) increased the copper burden and lipid peroxidation respectively in the blood and liver of treated birds compared with control. Concomitantly, there was a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the activities of SOD, CAT, and the concentration of GSH in the exposed birds compared with control. It is concluded from this study that dietary copper supplementation (250 mg CusO4/kg diet) induced oxidative stress in the erythrocyte and liver of broiler chickens.<hr/>El estudio fue diseñado para estudiar los efectos in vivo de la suplementación dietética con cobre sobre los sistemas oxidativos y antioxidantes de los eritrocitos y el hígado de broilers. Las aves fueron sometidas a una dieta comercial (grupo control, n= 20) o suplementada con 250 mg CuSO4/ kg dieta (grupo experimental, n= 20) durante 6 semanas. En los eritrocitos y tejido hepático, se evaluó, empleando técnicas consolidadas, la sobrecarga de cobre, la peroxidación oxidativa de los lípidos (LPO), concentración de glutatión (GSH), actividad de los enzimas antioxidantes, super oxido dismutasa (SOD) y catalasa (CAT). La exposición oral al cobre, durante 6 semanas, aumentó (p<0,05) la carga de cobre y la peroxidación lipídica respectivamente en sangre e hígado de las aves tratadas respecto del control. se concluye, que la suplementación dietética con cobre (250 mg CuSO4/kg dieta) indujo estrés oxidativo en los eritrocitos e hígado de los broilers. <![CDATA[<B><I>Mulinum spinosum</I> and lamb meat</B>: <B>detecting its presence on live sheep</B>]]> En Patagonia, la ganadería ovina es una de las principales actividades económicas, pero la calidad de la carne de cordero se ve afectada por el sabor desagradable que toma a causa de la ingesta de neneo (Mulinum spinosum (Cav.) Persoon, Apiaceae) que es una planta predominante, y muy accesible para el ganado en primavera-verano. Para detectar los animales afectados antes de su sacrificio, se ensayaron técnicas fitoquímicas en diferentes órganos de la planta y del animal buscando correspondencias. Se estudiaron 2 grupos (uno con neneo como componente de la dieta y el otro no) de 6 animales cada uno a los que se extrajeron muestras de carne, grasa, hígado, orina y sangre. Los compuestos responsables del efecto del neneo pertenecen al grupo de los terpenos/esteroles, el único presente tanto en las flores de neneo, como en la orina de los corderos. Los tejidos animales fueron inadecuados para detectar el neneo siendo la orina el medio más apropiado para ello. se propone un protocolo con la intención de generar una herramienta que permita desarrollar tecnologías de bajo costo para superar la dificultad, que queda a disposición de investigadores y productores para su puesta a prueba, con el fin de detectar un posible sabor desagradable previo al sacrificio, evitando así la consecuente pérdida económica.<hr/>In Patagonia, sheep farming constitutes one of the major economic activities, but the quality of lamb meat is seriously affected by a disagreeable taste found in its tissues, derived from the ovine intake of neneo (Mulinum spinosum (Cav.) Persoon, Apiaceae), predominant in grazing lands easily accessed by sheep during the warm seasons. With the aim of detecting the affected animals before their slaughter, phytochemical testing techniques were applied on different organs of the plant and animal accordingly, in order to identify matches. We studied two groups (one had neneo in their diet while the other did not) of six animals each, of which were extracted samples of meat, fat, liver, urine and blood. The compounds responsible for the effect of neneo belong to the terpene/sterol group, the only present in the flowers of neneo as in the urine of lambs. Various animal tissues were inadequate to detect the presence of neneo in lambs, only urine has been identified as the most suitable to examine the metabolites. A protocol, to experiment with it, was proposed, with the aim of generate a useful tool for the development of low-cost technologies. This protocol is available to researchers and producers to put to the test, with the aim of detecting a disagreeable taste in the animals before their slaughter and avoiding the consequent economic loss. <![CDATA[<B>Cryopreservation of bovine spermatogenic cells using different protective molecules</B>]]> Objetivou-se isolar mecanicamente as células espermatogênicas bovinas e avaliar sua viabilidade antes e após a criopreservação com três diferentes moléculas crioprotetoras. As células isoladas apresentaram uma viabilidade inicial média de 76,5% e após a criopreservação de 51,7%; 55,5% e 58,8%, respectivamente para as soluções de DMSO, propanodiol e DMSO com propanodiol, onde a solução de DMSO com propanodiol foi significativamente superior (p<0,05) que a solução contendo somente DMSO, preservando melhor a viabilidade celular. Foi possível verificar que as células espermatogênicas isoladas mecanicamente podem ser criopreservadas e descongeladas com viabilidade acima de 55% nas soluções contendo propanodiol. As células congeladas com a associação de DMSO e propanodiol apresentaram a maior taxa de integridade após o descongelamento, e podem ser aplicadas em estudos com a ICSI.<hr/>The objective of this study was to isolate mechanically bovine spermatogenic cells and assess their viability before and after cryopre-servation with three different cryoprotector molecules. The isolated cells presented an initial viability of 76.5%; after cryopreservation it was 51.7%, 55.5% and 58.8%, respectively for solutions with DMSO, propanodiol, and DMSO with propanodiol. The solution of DMSO with propanodiol was significantly better (p<0.05) than that with only DMSO, for preserve the cellular viability. Thus was possible to verify that spermatogenic cells isolated mechanically can be cryopreserved-thawed with larger viability than 55% in the solutions contends propanodiol. The cells frozen with the association of DMSO and propanodiol presented the largest integrity rate after the thawed, and can be applied in studies with ICSI. <![CDATA[<B>Effects of enzyme and feeding system on turkey performance</B>]]> The aim of the present study was to evaluate an enzyme preparation with protease, amylase, cellulase, beta-galactosidase and pentosanase activity on productive and carcass performance of turkeys under a confined or semi-confined system. Eight hundred White Diamond turkeys (nine weeks old, 5084 g body weight) were randomly assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement: factor system (confined and semi-confined) and enzyme (0 and 0.1% as DM of total diet) four treatments, 5 replicas per treatment. Weight gain (WG), live weight (LW), feed intake (FI), forage intake (FGI), and carcass yield (CY) were recorded weekly for eight weeks. Turkeys under semi-confined system had higher final body weight, total gain, average daily gain, hot and cold carcass weight as well as less feed conversion than those under confined system. Hot and cold dressing was similar in turkeys under both systems. Enzyme increased final body weight, total gain, average daily gain, hot and cold carcass weight as well as reduced feed conversion ratio in turkeys under semi-confined system. Feed intake, hot and cold carcass dressing was not affected by enzymes. Enzyme preparation had a beneficial effect on growth and carcass performance of turkeys in a semi-confined system.<hr/>Se evaluó el efecto de una enzima (proteasas, amilasas, celulolasas y galactosidasas) sobre la productividad y calidad de la canal en pavos en confinamiento y semi-confinamiento en la etapa de finalización. Un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 2 fue utilizado con 800 pavos White Diamond (nueve semanas de edad, 5084 g peso vivo) a los tratamientos: sistema (confinamiento y semi-confinamiento) y enzima (0 y 0,1% como % DM total de la dieta) para un total de cuatro tratamientos, 5 replicas por tratamiento, 40 pavos por réplica. La ganancia de peso (WG), peso vivo (LW), consumo de alimento (FI), consumo de forraje (FGI) y la calidad de la canal (CY) fueron registrados semanalmente por ocho semanas. Los pavos bajo el sistema de semi-confinamiento tuvieron mayor peso final, ganancia de peso total, ganancia de peso diaria, peso de la canal caliente y fría, así como menor conversión alimenticia que los pavos en el sistema de confinamiento. El porcentaje de la canal fría y caliente fue similar en los pavos en ambos sistemas. La enzima incrementó el peso corporal final, ganancia de peso total, ganancia diaria promedio, peso de la canal caliente y fría, así como también disminuyó la conversión alimenticia en pavos bajo el sistema de semi-confinamiento. El consumo de alimento y el porcentaje de la canal caliente y fría no fueron afectados por las enzimas. La enzima tuvo un efecto benéfico en las características de crecimiento y calidad de la canal en pavos bajo el sistema de semi-confinamiento. <![CDATA[<B>Season influence on the seminal plasma proteins in Tabapua breed (<I>Bos taurus indicus</I>)</B>]]> O objetivo do estudo foi de avaliar a influência das estações do ano sobre as proteínas do plasma seminal na raça Tabapuã criados extensivamente. O estudo foi realizado de junho a agosto (inverno) e de 2006 e de dezembro a fevereiro (verão) de 2007 em uma fazenda pertencente ao município de Presidente Prudente-SP, Brasil. Onze touros foram submetidos a seis coletas de sêmen por eletroejaculação em cada estação com intervalos de 14 dias. Amostras do sêmen foram centrifugadas a 1500 g/15 min e acondicionadas em criotubos, estocadas a -20ºC até o processamento. As proteínas foram extraídas (Laemilli, 1970) e quantificadas (Bradford, 1976) e as eletroforeses realizadas; e os géis fixados e corados na mesma solução com 2% de Coomassie Blue R250. Em cinco touros a ausência de proteínas de alto peso molecular (APM 55 KDa, 66 KDa e 80 KDa) foi verificada no verão; e uma que se supõe ser de baixa fertilidade (BF 44 KDa) presente em dois touros no inverno. Sete touros mostraram presença de proteínas de APM (55 KDa) no inverno. Em três touros a proteína APM (55 KDa) e em um animal as proteínas APM (66 KDa e 80 KDa) estiveram presentes com uma condição satisfatória de sêmen. Oito touros mostraram presença de proteínas APM (125 KDa) no inverno e verão. Conclui-se que o inverno apresentou melhoria nos aspectos qualitativos do sêmen. Houve efeito sazonal entre a presença de proteínas específicas e a melhoria da qualidade do sêmen.<hr/>The objective of the present study was to evaluate the season influence on the seminal plasma proteins in Tabapua breed bulls raised on field. The study was conducted from June to August (winter) 2006 and from December to February (summer) 2007 in a farm in the country of Presidente Prudente, sP, Brazil. Eleven bulls were submitted to six semen collects throught eletroejaculation in each season at 14 days intervals. Samples of semen were centrifuged at 1500 g/15 min and conditioned in criotubes and stored at -20ºC until further processing. The Proteins were extracted (Laemilli, 1970) and quantified (Bradford, 1976) and the electrophoresis was performed; the gels were fixed, and stained in the same solution with 2% of Coomassie Blue R250. In five bulls, the absence high molecular weight (HMW 55 KDa, 66 KDa and 80 KDa) proteins was verified in the summer and other one which is supposed to be of low fertility (LF 44 KDa), verified in two bulls in winter. seven bulls showed presence of HMW (55KDa) in the winter. In three bulls HMW (55 KDa) and in one animal HMW (66 KDa and 80 KDa) proteins were present with a satisfactory semen condition. Eight bulls showed presence of HMW proteins (125 KDa) in winter and summer. In conclusion, the winter period presented an improvement in the qualitative aspects of the semen. A seasonal effect between the presence of the specific proteins and the increase of the semen quality was observed. <![CDATA[<B>Oestradiol and prostaglandin on conception rate of fixed-time inseminated Nellore cows</B>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar a taxa de concepção em vacas Nelore, sincronizadas para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo. Foi testada a eficiência do cipionato (CE) ou benzoato de estradiol (BE) como indutor atresia e emergência de nova onda folicular no inicio do tratamento dia 0 (D0) com dispositivo de progesterona (CIDR®). Também se verificou a aplicação de prostaglandina no momento da remoção do dispositivo dia 9 (D9; protocolo de três manejos) ou 48 h antes dia 7 (D7; protocolo de quatro manejos). Adotou-se delineamento experimental fatorial 2x2 (CE vs. BE e PGFD7 vs. PGFD9). Não houve diferença entre tratamentos (p>0,05), sendo possível utilizar o protocolo com apenas três manejos.<hr/>The objective was to evaluate the pregnancy rate of Nellore cows submitted to estrous synchronization for fixed-time artificial insemination. The efficiency of the estradiol cypionate (CE) and benzoate (BE) to induce atresia and new follicular emergence wave in the beginning (day 0; D0) of progesterone device (CIDR®) treatment was tested. The administration of prostaglandin at CIDR device withdrawal (day 9; D9, three handlings protocol) or 48 h before it (day 7; D7, four handlings protocol) was also verified. A 2x2 factorial design was established (CE vs. EBE and PGFD7 vs. PGFD9). No differences were showed between treatments (p<0.05), being possible to employ the three handlings protocol. <![CDATA[<B>Place of butcher shoping in the Algerian red meat industry</B>]]> Cette étude vise à étudier l'activité bouchère qui n'a fait jusqu'à présent, l'objet d'aucune étude approfondie en Algérie. Elle nous a amené à nous interroger sur la logique des bouchers assurant l'activité d'abattage ainsi que sur leur mode d'insertion dans les filières viandes bovine et ovine. La méthodologie mise en œuvre s'est basée sur des enquêtes durant deux ans auprès de 36 boucheries. La part moyenne de viande traitée par boucher est de 68,5% pour l'espèce bovine et 31,5% pour l'espèce ovine. Ce sont des unités artisanales de taille petites ou grosses, tendant chacune à une forme de spécialisation adaptée au marché local, reconnue par ses fournisseurs. Les marges dégagées par cette boucherie traditionnelle se trouvent sous l'influence des paramètres qui sont les périodes de grandes consommation (périodes de fête religieuses), ainsi que du niveau d'offre en vif.<hr/>This study aims to investigate the butcher activity what has not been comprehensively studied in Algeria. It led us to wonder about the logic of providing the butchers slaughter activity and their mode of insertion in the beef and sheep industries. The methodology used was based on surveys for two years with 36 butchers. The average share of meat processed by butcher is 68.5% for cattle and 31.5% for sheep. There are artisanal units of small or large sizes, each under a form of specialization adapted to the local market, known by suppliers. Margins in this traditional butchers are under the influence of parameters which are periods of great use (religious holiday periods), and the level of supply in vivo.