Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 108 num. 6 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Flexible endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy</b>: <b>the gold standard for the management of Zenker's diverticulum</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Flexible endoscopic treatment of Zenker's diverticulum</b>: <b>thirteen years' experience in Spain</b>]]> Introduction: Flexible endoscopic treatment is one of the alternative approaches for the management of Zenker's diverticum. The present paper shows our short-term and long-term results with flexible endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy/septotomy. Patients and methods: A retrospective analysis of our experience in patients with Zenker's diverticulum treated using a flexible endoscope, assisted by a flexible diverticuloscope, between 2002 and 2015. Myotomy/septotomy was performed with a needle-knife papillotome under deep sedation or general anesthesia. Results: Among the 64 patients treated, two died within 10 days of surgery from causes not directly related to the procedure, and one presented with pharyngo-esophageal perforation, which recovered with conservative management at 47 days after admission. Four additional patients were lost to short-term follow-up. Among the 57 remaining patients, 52 had complete relief of dysphagia after 6 weeks. Eleven of these had recurrent symptoms on the mid and the long term. Eight were retreated with the same flexible endoscopic technique, one with a hybrid endoscopic approach, one with classical open surgery and one refused retreatment. After a mean follow-up of 2 years and a half, 33 of 37 patients reported absent or minimal dysphagia, controllable with punctual dietary restrictions. Conclusions: Flexible endoscopic treatment for Zenker's diverticulum is effective and safe. It represents an option on an equal footing to rigid endoscopy and classical open surgery and may also be used when the latter two are technically impracticable or contraindicated.<hr/>Introducción: el tratamiento endoscópico flexible del divertículo de Zenker es una alternativa a otros abordajes terapéuticos. El presente estudio muestra nuestros resultados a corto y largo plazo de la crico-faringo-mío-septotomía endoscópica flexible. Pacientes y método: análisis retrospectivo de nuestra experiencia entre 2002 y 2015 en pacientes con divertículo de Zenker tratados mediante un endoscopio flexible con la asistencia de un diverticuloscopio flexible. La mío-septotomía se realiza con un papilotomo de aguja bajo sedación profunda o anestesia general. Resultados: de los 64 pacientes tratados dos fallecieron antes de 10 días después del procedimiento por causas no directamente relacionadas con la intervención y otro presentó una perforación faringo-esofágica que se resolvió con tratamiento conservador tras 47 días de ingreso. Carecemos de seguimiento a corto plazo de otros cuatro. Cincuenta y dos de los 57 restantes mostraron un alivio completo de la disfagia a las 6 semanas. Once de ellos presentaron recurrencia sintomática a medio o largo plazo. Ocho fueron retratados con el mismo método endoscópico flexible, uno mediante un abordaje endoscópico híbrido, otro mediante cirugía abierta clásica y otro rechazó el retratamiento. Tras un seguimiento medio de 2 años y medio, 33 de 37 pacientes refieren ausencia o mínima disfagia controlable con restricciones dietéticas puntuales. Conclusiones: el tratamiento endoscópico flexible del divertículo de Zenker es eficaz y seguro. Representa una alternativa en igualdad de condiciones al abordaje endoscópico rígido y a la cirugía abierta clásica y puede aplicarse cuando existe imposibilidad técnica o contraindicación para estos. <![CDATA[<b>Characteristics of Clostridium difficile infection in patients with discordant diagnostic test results</b>]]> Background: Clinical features of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) cases diagnosed by detection of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with negative toxin enzyme immunoassay results (EIA) have not been fully elucidated. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of CDI patients who had negative EIA toxin determinations but positive PCR tests, and their differences in clinical presentation. Methods: We performed a retrospective study comparing the clinical features of CDI cases detected by EIA (toxins A + B) with cases detected by PCR (toxin negative, PCR positive) over a 16-month period. Only patients with an initial Clostridium difficile infection episode that fulfilled a standardized definition were included. Results: During the study period, 107 episodes of CDI were detected. Seventy-four patients (69%) had positive glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) antigen and EIA determinations (EIA positive patients). Thirty-three patients (31%) had GDH positive, negative toxin EIA and positive PCR determination (PCR positive patients). PCR positive patients were younger, 57 (27) years (mean [SD]), than EIA positive patients, 71 (16) years, (p < 0.001). Fewer PCR positive patients were receiving proton pump inhibitors (21 patients, 64%) than EIA positive patients (61 patients, 82%, p = 0.034). The clinical presentation was similar in both groups. In the multivariate analysis, lower age was identified as the only independent variable associated with PCR positive patients. Conclusions: One third of Clostridium difficile infection patients present negative toxin EIA and PCR positive tests. Performing PCR determination after the negative EIA test is more relevant in younger patients. <![CDATA[<b>Accuracy of ASGE criteria for the prediction of choledocholithiasis</b>]]> Background/aims: Few studies have validated the performance of guidelines for the prediction of choledocholithiasis (CL). Our objective was to prospectively assess the accuracy of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) guidelines for the identification of CL. Methods: A two-year prospective evaluation of patients with suspected CL was performed. We evaluated the ASGE guidelines and its component variables in predicting CL. Results: A total of 256 patients with suspected CL were analyzed. Of the 208 patients with high-probability criteria for CL, 124 (59.6%) were found to have a stone/sludge at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Among 48 patients with intermediate-probability criteria, 21 (43.8%) had a stone/sludge. The performance of ASGE high- and intermediate-probability criteria in our population had an accuracy of 59.0% (85.5% sensitivity, 24.3% specificity) and 41.0% (14.4% sensitivity, 75.6% specificity), respectively. The mean ERCP delay time was 6.1 days in the CL group and 6.4 days in the group without CL, p = 0.638. The presence of a common bile duct (CBD) > 6 mm (OR 2.21; 95% CI, 1.20-4.10), ascending cholangitis (OR 2.37; 95% CI, 1.01-5.55) and a CBD stone visualized on transabdominal US (OR 3.33; 95% CI, 1.48-7.52) were stronger predictors of CL. The occurrence of biliary pancreatitis was a strong protective factor for the presence of a retained CBD stone (OR 0.30; 95% CI, 0.17-0.55). Conclusions: Irrespective of a patient's ASGE probability for CL, the application of current guidelines in our population led to unnecessary performance of ERCPs in nearly half of cases. <![CDATA[<b>Effectiveness of three interventions to improve participation in colorectal cancer screening</b>]]> Background and objective: Participation in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening varies widely among different countries and different socio-demographic groups. Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of three primary-care interventions to increase CRC screening participation among persons over the age of 50 years and to identify the health and socio-demographic-related factors that determine greater participation. Methods: We conducted a randomized experimental study with only one post-test control group. A total of 1,690 subjects were randomly distributed into four groups: written briefing; telephone briefing; an invitation to attend a group meeting; and no briefing. Subjects were evaluated 2 years post-intervention, with the outcome variable being participation in CRC screening. Results: A total of 1,129 subjects were interviewed. Within the groups, homogeneity was tested in terms of socio-demographic characteristics and health-related variables. The proportion of subjects who participated in screening was: 15.4% in the written information group (95% confidence interval [CI]: 11.2-19.7); 28.8% in the telephone information group (95% CI: 23.6-33.9); 8.1% in the face-to-face information group (95% CI: 4.5-11.7); and 5.9% in the control group (95% CI: 2.9-9.0), with this difference proving statistically significant (p < 0.001). Logistic regression showed that only interventions based on written or telephone briefing were effective. Apart from type of intervention, number of reported health problems and place of residence remained in the regression model. Conclusions: Both written and telephone information can serve to improve participation in CRC screening. This preventive activity could be optimized by means of simple interventions coming within the scope of primary health-care professionals. <![CDATA[<b>Management of the clinical issue of constipation with abdominal complaints in adults</b>: <b>a national survey of Primary Care physicians and gastroenterologists</b>]]> Irritable bowel syndrome and functional constipation represent a relevant and common health issue. However, real-world clinical practice includes patients with constipation who may or may not have other abdominal complaints (pain, bloating, abdominal discomfort) with variable frequency. The goal of the present study was to obtain information on the workload entailed by patients with constipation and associated abdominal complaints, predominant clinical behaviors, education needs, and potential daily practice aids both in Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. The clinical behavior of doctors is generally similar at both levels, despite differences in healthcare approach: use of empiric therapies and clinically guided diagnostic tests, with some differences in colonoscopy use (not always directly accessible from Primary Care). Regarding perceptions, general support and osmotic laxatives are most valued by PC doctors, whereas osmotic laxatives, combined laxatives, and linaclotide are most valued by GE specialists. Furthermore, over half of respondents considered differentiating both diagnoses as challenging. Finally, considerable education needs are self-acknowledged at both levels, as is a demand for guidelines and protocols to help in managing this issue in clinical practice. A strength of this study is its providing a joint photograph of the medical approach and the perceptions of constipation with abdominal discomfort from a medical standpoint. Weaknesses include self-declaration (no formal validation) and a response rate potentially biased by professional motivation.<hr/>El síndrome del intestino irritable y el estreñimiento funcional constituyen un problema de salud relevante y frecuente. Sin embargo, la realidad clínica presenta a un paciente con estreñimiento que se acompaña o no de otras molestias abdominales (dolor, distensión, molestia abdominal) con una frecuencia variable. El objetivo del estudio fue obtener información sobre el volumen de trabajo que suponen los pacientes con estreñimiento y molestias abdominales asociadas, las conductas clínicas predominantes, las necesidades formativas y las posibles ayudas a la práctica diaria tanto en el ámbito de Atención Primaria como en Aparato Digestivo. La conducta clínica de médicos de ambos niveles es globalmente similar, a pesar del diferente nivel asistencial: utilización de tratamientos empíricos y pruebas diagnósticas guiadas por la clínica, con algunas diferencias en la utilización de la colonoscopia (no siempre indicable directamente desde Primaria). En lo referente a las percepciones, cabe destacar que para los médicos de Primaria las medidas generales y los laxantes osmóticos son los mejor valorados; para los médicos de Digestivo, lo son los laxantes osmóticos, las combinaciones de laxantes y la linaclotida. Por otro lado, más de la mitad de todos los encuestados consideran que es bastante difícil diferenciar entre ambos diagnósticos. Finalmente, existen unas notables necesidades formativas autorreconocidas en ambos niveles, además de la exigencia de generar guías y protocolos que ayuden en la práctica clínica a abordar este problema. La fortaleza de este estudio es proporcionar una fotografía conjunta del abordaje médico y de las percepciones del problema del estreñimiento con molestias abdominales desde el punto de vista médico. La autodeclaración (sin validación formal) y la tasa de respuesta con posible sesgo a profesionales más motivados son sus debilidades. <![CDATA[<b>Clinical Practice Guideline</b>: <b>irritable bowel syndrome with constipation and functional constipation in the adult</b>]]> In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.<hr/>En esta Guía de Práctica Clínica analizamos el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de pacientes adultos con estreñimiento y molestias abdominales, bajo la confluencia del espectro del síndrome del intestino irritable y el estreñimiento funcional. Ambas patologías están encuadradas en los trastornos funcionales intestinales y tienen una importante repercusión personal, sanitaria y social, afectando a la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las padecen. La primera es el subtipo de síndrome del intestino irritable en el que el estreñimiento es la alteración deposicional predominante junto con dolor abdominal recurrente, hinchazón y distensión abdominal frecuente. El estreñimiento se caracteriza por la dificultad o la escasa frecuencia en relación con las deposiciones, a menudo acompañado por esfuerzo excesivo durante la defecación o sensación de evacuación incompleta. En la mayoría de los casos no tiene una causa orgánica subyacente, siendo considerado un trastorno funcional intestinal. Son muchas las similitudes clínicas y fisiopatológicas entre ambos trastornos, con respuesta similar del estreñimiento a fármacos comunes, siendo la diferencia fundamental la presencia o ausencia de dolor, pero no de un modo evaluable como "todo o nada". La gravedad de estos trastornos depende no sólo de la intensidad de los síntomas intestinales sino también de otros factores biopsicosociales: asociación de síntomas gastrointestinales y extraintestinales, grado de afectación, y formas de percepción y comportamiento. Mediante los criterios de Roma, se diagnostican los trastornos funcionales intestinales. Esta Guía de Práctica Clínica está adaptada a los criterios de Roma IV difundidos a finales de mayo de 2016 y analiza los criterios de alarma, las pruebas diagnósticas y los criterios de derivación entre Atención Primaria y Aparato Digestivo. Asimismo, se revisan todas las alternativas terapéuticas disponibles (ejercicio, ingesta de líquidos, dieta con alimentos ricos en fibra soluble, suplementos de fibra, otros componentes de la dieta, laxantes osmóticos o estimulantes, probióticos, antibióticos, espasmolíticos, esencia de menta, prucaloprida, linaclotida, lubiprostona, biofeedback, antidepresivos, tratamiento psicológico, acupuntura, enemas, neuroestimulación de raíces sacras o cirugía), efectuando recomendaciones prácticas para cada una de ellas. <![CDATA[<b>Granular cell tumor of cecum</b>]]> In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.<hr/>En esta Guía de Práctica Clínica analizamos el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de pacientes adultos con estreñimiento y molestias abdominales, bajo la confluencia del espectro del síndrome del intestino irritable y el estreñimiento funcional. Ambas patologías están encuadradas en los trastornos funcionales intestinales y tienen una importante repercusión personal, sanitaria y social, afectando a la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las padecen. La primera es el subtipo de síndrome del intestino irritable en el que el estreñimiento es la alteración deposicional predominante junto con dolor abdominal recurrente, hinchazón y distensión abdominal frecuente. El estreñimiento se caracteriza por la dificultad o la escasa frecuencia en relación con las deposiciones, a menudo acompañado por esfuerzo excesivo durante la defecación o sensación de evacuación incompleta. En la mayoría de los casos no tiene una causa orgánica subyacente, siendo considerado un trastorno funcional intestinal. Son muchas las similitudes clínicas y fisiopatológicas entre ambos trastornos, con respuesta similar del estreñimiento a fármacos comunes, siendo la diferencia fundamental la presencia o ausencia de dolor, pero no de un modo evaluable como "todo o nada". La gravedad de estos trastornos depende no sólo de la intensidad de los síntomas intestinales sino también de otros factores biopsicosociales: asociación de síntomas gastrointestinales y extraintestinales, grado de afectación, y formas de percepción y comportamiento. Mediante los criterios de Roma, se diagnostican los trastornos funcionales intestinales. Esta Guía de Práctica Clínica está adaptada a los criterios de Roma IV difundidos a finales de mayo de 2016 y analiza los criterios de alarma, las pruebas diagnósticas y los criterios de derivación entre Atención Primaria y Aparato Digestivo. Asimismo, se revisan todas las alternativas terapéuticas disponibles (ejercicio, ingesta de líquidos, dieta con alimentos ricos en fibra soluble, suplementos de fibra, otros componentes de la dieta, laxantes osmóticos o estimulantes, probióticos, antibióticos, espasmolíticos, esencia de menta, prucaloprida, linaclotida, lubiprostona, biofeedback, antidepresivos, tratamiento psicológico, acupuntura, enemas, neuroestimulación de raíces sacras o cirugía), efectuando recomendaciones prácticas para cada una de ellas. <![CDATA[<b>Lanthanum carbonate has a radiopaque appearance on the plain abdominal radiography</b>]]> In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.<hr/>En esta Guía de Práctica Clínica analizamos el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de pacientes adultos con estreñimiento y molestias abdominales, bajo la confluencia del espectro del síndrome del intestino irritable y el estreñimiento funcional. Ambas patologías están encuadradas en los trastornos funcionales intestinales y tienen una importante repercusión personal, sanitaria y social, afectando a la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las padecen. La primera es el subtipo de síndrome del intestino irritable en el que el estreñimiento es la alteración deposicional predominante junto con dolor abdominal recurrente, hinchazón y distensión abdominal frecuente. El estreñimiento se caracteriza por la dificultad o la escasa frecuencia en relación con las deposiciones, a menudo acompañado por esfuerzo excesivo durante la defecación o sensación de evacuación incompleta. En la mayoría de los casos no tiene una causa orgánica subyacente, siendo considerado un trastorno funcional intestinal. Son muchas las similitudes clínicas y fisiopatológicas entre ambos trastornos, con respuesta similar del estreñimiento a fármacos comunes, siendo la diferencia fundamental la presencia o ausencia de dolor, pero no de un modo evaluable como "todo o nada". La gravedad de estos trastornos depende no sólo de la intensidad de los síntomas intestinales sino también de otros factores biopsicosociales: asociación de síntomas gastrointestinales y extraintestinales, grado de afectación, y formas de percepción y comportamiento. Mediante los criterios de Roma, se diagnostican los trastornos funcionales intestinales. Esta Guía de Práctica Clínica está adaptada a los criterios de Roma IV difundidos a finales de mayo de 2016 y analiza los criterios de alarma, las pruebas diagnósticas y los criterios de derivación entre Atención Primaria y Aparato Digestivo. Asimismo, se revisan todas las alternativas terapéuticas disponibles (ejercicio, ingesta de líquidos, dieta con alimentos ricos en fibra soluble, suplementos de fibra, otros componentes de la dieta, laxantes osmóticos o estimulantes, probióticos, antibióticos, espasmolíticos, esencia de menta, prucaloprida, linaclotida, lubiprostona, biofeedback, antidepresivos, tratamiento psicológico, acupuntura, enemas, neuroestimulación de raíces sacras o cirugía), efectuando recomendaciones prácticas para cada una de ellas. <![CDATA[<b>Obstructive jaundice caused by a pancreaticoduodenal pseudoaneurysm</b>]]> In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.<hr/>En esta Guía de Práctica Clínica analizamos el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de pacientes adultos con estreñimiento y molestias abdominales, bajo la confluencia del espectro del síndrome del intestino irritable y el estreñimiento funcional. Ambas patologías están encuadradas en los trastornos funcionales intestinales y tienen una importante repercusión personal, sanitaria y social, afectando a la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las padecen. La primera es el subtipo de síndrome del intestino irritable en el que el estreñimiento es la alteración deposicional predominante junto con dolor abdominal recurrente, hinchazón y distensión abdominal frecuente. El estreñimiento se caracteriza por la dificultad o la escasa frecuencia en relación con las deposiciones, a menudo acompañado por esfuerzo excesivo durante la defecación o sensación de evacuación incompleta. En la mayoría de los casos no tiene una causa orgánica subyacente, siendo considerado un trastorno funcional intestinal. Son muchas las similitudes clínicas y fisiopatológicas entre ambos trastornos, con respuesta similar del estreñimiento a fármacos comunes, siendo la diferencia fundamental la presencia o ausencia de dolor, pero no de un modo evaluable como "todo o nada". La gravedad de estos trastornos depende no sólo de la intensidad de los síntomas intestinales sino también de otros factores biopsicosociales: asociación de síntomas gastrointestinales y extraintestinales, grado de afectación, y formas de percepción y comportamiento. Mediante los criterios de Roma, se diagnostican los trastornos funcionales intestinales. Esta Guía de Práctica Clínica está adaptada a los criterios de Roma IV difundidos a finales de mayo de 2016 y analiza los criterios de alarma, las pruebas diagnósticas y los criterios de derivación entre Atención Primaria y Aparato Digestivo. Asimismo, se revisan todas las alternativas terapéuticas disponibles (ejercicio, ingesta de líquidos, dieta con alimentos ricos en fibra soluble, suplementos de fibra, otros componentes de la dieta, laxantes osmóticos o estimulantes, probióticos, antibióticos, espasmolíticos, esencia de menta, prucaloprida, linaclotida, lubiprostona, biofeedback, antidepresivos, tratamiento psicológico, acupuntura, enemas, neuroestimulación de raíces sacras o cirugía), efectuando recomendaciones prácticas para cada una de ellas. <![CDATA[<b>Long-evolution ascites in a patient with constrictive pericarditis</b>]]> Constrictive pericarditis (CP) is an uncommon disease resulting from chronic pericardial inflammation, fibrosis and calcification. Since there are atypical forms of presentation, with subtle or nonexistent cardiorespiratory symptoms, diagnosis may be challenging and difficult. Recurrent ascites in patients with congestive hepatopathy due to constrictive pericarditis is, in most cases, reversible after pericardiectomy. Nevertheless, development of persistent liver dysfunction may be a long-term complication. The present case describes a 23 years old man with growth delay, dyspnoea and long evolution ascites, whose exhaustive etiological investigation led to diagnosis. Afterwards the patient underwent elective surgery with symptom and general condition improvement. Ascites differential diagnosis and its association with constrictive pericarditis are briefly reviewed in this article. <![CDATA[<b>Endoscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic alternative technique of taeniasis</b>]]> Despite a low incidence in developed countries, gastrointestinal taeniasis should be suspected in patients with abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia, and/or malabsorption of unknown origin, even more so if they come from endemic regions or areas with poor hygienic and alimentary habits. Diagnosis is traditionally reached by identifying the parasite in stools, but more recently both serological and immunological approaches are also available. Based on a patient diagnosed by gastroscopy, a literature review was undertaken of patients diagnosed by endoscopy. We discuss endoscopy as diagnostic modality, and the effectiveness and safety that endoscopic treatment may provide in view of the potential risk for neurocysticercosis.<hr/>A pesar de su baja incidencia en países desarrollados, la teniasis gastrointestinal debería sospecharse ante todo paciente con clínica de dolor abdominal, diarrea, anemia y/o malabsorción de origen desconocido, más aún si ha estado en áreas endémicas o con malas condiciones alimentarias-higiénicas. El diagnóstico tradicional es la identificación del parásito en las heces, existiendo además métodos serológicos o inmunológicos más recientes. Se revisa a raíz de un caso diagnosticado por gastroscopia, los casos reportados en la literatura que han sido diagnosticados por endoscopia y finalmente discutiremos acerca de la endoscopia como método diagnóstico, así como la eficacia y seguridad que proporcionaría el tratamiento endoscópico dado el potencial riesgo de neurocisticercosis. <![CDATA[<b>First case reported of Bouveret's syndrome associated to duodenal and biliary perforation to retroperitoneum</b>]]> We present the case of a 69 year old woman with a history of cholecystitis, who consulted for severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal CT showed duodenal obstruction caused by a gallstone, cholecystoduodenal fistula and pneumobilia, what is known as Bouveret's syndrome, a rare form of gallstone ileus. Additionally, she presented free duodenal and vesicular perforation to retroperitoneum at the same level of the cholecystoduodenal transit point. The patient underwent a difficult cholecystectomy, enterolithotomy, repair of the duodenal defect, extensive washing and drainage of the retroperitoneum. The postoperative course was uneventful except for a laparotomy infection.<hr/>Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 69 años con diagnóstico de colelitiasis, que acudió a urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal intenso, náuseas y vómitos. Un TAC abdominal mostró obstrucción duodenal causada por cálculo biliar de 4 cm, fístula colecistoduodenal y neumobilia, lo que en conjunto se conoce como síndrome de Bouveret, una forma rara de íleo biliar. Adicionalmente presentaba perforación duodenal y vesicular libre a retroperitoneo en el mismo punto de tránsito colecistoduodenal. La paciente fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, realizando colecistectomía dificultosa, enterolitotomía, reparación del defecto duodenal, lavado exhaustivo y drenaje del retroperitoneo. El postoperatorio transcurrió sin complicaciones salvo infección de la herida quirúrgica. <![CDATA[<b>Indication for liver transplantation in a patient with a history of a gastric lymphoma</b>]]> We present the case of a 69 year old woman with a history of cholecystitis, who consulted for severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal CT showed duodenal obstruction caused by a gallstone, cholecystoduodenal fistula and pneumobilia, what is known as Bouveret's syndrome, a rare form of gallstone ileus. Additionally, she presented free duodenal and vesicular perforation to retroperitoneum at the same level of the cholecystoduodenal transit point. The patient underwent a difficult cholecystectomy, enterolithotomy, repair of the duodenal defect, extensive washing and drainage of the retroperitoneum. The postoperative course was uneventful except for a laparotomy infection.<hr/>Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 69 años con diagnóstico de colelitiasis, que acudió a urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal intenso, náuseas y vómitos. Un TAC abdominal mostró obstrucción duodenal causada por cálculo biliar de 4 cm, fístula colecistoduodenal y neumobilia, lo que en conjunto se conoce como síndrome de Bouveret, una forma rara de íleo biliar. Adicionalmente presentaba perforación duodenal y vesicular libre a retroperitoneo en el mismo punto de tránsito colecistoduodenal. La paciente fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, realizando colecistectomía dificultosa, enterolitotomía, reparación del defecto duodenal, lavado exhaustivo y drenaje del retroperitoneo. El postoperatorio transcurrió sin complicaciones salvo infección de la herida quirúrgica. <![CDATA[<b><i>En bloc</i></b><b> endoscopic submucosal dissection for a giant neoplastic lesion in the duodenal bulb</b>]]> We present the case of a 69 year old woman with a history of cholecystitis, who consulted for severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal CT showed duodenal obstruction caused by a gallstone, cholecystoduodenal fistula and pneumobilia, what is known as Bouveret's syndrome, a rare form of gallstone ileus. Additionally, she presented free duodenal and vesicular perforation to retroperitoneum at the same level of the cholecystoduodenal transit point. The patient underwent a difficult cholecystectomy, enterolithotomy, repair of the duodenal defect, extensive washing and drainage of the retroperitoneum. The postoperative course was uneventful except for a laparotomy infection.<hr/>Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 69 años con diagnóstico de colelitiasis, que acudió a urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal intenso, náuseas y vómitos. Un TAC abdominal mostró obstrucción duodenal causada por cálculo biliar de 4 cm, fístula colecistoduodenal y neumobilia, lo que en conjunto se conoce como síndrome de Bouveret, una forma rara de íleo biliar. Adicionalmente presentaba perforación duodenal y vesicular libre a retroperitoneo en el mismo punto de tránsito colecistoduodenal. La paciente fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, realizando colecistectomía dificultosa, enterolitotomía, reparación del defecto duodenal, lavado exhaustivo y drenaje del retroperitoneo. El postoperatorio transcurrió sin complicaciones salvo infección de la herida quirúrgica. <![CDATA[<b>Pharmaceutical costs for inflammatory bowel disease units</b>: <b>an issue for department heads? The GESTIONAEII survey</b>]]> We present the case of a 69 year old woman with a history of cholecystitis, who consulted for severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal CT showed duodenal obstruction caused by a gallstone, cholecystoduodenal fistula and pneumobilia, what is known as Bouveret's syndrome, a rare form of gallstone ileus. Additionally, she presented free duodenal and vesicular perforation to retroperitoneum at the same level of the cholecystoduodenal transit point. The patient underwent a difficult cholecystectomy, enterolithotomy, repair of the duodenal defect, extensive washing and drainage of the retroperitoneum. The postoperative course was uneventful except for a laparotomy infection.<hr/>Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 69 años con diagnóstico de colelitiasis, que acudió a urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal intenso, náuseas y vómitos. Un TAC abdominal mostró obstrucción duodenal causada por cálculo biliar de 4 cm, fístula colecistoduodenal y neumobilia, lo que en conjunto se conoce como síndrome de Bouveret, una forma rara de íleo biliar. Adicionalmente presentaba perforación duodenal y vesicular libre a retroperitoneo en el mismo punto de tránsito colecistoduodenal. La paciente fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, realizando colecistectomía dificultosa, enterolitotomía, reparación del defecto duodenal, lavado exhaustivo y drenaje del retroperitoneo. El postoperatorio transcurrió sin complicaciones salvo infección de la herida quirúrgica. <![CDATA[<b><i>In memoriam</i></b><b>" José Antonio Solís Herruzo (1939-2016)</b>]]> We present the case of a 69 year old woman with a history of cholecystitis, who consulted for severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal CT showed duodenal obstruction caused by a gallstone, cholecystoduodenal fistula and pneumobilia, what is known as Bouveret's syndrome, a rare form of gallstone ileus. Additionally, she presented free duodenal and vesicular perforation to retroperitoneum at the same level of the cholecystoduodenal transit point. The patient underwent a difficult cholecystectomy, enterolithotomy, repair of the duodenal defect, extensive washing and drainage of the retroperitoneum. The postoperative course was uneventful except for a laparotomy infection.<hr/>Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 69 años con diagnóstico de colelitiasis, que acudió a urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal intenso, náuseas y vómitos. Un TAC abdominal mostró obstrucción duodenal causada por cálculo biliar de 4 cm, fístula colecistoduodenal y neumobilia, lo que en conjunto se conoce como síndrome de Bouveret, una forma rara de íleo biliar. Adicionalmente presentaba perforación duodenal y vesicular libre a retroperitoneo en el mismo punto de tránsito colecistoduodenal. La paciente fue intervenida quirúrgicamente, realizando colecistectomía dificultosa, enterolitotomía, reparación del defecto duodenal, lavado exhaustivo y drenaje del retroperitoneo. El postoperatorio transcurrió sin complicaciones salvo infección de la herida quirúrgica.