Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 109 num. 10 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy</b>: <b>should we move on to single- and double-balloon enteroscopy techniques?</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy using single-balloon enteroscopy without fluoroscopy</b>: <b>a case series</b>]]> Background: Direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (DPEJ) is a useful method to provide enteral nutrition to individuals when gastric feeding is not possible or contraindicated. The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy and safety of DPEJ tube placement with the Gauderer-Ponsky technique by the pull method, using single-balloon enteroscopy (SBE) without fluoroscopy. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of patients undergoing SBE for DPEJ placement in a referral hospital between January 2010 and March 2016. Technical success, clinical success and procedure related complications were recorded. Results: Twenty-three patients were included (17 males, median age 71 years, range 37-93 years). The most frequent indications for DPEJ were gastroesophageal cancer (n = 10) and neurological disease (n = 8). Eighty-seven percent of the patients had a contraindication to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) and PEG was unsuccessful in the remaining patients. The technical success rate was 83% (19/23), transillumination was not possible in three patients and an accidental exteriorization of the bumper resulting in a jejunal perforation occurred in one patient. The clinical success was 100% (19/19). The median follow-up was five months (range 1-35 months). Apart from the case of jejunal perforation and the two cases of accidental exteriorization, there were no other complications during follow-up. The 6-month survival was 65.8% and the 1-year survival was 49.3%. Conclusion: DPEJ can be carried out successfully via SBE without fluoroscopy with a low rate of significant adverse events. Although, leaving the overtube in place during the bumper pulling can be useful for distal jejunal loops, it can be safely removed in proximal loops to minimize complications. <![CDATA[<b>Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in cystic fibrosis</b>: <b>dose, variability and coefficient of fat absorption</b>]]> Objectives: Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) remains a backbone in the nutritional treatment of cystic fibrosis. Currently, there is a lack of an evidence-based tool that allows dose adjustment. To date, no studies have found an association between PERT dose and fat absorption. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the influence of both the PERT dose and the variability in this dose on the coefficient of fat absorption (CFA). Methods: This is a retrospective longitudinal study of 16 pediatric patients (192 food records) with three consecutive visits to the hospital over a twelve-month period. Dietary fat intake and PERT were assessed via a four-day food record and fat content in stools was determined by means of a three-day stool sample collection. A beta regression model was built to explain the association between the CFA and the interaction between the PERT dose (lipase units [LU]/g dietary fat) and the variability in the PERT dose (standard deviation [SD]). Results: The coefficient of fat absorption increased with the PERT dose when the variability in the dose was low. In contrast, even at the highest PERT dose values, the CFA decreased when the variability was high. The confidence interval suggested an association, although the analysis was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The variability in the PERT dose adjustment should be taken into consideration when performing studies on PERT efficiency. A clinical goal should be the maintenance of a constant PERT dose rather than trying to obtain an optimal value. <![CDATA[<b>Treatment persistence during therapeutic sequences with adalimumab and infliximab in the treatment of Crohn's disease</b>]]> Background and aim: Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have demonstrated efficacy and safety in the treatment Crohn's disease (CD). However, the loss of response over time means that they are usually used sequentially. The aim of this study was to compare treatment persistence with different sequences of TNF inhibitors in patients with active luminal CD. Methods: A Markov model (3-month cycles) was developed to simulate the therapeutic sequences of beginning biological treatment with infliximab or adalimumab, with a time horizon of three years. Each state of the model represented treatment (induction, standard dose or escalated dose) with each TNF inhibitor or the state without biological treatment. The transition probabilities between states were determined by the clinical response to TNF inhibitors obtained from the literature. The likelihood of discontinuation due to adverse effects was also considered. Results: After three years, the percentage of CD patients receiving infliximab and adalimumab as a first TNF inhibitor that remained in treatment was 52.8% and 59.3% (p = 0.1) respectively. Median time to discontinuation of the standard dose was 26.26 months in patients who started with adalimumab and 24.39 months in patients who started with infliximab. Conclusion: In the model, there were no significant differences in persistence after three years with the initial drug among patients with active luminal CD starting treatment with infliximab or adalimumab. <![CDATA[<b>Is it possible to predict the presence of colorectal cancer in a blood test?</b>: <b>a probabilistic approach method</b>]]> Introduction: The assessment of the state of immunosurveillance (the ability of the organism to prevent the development of neoplasias) in the blood has prognostic implications of interest in colorectal cancer. We evaluated and quantified a possible predictive character of the disease in a blood test using a mathematical interaction index of several blood parameters. The predictive capacity of the index to detect colorectal cancer was also assessed. Methods: We performed a retrospective case-control study of a comparative analysis of the distribution of blood parameters in 266 patients with colorectal cancer and 266 healthy patients during the period from 2009 to 2013. Results: Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between patients with colorectal cancer and the control group in terms of platelet counts, fibrinogen, total leukocytes, neutrophils, systemic immunovigilance indexes (neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio), hemoglobin, hematocrit and eosinophil levels. These differences allowed the design of a blood analytical profile that calculates the risk of colorectal cancer. This risk profile can be quantified via a mathematical formula with a probabilistic capacity to identify patients with the highest risk of the presence of colorectal cancer (area under the ROC curve = 0.85). Conclusions: We showed that a colorectal cancer predictive character exists in blood which can be quantified by an interaction index of several blood parameters. The design and development of interaction indexes of blood parameters constitutes an interesting research line for the development and improvement of programs for the screening of colorectal cancer.<hr/>Introducción: la valoración del estado de inmunovigilancia (capacidad del organismo para evitar el desarrollo de neoplasias) en el análisis sanguíneo presenta connotaciones pronósticas de interés en el cáncer colorrectal. Evaluamos un posible carácter predictivo de la enfermedad en el análisis sanguíneo y su cuantificación mediante el diseño de un índice de interacción matemático entre varios parámetros sanguíneos, con capacidad predictiva probabilística de presencia de la enfermedad. Método: estudio casos y controles de análisis comparativo de la distribución de parámetros sanguíneos, sobre 266 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal y 266 pacientes sanos, durante el periodo comprendido entre 2009-2013. Resultados: los sujetos con cáncer colorrectal presentaron, con respecto a los controles, diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) en los niveles de plaquetas, fibrinógeno, leucocitos totales, neutrófilos, índices de inmunovigilancia sistémica (ratio neutrófilo/linfocito y ratio plaqueta/linfocito), hemoglobina, hematocrito y eosinófilos. Estas diferencias permitieron el diseño de un perfil analítico sanguíneo de riesgo de enfermedad, cuantificable mediante la aplicación de una fórmula matemática con capacidad de identificación probabilística de los sujetos con mayor riesgo de presencia de enfermedad (área bajo la curva del espacio ROC = 0,85). Conclusiones: Ante la posible existencia de un carácter predictivo de presencia de cáncer colorrectal en el análisis sanguíneo, mostramos que es posible su cuantificación mediante el diseño de un índice de interacción entre varios parámetros sanguíneos. El diseño y desarrollo de índices de interacción entre parámetros sanguíneos constituye una línea de investigación de interés para el desarrollo y mejora de programas de cribado de la enfermedad. <![CDATA[<b>The Baveno VI criteria for predicting esophageal varices</b>: <b>validation in real life practice</b>]]> Background and aims: According to the Baveno VI consensus, patients with liver stiffness < 20 kPa and a platelet count &gt; 150,000 ul have very low risk of clinically significant varices and do not need a screening endoscopy. The aim of this study was to evaluate non-invasive methods as predictors of esophageal varices according to the Baveno VI recommendations, in real life clinical practice. Methods: Retrospective evaluation of patients with chronic liver disease who underwent transient elastography between January 2013 and December 2015. Results: One hundred and four patients were included in the study, the median age was 56.8 years and 69.2% were male. The etiology of liver disease was hepatitis C in 80% of patients (including 20% with HIV co-infection), alcohol in 12%, hepatitis B in 4% and other causes in 5%. Varices were present in 25% of patients. A liver stiffness < 20 kPa had a sensitivity of 92.3% and a specificity of 84.6%. When considering high risk varices (small with red wales or large varices), a liver stiffness < 20 kPa had 100% sensitivity. A platelet count &gt; 150,000/l had a sensitivity of 84.6% and a specificity of 64.1%. Four patients with a platelet count (PLT) &gt; 150,000/l had esophageal varices. When both criteria were applied to the patient cohort, according to the Baveno VI consensus, the sensitivity was 100% and the specificity, 61.5%. Conclusion: In this study, the Baveno VI criteria had 100% sensitivity but a relatively low specificity for the non-invasive diagnosis of esophageal varices. In clinical practice, all patients with varices are identified but many patients have a subsequent negative endoscopy. <![CDATA[<b>Is cholecystectomy the treatment of choice for acute acalculous cholecystitis?</b>: <b>a systematic review of the literature</b>]]> Background and objectives: There is currently no consensus with regard to the use of cholecystectomy or percutaneous cholecystostomy as the therapy of choice for acute acalculous cholecystitis. The goal of this study was to review the scientific evidence on the management of these patients according to clinical and radiographic findings. Methods: A systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2016 was performed. The databases of PubMed, Índice Médico Español, Cochrane Library and Embase were searched according to the following inclusion criteria: publication language (English or Spanish), adult patients, acalculous etiology and appropriate study design. Results: A total of 1,013 articles were identified and ten articles were selected for review. These included five observational controlled studies and five case series which described the outcome of patients treated with percutaneous cholecystostomy and emergency cholecystectomy. No prospective or randomized studies were identified using the search criteria. The data from the literature and analysis of results suggested that percutaneous cholecystostomy may be a definitive therapy for acute acalculous cholecystitis with no need for subsequent elective cholecystectomy. Conclusions: Percutaneous cholecystostomy may be the first treatment option for patients with acute acalculous cholecystitis except in cases with a perforation or gallbladder gangrene. Patients at low surgical risk may benefit from cholecystectomy but both treatment options may be effective. Percutaneous cholecystostomy in patients with acute acalculous cholecystitis may be a definitive therapy with no need for a subsequent elective cholecystectomy. However, the overall quality of studies is low and the final recommendations should be considered with caution.<hr/>Introducción y objetivos: actualmente no existe consenso entre colecistectomía o colecistostomía percutánea como elección terapéutica en la colecistitis aguda alitiásica. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es revisar la evidencia científica acerca del tratamiento en estos pacientes según los hallazgos clínicos y radiológicos. Métodos: revisión sistemática de la literatura desde 2000 hasta 2016. La búsqueda se realizó usando PubMed, Índice Médico Español, Cochrane Library y Embase, siguiendo nuestros criterios de inclusión: idioma de publicación (inglés o español), pacientes adultos, etiología alitiásica y apropiado diseño de estudio. Resultados: se han identificado 1.013 artículos; finalmente, se han seleccionado para la revisión diez artículos que describían los resultados de pacientes tratados con colecistostomía percutánea y colecistectomía urgente, incluyendo cinco estudios observacionales controlados y cinco series de casos. No se han identificado estudios prospectivos o randomizados con los criterios de búsqueda. Los datos de la literatura y el examen de los resultados indicaron que, para la colecistitis aguda alitiásica, la colecistostomía percutánea puede ser un tratamiento definitivo sin requerir una colecistectomía electiva posterior. Conclusiones: la colecistostomía percutánea puede ser la primera opción de tratamiento en pacientes con colecistitis aguda alitiásica salvo en los casos que presenten perforación o gangrena vesicular. Los pacientes con bajo riesgo quirúrgico podrían beneficiarse de una colecistectomía, aunque ambas opciones de tratamiento pueden ser efectivas. La colecistostomía percutánea en pacientes con colecistitis aguda alitiásica puede ser un tratamiento definitivo sin necesidad de una colecistectomía electiva posterior. No obstante, la calidad de los estudios es, en general, baja y hace necesario tomar con cautela las recomendaciones finales. <![CDATA[<b>Per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)</b>: <b>a new endoscopic treatment for achalasia</b>]]> Background/aims: Per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) is a new minimally invasive technique to treat achalasia. Methods: We performed a review of the literature of POEM with a special focus on technical details and the results obtained with this technique in patients with achalasia and other esophageal motility disorders. Results: Thousands of POEM procedures have been performed worldwide since its introduction in 2008. The procedure is based on the creation of a mucosal entry point in the proximal esophagus to reach the cardia through a submucosal tunnel and then perform a myotomy of the muscular layers of the cardia, esophagogastric junction and distal esophagus, as performed in a Heller myotomy. The clinical remission rate ranges from 82 to 100%. Although no randomized studies exist and available data are from single-center studies, no differences have been found between laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM) and POEM in terms of perioperative outcomes, short-term outcomes (12 months) and long-term outcomes (up to three years). Procedure time and length of hospital stay were lower for POEM. Post-POEM reflux is a concern, and controversial data have been reported compared to LHM. The technique is safe, with no reported deaths related to the procedure and an adverse event rate comparable to surgery. Potential complications include bleeding, perforation, aspiration and insufflation-related adverse events. Thus, this is a complex technique that needs specific training even in expert hands. The indication for this procedure is widening and other motor hypercontractil esophageal disorders have been treated by POEM with promising results. POEM can be performed in complicated situations such as in pediatric patients, sigmoid achalasia or after failure of previous treatments. Conclusions: POEM is an effective treatment for achalasia and is a promising tool for other motor esophageal disorders. It is a safe procedure but, due to its technical difficulty and possible associated complications, the procedure should be performed in referral centers by trained endoscopists. <![CDATA[<b>Hemosuccus pancreaticus secondary to pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery</b>]]> Background/aims: Per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) is a new minimally invasive technique to treat achalasia. Methods: We performed a review of the literature of POEM with a special focus on technical details and the results obtained with this technique in patients with achalasia and other esophageal motility disorders. Results: Thousands of POEM procedures have been performed worldwide since its introduction in 2008. The procedure is based on the creation of a mucosal entry point in the proximal esophagus to reach the cardia through a submucosal tunnel and then perform a myotomy of the muscular layers of the cardia, esophagogastric junction and distal esophagus, as performed in a Heller myotomy. The clinical remission rate ranges from 82 to 100%. Although no randomized studies exist and available data are from single-center studies, no differences have been found between laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM) and POEM in terms of perioperative outcomes, short-term outcomes (12 months) and long-term outcomes (up to three years). Procedure time and length of hospital stay were lower for POEM. Post-POEM reflux is a concern, and controversial data have been reported compared to LHM. The technique is safe, with no reported deaths related to the procedure and an adverse event rate comparable to surgery. Potential complications include bleeding, perforation, aspiration and insufflation-related adverse events. Thus, this is a complex technique that needs specific training even in expert hands. The indication for this procedure is widening and other motor hypercontractil esophageal disorders have been treated by POEM with promising results. POEM can be performed in complicated situations such as in pediatric patients, sigmoid achalasia or after failure of previous treatments. Conclusions: POEM is an effective treatment for achalasia and is a promising tool for other motor esophageal disorders. It is a safe procedure but, due to its technical difficulty and possible associated complications, the procedure should be performed in referral centers by trained endoscopists. <![CDATA[<b>Use of self-expanding nitinol stents in the pediatric management of refractory esophageal caustic stenosis</b>]]> Background: The treatment of recurrent esophageal stricture secondary to the ingestion of a caustic agent is an arduous task. Self-expanding esophageal stents may be an alternative to repeated endoscopic esophageal dilations. Case report: We present the case of a two-year-old male with a severe and long esophageal stricture successfully treated by the combination of dilations and stent placement. After five months of serial pneumatic dilations, three self-expanding nitinol stents internally coated with silicone were introduced through a gastrostomy, covering the entire esophagus. The procedure was performed under endoscopic and radiological guidance. Three months later, the treatment was repeated with a single stent. A new stenosis in the proximal esophagus required surgical resection, and anastomosis followed by two pneumatic dilations for five months resulted in longer intervals where the patient was asymptomatic. Discussion: The results obtained were satisfactory, allowing the patient to conserve and use his own esophagus. However, this is a unique case and the optimal maintenance time and withdrawal time of the stent must be determined.<hr/>Introducción: el tratamiento de la estenosis esofágica recurrente secundaria a la ingesta de un cáustico supone una ardua tarea. Los stents esofágicos autoexpandibles pueden ser una alternativa a las dilataciones esofágicas endoscópicas repetidas. Caso clínico: presentamos el caso de un varón de dos años de edad que presenta una estenosis esofágica severa de gran extensión tratada con éxito mediante la combinación de dilataciones y colocación de stents. Después de cinco meses de dilataciones neumáticas seriadas, se introdujeron a través de una gastrostomía tres stents autoexpandibles de nitinol recubiertos internamente de silicona, cubriendo todo el esófago. El procedimiento se realizó bajo control endoscópico y radiológico. Tres meses después fue necesario repetir el tratamiento con un único stent. Una nueva estenosis en esófago proximal necesitó resección quirúrgica y anastomosis seguida de dos dilataciones neumáticas con intervalos asintomáticos progresivamente más largos durante cinco meses. Discusión: los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, ya que permiten al paciente conservar y utilizar su propio esófago. Sin embargo, este es un caso único y debe determinarse el tiempo óptimo de mantenimiento y el momento retirada del stent. <![CDATA[<b>Hepatocolic fistula managed with a novel Padlock<sup>®</sup> device for endoscopic closure</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol. <![CDATA[<b>Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients without advanced fibrosis after eradication of HCV with antiviral treatment</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol. <![CDATA[<b>Hypersensitivity to azathioprine in a patient with Crohn's disease</b>: <b>a case report</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol. <![CDATA[<b>Canalicular cholestasis induced by anabolic steroids</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol. <![CDATA[<b>Lactulose enemas in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy</b>: <b>do we help or harm?</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol. <![CDATA[<b>A patient with Castleman's disease mimicking acute pancreatitis</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol. <![CDATA[<b>Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors</b>: <b>prognostic factors</b>]]> Recent advances in endoscopic therapeutics allow conditions such as fistulas of the digestive system to be treated endoscopically. These cases were recently managed with surgery. The Padlock® system includes a nitinol clip that was recently introduced for endoscopic therapy. There are few reports with regard to its use in the daily clinical practice. We report a case of a colonic fistula that was endoscopically managed with this novel over-the-scope nitinol clip system.<hr/>El avance de la terapéutica endoscópica está permitiendo abordar patologías que hasta hace poco quedaban reservadas al tratamiento quirúrgico, como las fístulas digestivas. El sistema Padlock® consiste en un clip de nitinol introducido recientemente para terapéutica endoscópica. Hasta el momento, son pocas las comunicaciones sobre su utilización en la práctica diaria. Presentamos un caso de fístula colónica tratada mediante este nuevo sistema de clip endoscópico de nitinol.