Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria]]> vol. 19 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Diabetes in prisons</b>: <b>improving its management</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Prison nursing</b>: <b>legal framework and care reality</b>]]> Introduction: Penitentiary Nursing has experienced during the last decades a deep transformation similar to that experienced by the rest of the Nursing. However, there is a great distance from the protective legislation. Objective: To analyze the main legal documents which regulate the functions of Penitentiary Nursing and to compare it with the health care reality of nurses in Spanish prisons. Methodology: Narrative bibliographic review based on various sources such as Medline, Cuiden, Scielo, Dialnet, etc. Results: Is selected 43 documents, due to its relevance with the theme object of study. Is rejected 4 articles for lack of the same. Analyzed documents regarding legal framework and functions of nursing in prisons in its different sections (health care, teaching, research and management). Conclusion: The functions currently carried out in prisons are the ones provided for by health care legislation outside the prison context, along with the internal administrative regulations established by prisons. The possibility should be reconsidered of integrating Prison Healthcare into the Public Healthcare System so as to guarantee equality of healthcare for persons deprived of liberty and to provide the same rights and obligations to health professionals working in this sector. <![CDATA[<b>Impact on the psychotic vulnerability of the therapeutic approachin the Prison Psychiatric Hospital in Seville (Spain)</b>]]> Objectives: to analyze changes in psychotic vulnerability following the implementation of a program of prison psychiatric treatment, recidivism after the release and various descriptive variables of criminological interest. Materials and methods: review of a sample consisting of 50 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia admitted to the Prison Psychiatric Hospital of Seville. Results: there was a statistically significant reduction of psychotic vulnerability according to an assessment using the Frankfurt psychopathological inventory (FBF-3), after conducting a complete psychiatric, psychological, social and rehabilitation approach in the prison environment. The core symptoms relating to complex perception and language also decreased significantly. The reduction is particularly noticeable in the number of patients categorized as medium-high and high severity. Recidivism in the follow-up of release of patients in the study sample is low (6%) and there were no cases of serious felony or grievous bodily harm. Recidivism, when it occurs, is not immediate. Although there is some criminal versatility, it is limited. The most frequent victims are parents with a previous relationship with the patient. Most of the patients in the sample, and all recidivists, have comorbid substance abuse (dual diagnosis). Discussion: we need more comprehensive studies to establish causal relationships between the decrease in psychotic vulnerability and an integrated psychiatric, psychological, social and rehabilitation approach in prisons; or to attribute the low rate of recidivism to the decline of psychotic vulnerability. <![CDATA[<b>Oral anticoagulation in primary care</b>]]> Oral anticoagulant therapy is currently widespread in the population and primary care plays an important role in its control in Spain. Younger populations, such as those in prisons, often require this treatment for reasons other than atrial fibrillation, often in relation to valvular or congenital or acquired hypercoagulability situations. The possibility of obtaining the INR by portable coagulometers has allowed primary care physicians to tackle the indication of this therapy and the control of these patients in coordination with haematology services. The emergence of new therapeutic alternatives (Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, Apixaban and Edoxaban, the so called "ACOD") has permitted the expansion of options for oral anticoagulation in some cases, since they do not require systematic monitoring of their effect and interact with far fewer drugs than their predecessors, although there are still restrictions by the health authorities on their widespread use. This article reviews the different indications of oral anticoagulant therapy according to the new recommendations as well as the clinical scenarios in which it should be used. <![CDATA[<b>Fibromuscular dysplasia</b>: <b>unusual cause of abdominal pain</b>]]> Spontaneous dissection of the renal artery is a rare phenomenon, and is more common amongst men. It is not a frequent cause of abdominal pain², which is why diagnosis is often late. The case under study is a 45 year old patient that presented sudden pain in the left renal fossa of 12 hours evolution, with no findings from the basic laboratory tests (lab testing, urinary sediment and ultrasound), an abdominal CAT was therefore carried out, which showed areas of renal infarction, as well as an emergency arteriogram, which gave findings of a possible Fibromuscular Dysplasia of the left intrarenal artery as the first diagnostic probability with a partially thrombosed focal dissection.