Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal (Internet)]]> vol. 11 num. 5 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[Bisphosphonates and Oral Pathology I: General and preventive aspects]]> Los bisfosfonatos constituyen un grupo de fármacos capaces de modular el recambio óseo y disminuir su remodelado cuando existe una reabsorción excesiva. Por ello están indicados en numerosas patologías óseas como la osteoporosis postmenopáusica o la osteolisis asociada al cáncer de mama o al mieloma múltiple. En los últimos años y a raíz de su utilización masiva se han ido publicando numerosos casos de complicaciones asociadas a su uso. Entre los posibles efectos adversos más importantes se encuentran los orales, con la aparición de ulceraciones y sobre todo los casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociados a esta terapéutica. En esta revisión analizamos las características generales de estos medicamentos y su mecanismo de actuación, así como los efectos adversos descritos, especialmente los orales y maxilofaciales, haciendo una referencia especial sobre la prevención de la osteonecrosis de los maxilares, a la luz de los casos descritos en la literatura médica y odontológica. El protocolo preventivo refuerza el papel fundamental del odontólogo en la prevención efectiva de este proceso antes, durante y después del tratamiento.<hr/>Bisphosphonates constitute a group of drugs capable of modulating bone turnover, and reduce its remodelling when an excessive resorption occurs. This is why they are indicated in a large group of bone diseases like postmenopausal osteoporosis or osteolisis associated with breast cancer or multiple myeloma. Over the last years and due to their extensive use, many cases of complications associated with their use have been published. Among the most important possible adeverse effects are the oral ones, with the appearance of ulcerations and, especially, osteonecrosis of the jaws associated with this therapy. In this paper, we have analyzed the general characteristics of these drugs and their mechanisms of action as well as the described adverse effects, especially oral and maxillofacial has been made special reference regarding the prevention of osteonecrosis of the jaws, hightened by cases described in medical and odontological literature. The preventive protocol backs up the fundamental role of the odontologist in the effective prevention of this process before, during and after the treatment. <![CDATA[Spindle cell lipoma of the floor of the mouth: A case report]]> A sessile swelling in the floor of the mouth appeared three years ago in a 29-year old Caucasian female located laterally to the opening of the right duct of Wharton. The mass covered by normal looking mucosa exhibited slight growth since then. After excision, histological examination revealed the presence of a tumor formed by areas of mature adipose cells interspersed with extensions of tightly disposed fusiform fibroblasts immunoreactive for vimentin and CD-34. There were foci of concentric fibroblasts forming dense whorls. When large these conglomerates exhibited chondrocytes in the center. Mast-cells were not rare throughout the fibroblastic areas. No signs of malignancy occurred. These features led to the diagnosis of a spindle cell lipoma with chondrous metaplasia. The relative rarity of such a tumor in this location, especially in the chondrous variety, was considered worth of presentation, while the differential diagnosis with other intraoral tumors, namely mucoceles, dermoid cysts, mesenchimomas, fibromas and myxomas of the floor of the mouth, is discussed. <![CDATA[Darier disease: case report with oral manifestations]]> Darier disease, also known as keratosis follicularis or dyskeratosis follicularis, is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis. It is clinically manifested by hyperkeratotic papules primarily affecting seborrheic areas on the head, neck and thorax, with less frequent involvement of the oral mucosa. When oral manifestations are present, they primarily affect the palatal and alveolar mucosa, are usually asymptomatic, and are discovered in routine dental examination. Histologically, the lesions present suprabasal clefts in the epithelium with acantholytic and dyskeratotic cells represented by corps ronds and corps grains. This paper reports a case of an adult male patient presenting clinical signs of Darier disease in the palatal mucosa and skin on the neck and upper limbs. Intraoral biopsy of the affected area, analysis of family history and evaluation by a multidisciplinary team led to the diagnosis of Darier disease. Dental professionals and pathologists should be aware of these lesions to allow correct diagnosis and proper management of this disease. <![CDATA[The relationship between the levels of salivary cortisol and the presence of xerostomia in menopausal women: A preliminary study]]> La xerostomía es un síntoma especialmente frecuente en las mujeres en torno a la menopausia, que se asocia en muchas ocasiones con estados depresivos. Objetivos: Valorar la relación entre las cifras del flujo salival total no estimulado y la presencia de xerostomía, y determinar los niveles de cortisol salival y su relación con la misma. Diseño del estudio: Se seleccionaron 30 mujeres de los pacientes que acuden al Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Bucofacial y se formaron dos grupos, estudio y control. Se recogieron muestras de flujo salival total no estimulado y mediante técnica de ELISA se determinaron las cifras de cortisol salival. Resultados: Las medias de flujo salival total no estimulado para el grupo control y estudio fueron de 0.37± 0.28 ml/min. y de 0.24± 0.18 ml/min. respectivamente. La concentración de cortisol salival fue de 3.47± 1.64 ng/ml. para el grupo control y de 2.29± 2.60 ng/ml. para el grupo estudio. Las pruebas estadísticas aplicadas no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos del estudio para ambas variables. Conclusiones: Los resultados del presente estudio indican que no existe relación entre las variaciones en el flujo salival total no estimulado y las concentraciones de cortisol correspondientes.<hr/>Xerostomia is a particularly frequent occurrence among menopausal women, and is often associated with depression. Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between unstimulated salivary flow rate and the presence of xerostomia, and to determine the levels of salivary cortisol and its relationship with xerostomia. Study design: Thirty women were selected from patients attending the Department of Medicine and Buccofacial surgery, and formed into two groups, study and control. Samples of unstimulated salivary flow were collected, and the amounts of salivary cortisol determined using the ELISA technique (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Results: The mean unstimulated salivary flow rates for the control and study group were 0.37 ± 0.28 ml/min and 0.24 ± 0.18 ml/min, respectively. The concentration of salivary cortisol was 3.47 ± 1.64 ng/ml for the control group and 2.29 ± 2.60 ng/ml for the study group. The statistical tests applied showed no significant differences for either variable between the two groups in the study. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that there is no relationship between variations in the rates of unstimulated salivary flow and the corresponding concentration of cortisol. <![CDATA[Computed tomography of the TMJ in diagnosis of ankylosis: two case reports]]> La anquilosis de la articulación temporomandibular es definida como la abolición o limitación de los movimientos de dicha articulación. Radiográficamente la anquilosis demuestra aspectos bien característicos que facilitan el diagnóstico, sin embargo, su análisis en las técnicas radiográficas convencionales, en la mayoría de las veces, no se presenta de forma clara. Con la evolución de las técnicas radiográficas, la tomografía computarizada pasó a ser un examen de gran importancia en el diagnóstico de las anquilosis temporomandibulares. En vista de ello, el presente trabajo se propone mostrar y describir imágenes tomográficas de la anquilosis de esta articulación, presentando dos casos clínicos, utilizando diversos planos, como el axial y el coronal, además del uso de la reconstrucción sagital y en 3D, con la finalidad de orientar una correcta indicación e interpretación de este examen, el cual representa una valiosa herramienta para los profesionales de la Odontología.<hr/>Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint is characterized by restriction or limitation of mandibular movement. It presents as a classic symptom a limited range of motion on opening. Radiographically, ankylosis presents features that facilitate the diagnosis. However, its visualization is not clear in most of the cases involving conventional radiographic techniques. With the evolution of radiographic techniques, computed tomography (CT) became an important examination in the diagnosis of the ankylosis of temporomandibular joint. Due to the increasing use of the CT and its importance in the diagnosis of this disease, the aim of this paper is to present and describe tomographic images of ankylosis of this joint by presenting two clinical cases, using several slices as axial, coronal, and three-dimensional reformatted images. <![CDATA[Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the dorsum of the tongue: Presentation of a case]]> El carcinoma adenoideo quístico es la neoplasia maligna de glándulas salivales menores más frecuente (76.5%), se caracteriza clínicamente por ser de crecimiento lento, la localización más frecuente es el paladar duro. Histopatológicamente presenta tres patrones, cribiforme, tubular y sólido; el tipo sólido esta relacionado con un pobre pronóstico a diferencia del tipo cribiforme que tiene un mejor pronóstico. El tratamiento de elección es la excisión quirúrgica con márgenes amplios y cuando existe metástasis a nódulos linfáticos está indicada la radioterapia posquirúrgica. Se presenta el caso clínico de un hombre de 19 años de edad con recidiva de lesión en dorso de lengua y diagnóstico previo de adenoma monomorfo. En la segunda biopsia se diagnostica como carcinoma adenoideo quístico, por lo que probablemente hubo un error en el diagnóstico original, se decide usar inmunohistoquímica: CALP, CEA, Antígeno Epitelial de Membrana, Proteína Ácido Fibrilar Glial, Ki67, las cuales se observaron positivas en diferentes intensidades, lo que corroboró el diagnóstico de carcinoma adenoideo quístico. El paciente presentó recidiva después de 2 años.<hr/>Adenoid cystic carcinoma is the most frequent malignant neoplasm of minor salivary glands (76.5%); it is clinically characterized by slow growth, and its most frequent localization is the hard palate. Histopathologically it presents three patterns, cribriform, tubular and solid; the solid type is related to a poor prognostic contrary to the cribriform type, which has a better prognosis. Surgical excision with wide margins is the treatment of choice, if it metastasizes to lymph nodules, post surgical radiotherapy is recommended. A 19 year-old man presented a recurrent lesion on the dorsum of the tongue previously diagnosed as monomorphic adenoma. In a second biopsy it was diagnosed as adenoid cystic carcinoma. The following immunohistochemical studies were ordered: CALP, CEA, Epithelial Membrane Antigen, Glial Fibrilar Acid Protein, Ki67; all of these studies were positive and with different intensities, corroborating the diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma. The patient had a recurrence after 2 years. <![CDATA[Oral manifestations of Cowden’s disease: Presentation of a clinical case]]> El Síndrome de Cowden o síndrome de hamartomas múltiples es una genodermatosis que se hereda de forma autosómica dominante, caracterizada por la presencia de múltiples hamartomas cutáneos, fibromas orales y queratosis acras benignas. Afecta a múltiples órganos (mama, tiroides, estómago o colon), pudiéndose presentar en estos órganos neoplasias malignas. Presentamos un caso de este síndrome, por su rareza y por presentar unas características clínicas que se deben conocer para que a partir de un diagnóstico de sospecha podamos llegar a un diagnóstico precoz de esta enfermedad, hecho este de gran importancia pues son frecuentes los tumores en las personas que padecen este cuadro clínico.<hr/>Cowden’s disease, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis, characterized by the presence of multiple cutaneous hamartomas, oral fibromas and benign acral keratosis. It affects multiple organs (breast, thyroids, stomach, colon), with the strong possibility of malignant neoplasia developing in these organs. We present a case of this rare syndrome, highlighting the presentation of some clinical characteristics that, in suspected cases, can help to establish an early diagnosis of this disease, this being of great importance given the high frequency of tumors in people with this clinical picture. <![CDATA[Granular cell tumor: report of 8 intraoral cases]]> El Tumor de células granulares es una neoplasia de origen controvertido que puede aparecer en múltiples localizaciones corporales, incluyendo la región orofacial. El comportamiento de este infrecuente tumor es benigno en la mayor parte de los casos, aunque en ocasiones puede presentar agresividad local e incluso malignidad con afectación a distancia. Su etiología es actualmente solo parcialmente conocida y ha generado controversia desde sus primeras descripciones teorizando sobre un origen muscular, conectivo, etc o neural. En este trabajo se presentan 8 casos clínicos con localización intraoral, correspondientes a 5 mujeres y 3 hombres, con una edad media de 36,1 años y en los que la localización principal fue la lengua (75%) y el tiempo medio de evolución de las lesiones fue de 8,3 meses. En todos los casos se realizó una exéresis de la lesión bajo anestesia local, con márgenes de seguridad adecuados y las muestras fueron procesadas para su estudio histopatológico. Los principales aspectos clinicopatológicos y diagnósticos en relación con esta patología son revisados y discutidos.<hr/>Granular cell tumor (GCT) is an uncommon neoplasm of controversial origin that can appear in any corporal localization, including the orofacial region. Although aggressive and malignant variants of this neoplasm have been described, most of GCTs are benign. In spite of the amount of research, the etiology of this neoplasm remains unclear and its histogenesis and its possible muscular, conective or neural origin has been broadly debated. In this paper 8 oral cases are presented, corresponding to 5 women and 3 men, with a mean age of 36.1 years old and a mean time of evolution of the lesions of 8.3 months. The most common localization was the tongue (75%). In all the cases a resection with safety margins of the lesions was carried out under local anesthesia. The samples were fixed and processed for histopathological study. The main clinicopathologic and diagnostic features of this neoplasm are reviewed and discussed. <![CDATA[Update in dental implant periapical surgery]]> La lesión periapical implantaria es una patología infecciosa-inflamatoria localizada alrededor del ápice del implante. Puede ser provocada por diversas causas, entre ellas: la contaminación en el momento de la instrumentación, el sobrecalentamiento óseo y la presencia de una patología preexistente en el hueso. Su diagnóstico es sintomático y radiográfico, y puede observarse una imagen radiolúcida alrededor del periápice. Clasificamos las lesiones según el momento evolutivo en lesión aguda (no supurada y supurada) y crónica o absceso periapical. El tratamiento de esta patología es la cirugía periapical con legrado e irrigación en la fase aguda; y la extracción del implante cuando se involucre la superficie ósea y/o se pierda la fijación primaria (fase crónica).<hr/>Implant periapical lesions are infectious-inflammatory alterations surrounding an implant apex, and can be caused by a number of situations - including contamination at instrumentation, overheating of bone, and the prior existence of bone pathology. The diagnosis is based on the clinical manifestations and radiological findings, where a radiotransparency can be seen at periapical level. The lesions are classified according to their evolutive stage as either acute (non-suppurated and suppurated) or chronic (or periapical abscess). The management of implant periapical lesions comprises periapical surgery with curettage and irrigation in the acute phase, or implant extraction when the bone surface is affected and/or primary fixation is lost (chronic phase). <![CDATA[Glove perforation during oral surgical procedures]]> Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of glove perforation among undergraduates and residents performing maxillofacial surgery and identify procedures associated with the perforations. Study Design: For this purpose, 200 pairs of surgical gloves were used. For inspecting the perforations, the gloves were filled with water, at least 500 ml. Results: Sixteen gloves (8%) were perforated, 8 (4%) by residents and 8 (4%) by undergraduate students. Only the residents noticed that 2 gloves (1%) were perforated and identified the object causing the perforation. The left hand was the more affected with 9 perforations (4.5%). The finger pulp was the region most affected with 12 perforations (6%). The perforated forefinger appeared in 8 gloves (4%), representing the highest incidence of perforations. Conclusion: We concluded there was no difference in surgical glove perforation between undergraduate students and residents, the incidence of perforations was greater in the left hand (nondominant hand) and the fingers in which most perforations occurred were the forefinger and the thumb. <![CDATA[Gigantic tongue lipoma: A case report]]> Lipomas are among the most common tumors of the human body. However, they are uncommon in the oral cavity. In the oral cavity they present as a slow growing, painless, and assymptomatic yellowish submucosal mass. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice with recurrence not expected. They have been known to grow to large sizes causing mastication and speech difficulties. The usual lesions consist of a well circumscribed, lobulated mass of mature fat cells. In other situations the covering mucosa becomes ulcerated and presents difficulties in diagnosis. The present report is of a patient who presented with a gigantic lipoma on the tip of the tongue which had been present for 3 years. She now had difficulty with speech and mastication as the tongue tumor now completely filled the oral cavity. An incision biopsy confirmed the tumor as lipoma. The tumor was surgically excised with restoration of normal tongue function, speech and masticatory capacity. Histopathologic examination of the excised tumor confirmed that it was a lipoma. <![CDATA[The use of methylprednisolone versus diclofenac in the treatment of inflammation and trismus after surgical removal of lower third molars]]> Objetivo: Comparar el efecto sobre la inflamación y el trismo de la metilprednisolona (corticoide) versus diclofenaco (antiinflamatorio no esteroideo-AINE-) tras la cirugía del tercer molar inferior. Diseño del estudio: Estudio prospectivo sobre 73 pacientes sometidos a la extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares inferiores. Fueron divididos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos: De diclofenaco y de metilprednisolona. Se cumplimentó una ficha donde se hizo constar los datos epidemiológicos y clínicos preoperatorios y postoperatorios en relación a la inflamación y el trismo (tres medidas faciales y apertura bucal). Se usó el programa estadístico BMDP para hacer un amplio tratamiento de los datos. Resultados: A las 24 horas el grupo tratado con diclofenaco presentaba mayor inflamación en una de las medidas faciales (p<0.05), no así en las otras dos medidas. El trismo se comportó de forma similar en ambos grupos. Conclusiones: No se encontraron diferencias en el trismo según el antiinflamatorio usado y aunque la inflamación fue algo menor en el grupo de experimentación tratado con corticoides la diferencia no fue tan significativa como para justificar su uso.<hr/>Objective: To compare the efficacy of methylprednisolone (corticoid)versus diclofenac (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory -NSAID-) in the treatment of inflammation and trismus after the surgical removal of lower third molars. Study design: Prospective study on 73 patients for the surgical removal of their lower third molars. These patients were separated in two groups at ramdom: the diclofenac group and the methylprednisolone group. A record card was filled in with preoperative and postoperative epidemiological and clinic data about inflammation and trismus (three facial measures and mouth opening). In order to make a broad study of data, BMDP program was used for statistics. Results: 24 hours after surgery, patients in the diclofenac group showed a more severe inflammation in one of the facial measurements (p<0.05). Trismus was very similar in both groups. Conclusions: There were no differences in trismus depending on the antiinflammatory used. Patients in the corticoid group showed less inflammation but the difference was not as important as to justify their use. <![CDATA[Sebaceous adenoma of the parotid gland]]> Los tumores de las glándulas salivales constituyen un área importante de la patología oral y maxilofacial. La mayor parte de las neoplasias glandulares salivales son benignas, representando las malignas entre el 15 y el 32% del total. La localización más común de estas entidades es la glándula parótida, en la que asientan hasta el 80% de todos los casos. En este artículo se presenta un caso de adenoma sebáceo salival, de localización parotídea. El tumor, formado por células epiteliales que tapizan conductos, exhibe amplias áreas de diferenciación sebácea y zonas con metaplasia oncocítica. El patrón histológico es predominantemente quístico, observándose cavidades rellenas con material sebáceo. Si bien la presencia de glándulas sebáceas en las glándulas salivales es frecuente, las neoplasias exclusivamente formadas por las mismas son muy infrecuentes. Dada su rareza, este tumor plantea problemas diagnósticos diferenciales con otras entidades benignas y malignas. Su tratamiento implica la extirpación de la lesión, lo que generalmente involucra la eliminación de la glándula en la que ha surgido. El presente caso constituye el séptimo publicado de esta entidad.<hr/>Tumors of the salivary glands constitute an important field of oral and maxillofacial pathology. The majority of salivary gland neoplasms are benign, with malignant salivary tumors accounting for 15 to 32 percent. The most common site for salivary gland tumors is the parotid gland, accounting up to 80 percent of all cases. This article reports the pathologic picture in a case of sebaceous adenoma of the parotid gland. The tumor was composed of epithelial cells lining ducts and closely associated with broad areas of sebaceous differentiation. The growth pattern was predominantly cystic, with cavities filled with sebaceous material. Areas of oncocytic metaplasia were also seen. The presence of sebaceous glands in salivary neoplasms is frequent, however, and in spite of this, salivary neoplasms constituted partially or entirely of these cells are rarely observed. To the surgeon and pathologist, the major problem in dealing with sebaceous adenoma is the recognition of this rare entity, avoiding confusing with other more aggressive neoplasms. The treatment involves surgical excision. The addition of the current case to the previously published data brings the total number of parotid sebaceous adenoma to seven. <![CDATA[The role of saliva in maintaining oral health and as an aid to diagnosis]]> La saliva es una secreción compleja proveniente de las glándulas salivales mayores en el 93% de su volumen y menores en el 7% restante. El 99% de la saliva es agua mientras que el 1% restante está constituido por moléculas orgánicas e inorgánicas. Si bien la cantidad de saliva es importante, también lo es la calidad de la misma. Se revisará los componentes de la saliva y sus funciones en el mantenimiento de la salud oral los principales factores causales que alteran la secreción salival, se comentará la importancia de la saliva en el desarrollo de la enfermedad de caries y en la formación de la placa bacteriana, y se analizará su papel como material de ayuda para el diagnóstico de algunas patologías. Las variaciones en el flujo salival pueden verse afectadas por múltiples factores fisiológicos y patológicos, de forma reversible o irreversible. Juega un papel fundamental en el mantenimiento de la integridad de las estructuras bucales, en la vida de relación, en la digestión y en el control de infecciones orales. El papel de la saliva en la protección frente a la caries podemos concretarlo en cuatro aspectos, dilución y eliminación de los azúcares y otros componentes, capacidad tampón, equilibrio entre la desmineralización / remineralización y acción antimicrobiana. La saliva como alternativa para el diagnóstico, de algunas enfermedades, como elemento para monitorizar la evolución de determinadas patologías o la dosificación de medicamentos o drogas proporciona una vía prometedora. La accesibilidad en su obtención y la correlación positiva entre múltiples parámetros en el suero y en la saliva son algunas de las ventajas que ofrece como instrumento diagnóstico.<hr/>Saliva is a complex secretion. 93% by volume is secreted by the major salivary glands and the remaining 7% by the minor glands. 99% of saliva is water and the other 1% is composed of organic and inorganic molecules. While the quantity of saliva is important, so is its quality. The components of saliva, its functions in maintaining oral health and the main factors that cause alterations in salivary secretion will be reviewed, the importance of saliva in caries development and bacterial plaque formation will be discussed and its rôle as an aid to diagnosing certain pathologies will be examined. Variations in salivary flow can be affected, reversibly or irreversibly, by numerous physiological and pathological factors. Saliva plays an essential rôle in maintaining the integrity of the oral structures, in personal relationships, in the digestion and in controlling oral infection. The part that saliva plays in protecting teeth from caries can be summarised under four aspects: diluting and eliminating sugars and other substances, buffer capacity, balancing demineralisation / remineralisation and antimicrobial action. Saliva is a promising option for diagnosing certain disorders and monitoring the evolution of certain pathologies or the dosage of medicines or drugs. Its advantages as a diagnostic tool include its being easy to obtain and the positive correlation between many parameters in serum and saliva.