Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Archivos de Zootecnia]]> vol. 58 num. 223 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Influence of photoperiod in the development of juveniles of tambaqui (<I>Colossoma Macropomum</I>)</B>]]> Cento e sessenta alevinos de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (peso médio de 11,01&plusmn;2,08 g e comprimento total de 7,8&plusmn;0,18cm) condicionados em dezesseis aquários de 40 litros de água com temperatura de 29,1&plusmn;0,413ºC, densidade de estocagem de 0,25 alevinos/l e aeração constante, com o objetivo de avaliar a quantidade de luz no desempenho produtivo dos peixes. Os tratamentos consistiram dos fotoperíodos: T1= 6 horas de luz:18 horas de escuro (06HL:18HE), T2= 12HL:12HE, T3= 18HL:06HE e T4= 24HL:0HE, com quatro repetições cada. Os alevinos foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia, com ração comercial extrusada (28% de proteína bruta). Diariamente era trocado 40 vezes o volume total da água. Ao final de 32 dias, foi avaliado comprimento total, comprimento padrão, altura, consumo de ração, ganho de peso e sobrevivência. Os resultados demonstraram que os maiores fotoperíodos influenciaram de forma positiva o desempenho produtivo dos alevinos de tambaqui.<hr/>One hundred and sixty tambaqui fingerlings (Colossoma macropomum) (average weight of 11.01&plusmn;2.08 g and total length of 7.8&plusmn;0.18 cm) conditional in sixteen aquariums of 40 liters of water with temperature of 29.1&plusmn;0.413ºC, density of stockage of 0.25 fingerling/l and constant aeration, with the objective to evaluate the amount of light in the productive performance of the fish. The treatments had consisted of the photoperiods: T1= 6 hours of light: 18 hours of dark (06HL:18HE), T2= 12HL:12HE, T3= 18HL:06HE and T4= 24HL: 0HE, with four repetitions each. The fingerling had been fed two times a day, with extrused commercial ration (28% of rude protein). The total volume of water was changed 40 times daily. To the end of 32 days, it was evaluated total length, standard length, height, consumption of ration, weight gain and survival. The results show that greater photoperiods had influenced positively the productive performance of tambaqui fingerlings. <![CDATA[<B>NRC e INRA para raciones de caballos de ocio basadas en forrajes secos y concentrados granulados</B>]]> El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la influencia del sistema de valoración de alimentos y de necesidades nutritivas en el coste y características nutricionales de raciones para caballos estabulados, sin acceso a pastos, en diferentes estados fisiológicos (gestación, lactación, crecimiento y ejercicio ligero). Se optimizaron 24 raciones mediante programación lineal a mínimo coste con uno de tres forrajes (heno de alfalfa, paja de cereales o una combinación de ambos al 50%) y catorce materias primas comúnmente usadas en España para la incorporación a concentrados granulados para caballos. El coste asignado a las materias primas correspondió a su precio de mercado durante los meses previos a la realización del trabajo. Utilizando una composición química de referencia se calculó el valor energético y proteico de las materias primas de acuerdo a las publicaciones de National Research Council, NRC (1989) e Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA (1990). Las necesidades de energía, proteína y lisina de los caballos en los cuatro estados fisiológicos considerados también se tomaron de ambas publicaciones. El resto de necesidades nutritivas y las restricciones aplicadas tanto a los nutrientes como a los ingredientes se igualó para los dos sistemas siguiendo referencias bibliográficas. El consumo diario posible de materia seca se acotó de acuerdo al estado fisiológico según valores coherentes para ambos sistemas. Se obtuvieron 23 soluciones válidas, encontrándose que las raciones más económicas fueron las basadas en paja de cereales como único forraje. Hubo diferencias, variables según el estado, en el consumo diario calculado de materia seca total, de forraje y de concentrado, y en el coste entre las raciones de ambos sistemas. El contenido de energía y almidón también fue diferente entre los sistemas sobre todo en las raciones para yeguas lactantes y en las de paja de cereales. Con independencia del sistema, el exceso de proteína sobre las necesidades mínimas fue mayor en todas las raciones con heno de alfalfa.<hr/>This work was aimed to find out the effect of the feeding system on the cost and nutritional characteristics of the diets used for non-grazing horses in different physiological or working conditions (pregnancy, lactation, growth and light exercise). Working with a minimum cost, linear programming software, limits of ingredients and nutrients for twenty four diets were set using, a) one of three fibrous feedstuffs (alfalfa hay, cereal straw and a 50:50 combination of them) as a fixed component, and fourteen other variable ingredients commonly used in Spain to formulate pelleted, concentrate compound feedstuffs for horses; b) energy and protein values of every ingredient calculated according to NRC (1989) and INRA (1990) horse feeding systems on the basis of a chemical composition of reference for each feedstuff; c) energy, protein and lysine requirements of the animals, also taken from both feeding systems, and d) limits applied to other nutrients and to the feedstuffs, based in published literature, which were the same whatever the system used to formulate the diets. A limit of voluntary intake was set for each type of animal according to values consistent with both feeding systems. Twenty three valid solutions were found, the lowest cost of them being those with cereal straw as the only permanent roughage. Differences between systems, of variable size according to physiological conditions, were found for the calculated intake of roughage, concentrate and total daily ration, and for the cost of the daily ration. Energy and starch contents of the rations were also different between systems mainly of those of lactating mares and of those with cereal straw. The excess of dietary protein over the protein requirements was always higher in the rations with alfalfa hay as the only roughage, independently of the feeding system used to formulate the diets. <![CDATA[<B>Comparing random walk with brownian movement to simulate bovine herd displacement</B>]]> O presente artigo simula o movimento de rebanho bovino através dos movimentos aleatórios random walk e browniano, procurando analisar qual desses prediz melhor o deslocamento de rebanhos bovinos, definindo parâmetros e descrevendo os algoritmos utilizados em ambos os movimentos e utilizando-os na construção dos eventos do simulador. Com a construção do simulador foi possível analisar os movimentos, bem como compreender que modelo de deslocamento melhor se aplica ao movimento de rebanho bovino. Também foi possível uma análise de desempenho espacial para a construção de redes de localização e identificação do rebanho através de sensores e redes sem fio.<hr/>The present article simulate the movement of bovine herd through the aleatory movements random walk and brownian, trying to analyze which of those predicts the movement better of bovine herd displacement, defining parameters and describing the algorithms used in both movements and using them in the construction of the events of the simulator. With the construction of the simulator it was possible the analysis of the movements, besides the understand that model of displacement better if apply of bovine herd displacement. Also it was possible an analysis of space acting for the construction of the location nets and identification of the herd through of wireless sensor network. <![CDATA[<B>Estudio <I>in vitro</I> de la fermentación ruminal de carbohidratos en cabra montés</B>]]> Se estudió durante 48 h la cinética de fermentación de pectina, xilano y celulosa a partir de contenido ruminal de cabra montés (machos, MM; hembras, MH y jóvenes, MJ) y de cabra doméstica (CD). No se observaron diferencias (p>0,05) entre inóculos de cabra montés en el volumen de gas producido a ningún tiempo de estudio. La producción de gas fue superior (p<0,05) con los inóculos de MM, MH y MJ que con CD, de 6 a 30 h, de 6 a 16 h y de 24 a 48 h con pectina, xilano y celulosa. Para los tres sustratos, los ritmos máximos de fermentación (ml/g por h) se presentaron antes y fueron más altos para los inóculos de cabra montés. La capacidad fermentativa del inóculo ruminal de cabra montés no se vio influida por el tamaño o sexo del animal, pero mostró un patrón más alto, alcanzando máximos más temprano, que las cabras domésticas.<hr/>The 48 h fermentation pattern of pectin, xylan and cellulose from rumen contents of males (MM), females (MH) and kids (MJ) of Spanish Ibex (SI) and from domestic goats (CD) was studied. There were no differences (p>0.05) among SI inocula in total gas production at any incubation time. Gas volume was higher (p<0.05) with all SI inocula than with CD, from 6 to 30 h, from 6 to 16 h and from 24 to 36 h with pectin, xylan and cellulose. The maximum rates of fermentation (ml/g per h) were manifested earlier and more abruptly for SI inocula with all substrates. Fermentative activity of rumen <![CDATA[<B>Efecto de una fitasa en la digestibilidad y actividad de tripsina y quimiotriposina en cerdos destetados</B>]]> Se realizaron dos experimentos para evaluar el efecto de la adición de fitasa fungal (Aspergillus niger) en la actividad de tripsina y quimotripsina y digestibilidad de nutrientes en cerdos cruzados (Yorkshire x Landrace, 11,5 kg peso vivo). En ambos experimentos se empleó una dieta base formulada con sorgo y pasta de soya; los tratamientos (T) fueron los siguientes: T1, dieta base, y T2, base adicionada con 500 unidades de actividad fitásica (FTU) por kg de alimento. En el exp. 1 se utilizaron seis cerdos canulados en conducto pancreático, los cuales fueron adaptados a las dietas durante 5 d, previo a la colecta de muestras. La colección de jugo pancreático se hizo a intervalos de 15 min, de 08:00 a 20:00 h, durante 5 d. El alimento se ofreció dos veces al día (08:00 y 20:00 h). En el exp. 2 se utilizaron 20 cerdos alimentados con dietas similares del exp. 1 para estimar la digestibilidad total aparente de MS, MO, FDN, P, Ca, Mg, Zn y Fe. La fitasa no tuvo efectos en el peso y la longitud del páncreas, ni tampoco en la actividad de la tripsina y de la quimotripsina. La adición de fitasa incrementó la digestibilidad de la proteína (p<0,10) de 78,81 a 81,60% y la de la FDN (p<0,11) de 81,87 a 85,54%. No se observaron diferencias en la digestibilidad del Ca, P y Fe. La digestibilidad de Mg y Zn tampoco se afectó por la adición de fitasa. En conclusión, estos resultados indican que la adición de fitasa fungal a dietas para cerdos no afecta la actividad de tripsina y quimotripsina ni la digestibilidad en tubo digestivo total de minerales en cerdos.<hr/>Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of addition of fungal phytase (Aspergillus niger) in activity of trypsin and chymotripsin and nutrient digestibility in crossed pigs (Yorkshire x Landrace, 11.46 kg BW). In both experiments it was used a basal diet elaborated with sorghum and soybean meal, the treatments (T) were the following: T1, basal diet, and T2, basal plus 500 units of phytase activity (FTU) per kg In the exp. 1 six cannulated pigs in the pancreatic duct were used, which were adapted to the diets during 5 days before sample collection. The collection of pancreatic juice was done at 15 min interval from 08:00 to 20:00. The feed was offered twice per day. In the exp. 2, twenty pigs were fed with similar diets than exp. 1. The phytase did not show effects in the weight and the length of the pancreas, or either in the activity of the trypsin and chymotripsin. The addition of phytase increased the digestibility of protein (p<0.10) from 78.81 to 81.60% and NDF (p<0.11) from 81.87 to 85.54%. No differences were observed in digestibility of Ca, P and Fe. The digestibility of Mg and Zn were also not affected by phytase. In conclusion, these results indicate that the addition of fungal phytase to pig diets did not affect trypsin and chymotrypsin activity neither total mineral digestibility in gastrointestinal tract. <![CDATA[<B>Protected fat and performance, carcass and meat chemical composition in holstein frisian steers</B>]]> Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o consumo, desempenho, e características de carcaça e composição da carne de novilhos da raça Holandesa. Foram utilizados 48 novilhos castrados, com idade média de 24 meses e peso médio inicial de 405 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, num fatorial 2x3, com (RCG) ou sem (RSG) inclusão de gordura na dieta e três pesos de abate (450, 510 e 600 kg), com oito repetições. Houve efeito (p<0,05) da inclusão de gordura no consumo de matéria seca, sendo 14,6 kg/dia para RSG e 13,5 kg/dia para RCG. Os pesos de abate não influenciaram (p>0,05) os consumos de nutrientes. O ganho médio diário (1,12 kg/dia), a conversão alimentar (12,8 kg/kg ganho), o rendimento de carcaça (47,8%), a espessura de gordura (4,82 mm), área de olho de lombo (109,5 cm²) e área de olho de lombo/100 kg de carcaça (43,3 cm²/100 kg) não foram afetadas pela inclusão de gordura ou pelos pesos de abate. A quebra no resfriamento foi maior para o abate com 450 kg do que para os demais (510 e 600 kg). Não houve efeito (p<0,05) da inclusão de gordura nos teores proteína (22,76%), umidade (73,95%), matéria graxa (2,50%) e colesterol (57,58 mg/100 g músculo).<hr/>The objective of the present work was to evaluate intake, performance, carcass characteristics and chemical meat composition of Holstein steers. Forty eight castrated steers, with an average age of 24 months and an initial average weight of 405 kg, were used; they were distributed into a completely randomized set, with (WFR) or without (WTFR) fat inclusion in the diet and three slaughter weights (450, 510 and 600 kg), with eight repetitions. The inclusion of fat in the diet caused an effect (p<0.05) on the intake of dry matter, being 14.6 kg/day for WTFR and 13.5 kg/ day for WFR. The slaughter weights did not influence (p>0.05) the intake of nutrients. The daily average gain (1.12 kg/day), the feed conversation ratio (12.8 kg/kg gain), dressing percentage (47.8%), back fat thickness (4.82 mm), rib eye area (109.5 cm²) and rib eye area/100 kg of muscle (43.3 cm²/100 kg) were not affected by the fat inclusion or by the slaughter weights. Chilling loss was higher at slaughter at 450 kg as compared with the others (510 and 600 kg). There was no effect (p<0.05) of the fat inclusion on the contents of protein (22.76%), moisture (73.95%), fat (2.50%), and cholesterol (57.58 mg/100 g muscle). <![CDATA[<B>Rendimiento de terneros alimentados con silo de maíz o láctico con un promotor de la fermentación ruminal</B>]]> Se efectuó el engorde de 120 bovinos (296 &plusmn; 6,9 kg) machos cruzados de Cebú durante 120 días divididos en tres tratamientos. Tratamiento 1: 40 animales alimentados con ensilaje normal de maíz (EN). Tratamiento 2: n= 40 animales alimentados con ensilaje inoculado con probiótico láctico enriquecido en N no proteico (NNP) (EP). Tratamiento 3 (EPS): 40 bovinos alimentados con EP más un suplemento nitrogenado de lento consumo (SNLC). Se emplearon tres toros canulados para estudiar la cinética ruminal y la digestibilidad in vivo. La concentración de NH3 en el fluido ruminal fue significativamente menor en EN (15 mg/100 ml) que en EP y EPS (18 y 22 mg/100 ml, respectivamente). La degradabilidad in situ de la FND fue 28% en EN, 38% para EP y 48% en EPS (p<0,05). El coeficiente de digestibilidad aparente de la MS fue significativamente menor en EN (57%) comparado con 68% en EP y 70% en EPS. El consumo voluntario fue menor (p<0,05) en EN (90 g/kg0,75/d) comparado con 120 y 140 g/kg0,75/d para EP y EPS respectivamente. Se observó un aumento en la ingestión de N de 72 g/d (EN) a 218 g/d (EP) y 277 g/d en EPS, aunque no se observan diferencias en la eficiencia de utilización entre los tratamientos EP y EPS. La digestibilidad aparente del N aumentó de un 73% para EN a un 76% para EP y EPS. Las cuentas de lactobacilos fueron de 1,6 millones/ml en EN, 10,5 en EP, a 12,5 millones/ml en el EPS. La excreción de derivados púricos aumentó en las dos dietas con el probiótico (p<0,05). Las ganancias diarias de peso fueron diferentes (p<0,05) para las 3 dietas (0,874 kg/d para EN, 1,172 para EP y 1,250 para EPS). La oferta de ensilaje de maíz enriquecido con probióticos con o sin suplemento nitrogenado de lento consumo incrementó la ganancia de peso en bovinos en engorde mejorando el proceso de fermentación ruminal e incrementando la producción de proteína microbiana.<hr/>A feeding trial was carried out with 120 steers (296 &plusmn; 6.9 kg) crosses of Zebu during 120 days divided in three treatments. Treatment 1: 40 animals fed corn silage (EN). Treatment 2: n= 40 fed silage enriched a lactic probiotic enriched with a NPN source (EP). Treatment 3 (EPS): 40 steers fed EP plus a slow intake nitrogen supplement (SNLC). Three steers fixed with rumen cannula were used to study ruminal kinetics and in vivo digestibility. Ruminal NH3 was significant lower in EN (15 mg/ 100 ml) than EP and EPS (18 and 22 mg/100 ml respectively). The degradability of NDF, measured in situ, was 28% in EN, 38% in EP and 48% in EPS (p<0.05). Dry matter apparent digestibility was significantly lower in EN (57%) compared with 68% in EP and 70 % in EPS. The voluntary intake was lower (p<0.05) in EN (90 g/kg0.75/d) compared with 120 and 140 g/kg0.75/d in EP and EPS respectively. An increase was observed in N intake from 72 g/d (EN) to 218 g/d (EP) and 277 g/ d in EPS. N digestibility increased from 73% in EN to 76% in EP and EPS. Lactobacilli counts were 1.6 millions/ml in EN, 10.5 in EP and 12.5 million/ml in EPS. Purines derivatives excretion increased in both diets with probiotic (p<0.05). Daily body weight gain differed (p<0,05) in the three diets (0.874 kg/d in EN, 1.172 in EP and 1.250 in EPS). The offer of silage with probiotic with or without the slow intake nitrogen supplement increased the body weight gain in feedlot steers, improving ruminal fermentation and increasing microbial protein. <![CDATA[<b>Multivariate analysis of the epiphytic microflora on <i>Saccharum Officinarum</i> silages added with <i>Gliricidia Sepium</i></b>]]> Objetivou-se com este trabalho caracterizar a microflora epífita da cana-de-açúcar (C), da gliricídia fresca (GNE) e emurchecida (GE) e das misturas ensiladas. Este estudo foi desenvolvido na Universidade Federal de Alagoas, UFAL, de janeiro a dezembro de 2005. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial [(2x3x4)+4]. As silagens de cana-de-açúcar aditivadas com GNE e GE foram confeccionadas nas proporções: 100/0, 75/25, 50/50 e 25/75. Os 28 tratamentos, com três repetições cada, foram acondicionados em silos experimentais (baldes plásticos de 10 l), vedados com lona de PVC e mantidos sob condições controladas de temperatura, umidade e proteção da presença de roedores. Os tempos de armaze-namento das silagens foram: 15, 45, 90 e 120 dias, nos quais foram abertos para a coleta de amostras. A análise multivariada mostrou-se significativa para os efeitos dos fatores e variáveis analisadas (p<0,1). A avaliação microbiológica das silagens baseou-se nos dois primeiros componentes principais (Yi), explicando 83,09% da variação total. As leveduras, os fungos e as bactérias totais, incluídos no Y1, explicaram 64,23%. Os bacilos tiveram menor importância para explicar a variabilidade na microflora epífita das silagens, ficando no Y2 e explicaram somente 18,86% da variação total. A análise de otimização forneceu as quatro melhores misturas em relação aos fatores e variáveis analisadas. Desta forma, 25% de gliricídia emurchecida podem vir a ser um valor controlador da fermentação microbiana indesejável em silagens de cana-de-açúcar.<hr/>The objective of this work was to evaluated the epiphytic micro flora of sugarcane (Saccharrum officinarum L.), fresh gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) (GNE), wilted gliricidia (GE) and mixtures ensiled. This study was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas-UFAL, from January until December 2005. The experimental design was entirely randomized in outline [(2x3x4)+4)]. The sugarcane silages added with GNE or GE were maded in the referred percentages: 100/0; 75/25; 50/50 and 25/75. There were 28 treatments, each one with three replications. Silages were kept in experimental silos (plastic boxes), sealed with sailcloth and adhesive ribbon. These silos were maintained under controlled temperature, and humidity conditions and saved from rodent presence. The silos were opened at 15, 45, 90 and 120 days, and sampled. In relation to effects of factors and variables tested, the multivariate analysis showed significant differences (p<0.1). The microbiologic evaluation of silages was based in the two first principal components (Yi), which explained 83.09% of the total variation. The yeast, fungus and total bacteria, included in the Y1, explained 64.23%. The bacilli had less importance to explain the epiphytic micro flora variability of the silages, and were included in the Y2, explaining only 18.86% of the total variation. The 25% of wilted gliricidia may be an effective additive and it could be used with success to control undesirable secondary fermentation in sugarcane silages. <![CDATA[<B>Layers fed with different levels of energy and soybean oil in feed</B>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de níveis crescentes de energia e de óleo de soja sobre o desempenho e a qualidade interna e externa dos ovos de poedeiras semipesadas. Foram utilizadas 360 poedeiras comerciais da linhagem Bovans Goldline, com 29 semanas de idade, durante cinco períodos de 28 dias, distribuídas num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, totalizando 9 tratamentos com 5 repetições de oito aves cada. Os fatores estudados foram níveis de óleo de soja (1, 2 e 3%) e níveis de energia metabolizável na ração (2600, 2750 e 2900 kcal/ kg). Não foi observada interação entre os níveis do óleo de soja e a energia metabolizável da dieta. Os níveis de óleo de soja não promoveram efeito para nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. Os níveis de energia metabolizável não influenciaram a produção de ovos, conversão alimentar, massa de ovos, peso de gema e de casca, percentagem de gema e de clara e gravidade específica. Foram observadas diferenças para conversão energética, peso do ovo e de clara, e percentagem de casca, sendo os maiores pesos observados no menor nível de energia e a maior percentagem observada no maior nível de energia. O fornecimento de 2600 kcal de EM/kg foi mais adequado para manter a produção e o peso corporal e para promover melhoria na conversão energética e aumento no peso do ovo.<hr/>The aim of this work was to evaluate increasing levels of energy and soybean oil on performance and internal and external egg quality. Three hundred and sixty semi-heavy laying hens Bovans Goldline, 29 week-old, were used, during five periods of 28 days each. It was used a completely randomized design, in a double factorial (3 x 3), totaling nine treatments, with five replicates of eight birds each. Studied factors were soybean oil (1, 2 and 3%) and energy (2600, 2750 and 2900 kcal EMkg-1) levels on diet. No interaction was observed among soybean oil and metabolizable energy. Soybean oil did not promote effect over none of the evaluated parameters. No effect was observed for energy levels on egg production, feed conversion, egg mass, yolk and shell weight, yolk and albumen percentage and specific gravity. Differences were observed for feed conversion, egg and albumen weight and shell percentage, given that the highest weights were observed at the lowest energy level and the highest percentage was observed at the highest energy level. Providing 2600 kcal EMkg-1 was more suitable in order to keep production and body weight and also to promote improvement on energetic conversion and an increase on egg weight. <![CDATA[<b>Intensificación agropecuaria evaluada por indicadores de sustentabilidad ambiental</b>]]> Se compararon 19 establecimientos agropecuarios, (superficie total 3654 hectáreas), mediante indicadores de sustentabilidad agro-ambiental, para evaluar cómo el proceso de adopción de tecnologías de producción influye en un agro-ecosistema con incipiente intensificación en el uso de la tierra, en la zona semiárida central de Argentina. Se identificaron prioridades de capacitación y extensión para productores según escala de producción. Originariamente el área correspondía a pastizales y bosques de caldén (Prosopis caldenia) con ganadería vacuna. Se aplicaron como variables: uso de la tierra por cultivos anuales (CA), y como indicadores: consumo de energía fósil (EF) y eficiencia de su utilización (EEF), balances de nitrógeno (BN) y fósforo (BP), riesgo de contaminación por plaguicidas (RPL), riesgo de erosión (RE), cambio de stock carbono en suelo (CSC) y balance de gases efecto invernadero (GEI), evaluándolos según escala de gravedad. Los predios fueron analizados individualmente y agrupados según tamaño (< 80 ha y >81 ha). Se observaron diferencias significativas (p<0,05), entre los grupos de predios chicos y grandes para los indicadores EF, BN, RPL, RE y GEI. Individualmente destacan altos valores de EEF en predios chicos (>2 Mj EF utilizado/Mj EF producto) y valores negativos de BP en el 68% de los predios (hasta -14,4 kg P/ha/año), relacionándolo a la incorporación de soja sin restitución por fertilizantes. Los BN no señalan riesgo de contaminación (entre -4,7 a 41,7 kg N/ha/año). El CSC presentó valores problemáticos en campos chicos, por la utilización de labranzas convencionales para cultivos forrajeros. El GEI reflejó las mayores emisiones de metano en los predios grandes, debido al sistema pastoril de alimentación. Las actividades de capacitación deberían orientarse según escala. La utilización de indicadores permitió conocer el impacto de prácticas agropecuarias a nivel de predio y de zona, según escala de producción, mostrando que la actual intensificación del sector no ha impactado aún gravemente al medio.<hr/>The aim of the study was to evaluate how technology adoption processes influence agro-ecosystems with incipient land use intensification, in a rural semiarid area of San Luis province, Argentina, using environmental sustainability indicators at farm and regional level. For this purpose a comparison of 19 farms (3654 ha) was carried out. Training and extension priorities for producers were identified during this study. The original vegetation corresponded to grassland and Prosopis caldenia forests with beef cattle production. The environmental sustainability indicators were: Land use -% of annual crops (CA)- (a variable); Fossil energy use (EF); fossil energy use efficiency (EEF); nitrogen balance (BN); phosphorus balance(BP); pesticide contamination risk (RPL); soil erosion risk (RE); changes in soil carbon stock (CSC) and greenhouse gases balance (GEI), evaluated according to severity scale. Farms were analyzed individually and grouped by size (<80 ha and >81 ha). Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were observed between small and big farms for indicators EF, BN, RPL, RE and GEI. High values of EEF are important in small farms (>2 Mj EF used/Mj EF product), and negative values of BP in the 68% of the farms (up to -14.4 kgP/ha/year). Both can be related to soybean introduction without extensive fertilizers use. Nitrogen balance do not indicate contamination risk (between -4.7 and 41.7 kg N/ha/ year). Conventional tillage in forages is the cause of high CSC values in small farms. The methane emissions in big farms, were reflected by the higher values of GEI indicator because of their grazing systems. Training activities should be farm scale oriented . The use of these indicators has made it possible to understand the impact of agricultural practices at farm and at regional level in relation to production scale. These indicators show that today's Villa Mercedes farm area intensification has not had a serious impact on their environment yet. <![CDATA[<B>Shape and function in braford cows</B>: <B>the body shape as an indicative of performance and temperament</B>]]> O objetivo deste trabalho foi buscar ferramentas que possam auxiliar os produtores na tomada de decisão ao selecionar vacas mais adaptadas às condições ambientais e que apresentem temperamento mais dócil. Para isso, foram tomadas 11 medidas corporais de 84 vacas Braford e adotou-se como índices de desempenho, a eficiência produtiva (EP= média do peso das progênies ao desmame x número de partos/(idade atual - 2)) e a habilidade materna mais provável (HMMP) a qual representa a capacidade da vaca em desmamar progênies mais pesadas. Para classificar o temperamento dos animais utilizou-se uma escala de temperamento e o tempo que os animais levavam para percorrer uma distância de 6,5 metros, imediatamente após saírem do tronco de contenção até o final do brete. Observou-se que os animais de tamanho corporal grande foram os que apresentaram as melhores produções no ambiente em estudo, diferindo dos grupos de tamanho corporal médio e pequeno, para a HMMP (p= 0,04) e do grupo de tamanho corporal pequeno, para a EP (p= 0,01). Houve uma correlação positiva e altamente significativa entre as medidas corporais e os índices produtivos adotados neste trabalho, com exceção das medidas: comprimento de anca e as alturas das cruzes e de anca. Observou-se que, em animais com redemoinho capilar (independentemente do tipo) acima da linha dos olhos, há alta porcentagem de indivíduos agitados quando comparados aos animais de redemoinho na linha dos olhos e animais sem redemoinhos (p<0,01). Houve uma tendência dos animais que apresentaram redemoinho do tipo espiral ter maior escore de temperamento e menor tempo de saída do brete. As medidas corporais e a posição do redemoinho capilar facial podem constituir uma ferramenta que venha auxiliar o produtor na tomada de decisões ao selecionar qual o biotipo mais adequado ao seu sistema de produção.<hr/>The objective of this work was to seek for tools to aid producers when selecting cows more adapted to the environmental conditions and that present much docile temperament. With this purpose, eleven body measures of 84 Braford cows were taken and were adopted as indexes of efficiency (EP) and of the more probable maternal ability (HMMP). To classify the temperament of the animals a temperament score was used and, also, the time that the animal took to travel a distance of 6.5 m after it was released from the restraining chute. It was observed that the animals of big body size performed better in the studied environment, differing from the groups of medium and small body size, for HMMP (p= 0.04) and from the group of small body size, for EP (p= 0.01). There was a positive and highly significant correlation between the body measures and the productive indexes adopted in this work, except for three measures: hip length, withers and hip heights. It was observed that, on animals with hair whorl (independently of the type) above the line of the eyes, there is a high percentage of agitated individuals when compared to animals with whorls on the line of the eyes and animals without whorls (p<0.01). The body measures and the position of facial hair whorl can constitute a tool to aid the producer when selecting which is the most appropriate biotype for the specific production system. <![CDATA[<B>Inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo con semen ovino refrigerado</B>]]> Se evaluó la preñez resultante de la inseminación artificial sistemática cervical (IASC) con semen ovino refrigerado a 5ºC durante 12 o 24 h y dosis de 150 o 300 millones de espermatozoides. Doscientas ovejas adultas Merino se dividieron al azar en grupos de 40 animales, según arreglo factorial de los tratamientos (2x2) más un grupo control. En la estación reproductiva, los estros fueron sincronizados mediante 14 días con esponjas intravaginales con 60 mg acetato de medroxiprogesterona y 200 UI de eCG al retirar las esponjas. A las 12 y 24 h previas a la IASC se colectaron, diluyeron y refrigeraron los eyaculados. La dilución del semen se realizó con OviPro (Minitüb®, Alemania) en una relación 1:2 (semen/ diluyente). El grupo control fue inseminado con semen fresco sin diluir y dosis de 100 millones de espermatozoides. La IASC se realizó en el orificio uterino externo a las 54-56 h después del tratamiento progestacional. La preservación seminal durante 12 h alcanzó el 25% (10/40) y 38% (15/ 39) de preñez con dosis de 150 y 300 millones de espermatozoides. El semen preservado durante 24 h determinó el 3% (1/37) y 19% (7/37) de preñez con dosis inseminantes de 150 y 300 millones de espermatozoides, respectivamente. El porcentaje de preñez del grupo control (59%) evidenció que las condiciones de la majada no estuvieron afectadas por el estado nutricional o de manejo. La IASC con semen refrigerado ovino durante 12 h y una dosis de inseminación de 300 millones de espermatozoides, permitió obtener una preñez aceptable (38%) considerando el beneficio de poder transportar semen a largas distancias y su bajo costo operativo.<hr/>We evaluated pregnancy by timed artificial insemination (TAI) with ram semen chilled at 5ºC during 12 or 24 h and insemination doses of 150 or 300 millions spermatozoa. Two hundred adult Merino sheep were randomly divided in 4 groups of 40 animals each, according to a factorial arrangement (2x2) plus a control group. During the breeding season, estrus were synchronized with intravaginal sponges impregnated with 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate inserted for 14 days and administration of 200 UI PMSG at sponge removal. Twelve and 24 h before insemination, semen from adult Merino rams was collected, and after the ejaculates were diluted and chilled. Semen was diluted with the Ovipro extender (Minitüb®, Alemania) using a dilution rate of 1:2 (semen/extender). Control group was inseminated with fresh semen without diluent and an insemination dose of 100 millions spermatozoa. For every group, cervical TAI was performed 54-56 hours after progestational treatment. Preserved semen during 12 hours obtained 25% and 38% pregnancy with an insemination dose of 150 and 300 millions spermatozoa. Semen preserved for 24 hours caused 3% and 19% pregnancy with an insemination dose of 150 and 300 millions spermatozoa respectively. Control group showed a pregnancy of 59%, which evidenced that flock fertility was not affected by nutritional status or management. TAI with ram chilled semen during 12 h, with an insemination dose of 300 millions spermatozoa, was found to provide an acceptable fertility (38%), considering the benefit of carryng semen for long distances and the low operative cost for its implementation. <![CDATA[<B>Zootechnical performances of grasscutter (<I>tryonomys swinderianus</I>) in captivity in soudano-guinean highlands</B>]]> Dans le but de contribuer à l'amélioration des performances de reproduction des aulacodes (Tryonomys swinderianus) en captivité, une étude a été menée en 2004 à la station de diffusion des aulacodes du CIPCRE¹ à Bafoussam (ouest-Cameroun). Un total de 53 mises bas (37 en première et 16 en seconde) a été suivi pour les performances de reproduction. Les principaux résultats ont été les suivants: la durée de gestation a été de 158 &plusmn; 6 jours. La taille de la portée, de 4,44 &plusmn; 1,41 petits en moyenne, a été plus élevée à la seconde mise-bas. Le taux de mortinatalité, de près de 7 % à la première, était significativement plus élevé (11%) à la seconde mise-bas. Le nombre de petits nés vivants par portée (4,12 &plusmn; 1,68) est resté relativement inchangé pour les deux mise-bas. Le sex-ratio, de 0,92/1 à la première, a été plus élevé à la seconde mise-bas (1,06/1). Le taux de mortalité post natal (30%) a baissée avec le numéro de mise-bas, variant inversement au poids à la mise en reproduction des femelles. Le poids à la naissance et au sevrage (138 &plusmn; 21 et 633 &plusmn; 84 g respectivement) ont été plus élevé à la seconde mise bas, le taux de sevrage étant de 97%. Les principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité ont été: les affections respiratoires, gastro-intestinales et les accidents, dont 70% des mortalités totales. Les maladies liées à l'alimentation ont été plus fréquentes chez les mâles que chez les femelles. Par contre, les reproductrices mouraient pratiquement deux fois plus que les reproducteurs.<hr/>In order to improve on the reproductive performances of grasscutters (Tryonomys swinderianus) in captivity, a study was conducted in the grasscutter distribution centre at CIPCRE¹ Bafoussam, Cameroon. The reproductive performances of 53 gestating females (37 in the first and 16 in the second) were studied. The major results showed that the average litter size at first litter was 4.44 &plusmn; 1.41 which increased on second birth. A mortality rate of 7% was observed in the first litter which significantly (p<0.05) increase to 11% in the second litter. The number of grasscutters born alive per litter (4.12 &plusmn; 1.68) remains relatively unchanged in the two litters. A sex ratio of 0.92:1 and 1.06:1 was observed in the first and second litter respectively. The post natal mortality rate (36%) decreased with litter number and varies inversely with the female weight at reproductive maturity. The birth and weaning weight (138 &plusmn; 21 and 533 &plusmn; 84 g respectively) were higher in the second litter with weaning rate of 97%. The mortality rate of 70% was observed in the study which resulted from respiratory, gastro-intestinal tract diseases and some accidental cases. Metabolic diseases were more frequent in the males grasscutters. However, death rate in the females was twice that of the males. <![CDATA[<B>Digestibility of agro industrial by-products in the horse feeding</B>]]> Objetivou-se determinar a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes em dietas contendo diferentes subprodutos agroindustriais na alimentação de eqüinos adultos. Foram utilizados cinco cavalos crioulos, alojados em gaiolas de metabolismo individuais, seguindo delineamento estatístico em quadrado latino (5x5). Os tratamentos constituíram-se em cinco dietas experimentais, uma dieta referência (DR) e quatro dietas testes contendo nível de substituição em 30% (kg/kg) para os seguintes alimentos alternativos: resíduo de soja (RS), casca de soja (CS), casca de trigo (CT) e casca de milho (CM). Os melhores valores médios para os parâmetros matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, matéria mineral, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido foram observados com os tratamentos dietéticos CM (68,05%), DR (61,38%), RS (64,50%), CS (60,33%), CM (84,32%) e CS (60,62%), respectivamente, pelo teste SNK a 5% probabilidade. Apesar dos maiores valores médios para digestibilidade da fração fibrosa terem sido obtidos com as dietas CM e CS, estas propiciaram os menores valores para digestibilidade da fração protéica.<hr/>It was aimed to determine the apparent digestibility for equines of nutrients in diets containing different agro industrial by-products. Five Creole horses were use, housing alloted in individual metabolism cages, following statistical latin square design (5x5). The treatments were constituted in five experimental diets, a reference diet (DR) and four diets tests containing 30% substitution level (kg/kg) for the following alternative foods: soybean residue (RS), soybean hulls (CS), wheat grain hulls (CT) and corn grain hulls (CM). The best means values for the parameters dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, mineral matter, neutral and acid detergent fiber was observed with the dietary treatments CM (68.05%), DR (61.38%), RS (64.50%), CS (60.33%), CM (84.32%) and CS (60.62%), respectively. In spite of the highest means values for digestibility of the fibrous fraction have been obtained with the CM and CS diets, these proportions result in the lowest means values to the digestibility for the protein fraction. <![CDATA[<B>Energetic value from by-product of the brazil agroindustria</B>]]> Foram objetivos do presente estudo avaliar as frações de carboidratos e proteínas dos resíduos da agroindústria do caju, maracujá, melão, urucum, abacaxi e acerola; estimar e validar o valor energético dos alimentos obtido a partir das equações do NRC (2001). As frações de carboidratos e de proteínas, bem como os valores de NDT observados variaram consideravelmente entre os subprodutos. Concluiu-se que a análise das frações que constituem os carboidratos e os compostos nitrogenados dos subprodutos deve ser rotina laboratorial. Os valores de NDT dos alimentos observados e preditos pelas equações do NRC (2001) foram similares, sendo adequadas para estimar o valor energético dos alimentos.<hr/>It was evaluated the carbohydrate and protein fractions of cashew, passion fruit, melon, Bixa orellana, pineapple and acerola by-products; it was estimated and valided the energy value of the feeds from the NRC (2001). The carbohydrate and protein fractions and TDN values changed substantially between by-products. It was concluded that the analysis of the carbohydrate and protein fractions of by-products must be laboratory routine. The observed and predict TDN values of the feeds by NRC (2001) equations were similar, being appropriate for estimating the energy value of the feeds. <![CDATA[<B>Comparison of food habit of horses and mules under grazing</B>]]> Foi conduzido um experimento com o objetivo de avaliar as diferenças no comportamento de eqüídeos em pastagem de coast-cross. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três categorias (cavalos, éguas e mulas) representando os tratamentos, cada um com sete repetições. O período experimental foi de 40 dias, sendo 25 para adaptação dos animais e 15 para avaliações, que consistiram de três repetições, com duração de 24 horas cada, em intervalos de cinco dias. O teste t demonstrou que os cavalos passaram menos tempo pastejando durante o dia (6,38 horas) em relação às éguas (8,85 horas) e mulas (7,33 horas). Em relação ao tempo total em pastejo, as mulas gastaram mais tempo (14,77 horas), enquanto os cavalos pastejaram durante 11,60 horas. Os cavalos permaneceram maior tempo em ócio que as éguas e mulas, enfatizando a menor exigência nutricional dos cavalos. Não foram observadas diferenças entre cavalos e éguas, com relação à quantidade de bocados por minuto. As éguas e mulas aumentaram o seu tempo de pastejo como forma de atingir suas exigências nutricionais, já que não houve diferença na freqüência de bocados.<hr/>An experiment was carried out to evaluate the difference among horses and mules in grazing behaviour on coast-cross pasture. A completely randomized experimental design with tree categories (horses, mares and mules) as treatments, each with seven repetitions. The experiment lasted 40 days, being 25 for animal adaptation and 15 for evaluation, that consisted of three replicates, with duration of 24 hours each, in intervals of five days. The t test showed that horses grazed less time during the day (6.38 hours) than mares (8.85 hours) and mules (7.33 hours). In relation to the total grazing time, the mules spent more time (14.77 hours), while the horses grazed during 11.60 hours. Horses stayed larger time in idling than mares and mules, emphasizing the smallest nutritional demand of horses. There was no difference between horses and mares, regarding the number of bites per minute. The mares and mules increased the time of grazing in order to reach their nutritional demands, since there was no difference in the frequency of mouthfuls. <![CDATA[<B>Evaluación de estrés en el <I>pecari tajacu</I> sometido a dos densidades de población</B>]]> El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el nivel de estrés producido por dos densidades de población en pecaríes de collar (Pecari tajacu) en cautiverio. Se formaron cuatro grupos de animales (N= 20), todos adultos; un grupo de hembras (n= 5) y otro de machos (n= 5) se colocaron en corrales con una densidad de población de 20 m²/ animal, y los otros dos grupos en densidades de 10 m²/animal durante 30 días. Se tomaron muestras sanguíneas a cada animal a los 0, 15 y 30 días, y se registraron las cantidades y tipo de lesiones corporales por animal a los 3, 15 y 30 días del periodo de estudio. Los niveles de cortisol sanguíneo se midieron a través de pruebas de radioinmu-noanálisis. Los datos se analizaron para cada día de muestreo utilizando pruebas de Fisher o análisis de varianza. No se encontraron efectos de sexo y densidad en el número de animales lesionados. El análisis de varianza no mostró efecto de densidad (p>0,05) sobre la cantidad de lesiones o niveles de cortisol, en ninguno de los días evaluados. Sin embargo, la interacción sexo x densidad tuvo efecto sobre cortisol los días 15 (p<0,03) y 30 (p<0,0005). En promedio, las hembras tuvieron mayores niveles de cortisol que los machos (10,1 y 7,5 mg/dl). La interacción se debió a una mayor concentración de cortisol en las hembras a la densidad de 10 m²/animal en comparación con los machos; pero no hubo diferencias entre sexos a la densidad de 20 m²/animal. Se concluye que los efectos del estrés, medido mediante los niveles de cortisol en sangre, dependen del sexo y densidad poblacional.<hr/>The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of stress produced by two stocking densities in the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) in captivity. Four groups of adult animals (N= 20) were established: one group of females (n= 5) and other of males (n= 5) were correlated under a stocking density of 20 m²/animal, and the other two groups under a density of 10 m²/animal, during 30 days. Three blood samples per animal were taken at 0, 15 and 30 days and the amount and type of body lesions were registered at 3, 15 and 30 days of the study period. Cortisol levels were measured by radioimmunoanalysis tests. Data were analyzed for each sampling day using Fisher or analysis of variance tests. There were not effects of sex and stocking density on the number of animals with lesions. The analysis of variance showed no effect of density (p>0.05) on the amount of lesions or cortisol level at any of the evaluation days. However the interaction of sex x density was significant on cortisol at days 15 (p<0.03) and 30 (p<0.0005). In average females had higher levels of cortisol than males (10.1 and 7.5 mg/dl). The interaction was due to a greater concentration of cortisol in females kept under a density of 10 m²/ animal in comparison with males; but there was no differences between sexes at the stocking density of 20 m²/animal. It is concluded that the effect of stress, measured through the levels of cortisol in blood, depends of sex and stocking density. <![CDATA[<B>Correlations between ovarian morphometry and hormones in no pregnant zebu cows</B>]]> O estudo da morfometria ovariana está diretamente ligado as suas aplicações práticas para realizar e interpretar os achados dos exames ginecológicos em vacas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a morfometria de ovários coletados em abatedouro e as correlações entre área do corpo lúteo, progesterona e cortisol em vacas zebu não prenhes. Foram coletados 114 pares de ovários em abatedouro, mensurados quanto a sua espessura, comprimento, largura e volume; diâmetro e volume do folículo, diâmetro e área do corpo lúteo, e concentrações de progesterona e cortisol. Foi observada diferença significativa (p<0,05) para largura 1,95 cm e 1,83 cm; e volume (p<0,05) 7,26 ml e 6,23 ml do ovário esquerdo e direito, respectivamente. Houve correlação de 0,46 (p<0,01) entre o volume do ovário esquerdo x área do corpo lúteo. Na presença de folículos com diâmetro igual ou superior a 9 mm, o corpo lúteo do tipo maciço e protruso presente em 23 (43,39%) dos 53 ovários, predominou em relação ao tipo maciço e incluso 16 (30,18%) dos ovários. Dos 84 ovários com corpos lúteos 26,20% eram do tipo incluso. Não houve correlação significativa entre área do corpo lúteo x progesterona, área do corpo lúteo x cortisol e progesterona x cortisol. Conclui-se que a presença de corpos lúteos inclusos, nas vacas zebu, pode resultar em falha durante o exame de palpação retal para estimar a atividade ovariana.<hr/>The study of ovarian morphometry is directly related to its practical applications to interpret the examination of the reproductive tract of the cow. The objective of this work was to study the ovarian morphometry collected in slaughterhouse and correlations between corpus luteum area, progesterone and cortisol in no pregnant zebu cows. One hundred fourteen pairs of ovaries were collected from slaughterhouse, measured in thickness, length, width and volume, diameter and volume of the follicle, diameter and area of the corpus luteum. Significative difference (p<0.05) were observed for widths of (1.95 cm and 1.83 cm) and volume (p<0.05) of 7.26 ml and 6.23 ml of left and right ovaries respectively. For size and volume of follicles, and diameter and area of the corpus luteum, there was no significative difference between the sides. There was correlation of 0.46 (p<0.01) between left ovary volume x luteum corpus area, in the presence of follicles with diameters equal or greater than 9 mm, the corpus luteum of the massive and protuberant type were present in 23 (43.39%) of 53 ovaries, predominating in relation to type of massive and incluse 16 (30.18%). There were no significative correlation between corpus luteum area x progesterone, corpus luteum area x cortisol and progesterone x cortisol. In conclusion, the presence of the included corpus luteum in zebu cows could result in error during the rectal palpation exam to estimate the ovarian activity. <![CDATA[<B>Value aggregation in crioulo horses</B>: <B>a case study</B>]]> Com o melhoramento da raça, a admiração pelos cavalos Crioulos foi se tornando um vantajoso investimento. O Prêmio Freio de Ouro se tornou um dos instrumentos mais completos para se avaliar o potencial de lucratividade de um animal. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi retratar a agregação de valor em cavalos Crioulos destinados à competição. Esse objetivo foi alcançado pelo estudo de caso do vencedor do Prêmio Freio de Ouro 2006, Ganadero Da Harmonia, utilizando entrevistas e pesquisas em websites relacionados à raça em análise. Encontrou-se que a agregação de valor se inicia pela genealogia do animal, seguida pelo adestramento e, como fator mais importante, a premiação no Freio de Ouro. Conclui-se que a diferenciação do animal se dá pelo aprimoramento das qualidades já existentes e é fundamental para a agregar valor.<hr/>With the improvement of breed, the admiration for Crioulo horses became a profitable investment. In search of the best animal to invest these values the Freio de Ouro award became the most complete instrument. The objective of this study is to portray how value is agregated in Crioulo horses meant specially for competition. This objective was accomplished by the case study of the winner of the Freio de Ouro 2006 competition, Ganadero Da Harmonia, using interviews and searchs in websites about Crioulo horses. As a result if was found that value agregation starts from the genealogy of the animal, followed by the training and, as a main factor is the premium of Freio de Ouro. It should be concluded that the animal differentiation happens with horse's qualities improvement and it is fundamental to aggregate value.