Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 98 num. 11 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Neoplasia epitelial sólida quística y papilar del páncreas</B>: <B>Un reto de diagnóstico y tratamiento</B>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas</b>: <b>diagnóstico y tratamiento curativo</b>]]> Objectives: to highlight an infrequent occurrence using a series of clinical cases with symptoms and signs, and specific radiological findings allowing its diagnosis and treatment, which is in most cases successful. Patients and methods: a descriptive and retrospective study of patients diagnosed by computed tomography scanning and then treated with surgery in the Pancreas and Biliary Unit of a University Hospital from March 1999 to September 2005. Results: there were 6 female patients with a mean age of 33.5 years (range 11-72). Most common signs included pain and a palpable mass in the abdomen. Three patients were diagnosed by computed tomography scanning, and a differential diagnosis with a neuroendocrine tumor was performed for the remaining three subjects. Surgical treatment was adapted to each patient according to the findings and images seen in their computed tomography scans. Biopsy results confirmed the presumed diagnoses, and showed one case of solid pseudopapillary carcinoma of the pancreas. Average hospital stay was of 18.16 days (range 8-30). Mortality rate was 0%. No recurrences occurred during follow-up for 46.3 months on average (range 12-76). Conclusions: the presence of a huge mass in the pancreas of a young female should prompt suspicion for a solid pseudopapillary tumor. Given its low malignant potential, and the presence of specific radiographic patterns, its diagnosis should be accurate, as radical surgical treatment is effective. <![CDATA[<b>Valor pronóstico de la citometría de flujo en el linfoma gástrico</b>]]> Aim: to investigate whether flow cytometry could help to define the optimal therapeutic strategy of primary gastric lymphomas. Material and method: retrospective study of 46 patients having primary gastric lymphoma -according to Dawson criteria- in Ann Arbor stage I E and II E, who were surgically treated. From selected paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of the tumor, DNA content was studied by flow cytometry (FC). Other pathological tumor features were analysed by hematoxiline-eosine and Giemsa stains as well as immunohistochemical study; any possible influence on postoperative survival was investigated through statistical analysis. Results: the DNA ploidy pattern was diploid in 40 cases (87%) and aneuploid (hyperdiploid) in 6 (13%). Postoperative survival probability (PSP) was 62.7% at 5 years. Statistical analysis showed significant prognostic value for Ann Arbor classification -with higher PSP for stage I E (p = 0.009)- and FC parameters: diploid tumors had higher PSP than aneuploid tumors. Also tumors having S-phase (p = 0.044) or G2-M phase values (p = 0.023) under the respective mean values had higher PSP. No influence on PSP was found for wall invasion, Helicobacter pylori infection, Isaacson's histologic type or resection margin involvement. No significant relationship was appreciated between Isaacson's histologic type and DNA ploidy patterns. Conclusion: FC could be useful in assessing gastric lymphoma prognosis. <![CDATA[<b>Detección preoperatoria de los tumores neuroendocrinos digestivos mediante ultrasonografía endoscópica</b>]]> Objective: almost 30% of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEPET) escape preoperative identification using standard imaging techniques. The goal of this retrospective study is to present our cumulative experience in the assessment of GEPET by preoperative endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), and to compare it with a literature review. Patients and methods: thirty-seven patients with suspected specific hormonal syndromes were sequentially examined with US, CT, MRI, angiography, OctreoScan, and radial and sectorial EUS. Sixteen were males (43%) and 21 were females (57%), with a mean age of 61 years (interval: 40-84 a). Of all 37 patients, 27 had 19 endocrine tumors in the pancreas and 14 tumors in their gastrointestinal tract. No tumors were demonstrated in 10 patients, hence they were used as a control group. Of all 37 patients, 24 were operated on or had histological samples collected, with the presence of 26 GEPET (10 carcinoids) being confirmed in 22 patients. Results: EUS sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy were 81% and 78%. Specificity was 80%. All these values were similar to the mean values obtained from the literature review. Three pancreatic rumors smaller than or equal to 1 cm (insulinomas) were detected, which had escaped diagnosis with previous US, CT, and MRI studies. An echoendoscopic examination of the pancreas could not be completed in two cases (5%), a pancreas carcinoid and an already gastrectomized double pancreatic gastrinoma. Conclusion: EUS is a good preoperative technique for GEPET detection, and may likely be superior to other imaging techniques in the assessment of small tumors. The usefulness of EUS as a primary exploration after US or HCT has been posited for tumor diagnosis and localization before surgery. <![CDATA[<b>Prolapso rectal completo</b>]]> Introduction: many surgical techniques -both through the perineal and abdominal routes- have been described for the treatment of rectal prolapse. The aim of this work is to evaluate the clinical and functional outcome with Delorme's perineal procedure. Patients and methods: twenty-one patients with complete rectal prolapse were studied from July 2000 to October 2005. Age, gender, anesthetic risk, and accompanying symptoms were all assessed. Diagnostic tests performed included: colonoscopy, anorectal manometry before and after surgery, and 360&deg; endoanal ultrasonography. Delorme's procedures were carried out by only one surgical team. Results: no mortality occurred, and morbidity was minimal. Prolapse relapse rate was 9.52% with a mean follow-up of 34 months. Anal continence improved in 87.5% of patients, and no surgery-associated constipation ensued. Mean hospital stay was 2 (range 1-4) days. During the postoperative period no pain developed in 17 patients, and 4 patients had mild pain. Satisfaction with surgery was high in 16 cases (76.19%), moderate in 3 (14.28%), and low in 2 (9.52%). Conclusions: Delorme's procedure for the management of complete rectal prolapse is associated with low morbidity, improves anal continence, gives rise to no postsurgical constipation, and has an acceptable relapse rate. Patient satisfaction with this procedure is high because of its high comfortability (intradural anesthesia, short hospital stay, and little postoperative pain) and optimal results. <![CDATA[<b>Enfermedad grasa del hígado no alcohólica</b>: <b>Desde la resistencia a la insulina a la disfunción mitocondrial</b>]]> Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease represents a set of liver lesions similar to those induced by alcohol that develop in individuals with no alcohol abuse. When lesions consist of fatty and hydropic degeneration, inflammation, and eventually fibrosis, the condition is designated non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The pathogenesis of these lesions is not clearly understood, but they are associated with insulin resistance in most cases. As a result, abdominal fat tissue lipolysis and excessive fatty acid uptake by the liver occur. This, together with a disturbance of triglyceride export as VLDL, results in fatty liver development. Both the inflammatory and hepatocellular degenerative components of NASH are attributed to oxidative stress. Mitochondrial respiratory chain loss of activity plays a critical role in the genesis of latter stress. This may be initiated by an increase in the hepatic TNFa, iNOS induction, peroxynitrite formation, tyrosine nitration and inactivation of enzymes making up this chain. Consequences of oxidative stress include: lipid peroxidation in cell membranes, stellate cell activation in the liver, liver fibrosis, chronic inflammation, and apoptosis. <![CDATA[<b>Inflamación y perforación de divertículo solitario de ciego</b>: <b>Presentación de 5 casos y revisión de la literatura</b>]]> Solitary diverticulum of the cecum is a benign condition uncommon in the Western world, and with a higher incidence in Asian population. They are usually asymptomatic, and manifest clinically only with complications such as inflammation, perforation, or bleeding. They are a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, clinically similar to acute appendicitis, with tenderness in the right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis. In spite of the information provided by ultrasonography or CT scans, a correct preoperative diagnosis is still difficult to reach, and is usually arrived at in the operating theater; differentiation from a neoplasm may be also sometimes complicated, and a wide surgical resection is usually required for such cases. We report on 5 cases of inflammation and perforation of a solitary cecal diverticulum, and perform a literature review. <![CDATA[<B>Afectación gastrointestinal por citomegalovirus en un paciente inmunocompetente</B>]]> Solitary diverticulum of the cecum is a benign condition uncommon in the Western world, and with a higher incidence in Asian population. They are usually asymptomatic, and manifest clinically only with complications such as inflammation, perforation, or bleeding. They are a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, clinically similar to acute appendicitis, with tenderness in the right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis. In spite of the information provided by ultrasonography or CT scans, a correct preoperative diagnosis is still difficult to reach, and is usually arrived at in the operating theater; differentiation from a neoplasm may be also sometimes complicated, and a wide surgical resection is usually required for such cases. We report on 5 cases of inflammation and perforation of a solitary cecal diverticulum, and perform a literature review. <![CDATA[<B>Hemocromatosis hereditaria</B>]]> Solitary diverticulum of the cecum is a benign condition uncommon in the Western world, and with a higher incidence in Asian population. They are usually asymptomatic, and manifest clinically only with complications such as inflammation, perforation, or bleeding. They are a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, clinically similar to acute appendicitis, with tenderness in the right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis. In spite of the information provided by ultrasonography or CT scans, a correct preoperative diagnosis is still difficult to reach, and is usually arrived at in the operating theater; differentiation from a neoplasm may be also sometimes complicated, and a wide surgical resection is usually required for such cases. We report on 5 cases of inflammation and perforation of a solitary cecal diverticulum, and perform a literature review. <![CDATA[<B>Lipoma del pancreas</B>: <B>diagnóstico y tratamiento de estos raros tumores</B>]]> Solitary diverticulum of the cecum is a benign condition uncommon in the Western world, and with a higher incidence in Asian population. They are usually asymptomatic, and manifest clinically only with complications such as inflammation, perforation, or bleeding. They are a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, clinically similar to acute appendicitis, with tenderness in the right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis. In spite of the information provided by ultrasonography or CT scans, a correct preoperative diagnosis is still difficult to reach, and is usually arrived at in the operating theater; differentiation from a neoplasm may be also sometimes complicated, and a wide surgical resection is usually required for such cases. We report on 5 cases of inflammation and perforation of a solitary cecal diverticulum, and perform a literature review. <![CDATA[<B>Enfermedad de Crohn gastroduodenal fistulizante simulando histológicamente un linfoma MALT</B>]]> Solitary diverticulum of the cecum is a benign condition uncommon in the Western world, and with a higher incidence in Asian population. They are usually asymptomatic, and manifest clinically only with complications such as inflammation, perforation, or bleeding. They are a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, clinically similar to acute appendicitis, with tenderness in the right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis. In spite of the information provided by ultrasonography or CT scans, a correct preoperative diagnosis is still difficult to reach, and is usually arrived at in the operating theater; differentiation from a neoplasm may be also sometimes complicated, and a wide surgical resection is usually required for such cases. We report on 5 cases of inflammation and perforation of a solitary cecal diverticulum, and perform a literature review. <![CDATA[<B>Controversias en el tratamiento quirúrgico del tumor carcinoide rectal</B>]]> Solitary diverticulum of the cecum is a benign condition uncommon in the Western world, and with a higher incidence in Asian population. They are usually asymptomatic, and manifest clinically only with complications such as inflammation, perforation, or bleeding. They are a rare cause of acute abdominal pain, clinically similar to acute appendicitis, with tenderness in the right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis. In spite of the information provided by ultrasonography or CT scans, a correct preoperative diagnosis is still difficult to reach, and is usually arrived at in the operating theater; differentiation from a neoplasm may be also sometimes complicated, and a wide surgical resection is usually required for such cases. We report on 5 cases of inflammation and perforation of a solitary cecal diverticulum, and perform a literature review.