Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Archivos de Zootecnia]]> vol. 59 num. 225 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Archivos de Zootecnia</B>: <B>Editorial report 2009</B>]]> The editorial process of Archivos de Zootecnia during 2009 is reported below. A total of 342 manuscripts were received from 24 countries, mainly from Brazil (75.8%). Consequently, the language most frequently used in the manuscripts was Portuguese, followed by Spanish and English. The mean time between submission and publication of a manuscript was 690.7 days. The rejection rate was 53.5%. In 2009, 44 articles, 72 short notes and 9 reviews (total 125) were published by authors from 29 countries.<hr/>Se analiza el proceso editorial de Archivos de Zootecnia durante 2009. Se recibieron 342 manuscritos procedentes de 24 países, principalmente de Brasil (75,8%). Consecuentemente, el lenguaje más frecuentemente usado fue el portugués, seguido del español y el inglés. El tiempo medio entre recepción y publicación de un manuscrito fue elevado (690,7 dias). La tasa de rechazo fue del 53,5%. En 2009 fueron publicados 44 artículos, 72 notas breves y 9 revisiones (125 trabajos en total) cuyos autores pertenecían a 29 países diferentes. <![CDATA[<b>Exogenous plankton as food for intensive rearing of ornamental cyprinid, <i>Epalzeorhynchus frenatus</i></b>]]> To explore the effect of different management regimes for probable intensification of rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchus frenatus) culture, fish larvae (0.18 &plusmn; 0.014 g) were stocked in concrete tanks and cultured for three months (18 February-18 May, 2007) according to six treatment regimes: three live food regimes where fish were stocked at 0.3 fish/l (LF1); 0.5 fish/l (LF2); and 1.0 fish/l (LF3); and three traditional (pelleted) diet regimes where fish were stocked at 0.3 fish/l (TD1); 0.5 fish/l (TD2); and 1.0 fish/l (TD3). Exogenous plankton were introduced in the live food tanks. There were three replicates for each treatment, where the fish were fed daily slightly in excess of satiation to eliminate the possibility of food supply being a limiting factor to growth. Values of dissolved oxygen were highest in LF1 treatment, followed by LF2, TD1, LF3, TD2 and TD3 (p<0.05). Average bicarbonate alkalinity, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium nitrogen were significantly higher (p<0.05) in TD2 and TD3, compared to other treatments. Under any particular diet regime, maximum harvest weight and survival rate of rainbow shark was achieved in the treatments with lowest stocking densities (LF1 and TD1), compared to treatments with higher stocking densities (p<0.05). Fish deformities were significantly higher in LF3 and TD3 (p<0.05), compared with treatments with low stocking densities. At any given stocking density, the live food treatment showed better growth and survival, compared to traditional diet treatment. The number of marketable fish above a set size of 4 g was significantly higher (p<0.05) in LF3 (stocking density of 1.0 fish/l), compared to other treatments. In the traditional diet tanks, increase in stocking density resulted in production loss as very few (17.97% in TD2) or none (0% in TD3) of the fish produced in these treatments could be marketed. Introduction of exogenous plankton as food allowed for increased stocking density for intensive rearing of rainbow shark.<hr/>Para explorar la utilidad de diferentes regímenes de manejo para intensificar la cría del ciprínido Epalzeorhynchus frenatus, larvas del pez (0,18 &plusmn; 0,014 g) fueron cultivadas durante tres meses (18 febrero-18 mayo 2007) en tanques de hormigón, de acuerdo con seis tratamientos: tres regímenes con alimento vivo en los que los peces se mantuvieron a una densidad de 0,3 (LF1); 0,5 (LF2); y 1,0 pez/l (LF3); y otros tres regímenes con alimentación tradicional (granulada) en los que los peces se mantuvieron a una densidad de 0,3 (TD1); 0,5 (TD2); 1,0 pez/l (TD3). Se introdujo plancton exógeno en los tanques con alimento vivo. Se hicieron tres repeticiones por tratamiento en las que los peces fueron alimentados cada día ligeramente en exceso del nivel de saciedad, para eliminar la posibilidad de que el suministro de alimento fuera un factor limitante del crecimiento. Los valores del oxígeno disuelto fueron más altos en el tratamiento LF1, seguido por LF2, TD1, LF3, TD2 y TD3 (p<0,05). La alcalinidad bicarbonatada promedio, fosfato, nitrato, nitrito y nitrógeno amoniacal fueron más elevados (p<0,05) en TD2 y TD3 que en los demás tratamientos. En cualquiera de los regímenes dietéticos las mayores tasas de ganancia de peso y de supervivencia se registraron en la densidad menor (LF1 y TD1). Las deformidades en los peces fueron significativamente más numerosas en las densidades más altas LF3 y TD3 (p<0,05). A una determinada densidad, el alimento vivo produjo mejor crecimiento y supervivencia que la dieta granulada. El número de peces comercializables a un tamaño de 4 g fue significativamente mayor (p<0,05) en LF3 (1,0 pez/l). En los tanques con la dieta tradicional, el aumento de la densidad dio lugar a una pérdida de producción: muy pocos (17,97% en TD2) o ninguno (0% en TD3) de los peces producidos en esos tratamientos pudo ser comercializado. La introducción de plancton exógeno como alimento permitió el aumento de la densidad para la cría intensiva de E. frenatus. <![CDATA[<B>Fixação biológica de nitrogênio em pastagens com diferentes intensidades de corte</B>]]> O manejo correto numa pastagem e o uso da fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN) ajudam a torná-la sustentável. Foram realizados três experimentos, cada um com uma espécie de capim forrageiro na estação experimental da Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária em Itambé, na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. Foram avaliadas a produção de matéria seca, acúmulo de nitrogênio e FBN das plantas sob vários regimes de corte. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 5 repetições que foram usasadas. Para Brachiaria decumbens e B. humidicola foram usadas intensidades de corte 5, 15, 25 cm e 25 cm + 80 kg N ha-1 , e para o Pennisetum purpureum, 5, 25, 50 cm e 50 cm + 80 kg N ha-1. Os períodos avaliados foram transição seca/águas e águas em 2001. A FBN foi estimada pela abundância natural (&delta;15N). Corte drástico (5 cm), no período de transição seca/águas, contribuiu para produção e acúmulo de nitrogênio na B. decumbens, mas não houve influência significativa das intensidades de cortes na FBN nas três pastagens e nas estações. Concluiu-se que a contribuição da FBN variou com a estação e que cortes altos não teve influência sobre o N acumulado, deste modo confirma-se que as três gramíneas são tolerantes a cortes drásticos.<hr/>The correct management of pastures and the use of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) therein should be sustainable. As part of an investigation into how best to use BNF in pastures three experiments were performed at the experimental station of Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Itambé, Pernambuco. These experiments evaluated the production of dry matter and N accumulation and BNF under various cutting regimes. A random experimental design with 5 replications was used. For Brachiaria decumbens and B. humidicola the treatments consisted of cutting intensities of 5, 15 and 25 cm, and 25 cm + 80 kg N ha-1 , and for Pennisetum purpureum cutting intensities 5, 25 and 50 cm and 50 cm + 80 kg N ha-1 . The periods in which the pastures were evaluated were the transition of the dry/wet season and the wet season of 2001. Accumulation of N via BNF was estimated by the natural abundance (&delta;15N) method. Drastic cutting (5 cm) in the dry/wet season transition resulted in high accumulation of dry matter and N in B. decumbens, but there was no effect of cutting intensity on BNF by any of the grasses in either of the seasons. The conclusion is that the BNF contribution varied with season, and that high cutting did not have any influence on N accumulation, thus confirming that the three pasture grasses are tolerant to drastic cutting. <![CDATA[<b>Recria de rã-touro (<i>Rana catesbeiana</i>) em tanques-rede alojados em viveiros de tilápia</b>]]> No Brasil, os sistemas de criação de rãs (confinamento, anfigranja, inundado) utilizam um volume de água insuficiente para a manutenção da estabilidade térmica, e a baixa renovação prejudica a qualidade da água. Neste trabalho foi proposto a criação de rãs em tanques-rede distribuídos em viveiros com grande estabilidade térmica. O experimento consistiu em avaliar o desempenho produtivo de rãs-touro alojadas em tanques-rede de 1 m³, nas densidades de: 28, 56 e 84 animais por tanque-rede, alimentadas com ração fornecida por dispensador automático. Nos viveiros de 72 m² utilizaram-se duas densidades de tilápias (200 e 300 peixes por viveiro). O período experimental foi de 105 dias para as tilápias (maio a agosto) e de 60 dias para as rãs (julho e agosto). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas no desem-penho das rãs para as diferentes densidades. A utilização de 200 tilápias por viveiro melhorou o ganho de peso dos peixes e a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido da água, comparado com a densidade de 300 peixes por viveiro. Este novo sistema de criação proporcionou um ambiente adequado para as rãs com ganho de peso e ausência de mortalidade durante o inverno.<hr/>Brazilian systems for raising bullfrogs (concrete enclosure, concrete enclosure with feed dispenser and shelter, flooded enclosure) do not use enough water to keep temperature stable, and the low rate of water renewal hinders water quality. In this article we propose raising frogs in cages placed in fish ponds having high thermal stability. The experiment consisted in evaluating the productive performance of bullfrogs housed in 1 m³ cages at the densities of 28, 56 or 84 animals/ cage, fed a ration delivered by an automatic dispenser. Each pond was 72 m² large. Two fish densities were used (200 or 300 tilapias/pond). The experimental period lasted 105 days for tilapias (May-August) and 60 days for frogs (July-August). No significant differences among densities were observed for frog performance. Using 200 tilapias/ pond improved fish weight gain and dissolved oxygen concentration, as compared to 300 tilapias/ pond. This new rearing system provided an adequate environment for frogs, as there was weight gain and zero mortality during winter. <![CDATA[<b>Componentes do processo de pastejo de cordeiros em azevém sob diferentes intensidades e métodos</b>]]> O objetivo foi avaliar variáveis que compõem o processo de pastejo de cordeiros em pastagens de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Os tratamentos foram duas intensidades de pastejo moderada e baixa (oferta de forragem 2,5 ou 5,0 vezes o potencial de consumo dos animais), em pastejo com lotação contínua ou rotacionada, com carga variável. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, em um esquema fatorial (2 intensidades x 2 métodos x 3 repetições). Não houve interação entre os métodos e as intensidades e seus efeitos foram analisados de forma independente. As ofertas de forragem (OF) não foram diferentes (p= 0,3393) entre os métodos de pastejo, garantindo, assim, a condição fundamental para comparação entre os tratamentos. As massas de forragem (MF) foram: 3159 e 2327 kg de MS/ha, para os métodos de pastejo de lotação rotacionada e contínua, respectivamente; 1971 e 3514 kg de MS/ha, para as intensidades de pastejo moderada e baixa, respectivamente. Não houve diferenças significativas para número de refeições (NR), tempo de duração das refeições (TRf), número de intervalos entre refeições (IR), duração média do intervalo (DMI), tempo de pastejo (TP), de ruminação (TR) e gasto para outras atividades (TO) (p&gt;0,1) em relação a métodos de pastejo. Não houve diferença estatística para TR, NR, TRf e IR (p&gt;0,1) para as diferentes intensidades de pastejo. DMI, TP, TO, TB e TEA foram influenciados pelas intensidades de pastejo (p<0,1). Efeito de métodos de pastejo (p<0,1) foi observado apenas para TB e TEA, devido a maior MF na lotação rotacionada. A manutenção de intensidades de pastejo adequadas aos animais, mais do que a escolha entre métodos de pastejo mostrou ser de extrema importância, no que diz respeito à construção de ambientes pastoris sustentáveis para a produção de cordeiros de alta qualidade.<hr/>The aim of this study was to evaluate the components of lamb grazing process in ryegrass pastures (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). The treatments were two grazing intensities: moderate and low (forage suply: 2.5 and 5-fold the animal intake potential, respectively) in rotational and continuous stocking. The experimental design was a randomized complete block arranged in a factorial with three replicates (2 intensities x 2 methods x 3 replicates). There was no interaction among grazing intensities and methods, and its effects were analyzed separately. There was no difference of herbage allowance between grazing methods (p= 0.3393), and so, the basic conditions to compare all treatments were reached. Herbage mass during the experiment were: 3159 and 2327 kg of DM/ha for rotational and continuous stocking; and 1971 and 3514 kg of DM/ha for moderate and low grazing intensities, respectively. There was no significant differences for number of meals (M), meal duration (MD), inter meals intervals (IMI), duration of intervals (DI), grazing time (GT), ruminating time (RT) and idling time (IT) (p&gt;0.1) for grazing methods. There was no statistical difference for RT, M, MD and IMI (p&gt;0.1) regarding grazing intensities. DI, GT, IT, bite rate (BR) and time for feeding station (TFS) were affected by grazing intensity (p<0.1). Grazing methods affected just BR and TFS (p<0.1) due to the higher herbage mass under rotational stocking. The use of correct grazing intensities for the animals, more than the choice between grazing methods, is capital to built sustainable grazing environments aiming the production of high quality lambs. <![CDATA[<b>Genetic diversity of <i>Piaractus mesopotamicus</i> stocks used in stocking programs</b>]]> Actualmente se ha verificado la disminución y desaparición de muchas especies de peces en varios ambientes acuáticos en el Brasil. Como forma de minimizar ese impacto, programas de repoblación vienen siendo utilizados con más intensidad, entretanto, se le ha dado poca importancia a la variabilidad genética, parámetro fundamental para cualquier práctica de conservación. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la diversidad genética de lotes de Piaractus mesopotamicus usados en programas de repoblación, mediante el marcador molecular RAPD. Se analizaron 60 reproductores de dos estaciones de piscicultura ubicadas en las ciudades de Sapopema (S) y Cambará (C) en el Estado del Paraná (Brasil) y 30 larvas de la progenie del lote de Sapopema (PS). Los 10 oligonucleótidos seleccionados produjeron 69 fragmentos de los cuales 62 (89,85%) fueron polimórficos. Fueron observadas diferencias (p<0,05) en la frecuencia de 42 fragmentos, con cuatro exclusivos para el lote de Sapopema. Los resultados de variabilidad genética estimados por el porcentaje de fragmentos polimórficos (S: 70,15%; PS: 73,13% y C: 77,81%) y por el índice de diversidad genética de Shannon (S: 0,365; PS: 0,379 y C: 0,468) mostraron que la variabilidad genética de S fue mantenida en la progenie (PS), debido posiblemente al buen manejo reproductivo. La variabilidad genética encontrada entre los dos lotes de reproductores indicó una diferenciación genética entre ellos, posiblemente debido al efecto fundador. De acuerdo con la AMOVA, la mayor parte de la variación está dentro de cada lote (62,43%). Este resultado se corroboró con los valores de F ST (0,375) y del número efectivo de emigrantes (2,20), que mostraron una alta diferenciación genética y un bajo flujo génico. También se constató que S y SP fueron los más semejantes genéticamente (identidad genética, IG= 0,851) y que S y C presentaron menos genes en común (IG= 0,786).<hr/>Nowadays it has been verified the decrease and the disappearance of many fish species in several aquatic environments in the Brazil. As form of minimizing that impact, stocking programs come being used with more intensity, meantime, little importance has been given to the genetic variability, fundamental parameter for any conservation practices. The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity of Piaractus mesopotamicus stocks used in stocking programs, through the RAPD molecular marker. Sixty broodstocks of two fish farms stations located in the Sapopema (S) and Cambará (C) cities in the Paraná State (Brazil) and 30 larvae of the Sapopema offspring (PS) were analyzed. The 10 selected primers yielded 69 fragments of which 62 (89.85%) were polymorphic. Differences (p<0.05) in the frequency of 42 fragments were observed, with four exclusive for the Sapopema stock. The genetic variability results estimated by the percentage of polymorphic fragments (S: 70.15%; PS: 73.13% and C: 77.81%) and for the genetic diversity of Shannon index (S: 0.365; PS: 0.379 and C: 0.468) showed that the genetic variability was maintained in the offspring, due possibly to the good reproductive management. On the other hand, the opposing genetic variability among the two broodstocks indicated a genetic differentiation among them, possibly due to the founder effect. According with the AMOVA, most of the variation is within each stock (62.43%). This result was corroborated with the F ST (0.375) values and the effective number of migrants (2.20) that showed a high genetic differentiation and a low gene flow. It was also verified that S and SP were those but similar genetically (genetic identity, IG= 0.851) and that S and C presented less genes in common (IG= 0.786). <![CDATA[<b>Pedigree analysis and effects of inbreeding behavior of Mexican fighting bull</b>]]> El objetivo fue analizar el pedigrí de cuatro ganaderías mexicanas (Los Encinos=ENC, Montecristo=MCR, Fernando de la Mora=FMO y San José=SJO) a través de estimaciones de parámetros poblacionales tales como el tamaño de población base, tamaño efectivo, número de ancestros, aportaciones porcentuales e intervalos generacionales. Además se analizó el efecto de la consanguinidad sobre el comportamiento de los animales (tienta y lidia al caballo y al torero) con un modelo animal que consideró como efectos fijos a grupo contemporáneo (año-época de nacimiento-sexo, el efecto de sexo sólo en tienta) y las covariables lineales de edad y consanguinidad del individuo; los efectos aleatorios fueron el valor genético del individuo y el error. Los pedigríes incluyeron de 3246 a 8279 animales nacidos entre 1904 y 2006; la información de comportamiento data de 1978 a 2006, variando de 202 a 2776 observaciones. Las consanguinidades promedio variaron entre 2,4% y 12,9%, con máximos individuales de 47,7% en MCR y de alrededor de 40% en las otras ganaderías. El número de ancestros como proporción de la población de referencia en MCR fue 12,3%, mientras que en FMO, ENC y SJO representaron 17,7%, 27,8% y 34,0%, respectivamente. Tres animales explicaron 50% del pedigrí en MCR y 13 o menos en las otras ganaderías. Los tres ancestros de MCR explicaron 22,6% y 20,2% del pedigrí de SJO y ENC, respectivamente. Las ganaderías MCR, SJO y ENC tienen un origen común. Las tendencias anuales de consanguinidad fueron negativas en ENC y SJO (-0,13&plusmn;0,02 y -0,25&plusmn;0,02, respectivamente; p<0,01); mientras que las tendencias de la proporción de animales consanguíneos fueron positivas en FMO y MCR (2,41&plusmn;0,41 y 0,16&plusmn;0,05, respectivamente; p<0,01). La consanguinidad se relacionó significativamente (p<0,05) sobre las notas de tienta en ENC y SJO, y lidia al torero en SJO. La calificación en las notas aumentó conforme los niveles de consanguinidad del animal fueron mayores. La magnitud de los coeficientes de regresión varió entre 0,02 y 0,05 unidades en las notas por unidad porcentual de la consanguinidad.<hr/>The objective was to analyze the pedigree of four Mexican ranches (Los Encinos=ENC, Montecristo=MCR, Fernando de la Mora=FMO, and San José=SJO) through estimates of base population, effective size, reference population, number of ancestors, percentage of contribution, and generation intervals. Also, the effect of inbreeding on the animals behavior (testing young animals and fighting on horseback or by bullfighter) was analyzed with an animal model that considered as fixed effects contemporary group (year-season of birth-sex, the sex effect only in testing young bulls) and the linear covariables of age and inbreeding of the animal. Random effects were the breeding value of the animal and the residual. The number of animals in the pedigree varied from 3246 to 8279 born between 1904 and 2006; the behavior records were from 1978 to 2006, ranging from 202 to 2776. Average inbreeding levels varied from 2.4 to 12.9%, with a maximum individual value of 47.7% in MCR and around 40% in the other ranches. The number of ancestors as a proportion of the reference population on MCR was 12.3%, while in FMO, ENC, and SJO represented 17.7%, 27.8% and 34.0%, respectively. Three ancestors explained 50% of the pedigree in MCR and 13 or less in the other ranches. The three ancestors in MCR explained 22.6% and 20.2% of the pedigree in SJO and ENC, respectively. The MCR, SJO, and ENC ranches had a common origin in their pedigrees. The annual inbreeding trends were negative in ENC and SJO (-0.13&plusmn;0.02 and -0.25&plusmn;0.02, respectively; p<0.01); while the trends in the proportion of inbred animals were positive in FMO and MCR (2.41&plusmn;0.41 and 0.16&plusmn;0.05, respectively; p<0.01). The ingreeding had a significant effect (p<0.05) on testing scores of young animal in ENC and SJO, and on bullfighthing scores in SJO. The score of testing young animals and bullfigthing increased as the level of inbreeding of the animal augmented. The size of the regression coefficient varied from 0.02 and 0.05 units of the trait per unit of percentage of inbreeding. <![CDATA[<b>Efeitos da política cambial sobre as exportações de carne bovina brasileira</b>]]> O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a estrutura de mercado internacional de carne bovina e os efeitos da política cambial adotada pelo Brasil sobre as exportações e o preço da carne bovina brasileira, no período entre 1967 e 2003. Para se analisar o efeito da taxa de câmbio sobre os preços internacionais da carne bovina em moeda nacional, faz-se uso do método de análise conhecido por shift-share. Nessa análise, obtêm-se os efeitos isolados das variações dos preços da carne bovina em dólares (efeito dólar) e da taxa de câmbio (efeito câmbio) sobre as variações dos preços em moeda nacional (efeito total). Verificase que a política cambial adotada pelo Brasil teve efeito positivo sobre as exportações de carne bovina no período entre 1967 e 2003. A taxa de câmbio real é claramente uma variável relevante para o desempenho do setor, corroborando resultados já obtidos por outros autores.<hr/>This study aims at analyzing the structure of the international beef market and the effects of exchange rate policies employed by Brazil on the exports and the price of the Brazilian beef from 1967 through 2003. In order to analyze the effect of the exchange rate on international beef prices in Brazilian currency (real), the method known as shift-share is used. In that analysis, it is possible to obtain the isolated effect of the variations on beef prices in dollars (dollar effect) and on the exchange rate (exchange rate effect) accross the variations of beef prices in national currency (total effect). The Brazilian exchange rate policy had a positive effect on the export of Brazilian beef from 1967 through 2003. Therefore, the real exchange rate plays a key role in the overall performance of the beef export sector, a result that has been obtained by other authors. <![CDATA[<B>Capim tanzânia (<I>Panicum maximum</I>) sob sombreamento e manejo de corte</B>]]> O sucesso dos sistemas silvipastoris, dentre outros fatores, depende da identificação de gramíneas tolerantes ao sombreamento, além do conhecimento sobre manejo de pastejo. A literatura mostra resultados separados em relação às gramíneas sobre efeitos ora de sombreamento, ora de altura e intervalo de corte. O objetivo foi estudar o comportamento Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, sob quatro níveis de sombreamento (0, 25, 50 e 75%), dois intervalos (30 e 60 dias) e três alturas de corte (15, 25 e 35 cm). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, dispostos em parcelas subdivididas com três repetições, com os níveis de sombreamento representando as parcelas e o fatorial dois intervalos e três alturas de corte, representando as subparcelas. Os resultados mostraram que o maior intervalo e maiores alturas de corte e os menores níveis de sombreamento proporcionaram mais massa seca aérea nas plantas, enquanto os maiores intervalos e níveis de sombreamento foram os responsáveis pela maior área foliar.<hr/>Successful silvopastoral systems depend, among other factors, on identifying of grasses tolerant to shading, and knowledge of the pasture management to which they will be submitted. The literature reports separate results on grass, sometimes about the effect of shading and sometimes about the effect of cutting height and interval. The objective of the present research was to study the performance of Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, under four shading levels (0, 25, 50 and 75%), two intervals (30 and 60 days) and three cutting heights (15, 25 and 35 cm). A randomized block design in splitplots with three replications was used, the shading levels representing the units and the factorial the cutting intervals and heights, representing subunits. The results of the treatment effects on the variables showed that the treatments in the with greater cutting interval and heights and the lower shading levels provided to more canopy dry matter in the plants, while the greatest interval and shading levels resulted in the biggest values registered for leaf area. <![CDATA[<B>Hematologia de frangos alimentados com dietas contendo aflatoxinas e adsorvente de toxinas</B>]]> Avaliou-se o efeito de adsorventes de micotoxinas a base de glucomananos esterificados Mycosorb® sobre a taxa de hematócrito, relação heterófilos/linfócitos circulantes e peso vivo em frangos de corte Ross fêmeas alimentados com dietas contaminadas ou não com aflatoxina. Aos 37, 44 e 51 dias de idade foram coletadas amostras de sangue para realizar o hematócrito e a contagem de leucócitos total e diferencial. Na contagem leucocitária diferencial são apresentados apenas os linfócitos e heterófilos em função do objetivo do trabalho, calculando-se a proporção de cada tipo em cem células contadas. A relação heterófilos/ linfócitos foi calculada dividindo-se a taxa de heterófilos pela taxa de linfócitos. Os tratamentos com sete repetições de 28 aves cada, totalizando 784 aves, foram assim constituídos: T1= Dieta com milho não contaminado (controle), T2= Dieta com milho contaminado (aflatoxina 1 ppm) sem adsorventes, T3= Dieta com milho contaminado (aflatoxina 1 ppm) + 1,0 kg/t adsorvente Mycosorb®, T4= Dieta com milho não contaminado + 1,0 kg/t adsorvente Mycosorb®. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias de cada tratamento comparadas através do teste de Duncan. Aves alimentadas com milho contaminado e sem adsorvente de micotoxinas (T2) apresentaram, numericamente, em todas as idades, a maior taxa de hematócrito. No entanto, diferenças significativas (p<0,05) foram encontradas somente entre o milho contaminado sem adsorvente (T2) comparado ao milho não contaminado com aflatoxina com adsorvente de micotoxinas (T4) aos 37 e 44 dias de idade. A maior diferença na relação heterófilo/linfócito foi observada entre as aves que receberam dieta com milho não contaminado sem adsorvente comparada com a dieta com milho não contaminado suplementada com 1 kg/t de adsorvente (32 vs. 16%, p<0,05). As aves alimentadas com dietas contendo aflatoxina sem adsorvente apresentaram menor ganho de peso (p<0,05) aos 51 dias de idade, quando comparadas com aves recebendo dietas contaminadas suplementadas com adsorventes (2078,0 vs. 2501,2 kg, respectivamente). Conclui-se que a suplementação de adsorvente a base de glucomanano esterificado (Mycosorb® 1 kg/t), em dietas com ou sem milho contaminado com aflatoxina, influencia positivamente o hematócrito e o peso vivo e melhora o bem-estar animal avaliado através da relação heterófilos/linfócitos circulantes em frangos de corte fêmeas.<hr/>A research was conducted to evaluate the effect of mycotoxins' adsorbent Mycosorb® on the hematological parameters of broilers (Ross) fed diets contaminated or not with aflatoxins. The welfare of broilers was determined by measuring heterophil/lymphocyte ratio. Blood samples were collected at 37, 44 and 51 days of age for the counting of total and differential leukocytes. Leukocytes counting were determined for lymphocytes and heterophils. The counting was based on the proportion of each cell type present in 100 counted cells. Heterophil/lymphocyte ratio was obtained dividing the rate of heterophils by the rate of lymphocytes. A total of 784 birds were used. Four treatments (seven replications of 28 birds each) were studied: T1= non contaminated corn (control); T2= contaminated corn (1 ppm aflatoxin) without adsorbent; T3= contaminated corn (1 ppm aflatoxin) + 1 kg Mycosorb®/t; and T4= non contaminated corn + 1 kg Mycosorb®/t. Data were analyzed through ANOVA and Duncan test was used for comparing the treatment means. Birds fed diets containing contaminated corn without mycotoxin adsorbent (T2) showed the highest numeric hematocrit index for all ages. However, significant differences (p<0.05) were found only among contaminated corn without adsorbent (T2) compared to uncontaminated corn containing mycotoxin adsorbent (T4) at 37 and 44 days of age. The highest heterophil/lymphocyte difference was observed among birds fed diets containing non contaminated corn without adsorbent in comparison to the ones fed diets containing non contaminated corn supplemented with 1 kg adsorbent/kg (32 vs. 16%, p<0.05). Birds fed diets containing aflatoxin without adsorbent showed lower weight gain (p<0.05) at 51 days when compared to the ones fed contaminated diets supplemented with adsorbent (2078.0 vs. 2501.2 kg, respectively). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of adsorbent based on sterified glucomannan (Mycosorb®/1 kg/t) in diets with or without contaminated corn positively affects hematocrit and live weight and improves animal welfare of female broilers, as evaluated through heterophil/lymphocyte ratio. <![CDATA[<B>Yeast species associated with honey</B>: <B>different identification methods</B>]]> In the present study, three different methods were used to identify yeast isolated from Trás-os-Montes, Portuguese honey. A total of 24 isolates were identified using a partial sequence of the 26S rRNA gene (rDNA), restriction patterns generated from the region spanning the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of the 5.8S rRNA gene and the API 20C AUX kit. Nine different yeast species were identified representing six different genera. Among the isolated honey samples, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Candida magnoliae and Zygosaccharomyces mellis were the predominant species. Partial sequence of the 26S rDNA yielded the best results in terms of correct identification, followed by-5.8S-ITS analysis. The commercial identification kit API 20C AUX was able to correctly identify only 58% of the isolates. Two new 5.8S-ITS profiles were described, corresponding to Trichosporon mucoides and Candida sorbosivorans.<hr/>En este estudio, se han utilizado tres métodos para identificar levaduras aisladas de la miel de Trás-os-Montes, Portugal. Se han identificado un total de 24 aislados usando una secuencia parcial del gen rRNA 26S (rDNA), los patrones de restricción generados de la región de los espaciadores transcritos internos (ITS1 e ITS2) del gen rRNA 5.8S (rDNA) y el kit API 20C AUX. Fueron identificadas nueve especies distintas de levaduras que representan seis géneros distintos. Entre las muestras aisladas de la miel, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Candida magnoliae y Zygosaccha-romyces mellis eran las especies predominantes. La secuencia parcial del rDNA 26S rindió los mejores resultados para la correcta identificación, seguida por el análisis del 5.8S-ITS. El kit comercial de identificación API 20C AUX. sólo identificó correctamente el 58% de los aislados. Se describen dos perfiles nuevos de 5.8S-ITS, correspondiendo a Trichosporon mucoides y Candida sorbosivorans. <![CDATA[<B>Influência da altura de comedouros tubulares no comportamento ingestivo de frangos de corte</B>]]> O objetivo deste trabalho foi de verificar o efeito da altura de comedouros tubulares sobre o comportamento de frangos de corte. Foram alojados 880 frangos de corte fêmeas Ross divididos em 40 boxes (repetições) com 22 aves cada (11 aves/m²). Nos boxes, a cama foi de cepilho de madeira, com bebedouros lineares de água corrente e comedouros tubulares com capacidade para 18 kg de ração. As aves foram submetidas a duas alturas de comedouro em dois períodos diferentes (28-35 dias de idade, comedouro alto (CAL): borda superior do comedouro com 20 cm do solo, comedouro baixo (CB): borda superior com 11 cm do solo; 36 a 42 dias de idade - CAL: borda superior com 25 cm do solo, CB: borda superior com 18 cm do solo). Para verificar a descrição geral do comportamento das aves foi utilizada a técnica de amostragem instantânea scan sampling e no estudo do comportamento de ingestão das aves (monitorado durante 12 h consecutivas) utilizou-se como ferramenta de registro microcâmeras instaladas simultaneamente em 4 boxes. No teste de preferência os frangos individualmente ou coletivamente deveriam escolher entre um comedouro alto ou um comedouro baixo disponíveis ao mesmo tempo dentro do box. Foi utilizado um delineamento completamente casualizado sendo que as médias das variáveis respostas foram comparadas através do teste t ou estatística não paramétrica quando necessária. Os frangos de corte preferem consumir ração em comedouros tubulares regulados a baixa altura. A utilização de comedouros baixos reduz a freqüência de visitas ao mesmo, sendo inversamente proporcional ao tempo de ingestão de alimentos, porém sem afetar ao consumo total de ração.<hr/>This paper aimed to study the effect of tubular feeder height on ingestive behavior of broiler. Eight hundred and eighty female broilers (Ross) were randomly allotted to 40 pens (replications) with 22 broilers each (11 birds/m²). Each experimental pen contained wood shavings, linear waterers and tubular feeders (18 kg capacity). Birds were subjected to two feeders height in two periods (28 to 35 days of age, feeder height (FH): superior edge 20 cm height; feeder low (FL): superior edge 11 cm height; 36 to 42 days of age, FH: superior edge 25 cm height; FL: superior edge 18 cm height). Scan sampling technique was used to study the general description of avian behavior, while micro cameras were simultaneously installed in 4 pens to study ingestive behavior (12 hours non-stop monitoring). In the preference test the broilers should individually or collectively choose between either a high or a low feeder, with both available at the same time inside the pen. A completely randomized design was used and t test was utilized to compare the treatment averages. Non-parametric statistic was employed when necessary. Results showed that broilers prefer to consume feed from low feeders. The use of low height feeders reduces the frequency of visits for eating and is inversely correlated to the time needed for eating, but it does not affect feed consumption. <![CDATA[<B>Alimentação de leitoas pré-púberes com dietas contendo aflatoxinas ou zearalenona</B>]]> Um experimento foi realizado para avaliar o desempenho, a morfologia vulvar e os pesos de órgãos viscerais e de trato reprodutivo em leitoas pré-púberes alimentadas com dietas contendo aflatoxinas ou zearalenona durante 28 dias. Foram utilizados 18 animais com peso médio inicial de 11 quilogramas. Três tratamentos (dieta controle - DC; DC + 1 mg kg-1 de aflatoxinas; DC + 2 mg kg-1 de zearalenona) foram utilizados em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições. As aflatoxinas reduziram (p<0,05) em 30% o consumo de ração (DC x DC + aflatoxinas: 1,087 x 0,758 kg), em 27% o ganho de peso (0,608 x 0,441 kg) e em 16% o peso vivo dos animais ao final do experimento (27,4 x 22,9 kg). A zearalenona não alterou (p&gt;0,05) o consumo de ração (DC x DC + zearalenona: 1,087 x 0,986 kg), a conversão alimentar (1,85 x 1,86), o ganho de peso (0,608 x 0,539 kg) e o peso vivo dos animais (27,4 x 25,5 kg) em relação ao grupo controle. Os pesos relativos de fígado e coração também não foram alterados (p&gt;0,05) pelas micotoxinas. Porém, a zearalenona aumentou (p<0,05) o volume vulvar, o peso e o comprimento do trato reprodutivo. Os resultados indicam efeitos estrogênicos associados à zearalenona e perdas em produtividade às aflatoxinas presentes nas dietas.<hr/>An experiment was carried out to evaluate performance, vulvae morphology, visceral organs and reproductive tract weight in pre-puberal gilts fed diets containing aflatoxins or zearalenone during 28 days. Eighteen animals with an average initial weight of 11 kg were used. Three treatments (control diet - CD; CD + 1 mg kg-1 of aflatoxins; CD + 2 mg kg-1 of zearalenone) were utilized in a completely randomized design with six replications. Feed intake, weight gain and final live weight were reduced (p<0.05) by 30% (CD x CD + aflatoxins: 1.087 x 0.758 kg), 27% (0.608 x 0.441 kg) and 16% (27.4 x 22.9 kg) for animals fed diets containing aflatoxins. Feed intake (CD x CD + zearalenone: 1.087 x 0.986 kg), feed conversion ratio (1.85 x 1.86) and final live weight (27.4 x 25.5 kg) were not affected (p&gt;0.05) by zearalenone in comparison to control group. The relative weight of liver and heart were not altered (p&gt;0.05) by mycotoxins. However, zearalenone increased (p<0.05) the bulk of vulva, the length and weight of reproductive tract. Feeding diets with aflatoxins or zearalenone prejudices performance and stimulates estrogenic effects in gilts. <![CDATA[<B><I>Flushing</I> em vacas de corte no pós-parto, submetidas ao desmame precoce</B>: <B>desempenho reprodutivo</B>]]> O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de gordura por um curto período de tempo (flushing) sobre o desempenho reprodutivo (aparecimento de estro pós-parto, anestro, intervalo de estro pós-parto, intervalo entre partos, número de inseminações artificiais, intervalo entre as inseminações artificiais e percentagem de prenhez) de fêmeas de corte no pós-parto, submetidas ao desmame precoce. Foram utilizadas 258 vacas, dos grupos genéticos: Aberdeen Angus (n= 21), Aberdeen Angus x Canchim (n= 20), Canchim x Aberdeen Angus (n= 52), Charolês x Caracu (n= 29), Charolês (n= 18), Cachim (n= 34), Caracu (n= 35), Caracu x Charolês (n= 26) e Purunã (n= 23), com peso vivo médio de 418,1 kg e diagnóstico de prenhez positivo. Os animais foram distribuídos nos tratamentos flushing (30% de grão de soja + 70% de milho) e não suplementados. Foram avaliados três períodos de acordo com a ordem de parição: setembro, outubro e novembro. Não houve efeito do flushing sobre a percentagem de estro pós-parto (82,9%), percentagem de anestro (17,0%), intervalo de estro pós-parto (100,5 dias), peso ao nascer do bezerro (34,2 kg), número de inseminações artificiais (1,4), intervalo entre a 1ª e a 2ª inseminação artificial (19,2 dias), intervalo entre a 2ª e 3ª inseminação artificial (19,9 dias) e percentagem de prenhez (54,6%). O flushing reduziu o intervalo entre partos (391,1 vs. 399,3 dias). O período de novembro apresentou menor percentagem de estro pós-parto (70,6%), percentagem de anestro (29,4%), intervalo de estro pós-parto (90,3 dias), intervalo entre partos (378,3 dias), número de inseminações artificiais (1,2), intervalo entre a 1ª e a 2ª inseminação artificial (11,5 dias) e percentagem de prenhez (27,5%).<hr/>The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of short-time fat supplementation (flushing) on the reproductive performance (postpartum estrus, postpartum anestrus, postpartum estrus interval, calving interval, number of artificial insemination, artificial insemination interval, and pregnancy rate) of postpartum beef cows, submitted to the early weaning. Two hundred and fifty eight beef cows were used from the following genetic groups: Aberdeen Angus (n= 21), Aberdeen Angus x Canchim (n= 20), Canchim x Aberdeen Angus (n= 52), Charoles x Caracu (n= 29), Charolais (n= 18), Cachim (n= 34), Caracu (n= 35), Caracu x Charoles (n= 26) an Purunã (n= 23), with 418.1 kg of body weight and all pregnant. These animals were split into two types of treatments: flushing (30% soybean full + 70% corn) and no supplementation. There was no flushing effect on postpartum estrus percentage (82.9%), anestrus percentage (17.0%), postpartum estrus interval (100.5 days), calf birth weight (34.2 kg), number of artificial insemination (1.4), interval between the 1st and the 2nd artificial insemination (19.2 days), interval between the 1st and the 2nd artificial insemination (19.9 days), and pregnancy percentage (54.6%). The flushing reduced calving interval (391.14 vs. 399.31 days). The November period had lower postpartum estrus percentage (70.6%), anestrus percentage (29.4%), postpartum estrus interval (90.3 days), calving interval (378.3 days), number of artificial insemination (1.2), interval between the 1st and the 2nd artificial insemination (11.5 days), and pregnancy percentage (27.5%). <![CDATA[<B>Response of broiler chicks to diets with bambaranut (<I>Voandzeia subterranea</I>) as a protein source</B>]]> The effects of raw and toasted bambaranut as a protein source for broiler chicks were investigated using 45 broiler chicks, randomly divided into three groups of 15 birds each. The test diets were formulated such that bambaranut constituted 25% of the diets. Treatment 1 (control) contained no bambaranut, treatment 2 contained raw bambaranut and treatment 3 toasted bambaranut. The study lasted for 6 weeks during which weight gain and feed consumption were measured. The performance of the various groups was evaluated using weight gain, feed conversion ratio and cost per kg weight gain. At slaughter, various internal organs were excised, evaluated for gross lesions and weighed. The results of the study showed that the control group had superior feed conversion ratio and weight gain, while the raw bambaranut group was superior to the toasted bambaranut group. Cost per kg weight gain was higher in the toasted bambaranut groups. There were neither statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the organ weights nor observable abdominal fat and gross pathology of the internal organs.<hr/>Les effets de la noix de bambara cru et grillé comme source de protéine pour les poulets de chair a été examinée en utilisant 45 broilers qui ont été divisés au hasard en trois groupes de 15 oiseaux. Les régimes de test ont été formulés tel ce la noix de bambara a constitué 25% du total. Le traitement 1 (contrôle) sans noix de bambara, le traitement 2 avec noix de bambara cru et le traitement 3 avec noix bambara réchauffée. L'étude a duré 6 semaines pendant lesquelles le gain du poids et la consommation de l'aliment ont été mesurées. Les résultats obtenus par des divers groupes ont été évalués en utilisant les gains du poids, la conversion d'aliment, et le coût par kg gaigné. Pendant l'abattage, les divers organes internes ont été excisés et évalués pour les grands lésions et pesés. Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que le groupe de contrôle avait le plus haut ratio de conversion d'aliment et gain du poids, pendant que le groupe de la noix de bambara cru était supérieur au groupe de la noix de bambara réchauffée. Le coût par kg gaigné était plus haut dans les groupes de la noix de bambara réchauffée. Il n'avait pas des différences statistiques (p>0.05) pour les poids d'organes ni pour le tissu adipeux abdominal observable et la grand pathologie dans les organes internes. <![CDATA[<b>Degradation of fibrolytic enzymes from <i>Trametes sp.</i> EUM1, <i>Pleurotus ostreatus</i> IE8 and Fibrozyme<sup>®</sup></b>]]> Se determinó la degradación en líquido ruminal de las enzimas producidas por los hongos Trametes sp. EUM1, P. ostreatus IE8 y de las presentes en un producto fibrolítico comercial (Fibrozyme®) mediante la medición del nitrógeno amoniacal (N-NH3) liberado. Para cada enzima los resultados se analizaron como un experimento factorial (3x2x2) con los factores: sustrato (xilano, carboximeticelulosa y sin sustrato), nivel de proteína de la enzima (1 ó 2) y el tiempo de contacto de la enzima con el sustrato previo a la incubación (0 ó 1 h). La concentración de N-NH3 en líquido ruminal fue diferente (p<0,05) entre sustratos en todos las enzimas estudiadas. El nivel de proteína de la enzima tuvo efecto (p<0,05) sobre la concentración de N-NH3 en el líquido ruminal con enzimas de Trametes sp. y P. ostreatus, pero no en el incubado con Fibrozyme. La interacción sustrato por nivel de proteína tuvo efecto (p<0,05) en la concentración de N-NH3 en las enzimas de Trametes sp. y P. ostreatus. Se observaron menores concentraciones de N-NH3 al incubar las enzimas con un sustrato, por lo que se considera un factor importante en la estabilidad de las enzimas estudiadas.<hr/>Ruminal degradation of enzymes produced by fungi Trametes sp. EUM1, Pleurotus ostreatus IE8, and from a commercial product (Fibrozyme®) was determined trough ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3) released. For each enzyme results were analyzed as a factorial experiment (3x2x2); factors were: substrate (xylan, carboximethycellulose and no substrate), protein level of enzyme (1 or 2) and times of contact enzyme-substrate previous incubation (0 or 1 h). The NH3-N concentration in ruminal fluid was different (p<0.05) between substrates on all studied enzymes. The protein level of enzyme had effect (p<0.05) on NH3-N concentration from Trametes sp. or P. ostreatus enzymes, but not from Fibrozyme. The substrate by protein level had effect (p<0.05) in the NH3-N concentration in the Trametes sp. and P. ostreatus enzymes. The time of contact enzyme-substrate effect was not significant for any of studied enzymes. Because minor N-NH3 concentration was observed when enzymes were incubated with a substrate, this indicates that degradation of enzymes in ruminal liquid was reduced in presence of a substrate; therefore substrate is important in the stability of studied enzymes. <![CDATA[<B>A simple device for total urine collection in browsing or grazing cows</B>]]> Se diseñó y evaluó una metodología de recolección total de orina en la hembra bovina en condiciones de silvopastoreo. Para evaluar las bolsas se utilizaron 4 vacas (Bos taurus x B. indicus) con un peso vivo de 415 kg. El tiempo de pastoreo fue de 20 horas/día. La bolsa diseñada funcionó bien y no se observaron pérdidas de orina ni contaminación de la orina con excretas. La excreción de orina por día fue de 12,8; 13,6; 11,97 y 12,3 kg/día sin diferencias estadísticas.<hr/>The design and evaluation of a methodology for total urine collection in browsing and/or grazing cows is presented. The bag was test using 4 cows (Bos taurus x B. indicus) of 415 kg LW. Grazing/browsing time was 20 hours/day. The device worked well and without urine loss or contamination with faeces. Urine collection was on average: 12.8, 13.6, 11.97 and 12.3 kg/d and no significative differences were found.