Scielo RSS <![CDATA[The European Journal of Psychiatry]]> vol. 29 num. 4 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Progression in healthy ageing</b>: <b>frailty, cognitive decline and gender in the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing</b>]]> Background and Objectives: Lifespan is getting longer at a global level. More people, therefore, live past 65 years of age. Ageing favors frailty, a condition that makes the body more susceptible to diseases. We present updated information of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), and particularly, the Cognitive Decline (CD) group in Action Group 3 (A3), focused in the prevention of frailty and functional decline. Moreover, details of one of the commitments in CD, which deals with the specificities of women in frailty and ageing (Chronic Ailment Reduction after Menopause, CARMEN), will be presented as well. Objectives of EIPAHA are to increase life expectancy of European citizens in two years by 2020 and to improve their quality of life. Methods: We revised literature and the web of the European Commission in what refers to EIP on AHA, A3 action group, and CD. Furthermore, we have summarized the main aspects of the CARMEN commitment. Results: We have sketched the main traits of the selected targets. A series of measures has been taken for favoring prevention of frailty and for health promotion of elderly people; this will help to increase the Europeans average healthy lifespan by two years under conditions of improved quality of life. Conclusions: A new awareness of the need for prevention of frailty and cognitive decline is extending. Early diagnosis of frailty and functional decline are considered as effective measures against age-related comorbidities. <![CDATA[<b>The Person-Centered Health model in Intellectual Developmental Disorders/Intellectual Disability</b>]]> Background and Objectives: This paper analyses the different aspects related to the conceptualization and assessment of Intellectual Developmental Disorders / Intellectual Disability (IDD/ID) following the Person-centered Integrative Diagnostic (PID) model of the International Network for Person-centered Medicine, with a main emphasis on the health status and health self-perception. Methods: Conceptual paper, including expert opinions based on literature review. Results: The conceptualization of IDD/ID should shift the traditional over-reliance on the intelligence (IQ) score in favour of the daily life expression of specific cognitive functions and the determination of the levels of severity of intellectual functioning, that is currently based on the person's IQ score, should be reached through a system that is predicated on the person's satisfaction attainment towards life. The assessment of cognition should be aimed at identifying those dysfunctions that have the highest impact on individual behaviour, skills, adaptation, autonomy, and quality of life across the life span, highlighting personal cognitive strengths and weaknesses that can be worthwhile for the planning of effective interventions. Conclusions: Authors conclude that the application of the PID model to IDD/ID represents a prototypical example of how this approach can be useful for understanding complex constructs in health care. An overview of the main factors related to the implementation of the person-centered care model by health systems and services is also provided. <![CDATA[<b>Eating attitudes, weight control behaviors and risk factors for eating disorders among Chinese female dance students</b>]]> Background and Objectives: Along with the economic development, eating disorders begin to appear in China. In this context, we study potential risks for eating disorders. Methods: 1,199 Chinese students, aged 12-25 years, were randomly selected in spring 2006 from a survey with a series of scales (EAT-26, EDI) that were used as a screening examination for eating attitudes, weight control behaviors and risk factors. Among them were 31 female Chinese dance students. The dancer students were compared with the female high risk group of eating disorders (EAT ≥ 20) and the female low risk group (EAT 0-9) according to their scores on EAT-26 and EDI. Results: There were just 3 dancers (10%) with scores on the EAT-26 who were over the cut-off point of 20 for high risk of an eating disorder. The dance group also showed significantly higher scores than the low risk group (EAT 0-9) not only on the subscales Dieting, and EAT-26 total scores on the EAT-26, but also on the subscales Perfectionism and Maturity Fears on the EDI. Conclusions: Among the group of female Chinese dance students, most participants did not show a high risk for eating disorders and their high scores on some subscales on the EAT-26 and EDI could be caused by their occupation. <![CDATA[<b>Direct infussion Electrospray Mass Spectrometry as a new non-invasive tool for serum metabolomics in induced-stress subjects</b>]]> Background and Objectives: Nanotechnology is becoming a tool for the study of changes in the metabolome of patients in different states of disease. Analytical techniques such as Electrospray Mass Spectrometry, allow to find biomarkers by determination of metabolites. Nowadays, there is not an objective analytical approach for diagnosis of stress. Thus, the objectives of this pilot work are: Describing the development of a fast, direct and non-invasive analytical protocol, applied for the first time, to study the metabolomic profile of patient´s different states through a disease. Testing the protocol in a pilot sample with non-stressed and stress-induced subjects. Methods: High resolution direct infusion electrospray mass spectrometry has been used to analyse the metabolome of blood samples (0.3 ml) from six subjects. Results: Data prove a clear discrimination between non-stressed and stressed states in the metabolome. Data showed different predominant metabolites in both states. Results allow objective characterization of the state of the patient. Conclusions: Although this is a pilot study, the method was successful in discriminating different metabolites in non-stressed and stress-induced subjects. <![CDATA[<b>Significant new quantitative EGG patterns in fibromyalgia</b>]]> Background and Objectives: We analyzed the EEG recordings of a sample of fibromyalgia patients, with the goal of looking for new, more objective indicators on the diagnosis and severity assessment of this pathology, and looking also to establish the relationship of these new indicators with different psychological and neuropsychiatric tests. Methods: We compared the EEG recordings of a group of 13 fibromyalgia patients with a normalized database built into the software of the equipment used (Neuronic), and also with a control group of 13 individuals; both groups were selected under the same criteria of inclusion-exclusion. Patients and controls underwent quantitative EEG (eyes closed), according to international 10-20 EEG system and were specifically evaluated throughout various neuropsychiatric and psychological questionnaires. Results: We obtained the absolute powers of QEEG (quantitative) for the different electrode sites and frequency bands, we determined the corresponding values of the deviation from normal (Z-scores), and estimated various indicators and ratios, as well as correlations with the results of psychological tests. Interestingly, the ratios of theta and beta frequencies in relation with alpha appear as one of the most relevant indicators of the severity of the pathology; significant differences were also found in the peak frequency (maximum power per Hz) of the alpha band, and in the frequency peak of the total spectrum. Conclusions: The consistency of the abnormal EEG patterns of fibromyalgia patients revealed the presence of systemic dysfunction at the central nervous system level, beyond possible peripheral anomalies and specific tissue pathologies. Among the indicators and benchmarks achieved, the most important changes concern the frequencies theta, alpha and beta, and still more significant were the values of their ratios in the comparison between patients and controls. The relative values of peak frequencies are also of interest. The promising results achieved suggest that it is necessary to continue the investigation to validate these new diagnostic indicators. <![CDATA[<b>Suicide notes</b>: <b>clinical and linguistic analysis from the perspective of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide</b>]]> Background and Objectives: Studying suicide notes is a strong methodolo­gy in suicidology and one of the most relevant theoretical frameworks is the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide proposed by Joiner. This study analyzed 80 suicide notes collected in Chile searching for the risk factors proposed by the theory and its implications. The clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the notes' authors were analyzed too. Methods: The suicide notes were classified according to the presence or absence of the suicide risk factors proposed by the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and were analyzed linguistically with the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count program. Results: One or both interpersonal risk factors indicated by the theory were identified in 60% of the notes. The “lack of belonging” factor was the most common risk factor, and various linguistic profiles in the suicide notes were found according to the presence or absence of this factor. Conclusions: We confirmed the relevance of the interpersonal risk factors proposed as issues present in a high percentage of notes and found linguistic differences according to its presence or absence in the suicide notes.