Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 101 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Capsule endoscopy</b>: <b>are we making the most of all its benefits?</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Upper gastrointestinal findings detected by capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding</b>]]> Objective: we analyzed our experience with the use of capsule endoscopy in areas that can be explored with gastroscopy to justify obscure bleeding, as well as the outcome after a new recommended gastroscopy in order to determine if a second gastroscopy before the capsule study can provide any benefit in the management of this disease. Methods: we retrospectively studied 82 patients who were explored with capsule endoscopy for obscure gastrointestinal bleeding who had undergone previously only one gastroscopy. Findings in the zones which were accessible by gastroscopy were normal, mild/known and severe/unknown. In the latter cases we recommended a second gastroscopy, and their treatment and outcome were subjected to further study. Results: capsule endoscopy did not find any unknown esophageal findings. In 63% of cases, no gastric or duodenal lesions were shown; in 20%, lesions were mild or had been previously diagnosed, and in 17%, a new gastroscopy was recommended due to the discovery of an unknown condition which could be the cause of the obscure bleeding. This new information brought about a change in treatment for 78% of patients in this group, all of whom improved from their illness. Capsule endoscopy found significant intercurrent alterations in the small intestine in only 14% of cases. Conclusions: the performance of a second gastroscopy, previous to capsule endoscopy, in the study of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding can offer benefits in diagnostic terms and may introduce therapeutic changes. A detailed analysis of the upper tract frames in intestinal capsule endoscopy studies is mandatory since it may provide relevant information with clinical impact on the management of these patients.<hr/>Objetivo: hemos analizado los hallazgos que la cápsula endoscópica aportó de las zonas accesibles a una gastroscopia que podrían justificar un sangrado digestivo oscuro, así como la evolución de estos enfermos tras la nueva gastroscopia recomendada para determinar si una segunda gastroscopia previa a la cápsula podría añadir beneficios en el manejo de esta patología. Métodos: estudiamos de forma retrospectiva 82 pacientes a los que se efectuó cápsula endoscópica como estudio de hemorragia oscura que contaban con una única gastroscopia. Los hallazgos que la cápsula apreció en tramos altos se dividieron en normales, leves/conocidos y severos-desconocidos que recomendaron una segunda gastroscopia. Estos últimos casos fueron seguidos. Resultados: la cápsula endoscópica no objetivó hallazgos esofágicos desconocidos. En un 63% no evidenció lesiones gastroduodenales, en un 20% estas eran leves o conocidas y en un 17% se recomendó una nueva gastroscopia al encontrar patología desconocida y que podría motivar la hemorragia digestiva a este nivel. La información motivó cambios en el tratamiento en un 85% de este grupo, con mejoría en el 78%. La cápsula endoscópica encontró alteraciones intercurrentes llamativas en el intestino delgado en sólo un 14%. Conclusiones: una segunda gastroscopia previa a una cápsula endoscópica en el estudio de la hemorragia oscura ofrecería beneficios en términos diagnósticos y a la hora de introducir cambios terapéuticos que consiguen buenos resultados clínicos. El análisis detallado de los fotogramas del tracto digestivo alto es obligado, ya que puede aportar información relevante y con importancia en el manejo de estos pacientes. <![CDATA[<b>Results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a third-level university hospital after 17 years of experience</b>]]> Objective: the aim of the study is to determine the results obtained with laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Ramón y Cajal Hospital after 17 years of experience, comparing current results with those at the beginning of the experience. Material and methods: between 1991 and December 2007, 3,933 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed at the "Ramón y Cajal Hospital"; 1,849 patients were operated on between 1991 and 2000, and 2,084 between 2001 and 2007. Patients studied included 69.8% of women and 30.2% of men, with a mean age of 56.95 years (range 9-94 years). In all, 54.68% of patients had a concomitant disease before surgery (hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, respiratory disease...). Surgery was performed by a staff surgeon for 58.04% of cases, and by a resident in the remaining 41.96%. Surgical indications were cholelithiasis in 75.5%, pancreatitis in 13.3%, cholecystitis in 6.3%, choledocholithiasis in 3.05%, and others in 1.2% of cases. Results: mean hospital stay was 3.06 days. Conversion to open surgery was required for 8.3% of cases (331 patients). The major surgical complication rate was 2.34%, with the most frequent being hemoperitoneum (1%). Common bile duct injury occurred in thirteen cases (0.3%), 51 patients (1.3%) were soon re-operated, and 5 patients died (0.13%). When the results of both decades (1991-2000 vs. 2001-2007) were compared, we observed differences in the number of procedures performed by residents (31.7 vs. 51.1%, p = 0.00001), number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies for cholecystitis (4.9 vs. 7.53%, p = 0.001), conversion rate (5.46 vs. 11%, p = 0.000001), and mean hospital stay (2.43 vs. 3.7 days, p = 0.001). Conclusion: these results should be interpreted with caution as this is a retrospective study with multiple uncontrolled variables (high number of surgeons and continuous learning curve). The lower conversion rate and mean hospital stay in the first decade of the learning curve are amazing, although this could be related to better patient selection and a lower number of cholecystites operated using a laparoscopic approach in the initial series. In general, these results are acceptable and concur with the rest of the literature.<hr/>Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio es conocer los resultados obtenidos con la colecistectomía laparoscópica en el Hospital Ramón y Cajal en sus 17 años de experiencia, comparando los resultados actuales con los del inicio de la experiencia. Material y métodos: entre enero de 1991 y diciembre de 2007 se efectuaron en el Hospital Ramón y Cajal un total de 3.933 colecistectomías laparoscópicas. Fueron intervenidos 1.849 pacientes entre 1991-2000 y 2.084 entre 2001-2007. Un 69,8% eran mujeres y un 30,2% varones con una edad media de 56,95 años (rango 9-94 años). Un 54,68% de pacientes presentaban antecedentes personales de forma previa a la intervención (hipertensión, diabetes, cardiopatía isquémica, bronquitis...). La cirugía fue efectuada por un personal del staff en el 58,04% de los casos y por un residente de cirugía en el 41,96%. Las indicaciones quirúrgicas fueron colelitiasis 75,5%, pancreatitis 13,3%, colecistitis 6,3%, coledocolitiasis 3,05% y otros 1,2%. Resultados: la estancia media postoperatoria fue de 3,06 días. La tasa de conversión a cirugía abierta de 8,3% (331 pacientes) y la de complicaciones quirúrgicas mayores del 2,34%, siendo la más frecuente el hemoperitoneo (1%). Se produjeron 13 lesiones de la vía biliar durante la cirugía laparoscópica (0,3%), 51 pacientes (1,3%) fueron reintervenidos precozmente tras la cirugía (hemo-/coleperitoneo) y fallecieron un total de 5 pacientes (0,13%). Cuando comparamos los resultados entre ambas décadas (1991-2000 vs. 2001-2007), observamos que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al número de intervenciones realizadas por el residente (31,7 vs. 51,1%, p = 0,00001), el número de colecistitis abordadas por vía laparoscópica (4,9 vs. 7,53%, p = 0,001), la tasa de conversión (5,46 vs. 11%, p = 0,000001) y la estancia media postoperatoria (2,43 días vs. 3,7 días p = 0,001). Conclusión: los resultados deben interpretarse con reservas al tratarse de un estudio retrospectivo y sujeto a variables no controladas (elevado número de cirujanos y curva aprendizaje continuada). Llama la atención la menor tasa de conversión y estancia post-operatoria en la primera década de la curva de aprendizaje, aunque podría estar en relación con la mayor selección de los pacientes y con el menor número de colecistitis realizadas por vía laparoscópica en el comienzo de la serie. En general, los resultados obtenidos son aceptables y comparables al resto de las series de la literatura. <![CDATA[<b>Oscillations in serum ferritin associated with antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C</b>]]> Background: hyperferritinemia is often found in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and is predictive of poorer response to antiviral therapy. Objective: to investigate changes in ferritinemia during and after antiviral therapy. Patients and methods: serum ferritin levels were measured in 262 CHC patients (163 males, mean age 48.5 years &plusmn; 10.1) before and during antiviral therapy, and six months post-treatment in all 154 patients whit undetectable serum HCV-RNA after therapy completion. Results: baseline serum ferritin was higher in patients with primary therapeutic failure than in those reaching sustained viral response (330 &plusmn; 291 ng/mL vs. 211 &plusmn; 192 ng/mL, p = 0.002). Serum ferritin transiently increased during therapy from baseline (257 &plusmn; 242 ng/mL vs. 875 &plusmn; 630 ng/mL, p < 0.001). Six months after finishing therapy, serum ferritin decreased under baseline values both in sustained responders (117 &plusmn; 102 ng/mL vs. 211&plusmn; 192 ng/mL, p < 0.001) and, to a lesser extent, in relapsers (217 &plusmn; 174 ng/mL vs. 257 &plusmn; 221 ng/mL, p = 0.047). Conclusions: baseline serum ferritin may predict response to antiviral treatment in chronic hepatitis C. Combined antiviral therapy induces a marked increase in serum ferritin that falls below baseline values after sustained viral response, suggesting that the cause of hyperferritinemia in many patients is HCV infection itself rather than iron overload.<hr/>Antecedentes: la hiperferritinemia es frecuente en los enfermos con hepatitis crónica C (HCC) y reduce las probabilidades de respuesta al tratamiento antiviral. Objetivo: investigar las variaciones de la ferritina sérica durante y después del tratamiento y su relación con la respuesta al mismo. Pacientes y métodos: la ferritina sérica se ha medido en 262 enfermos con HCC (163 hombres, edad media 48,5 años &plusmn; 10,1) antes y durante el tratamiento antiviral, y a los 6 meses de finalizado en los 154 enfermos con viremia indetectable al final del tratamiento. Resultados: la ferritina sérica basal era más alta en enfermos con fracaso terapéutico primario que en los que consiguieron respuesta viral sostenida (RVS) (330 &plusmn; 291 ng/ml vs. 211 &plusmn; 192 ng/ml, p = 0,002). La ferritina sérica aumentó transitoriamente durante el tratamiento (257 &plusmn; 242 ng/ml vs. 875 &plusmn; 630 ng/ml, p < 0,001). La ferritina sérica descendió a valores inferiores a los basales seis meses después de finalizado el tratamiento en los pacientes con RVS (117 &plusmn; 102 ng/ml vs. 211&plusmn; 192 ng/ml, p < 0,001) y, en menor grado, en los que sufrieron recidiva viral (217 &plusmn; 174 ng/ml vs. 257 &plusmn; 221 ng/m, p = 0,047). Conclusiones: una ferritina sérica basal elevada se asocia con mayor riesgo de fracaso terapéutico en la HCC. El tratamiento antiviral induce un marcado incremento de la ferritina sérica que vuelve a valores por debajo de los basales en los enfermos que obtienen R vs. Esto sugiere que la causa de hiperferritinemia en la mayoría de los enfermos es la propia infección por VHC y no la sobrecarga de hierro. <![CDATA[<b>A comparative analysis of response to ORS (oral rehydration solution) <i>vs.</i> ORS + gelatin tannate in two cohorts of pediatric patients with acute diarrhea</b>]]> Aim: the study aims to observe the response to treatment with ORS only or ORS + gelatin tannate in two cohorts of pediatric patients with acute diarrhea, with the primary efficacy endpoint being the number of stools at 12 hours from baseline. Methods: children aged 3 months to 12 years were included in the study. Only children with acute diarrhea, more than 3 liquid stools, and duration inferior to 72 h were included. Number of stools was recorded as absolute number, categorized as &le; 3 and &ge; 4 stools over 12 hours, and as a stool decrease index (SDI). Other clinical variables were recorded, including weight, fever, vomiting, stool characteristics, and signs of peritonitis/sepsis. Results: baseline characteristics for the two populations included a mean age of 2.3 years in the ORS group and 2.6 years in the ORS + gelatin tannate group. Children younger than 2 years represented 59.8 and 54.3% in the ORS and ORS + gelatin tannate groups, respectively. Clinical variables such as vomiting, dehydration, weigth, and stool decrease index were used to compare the two groups. We found a statistical significant difference between the two groups (p < 0.0001) -- SDI for the ORS group was -0.1894; for the ORS + gelatin tannate group was -0.6023. Conclusions: we observed a significant decrease in the number of stools and an improvement in the consistency of stools in the ORS + gelatin tannate group. Other clinical variables such as vomiting, dehydration, weight, bloody stools, and peritonitis/sepsis signs showed no statistical differences between the two groups, but did show a general trend toward improvement. The Stool Decrease Index (SDI) showed a 18% decrease in the number of stools for the ORS group and 60% for the ORS + gelatin tannate group. The use of ORS + gelatin tannate was associated with a greater decrease in SDI. Gelatin tannate decreased the number of stools at twelve hours in children.<hr/>Objetivo: el estudio tiene como objetivo observar la respuesta al tratamiento con SRO o SRO + tanato de gelatina en dos cohortes de pacientes pediátricos que presentan diarrea aguda, siendo el número de deposiciones a las 12 horas desde el tratamiento inicial el criterio principal de valoración de la eficacia. Métodos: en el estudio se incluyeron niños de entre 3 meses y 12 años de edad. Únicamente se incluyeron niños con diarrea aguda, con más de 3 deposiciones líquidas y menos de 72 horas de evolución. Se registró la variable principal del número de deposiciones y de análisis como número absoluto, categorizado como &le; 3 y &ge; 4 deposiciones en 12 horas y como un índice de disminución de deposiciones (IDD). Se registraron otras variables clínicas como peso, fiebre, vómitos, características de las deposiciones y signos de peritonitis/sepsis. Resultados: las características principales para las dos poblaciones fueron una edad media de 2,3 años en el grupo de SRO y de 2,6 años en el grupo de SRO + tanato de gelatina. Los niños menores de 2 años representaban el 59,8% de los integrantes del grupo de SRO y el 54,3% de los del grupo de SRO + tanato de gelatina. Se registraron variables clínicas como vómitos, deshidratación, peso, fiebre, vómitos, características de las deposiciones y signos de peritonitis/sepsis. Se creó un índice de disminución de las deposiciones (IDD = final [12 h] - deposiciones iniciales/deposición inicial) para comparar los dos grupos. Encontramos una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los dos grupos (p < 0,0001), el SDI del grupo de SRO fue de -0,1894 y el del grupo de SRO + tanato de gelatina fue -0,6023. Conclusiones: observamos una disminución significativa en el número de deposiciones y una mejora en la consistencia de las deposiciones en el grupo de SRO + tanato de gelatina. Otras variables clínicas como vómitos, deshidratación, peso, deposiciones con sangre y signos de peritonitis/sepsis no mostraron ninguna diferencia estadística entre los dos grupos de tratamiento, pero se observó una tendencia general hacia la mejoría. El índice de disminución de las deposiciones (IDD) muestra una reducción del 18% en el número de deposiciones en el grupo de SRO y del 60% en el grupo de SRO + tanato de gelatina. El uso de SRO + tanato de gelatina se asoció a un mayor descenso en el IDD. El tanato de gelatina disminuyó el número de deposiciones a las doce horas del tratamiento en niños. <![CDATA[<b>Eosinophilic esophagitis</b>: <b>clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment</b>]]> Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is a chronic inflammatory, immunoallergic disease of the esophagus that represents the most common eosinophilic gut disease. Understanding and diagnosis regarding this condition have greatly increased in recent years, particularly in Europe and North America, in parallel with other allergic disorders. It consists of dense esophageal infiltration with eosinophils in the absence of gastro-esophageal reflux (GER). It involves individuals at all ages, and is particularly common in males during childhood and up to the 5th decade of life. It manifests with chronic, intermittent esophageal symptoms that predominantly include dysphagia, food impaction episodes, and GER-attributable complaints that do not respond to antisecretory therapy. Endoscopically, EE is a polymorphous disease that presents with various changes in esophageal caliber, and subtle changes in mucosal appearance, which lead to biopsy collection as a key procedure for diagnosis. Management must be multidisciplinary, including gastroenterologists, pathologists, allergologists, and also nutrition specialists in pediatric cases. Regarding therapy, dietary food restrictions are especially useful in the management of pediatric EE, but effectiveness is lower in the adult, maybe because of a greater involvement of air allergens. Drug use is standard, particularly involving topical steroids, which may revert manifestations and histological lesions, even though recurrence following discontinuation is common. <![CDATA[<b>Duodenal leishmaniasis in a HIV patient</b>]]> Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is a chronic inflammatory, immunoallergic disease of the esophagus that represents the most common eosinophilic gut disease. Understanding and diagnosis regarding this condition have greatly increased in recent years, particularly in Europe and North America, in parallel with other allergic disorders. It consists of dense esophageal infiltration with eosinophils in the absence of gastro-esophageal reflux (GER). It involves individuals at all ages, and is particularly common in males during childhood and up to the 5th decade of life. It manifests with chronic, intermittent esophageal symptoms that predominantly include dysphagia, food impaction episodes, and GER-attributable complaints that do not respond to antisecretory therapy. Endoscopically, EE is a polymorphous disease that presents with various changes in esophageal caliber, and subtle changes in mucosal appearance, which lead to biopsy collection as a key procedure for diagnosis. Management must be multidisciplinary, including gastroenterologists, pathologists, allergologists, and also nutrition specialists in pediatric cases. Regarding therapy, dietary food restrictions are especially useful in the management of pediatric EE, but effectiveness is lower in the adult, maybe because of a greater involvement of air allergens. Drug use is standard, particularly involving topical steroids, which may revert manifestations and histological lesions, even though recurrence following discontinuation is common. <![CDATA[<b>Non-surgical acute abdomen</b>: <b>intestinal tuberculosis</b>]]> Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is a chronic inflammatory, immunoallergic disease of the esophagus that represents the most common eosinophilic gut disease. Understanding and diagnosis regarding this condition have greatly increased in recent years, particularly in Europe and North America, in parallel with other allergic disorders. It consists of dense esophageal infiltration with eosinophils in the absence of gastro-esophageal reflux (GER). It involves individuals at all ages, and is particularly common in males during childhood and up to the 5th decade of life. It manifests with chronic, intermittent esophageal symptoms that predominantly include dysphagia, food impaction episodes, and GER-attributable complaints that do not respond to antisecretory therapy. Endoscopically, EE is a polymorphous disease that presents with various changes in esophageal caliber, and subtle changes in mucosal appearance, which lead to biopsy collection as a key procedure for diagnosis. Management must be multidisciplinary, including gastroenterologists, pathologists, allergologists, and also nutrition specialists in pediatric cases. Regarding therapy, dietary food restrictions are especially useful in the management of pediatric EE, but effectiveness is lower in the adult, maybe because of a greater involvement of air allergens. Drug use is standard, particularly involving topical steroids, which may revert manifestations and histological lesions, even though recurrence following discontinuation is common. <![CDATA[<b>Acute pancreatitis associated with hypercalcemia</b>: <b>A report of two cases</b>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<B>Ferropenic anemia</B>: <B>Treatment</B>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<b>Hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with chronic hepatitis C without cirrhosis</b>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<B>Internal hernia through the foramen of Winslow associated with an incomplete rotation of the medium intestine</B>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<B>Refractory gastric antral vascular ectasia extending to the proximal stomach</B>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<b>Spontaneous gastrosplenic fistula secondary to primary gastric lymphoma</b>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<b>Acute renal failure and profund hypokalemia caused by a villous adenoma in the rectum</b>: <b>McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome</b>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<b>Unusual diagnosis of gastric linitis plastica</b>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal. <![CDATA[<B>Aurelio Alemán Carrasco (1947-2008)</B>]]> Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.<hr/>La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal.