Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 101 num. 7 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Melatonin and oxidative stress</B>]]> <![CDATA[<B>Effect of melatonin on myocardial oxidative stress induced by experimental obstructive jaundice</B>]]> Objective: melatonin has been demonstrated to have active antioxidant properties in different tissues during experimental cholestasis. The aim of this research was to study myocardial oxidative stress on obstructive jaundice, and to analyze the effect of melatonin on myocardial oxidative lesions. Material and methods: we achieved cholestasis by ligature and sectioning of the main bile duct. Melatonin was administered intraperitoneally (500 &micro;g/kg/day). We measured malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxydase (GPx) antioxidant enzyme levels in the heart tissue. Results: obstructive cholestasis increased MDA and decreased GSH as well as all antioxidant enzymes. Melatonin administration significantly decreased MDA values, and increased GSH and antioxidant enzymes on the icteric animal myocardium. Conclusions: melatonin treatment prevents oxidative stress in the cardiac tissue as induced by experimental cholestasis. <![CDATA[<B>Prevalence of sexual and physical abuse in patients with obstructed defecation</B>: <B>impact on biofeedback treatment</B>]]> Background: obstructed defecation is one of the most common subtypes of constipation, and it is frequently responsive to biofeedback treatment. Aims: since a history of sexual and physical abuse may be present in patients with obstructed defecation, we assessed the incidence of abuse history in patients with obstructed defecation referred to a general gastroenterology practice, and whether such a history may lead to a different outcome of biofeedback training in these patients. Patients and methods: one hundred and twenty-one patients (17 men, 104 women, age 53 &plusmn; 15 years) with obstructed defecation were studied by retrospective chart review. Their history of sexual, physical and psychological abuse was obtained by a standard interview, and biofeedback training was carried out by means of a three-balloon technique. Results: a history of sexual/physical or psychological abuse was present in 12.4% patients. Biofeedback training yielded a successful improvement of obstructed defecation in 93% patients without abuse and in 100% of patients with abuse; this difference was not statistically different (p = 0.53). Conclusions: the prevalence of sexual/physical or psychological abuse in a population of patients with obstructed defecation referred to a general gastroenterology practice is relatively low; such a history seems not to affect the outcome of biofeedback training in these patients. <![CDATA[<B>Efficacy of pediatric colonoscopy used as push enteroscopy in the management of capsule endoscopy findings</B>]]> Background: recent advances in endoscopy have enabled us to explore the small intestine more efficiently, both with capsule endoscopy and double-balloon enteroscopy. However, these methods are not available in all hospitals. Therefore, when capsule endoscopy reveals proximal jejunal lesions, a possible alternative for treatment could involve push enteroscopy combined with colonoscopy. Lesions can thus be marked for subsequent monitoring. Objectives: to describe the efficacy of pediatric colonoscopy for diagnosis, the marking of the area explored, and therapeutic options. Material and methods: between October 2007 and September 2008 a total of 21 enteroscopies were performed using a pediatric colonoscope. Nine of these were used to take jejunal biopsy samples due to suspected disease of the mucosa. In 10 of the remaining 12, capsule endoscopy revealed lesions (vascular malformations or jejunal bleeding), and in 2 intestinal transit time was analyzed due to suspected jejunal stenosis. We used a PENTAX EC-3470-LK pediatric colonoscope, whose 11.6-mm sectional diameter and 3.8-mm working channel make it possible to administer all the usual endoscopic treatments. Results: therapeutic endoscopy was performed on 7 men and 5 women (mean age 63.3 years). Jejunal lesions were observed in 10 cases (5 cases of angiodysplasia, 2 cases of jejunal stenosis, 1 case of nonmalignant thickened jejunal folds, 1 eroded submucosal tumor, and 1 case of duodenal and jejunal varices). The most distal area was marked with India ink (2), hemoclips (4), or both to help locate the lesions using simple abdominal radiography or capsule endoscopy. Conclusions: jejunal enteroscopy enabled a firm diagnosis to be made in most of the patients studied. We were able to treat 58% of patients and mark the areas explored for subsequent follow-up. With hemoclips we were able to locate the most distal point explored using simple abdominal radiography.<hr/>Introducción: los recientes avances en endoscopia nos han permitido explorar de una forma más eficaz el intestino delgado, tanto con la cápsula endoscópica (CE) como con enteroscopia de doble balón. El problema que aparece es la no disponibilidad de estos dos métodos en todos los hospitales. Por ello, cuando se ven lesiones en la CE, una alternativa posible para el tratamiento de las lesiones de yeyuno proximal podría ser la realización de una enteroscopia de pulsión con colonoscopio con fines terapéuticos y de marcaje para control de las lesiones. Objetivos: describir la eficacia del colonoscopio pediátrico en cuanto al diagnóstico, señalización de zona explorada y posibilidades terapéuticas. Material y métodos: durante el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 2007 y septiembre de 2008, se han realizado 21 enteroscopias con colonoscopio pediátrico, de las cuales 9 eran para tomar biopsias yeyunales por sospecha de patología mucosa. De las otras 12, en 10 se vieron lesiones por la cápsula endoscópica (malformaciones vasculares o sangrado yeyunal) y en 2 se hizo tránsito intestinal sospecha de estenosis yeyunal. Se utilizó un colonoscopio pediátrico PENTAX EC-3470-LK que presenta un diámetro de sección de 11,6 mm y un canal de trabajo de 3,8 mm, lo cual nos permite realizar cualquier tipo de tratamiento endoscópico habitual. Resultados: se hizo enteroscopia con fines terapéuticos en 7 hom-bres y 5 mujeres, con una edad media de 63,3 años. Se vieron lesiones endoscópicas en yeyuno en diez casos: 5 angiodisplasias, 2 estenosis yeyunales, uno con pliegues engrosados yeyunales con histología normal, un tumor submucoso erosionado y un caso de varices duodenales y yeyunales. En los últimos pacientes se hizo marcaje de la zona más distal explorada con tinta china (2) o con hemoclips (4) o con ambos, para ayudar a localizar topográficamente las lesiones mediante radiología simple de abdomen o cápsula endoscópica. Conclusiones: la enteroscopia de yeyuno ha permitido un diagnóstico de seguridad en la mayoría de los pacientes estudiados. En cuanto al tratamiento, ha permitido tratar al 58% y marcar las zonas exploradas para el seguimiento posterior. En caso del uso de hemoclips, permite localizar el punto más distal explorado mediante una radiografía simple de abdomen. <![CDATA[<B>Onset and disappearance rates of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in the Spanish population, and their impact on quality of life</B>]]> Background: few studies have reported the onset and disappearance rates of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (GERS) in the population. Aim: to assess the occurrence and disappearance rates of GERS in Spain, and their impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Participants and methods: participants were selected at random from the general population of Madrid in age and sex strata. They were interviewed at home twice, 6 months apart. Heartburn, acid regurgitation and consultation were assessed with the gastroesophageal reflux questionnaire, and HRQL with the SF-36. Results: 709 individuals were included, and 451 (63.6%) were re-interviewed 6 months later. Among the 325 individuals without GERS, 9 developed weekly symptoms (2.2% [95% CI: 0.8, 3.4%]); 2 (22%) consulted because of GERS. Among the 34 subjects reporting weekly GERS initially, 26 did not report them at 6-months. Onset of GERS was associated with worsening scores in the physical summary of SF-36 (delta = -6.6 [95% CI: -11.8, -1.42]), while disappearance with an improved score (delta = -3.0 [95% CI: 0.0, 5.9]). Conclusion: despite the lower prevalence of GERS in Spain, the occurrence rate is 2.2% in 6 months; however symptoms disappeared in more than half of subjects six months later. Developing GERS was associated with reduced HRQL, and their disappearance with improvement. <![CDATA[<B>More on sedation in digestive endoscopy</B>]]> Background: few studies have reported the onset and disappearance rates of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (GERS) in the population. Aim: to assess the occurrence and disappearance rates of GERS in Spain, and their impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Participants and methods: participants were selected at random from the general population of Madrid in age and sex strata. They were interviewed at home twice, 6 months apart. Heartburn, acid regurgitation and consultation were assessed with the gastroesophageal reflux questionnaire, and HRQL with the SF-36. Results: 709 individuals were included, and 451 (63.6%) were re-interviewed 6 months later. Among the 325 individuals without GERS, 9 developed weekly symptoms (2.2% [95% CI: 0.8, 3.4%]); 2 (22%) consulted because of GERS. Among the 34 subjects reporting weekly GERS initially, 26 did not report them at 6-months. Onset of GERS was associated with worsening scores in the physical summary of SF-36 (delta = -6.6 [95% CI: -11.8, -1.42]), while disappearance with an improved score (delta = -3.0 [95% CI: 0.0, 5.9]). Conclusion: despite the lower prevalence of GERS in Spain, the occurrence rate is 2.2% in 6 months; however symptoms disappeared in more than half of subjects six months later. Developing GERS was associated with reduced HRQL, and their disappearance with improvement. <![CDATA[<B>Cholangioscopy through a large balloon papillary dilation with two frontal endoscopes</B>: <B>therapeutic and infantile</B>]]> Background: few studies have reported the onset and disappearance rates of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (GERS) in the population. Aim: to assess the occurrence and disappearance rates of GERS in Spain, and their impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Participants and methods: participants were selected at random from the general population of Madrid in age and sex strata. They were interviewed at home twice, 6 months apart. Heartburn, acid regurgitation and consultation were assessed with the gastroesophageal reflux questionnaire, and HRQL with the SF-36. Results: 709 individuals were included, and 451 (63.6%) were re-interviewed 6 months later. Among the 325 individuals without GERS, 9 developed weekly symptoms (2.2% [95% CI: 0.8, 3.4%]); 2 (22%) consulted because of GERS. Among the 34 subjects reporting weekly GERS initially, 26 did not report them at 6-months. Onset of GERS was associated with worsening scores in the physical summary of SF-36 (delta = -6.6 [95% CI: -11.8, -1.42]), while disappearance with an improved score (delta = -3.0 [95% CI: 0.0, 5.9]). Conclusion: despite the lower prevalence of GERS in Spain, the occurrence rate is 2.2% in 6 months; however symptoms disappeared in more than half of subjects six months later. Developing GERS was associated with reduced HRQL, and their disappearance with improvement. <![CDATA[<B>Polycystic liver disease</B>]]> Background: few studies have reported the onset and disappearance rates of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (GERS) in the population. Aim: to assess the occurrence and disappearance rates of GERS in Spain, and their impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Participants and methods: participants were selected at random from the general population of Madrid in age and sex strata. They were interviewed at home twice, 6 months apart. Heartburn, acid regurgitation and consultation were assessed with the gastroesophageal reflux questionnaire, and HRQL with the SF-36. Results: 709 individuals were included, and 451 (63.6%) were re-interviewed 6 months later. Among the 325 individuals without GERS, 9 developed weekly symptoms (2.2% [95% CI: 0.8, 3.4%]); 2 (22%) consulted because of GERS. Among the 34 subjects reporting weekly GERS initially, 26 did not report them at 6-months. Onset of GERS was associated with worsening scores in the physical summary of SF-36 (delta = -6.6 [95% CI: -11.8, -1.42]), while disappearance with an improved score (delta = -3.0 [95% CI: 0.0, 5.9]). Conclusion: despite the lower prevalence of GERS in Spain, the occurrence rate is 2.2% in 6 months; however symptoms disappeared in more than half of subjects six months later. Developing GERS was associated with reduced HRQL, and their disappearance with improvement. <![CDATA[<B>Pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma</B>: <B>The importance of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration in the differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic tumors</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Controls needed in azathioprine or mercaptopurine - treated patients</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Mesenteric fibromatosis</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Appendagitis</B>: <B>unusual cause of abdominal pain</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Gastric volvulus like infrequent cause of abdominal pain</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Incidental pseudomyxoma peritonei of the appendix diagnosed by computed tomography with sagittal reconstruction in a woman suffering from postmenopausal metrorrhagia</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Granular cell tumor of the appendix</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Procalcitonin</B>: <B>an allied in the management of the patient submitted to abdominal surgery</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Stump appendicitis</B>: <B>report of two cases an review of literature</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Primary unknown hepatocarcinoma like a cause of spontaneous hemoperitoneum</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático. <![CDATA[<B>Acute abdomen after a postraumatic diaphragmatic hernia</B>]]> In the presence of a pancreatic tumor, the main diagnostic problem is to determine the benign o malignant nature of the lesion, and then to evaluate its resectability. A preoperative biopsy was usually rejected based on the fact that negative results do not exclude malignancy, that such biopsy may hamper the possibility of curative surgery because of potential seeding along the biopsy&rsquo;s trajectory, that surgical morbidity and mortality are low, and also because of the high diagnostic sensitivity of the various imaging techniques. Biopsy for solid pancreatic tumors was limited to irresectable tumors, and isolated cases with suspicion of tuberculosis, lymphoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Nowadays the performance of a pancreatic biopsy is becoming essential for the correct management of solid lesions, and is useful not only to establish malignancy, but also for a better knowledge of all kind of pathologies and, thus, for better therapeutic management. In this context, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has proven a safe technique with a low rate of complications and a diagnostic accuracy superior to other procedures, this being considered the method of choice for the study of solid pancreatic lesions. An illustrative example is the case we report in this article -a patient diagnosed of a solid, locally advanced-stage pancreatic tumor with imaging techniques (abdominal ultrasounds and EUS) under EUS-guided FNA; the procedure could establish a final diagnosis of pancreatic fusocellular sarcoma.<hr/>Ante una lesión pancreática se plantea clásicamente la duda diagnóstica entre su naturaleza benigna o maligna, para posteriormente valorar la resecabilidad de la lesión. Se rechazaba la biopsia preoperatoria basándose en que un resultado negativo no excluye malignidad, que la punción podría impedir una cirugía curativa por el riesgo de recidiva tumoral en el trayecto de la biopsia, por la baja morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica y por la alta sensibilidad diagnóstica de las técnicas de imagen. La biopsia de las lesiones sólidas pancreáticas se limitaba a tumores irresecables y a casos aislados de sospecha de tuberculosis, linfoma o tumor neuroendocrino. En la actualidad, la realización de una biopsia pancreática se está convirtiendo en un punto fundamental para el correcto manejo de las lesiones sólidas, siendo útil no sólo para la determinación de malignidad, sino para el mejor estudio y conocimiento de cualquier patología, y por ello, a un mejor manejo terapéutico. En este contexto, la punción guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, con un bajo índice de complicaciones, de una precisión diagnóstica superior a otros procedimientos, considerándose actualmente de elección para el estudio de lesiones sólidas pancreáticas. Como ejemplo ilustrativo presentamos el caso de un paciente con el diagnóstico de un tumor sólido pancreático en las pruebas de imagen (ecografía abdominal y USE), en un estadio localmente avanzando, siendo la punción guiada por USE la que permitió establecer el diagnóstico final de sarcoma fusocelular pancreático.