Scielo RSS<![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]>
vol. 102 num. 12 lang. pt<![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]>
<![CDATA[<B>Is anorectal assessment really useful?</B>]]>
<![CDATA[<b>Differences in the pressures of canal anal and rectal sensitivity in patients with fecal incontinence, chronic constipation and healthy subjects</b>]]>
Introduction: There exist a great variability in the manometric findings between patients with anal incontinence (AI) and healthy subjects. The correlation between the pressures of the anal canal and the AI is not exact by the wide rank of normal values. Objectives: Prospective study to evaluate differences in the pressures of the anal canal and in rectal sensitivity in patients with AI, chronic constipation (CC) and healthy subjects. Material and methods: Ninety four patients with AI, 36 patients with CC and 15 healthy subjects were included. The following data were obtained: age, sex, resting pressure, anal canal length (ACL), squeeze maximum pressure (SMP), squeeze pressure duration (SPD), first sensation, urge and maximum tolerated volume (MTV). Statistical study: test of Kruskal-Wallis, test of Mann-Whitney, and multinomial logistic regression test. Results: There were significant differences in the resting pressure (p < 0.001), the ACL (p < 0.001) and the SMP (p < 0.01) in the group of AI with respect to the other two groups. The volume for the first sensation was significantly lower in the healthy subjects than that in the other two groups (p < 0.05). The urge volume and the MVT were smaller in the group with AI with respect to the other groups (p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis the age, the resting pressure and the volume for the first sensation and urge increase the relative risk for AI. Conclusions: The greater age, the decrease in anal canal resting pressure and the alteration of rectal sensation increase the risk for AI.<hr/>Introducción: Existe gran variabilidad en los hallazgos manométricos entre pacientes con incontinencia anal (IA) y sujetos sanos. La correlación entre las presiones del canal anal y la IA no es exacta por el amplio rango de valores normales. Objetivos: Estudio prospectivo para evaluar diferencias en las presiones del canal anal y en la sensibilidad rectal en pacientes con IA, estreñimiento crónico (EC) y sujetos sanos. Material y métodos: Noventa y cuatro pacientes con IA, 36 pacientes con EC y 15 sujetos sanos. Se obtuvieron: edad, sexo, presión de reposo, longitud del canal anal (LCA), presión de máxima contracción voluntaria (PMCV), duración de la contracción voluntaria, primera sensación, sensación de urgencia y máximo volumen tolerado (MVT). Estudio estadístico: test de Kruskal-Wallis, test de Mann-Whitney, regresión logística multinomial. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la edad (p < 0,001), la presión de reposo (p < 0,001), la LCA (p < 0,001) y la PMCV (p < 0,01) en el grupo de IA con respecto a los otros dos grupos. El volumen para la primera sensación fue significativamente más bajo en los sujetos sanos que en los otros dos grupos (p < 0,05). El volumen de urgencia y el MVT fueron menores en el grupo con IA con respecto a los otros dos grupos (p < 0,001). En el análisis multivariante la edad, la presión de reposo y el volumen de la primera sensación y de la urgencia aumentan el riesgo relativo de IA. Conclusiones: La mayor edad, la disminución presión basal del canal anal y la alteración del umbral sensorial rectal aumentan el riesgo de IA.<![CDATA[<B>Usefulness of manometry to select patients with anal fissure for controlled anal dilatation</B>]]>
Aim:To evaluate the use of anorectal manometry to select patients for controlled anal dilatation. Methodology: A prospective study was performed using anorectal manometry on all patients with chronic anal fissure who did not have a good response to conservative treatment. Those with increased anal resting pressure were treated with controlled anal dilatation using a two valved anuscope. A second anorectal manometry was indicated after controlled anal dilatation. Results: 19 patients without anorectal pathology (Healthy Control Group) and 57 patients with chronic anal fissure were included in this study. Controlled anal dilatation was performed on 27 patients, maximum resting pressure 122 ± 19 mmHg. In the controlled anal dilatation group the healing rate was 92.5%, mean maximum resting pressure post-controlled anal dilatation was 91 ± 30 mmHg. We found one case of transitory anal incontinence (3.7%). None of the patients had anal incontinence at 18 months of the follow-up. In the remaining 30 patients non selected for controlled anal dilatation (chronic anal fissure control group), a proportion of 53.3% recurrences were registered after conservative treatment. Conclusions: Anal healing of chronic anal fissure and a significant decrease in maximum resting pressure recorded by manometry confirms the success of this procedure. The manometric evaluation of the maximum resting pressure is useful in the selection of chronic anal fissure patients for controlled anal dilatation. The efficacy of dilatation to treat chronic anal fissure in patients with raised anal sphincter pressure was high and complications were rare.<![CDATA[<B>Clinical impact of High-Definition Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) in a district hospital</B>]]>
Objectives: Evaluation of the impact of EUS in clinical practice. Methods: All exploration performed during the first 18 months of implementation of the technique were analyzed. Agreement was assessed by radiographic techniques or surgical specimens in those cases allowed. Results: 277 exploration were performed. There have been only 2 complications and they were related to sedation in both cases. The demand increased gradually, reaching 70 scans per 100,000 inhabitants. Main indications were bile (34.3%) and pancreatic processes. No pathology was found in 10% of cases; 29 cases had choledocholithiasis (93% confirmed and treated endoscopically). Chronic pancreatitis was diagnosed in 19 cases (only 15.78% of the cases were diagnosed by computed tomography). 32 patients with idiopathic acute pancreatitis were evaluated: 20 of them had evidence of microlithiasis (80% cholecystectomized and asymptomatic after a mean follow-up of 21.5 months), two cases of choledocholithiasis, 1 with chronic pancreatitis and 9 cases remained free of filial etiology. We performed 56 punctures: 39 samples of pancreas in 33 patients (81.1% of the samples were diagnostic; adenocarcinoma and serous cystadenoma were the most common diagnoses), 13 enlarged nodes and 4 abdominal masses. Conclusions: EUS is a growing demand technique that has low risks and leads to better decision-making in a significant number of patients with different diseases. Therefore, its inclusion in routine clinical practice must be considered.<hr/>Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto de la introducción de la ecoendoscopia en la práctica clínica. Métodos: Se analizaron todas las exploraciones realizadas en los primeros 18 meses de implantación de la técnica. Se valoró la concordancia mediante técnicas radiológicas o piezas quirúrgicas en los casos en los que fue posible. Resultados: Se realizaron 277 exploraciones. Sólo se han registrado 2 complicaciones y en ambos casos fue en relación con la sedación. La demanda fue en aumento, alcanzando 70 exploraciones/100.000 habitantes. Las indicaciones principales fueron procesos biliares (34,3%) y pancreáticos. No se encontró patología alguna en el 10% de los casos. 29 presentaban coledocolitiasis (93% confirmadas y tratadas endoscópicamente). Se diagnosticaron 19 pancreatitis crónicas (sólo el 15,78% fueron diagnosticadas por tomografía computarizada). Se evaluaron 32 pacientes con pancreatitis aguda idiopática: en 20 de ellos se visualizó microlitiasis (80% fueron colecistectomizados y permanecen asintomáticos tras una media de seguimiento de 21,5 meses), 2 casos de coledocolitiasis, 1 con pancreatitis crónica y 9 casos permanecieron sin filiar la etiología. Hemos realizado 56 punciones: 39 muestras de páncreas en 33 pacientes (fueron diagnósticas en el 81,1%, siendo los diagnósticos más frecuentes el adenocarcinoma y el cistoadenoma seroso), 13 adenopatías y 4 masas abdominales. Conclusiones: La ecoendoscopia es una técnica con una demanda creciente, presenta escasos riesgos y conlleva una mejor toma de decisiones en un importante número de pacientes con enfermedades diversas. Por lo tanto, su inclusión en la práctica clínica rutinaria ha de ser considerado.<![CDATA[<B>Self-expanding plastic stents for the treatment of post-operative esophago-jejuno anastomosis leak</B>: <B>A case series study</B>]]>
Objetive: Self-expandable plastic stents (SEPS) are increasingly being used for treatment of postoperative esophageal leak. This complication occurs in 4-27% of patients after radical gastrectomy, and has a high mortality rate up to 60%. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of SEPS (Polyflex®) for treatment of post-operative eshopago-jejuno anastomosis leak after radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Material and methods: During one year period patients who underwent a radical gastrectomy in our hospital for gastric cancer and developed a postoperative anastomotic leak were prospectively included in the study after signing a consent form, and treated with SEPS placement under endoscopic and fluoroscopic control for leak occlusion. Results: Four patients were included (3 men/1 woman). The mean interval between operation and SEPS placement was 16 days (range: 4-34). SEPS deployment was easily performed in all patients with complete occlusion of esophageal lumen in three patients. In the fourth patient we needed to deploy a second coaxial stent to achieve a complete occlusion of the fistula. SEPS migration did not happen in our series. One patient had already developed a mediastinitis by the time we placed the SEPS and he died 3 days later. Extraction of the SEPS was easily performed 4-8 weeks after deployment. Conclusion: We achieved a complete healing of the anastomotic fistula after radical gastrectomy in 3 out of 4 patients, without major complications related to SEPS. Placement of SEPS is an appealing minimally invasive alternative to surgical repair for patients with postoperative anastomotic leak.<![CDATA[<B>Irritable bowel syndrome immune hypothesis</B>: <B>Part two: the role of cytokines</B>]]>
Objective: To review the available evidence on the role of interleukins in the etiopathogenesis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Methods: Bibliographic retrieval on PubMed including the MeSH terms "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "Immune System", "Cytokines" and "Interleukins". Results: Sixteen case-control studies and one randomised controlled trial were retrieved. The blood appears to have a high concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and lower concentration of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, even though the findings are disparate and heterogeneous. As many as 33 genes were found, each with different expressions, and a diminished expression of cytokines in the colon mucosa of patients with IBS, which have not been previously described in any other pathology. Conclusions: In patients with IBS, a clear profile of cytokine levels in the blood does not appear to exist, although an imbalance between them can be observed. Moreover, there are indications that give reason to believe that the different subsets of patients with IBS could present cytokine profiles in different blood. On the other hand, in the intestine, high cytokine secretion levels are not detected, contrary to what would be expected. Further studies are required to substantiate these findings.<hr/>Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el papel de las interleukinas en la etiopatogenia del Síndrome del Intestino Irritable. Métodos: Recuperación bibliográfica en PubMed, incluyendo los términos MeSH "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "Immune System", "Cytokines" e "Interleukins". Resultados: Se recuperaron 16 estudios casos-control y un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. A nivel sanguíneo, parece existir una concentración elevada de citokinas proinflamatorias (FNT-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) y disminuida de la IL-10, una citokina antiinflamatoria, si bien los resultados son dispares y heterogéneos. Se han encontrado hasta 33 genes, cada uno con una expresión diferente, y una expresión disminuida de citokinas en la mucosa del colon de pacientes con SII, que no se ha descrito hasta el momento para ninguna otra patología. Conclusiones: En los pacientes con SII, no parece existir un perfil claro de los niveles de citokinas en sangre, si bien, si parece existir un desequilibrio entre ellas. Asimismo, hay indicios que hacen pensar que los distintos subgrupos de pacientes con SII podrían presentar un perfil de citokinas en sangre diferente. Por otro lado, a nivel intestinal, no se detectan niveles elevados de secreción de citokinas, en contra de lo que cabría esperar. Son necesarios más estudios para confirmar estos hallazgos.<![CDATA[<B>Severe anemia by rectal prolapse</B>]]>
Objective: To review the available evidence on the role of interleukins in the etiopathogenesis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Methods: Bibliographic retrieval on PubMed including the MeSH terms "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "Immune System", "Cytokines" and "Interleukins". Results: Sixteen case-control studies and one randomised controlled trial were retrieved. The blood appears to have a high concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and lower concentration of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, even though the findings are disparate and heterogeneous. As many as 33 genes were found, each with different expressions, and a diminished expression of cytokines in the colon mucosa of patients with IBS, which have not been previously described in any other pathology. Conclusions: In patients with IBS, a clear profile of cytokine levels in the blood does not appear to exist, although an imbalance between them can be observed. Moreover, there are indications that give reason to believe that the different subsets of patients with IBS could present cytokine profiles in different blood. On the other hand, in the intestine, high cytokine secretion levels are not detected, contrary to what would be expected. Further studies are required to substantiate these findings.<hr/>Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el papel de las interleukinas en la etiopatogenia del Síndrome del Intestino Irritable. Métodos: Recuperación bibliográfica en PubMed, incluyendo los términos MeSH "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "Immune System", "Cytokines" e "Interleukins". Resultados: Se recuperaron 16 estudios casos-control y un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. A nivel sanguíneo, parece existir una concentración elevada de citokinas proinflamatorias (FNT-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) y disminuida de la IL-10, una citokina antiinflamatoria, si bien los resultados son dispares y heterogéneos. Se han encontrado hasta 33 genes, cada uno con una expresión diferente, y una expresión disminuida de citokinas en la mucosa del colon de pacientes con SII, que no se ha descrito hasta el momento para ninguna otra patología. Conclusiones: En los pacientes con SII, no parece existir un perfil claro de los niveles de citokinas en sangre, si bien, si parece existir un desequilibrio entre ellas. Asimismo, hay indicios que hacen pensar que los distintos subgrupos de pacientes con SII podrían presentar un perfil de citokinas en sangre diferente. Por otro lado, a nivel intestinal, no se detectan niveles elevados de secreción de citokinas, en contra de lo que cabría esperar. Son necesarios más estudios para confirmar estos hallazgos.<![CDATA[<B>Cat scratch colon</B>: <B>A new ethiopathogenic possibility</B>]]>
Objective: To review the available evidence on the role of interleukins in the etiopathogenesis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Methods: Bibliographic retrieval on PubMed including the MeSH terms "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "Immune System", "Cytokines" and "Interleukins". Results: Sixteen case-control studies and one randomised controlled trial were retrieved. The blood appears to have a high concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and lower concentration of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, even though the findings are disparate and heterogeneous. As many as 33 genes were found, each with different expressions, and a diminished expression of cytokines in the colon mucosa of patients with IBS, which have not been previously described in any other pathology. Conclusions: In patients with IBS, a clear profile of cytokine levels in the blood does not appear to exist, although an imbalance between them can be observed. Moreover, there are indications that give reason to believe that the different subsets of patients with IBS could present cytokine profiles in different blood. On the other hand, in the intestine, high cytokine secretion levels are not detected, contrary to what would be expected. Further studies are required to substantiate these findings.<hr/>Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el papel de las interleukinas en la etiopatogenia del Síndrome del Intestino Irritable. Métodos: Recuperación bibliográfica en PubMed, incluyendo los términos MeSH "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "Immune System", "Cytokines" e "Interleukins". Resultados: Se recuperaron 16 estudios casos-control y un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. A nivel sanguíneo, parece existir una concentración elevada de citokinas proinflamatorias (FNT-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) y disminuida de la IL-10, una citokina antiinflamatoria, si bien los resultados son dispares y heterogéneos. Se han encontrado hasta 33 genes, cada uno con una expresión diferente, y una expresión disminuida de citokinas en la mucosa del colon de pacientes con SII, que no se ha descrito hasta el momento para ninguna otra patología. Conclusiones: En los pacientes con SII, no parece existir un perfil claro de los niveles de citokinas en sangre, si bien, si parece existir un desequilibrio entre ellas. Asimismo, hay indicios que hacen pensar que los distintos subgrupos de pacientes con SII podrían presentar un perfil de citokinas en sangre diferente. Por otro lado, a nivel intestinal, no se detectan niveles elevados de secreción de citokinas, en contra de lo que cabría esperar. Son necesarios más estudios para confirmar estos hallazgos.<![CDATA[<B>Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (SPPT)</B>: <B>Still an unsolved enigma</B>]]>
Solid pseudo-papillary tumor (SPPT) is a rare cystic tumor of the pancreas (1-3% of exocrine tumors of the pancreas) which shows an "enigmatic" behavior on the clinical and molecular pattern. A retrospective analysis of the citological studies and resected specimens of pancreatic cystic tumors from May 1996 to February 2010 was carried out. Three cases of SPPT were found, which are the objective of this study. The diagnosis was established upon occasional finding in the abdominal CT, in spite of sizing between 3 and 6 cm of diameter. In the three cases the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed by citology and specific immunohistochemical staining. Cases 2 and 3 showed strong immunoreactivity for Beta-Catenina and E-Cadherina staining. Radical resection (R0) was carried out in the three cases. A young male -21 years of age (case 1)- who had duodenal infiltration and two lymph nodes metastases died of hepatic and peritoneal recurrence 20 months following surgery. The other two cases are free of disease. The current review of the literature reports roughly 800 cases since the first report in 1959, and shows the enigmatic character of this tumor regarding the cellular origin, molecular pathways, prognostic factors and clinical behavior.<hr/>El tumor pseudopapilar (TSPP) es un tumor quístico del páncreas muy poco frecuente (1-3% de los tumores exocrinos del páncreas) y que tiene un comportamiento oncológico y molecular "enigmático". Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de las citologías de las lesiones quísticas del páncreas, así como de los tumores quísticos resecados entre mayo de 1996 y febrero de 2010, encontrándose tres tumores SSPP, motivo de este estudio. En los tres casos el diagnóstico fue ocasional en el TC abdominal a pesar de presentar unos tamaños entre 3 y 6 cm de diámetro. En los tres casos se confirmó el diagnóstico preoperatorio mediante citología e inmunohistoquímica. En los casos 2 y 3 se confirmó la positividad para Beta-Catenina y E-Cadherina. En todos los casos se realizó cirugía radical (R0). Un varón de 21 años -caso 1- que presentaba infiltración duodenal y metástasis ganglionares falleció de progresión hepática y peritoneal a los veinte meses de la cirugía. Las otras dos pacientes -casos 2 y 3- se encuentran libres de recidiva. La revisión de la literatura desde su descripción en 1959 hasta la actualidad -aproximadamente 800 casos- confirma el carácter enigmático de este tumor en relación a su origen celular, molecular, factores pronósticos y comportamiento clínico.<![CDATA[<B>Extraabdominal manifestations of acute pancreatitis</B>: <B>paniculitis mediastinic pancratic pseudochyst</B>]]>
Solid pseudo-papillary tumor (SPPT) is a rare cystic tumor of the pancreas (1-3% of exocrine tumors of the pancreas) which shows an "enigmatic" behavior on the clinical and molecular pattern. A retrospective analysis of the citological studies and resected specimens of pancreatic cystic tumors from May 1996 to February 2010 was carried out. Three cases of SPPT were found, which are the objective of this study. The diagnosis was established upon occasional finding in the abdominal CT, in spite of sizing between 3 and 6 cm of diameter. In the three cases the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed by citology and specific immunohistochemical staining. Cases 2 and 3 showed strong immunoreactivity for Beta-Catenina and E-Cadherina staining. Radical resection (R0) was carried out in the three cases. A young male -21 years of age (case 1)- who had duodenal infiltration and two lymph nodes metastases died of hepatic and peritoneal recurrence 20 months following surgery. The other two cases are free of disease. The current review of the literature reports roughly 800 cases since the first report in 1959, and shows the enigmatic character of this tumor regarding the cellular origin, molecular pathways, prognostic factors and clinical behavior.<hr/>El tumor pseudopapilar (TSPP) es un tumor quístico del páncreas muy poco frecuente (1-3% de los tumores exocrinos del páncreas) y que tiene un comportamiento oncológico y molecular "enigmático". Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de las citologías de las lesiones quísticas del páncreas, así como de los tumores quísticos resecados entre mayo de 1996 y febrero de 2010, encontrándose tres tumores SSPP, motivo de este estudio. En los tres casos el diagnóstico fue ocasional en el TC abdominal a pesar de presentar unos tamaños entre 3 y 6 cm de diámetro. En los tres casos se confirmó el diagnóstico preoperatorio mediante citología e inmunohistoquímica. En los casos 2 y 3 se confirmó la positividad para Beta-Catenina y E-Cadherina. En todos los casos se realizó cirugía radical (R0). Un varón de 21 años -caso 1- que presentaba infiltración duodenal y metástasis ganglionares falleció de progresión hepática y peritoneal a los veinte meses de la cirugía. Las otras dos pacientes -casos 2 y 3- se encuentran libres de recidiva. La revisión de la literatura desde su descripción en 1959 hasta la actualidad -aproximadamente 800 casos- confirma el carácter enigmático de este tumor en relación a su origen celular, molecular, factores pronósticos y comportamiento clínico.<![CDATA[<B>Secondary neumopericardium to pneumatosis intestinales</B>: <B>An uncommon complication of a rare disease</B>]]>
Solid pseudo-papillary tumor (SPPT) is a rare cystic tumor of the pancreas (1-3% of exocrine tumors of the pancreas) which shows an "enigmatic" behavior on the clinical and molecular pattern. A retrospective analysis of the citological studies and resected specimens of pancreatic cystic tumors from May 1996 to February 2010 was carried out. Three cases of SPPT were found, which are the objective of this study. The diagnosis was established upon occasional finding in the abdominal CT, in spite of sizing between 3 and 6 cm of diameter. In the three cases the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed by citology and specific immunohistochemical staining. Cases 2 and 3 showed strong immunoreactivity for Beta-Catenina and E-Cadherina staining. Radical resection (R0) was carried out in the three cases. A young male -21 years of age (case 1)- who had duodenal infiltration and two lymph nodes metastases died of hepatic and peritoneal recurrence 20 months following surgery. The other two cases are free of disease. The current review of the literature reports roughly 800 cases since the first report in 1959, and shows the enigmatic character of this tumor regarding the cellular origin, molecular pathways, prognostic factors and clinical behavior.<hr/>El tumor pseudopapilar (TSPP) es un tumor quístico del páncreas muy poco frecuente (1-3% de los tumores exocrinos del páncreas) y que tiene un comportamiento oncológico y molecular "enigmático". Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de las citologías de las lesiones quísticas del páncreas, así como de los tumores quísticos resecados entre mayo de 1996 y febrero de 2010, encontrándose tres tumores SSPP, motivo de este estudio. En los tres casos el diagnóstico fue ocasional en el TC abdominal a pesar de presentar unos tamaños entre 3 y 6 cm de diámetro. En los tres casos se confirmó el diagnóstico preoperatorio mediante citología e inmunohistoquímica. En los casos 2 y 3 se confirmó la positividad para Beta-Catenina y E-Cadherina. En todos los casos se realizó cirugía radical (R0). Un varón de 21 años -caso 1- que presentaba infiltración duodenal y metástasis ganglionares falleció de progresión hepática y peritoneal a los veinte meses de la cirugía. Las otras dos pacientes -casos 2 y 3- se encuentran libres de recidiva. La revisión de la literatura desde su descripción en 1959 hasta la actualidad -aproximadamente 800 casos- confirma el carácter enigmático de este tumor en relación a su origen celular, molecular, factores pronósticos y comportamiento clínico.<![CDATA[<B>Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm</B>: <B>The experience of natural history</B>]]>
Solid pseudo-papillary tumor (SPPT) is a rare cystic tumor of the pancreas (1-3% of exocrine tumors of the pancreas) which shows an "enigmatic" behavior on the clinical and molecular pattern. A retrospective analysis of the citological studies and resected specimens of pancreatic cystic tumors from May 1996 to February 2010 was carried out. Three cases of SPPT were found, which are the objective of this study. The diagnosis was established upon occasional finding in the abdominal CT, in spite of sizing between 3 and 6 cm of diameter. In the three cases the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed by citology and specific immunohistochemical staining. Cases 2 and 3 showed strong immunoreactivity for Beta-Catenina and E-Cadherina staining. Radical resection (R0) was carried out in the three cases. A young male -21 years of age (case 1)- who had duodenal infiltration and two lymph nodes metastases died of hepatic and peritoneal recurrence 20 months following surgery. The other two cases are free of disease. The current review of the literature reports roughly 800 cases since the first report in 1959, and shows the enigmatic character of this tumor regarding the cellular origin, molecular pathways, prognostic factors and clinical behavior.<hr/>El tumor pseudopapilar (TSPP) es un tumor quístico del páncreas muy poco frecuente (1-3% de los tumores exocrinos del páncreas) y que tiene un comportamiento oncológico y molecular "enigmático". Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de las citologías de las lesiones quísticas del páncreas, así como de los tumores quísticos resecados entre mayo de 1996 y febrero de 2010, encontrándose tres tumores SSPP, motivo de este estudio. En los tres casos el diagnóstico fue ocasional en el TC abdominal a pesar de presentar unos tamaños entre 3 y 6 cm de diámetro. En los tres casos se confirmó el diagnóstico preoperatorio mediante citología e inmunohistoquímica. En los casos 2 y 3 se confirmó la positividad para Beta-Catenina y E-Cadherina. En todos los casos se realizó cirugía radical (R0). Un varón de 21 años -caso 1- que presentaba infiltración duodenal y metástasis ganglionares falleció de progresión hepática y peritoneal a los veinte meses de la cirugía. Las otras dos pacientes -casos 2 y 3- se encuentran libres de recidiva. La revisión de la literatura desde su descripción en 1959 hasta la actualidad -aproximadamente 800 casos- confirma el carácter enigmático de este tumor en relación a su origen celular, molecular, factores pronósticos y comportamiento clínico.