Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 105 num. 9 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Establishing prognosis in alcoholic hepatitis</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Prognostic factors associated with mortality in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis</b>]]> Severe alcoholic hepatitis is associated with high early mortality. This study aimed at identifying prognostic factors associated with in-hospital, medium- and long-term mortality of severe alcoholic hepatitis and to evaluate the different prognostic scoring systems on a cohort of patients in our hospital. To this end, we conducted a retrospective analysis of 66 episodes admitted between 2000 and 2008. Clinical and laboratory data on admission, at 7 days, 1 month, 6 months, and after one year were collected and analyzed, as were the details on the treatment and complications that occurred during hospitalization; the different prognostic indices used in the literature were calculated. Death event associated with an episode of severe alcoholic hepatitis occurs primarily during the first month, with an average mortality rate of 16.9. Infectious complications were associated with lower in-hospital survival. MELD score, urea and bilirubin values one week after admission were independently associated with both in-hospital survival (OR = 1.14, 1.012 and 1.1, respectively), and survival at 6 months (OR = 1, 15; 1.014 and 1.016, respectively). Only MELD score and urea values at 7 days were independent predictors of survival twelve months after the acute hepatitis episode. MELD score, urea, and bilirubin 7 days after admission were the only independent in-hospital survival and also long-term survival factors 6 months and one year after the episode. In our cohort, the MELD score was the best prognostic index to predict mortality associated with an episode of severe alcoholic hepatitis.<hr/>La hepatitis alcohólica grave se asocia a una mortalidad precoz elevada. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue identificar los factores pronósticos asociados a la mortalidad intrahospitalaria, la mortalidad a medio y a largo plazo de la hepatitis alcohólica grave, así como evaluar los diferentes índices pronósticos en una cohorte de pacientes de nuestro hospital. Realizamos un análisis de 66 episodios consecutivos que ingresaron durante el periodo 2000-2008. Se recogieron y analizaron los datos clínicos y analíticos al ingreso, a la semana, al mes, a los 6 meses y al año, así como datos sobre el tratamiento recibido y las complicaciones asociadas durante el ingreso. Se calcularon y evaluaron los diferentes índices pronósticos de la literatura. La mortalidad asociada a un episodio de hepatitis alcohólica grave se produjo sobre todo durante el primer mes, con una tasa media de mortalidad del 16,9%. Las complicaciones infecciosas se relacionaron con una menor supervivencia intrahospitalaria. Los valores de MELD, urea y bilirrubina a los 7 días de ingreso fueron los únicos factores independientes de supervivencia intrahospitalaria (OR = 1,14; 1,012 y 1,1, respectivamente) y a los 6 meses (OR = 1,15; 1,014 y 1,016, respectivamente). A los 12 meses, solo los valores de MELD y urea a los 7 días fueron factores independientes de supervivencia. En nuestra cohorte el MELD fue el mejor índice pronóstico para predecir la mortalidad asociada a un episodio de hepatitis alcohólica grave. <![CDATA[<b>Periodic gastroenterology and hepatology meetings with primary care</b>: <b>reasons for consultation</b>]]> Introduction: care overload, aging of population, and increased chronic diseases lead to increased referrals from primary care, which may sometimes overload the health system. Thus, different interventions have been carried out attempting to improve these aspects. Objectives: to assess the most frequent causes of consultation of general physicians, both in joint consultations and clinical sessions held jointly with specialist consultant in primary care, in the urban and rural setting, and the influence on referrals to first consultations of gastroenterology. Material and methods: a mainly training type of intervention was carried out, consisting of regular meetings in both urban and rural primary care center, to perform joint consultations and clinical sessions on patients and topics related to the specialty of gastroenterology. The intervention period (divided in two subperiods) was compared with a control period. Results: most reasons for consultation were those corresponding to lower gastrointestinal tract, followed by liver disease and upper gastrointestinal tract. Significant differences were only found in distribution of diagnoses between the two centers in joint consultations. There was a relative (percent) decrease in referrals at the global level in both subperiods, only significant in the first (51.45%), as well as in rural setting (45.24%). Conclusion: common consultations motifs were similar in urban and rural settings, with some relevance of lower gastrointestinal tract disease. Most of them can be solved at primary care, with the help of consultant specialist. There is impact on referrals to the outpatient first consultations of gastroenterology, mainly in rural setting.<hr/>Introducción: la presión asistencial, el envejecimiento poblacional y el aumento de enfermedades crónicas incrementan las derivaciones desde atención primaria, pudiendo sobrecargar el sistema sanitario. Se han efectuado diversas intervenciones que intentan mejorar estos aspectos. Objetivos: valorar motivos de consulta más frecuentes de los médicos generales, tanto en consultas compartidas como en sesiones clínicas realizadas conjuntamente con un especialista consultor en atención primaria, en medios urbano y rural, y su repercusión sobre las derivaciones a primeras consultas de gastroenterología. Material y métodos: se efectúa una intervención de tipo fundamentalmente formativo, consistente en reuniones periódicas en dos centros de atención primaria (urbano y rural), con consultas compartidas y sesiones clínicas en relación con pacientes y temas de gastroenterología. El periodo de intervención (dividido en dos subperiodos) se comparó con un periodo control. Resultados: los problemas más comentados corresponden al tracto digestivo inferior, seguido de patología hepática y del tracto digestivo superior. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la distribución de diagnósticos entre los dos centros en las consultas compartidas. Se detectó un descenso relativo o porcentual de las derivaciones a nivel global en ambos subperiodos, significativo solo en el primero (51,45%), así como a nivel rural (45,24%). Conclusión: los motivos de consulta habituales fueron similares en los medios urbano y rural, con cierto predominio del tracto digestivo inferior. La mayoría pueden ser resueltos desde atención primaria, con el apoyo del consultor especialista. Hay repercusión en las derivaciones a las consultas externas de la especialidad, sobre todo a nivel rural. <![CDATA[<b>Safety and effectiveness of gastric balloons associated with hypocaloric diet for the treatment of obesity</b>]]> Introduction: intragastric balloons provide early satiety and thereby induce short-term weight loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate safety and short and medium-term effectiveness of gastric balloons associated to hypocaloric diet in obesity. Material and methods: from May 2004 to June 2011 91 obese patients, body mass index [BMI] 45.2 ± 7.2 kg/m² were prospectively followed after endoscopic implantation of a gastric balloon associated to restricted diet. Successful therapy was defined as percent loss of total weight (%LTW) ≥ 5% at six months after balloon placement and 6 and 12 months after their withdrawal. All analyses followed intention-to treat principles considering significant p-values < 0.05. Results: we placed 73 fluid-filled balloons (80.2%) and 18 air-filled ones (19.8%). Compared to baseline values, at 6-month 73.7% subjects succeeded, showing significant reductions in weight (13.3 ± 8.8 kg), BMI (5 ± 3.4 kg/m²) (p < 0.0001), with% LTW 11 ± 7%. Six and twelve months after retrieval 45.1% and 28.6% patients reached% LTW ≥ 5%. Short-term and medium-term effectiveness was negatively associated to obesity in first-grade relatives (p = 0.003 and p = 0.04). Higher weight loss 6 months after balloon placement independently predicted medium-term effectiveness (p = 0.0001). Mortality was absent but there were two spontaneous deflations of air-filled balloons and severe withdrawal difficulties in 8 patients, leading to surgery in one case. Retrieval complications associated to air-filled balloons (p = 0.0005). Conclusions: in obesity, effectiveness of gastric balloons associated to hypocaloric diet decreases over time. Complications occurred mainly in the retrieval endoscopic procedure and related to air-filled balloons.<hr/>Introducción: el balón gástrico produce saciedad precoz favoreciendo la pérdida de peso en un corto plazo de tiempo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la seguridad y la efectividad del tratamiento mediante balón gástrico y dieta hipocalórica en la obesidad. Material y métodos: estudio de cohortes prospectivo en 91 pacientes obesos sometidos a balón gástrico durante 6 meses. Como criterio de efectividad se consideró el porcentaje de peso perdido (PPP) ≥ 5% 6 meses tras su colocación y 6 y 12 meses tras su retirada. Analizamos los resultados por intención de tratar, considerando significativos los valores de p < 0,05. Resultados: empleamos 73 balones rellenos de líquido (80,2%) y 18 de aire (19,8%). Tras 6 meses un 73,7% de pacientes alcanzó el objetivo terapéutico mostrando descenso de peso (13,3 ± 8,8 kg) e IMC (5 ± 3,4 kg/m²) (p < 0,0001), con PPP 11 ± 7%. Transcurridos 6 y 12 meses de la retirada un 45,1% y 28,6% mantenían un PPP ≥ 5%. La efectividad a corto y medio plazo se asoció negativamente con obesidad en familiares (p = 0,003 y p = 0,04). La pérdida ponderal lograda tras 6 meses se asoció con efectividad a medio plazo (p = 0,0001). No existió mortalidad, observando 2 desinflados espontáneos y 8 retiradas complicadas, requiriendo cirugía 1 paciente. Los balones rellenos de aire presentaron más complicaciones (p = 0,0005). Conclusiones: la efectividad del tratamiento combinando balón gástrico y dieta hipocalórica en la obesidad disminuye a lo largo del tiempo. Las complicaciones ocurrieron mayoritariamente durante la retirada endoscópica y con el empleo de balones rellenos de aire. <![CDATA[<b>Celiac disease and alcohol use disorders</b>: <b>increased length of hospital stay, overexpenditures and attributable mortality</b>]]> Background and objectives: alcohol use disorders are associated with a greater incidence of certain comorbidities in patients with celiac disease. Currently there is no available information about the impact that these disorders may have on length of hospital stays, overexpenditures during hospital stays, and excess mortality in these patients. Methods: a case-control study was conducted with a selection of patients 18 years and older hospitalized during 2008-2010 in 87 hospitals in Spain. Estimations of excess length of stays, costs, and attributable mortality were calculated using a multivariate analysis of covariance, which included age, gender, hospital group, alcohol use disorders, tobacco related disease and 30 other comorbidities. Results: patients who had both celiac disease and alcohol use disorders had an increased length of hospital stay, an average of 3.1 days longer in women, and 1.7 days longer in men. Excess costs per stay ranged from 838.7 euros in female patients, to 389.1 euros in male patients. Excess attributable mortality was 15.1% in women, 12.2% in men. Conclusions: apart from a gluten-free diet and other medical measures, the prevention of alcohol abuse is indicated in these patients. Patients hospitalized who present these disorders should receive specialized attention after leaving the hospital. Early detection and treatment should be used to prevent the appearance of organic lesions and should not be solely focused on male patients.<hr/>Antecedentes y objetivos: los trastornos por consumo de alcohol se han asociado a una mayor incidencia de ciertas comorbilidades entre los pacientes con enfermedad celiaca. En la actualidad no disponemos de información sobre si estos trastornos tienen un impacto en la prolongación de las estancias hospitalarias, mayores costes por estancia y un exceso de mortalidad entre estos pacientes. Métodos: Se hizo un estudio de casos y controles a partir de una muestra de pacientes de 18 o más años de edad hospitalizados durante 2008-2010 en 87 hospitales de España. Las estimaciones de prolongación de estancias, exceso de costes y mortalidad atribuible se calcularon mediante un modelo de análisis multivariante de la covarianza que incluyó edad, género, grupo hospitalario, trastornos por alcohol, trastornos por tabaco y 30 comorbilidades. Resultados: los pacientes de enfermedad celiaca con trastornos por alcohol presentaron una prolongación de estancias de 3,1 días en las mujeres y de 1,7 días en los varones, un exceso de costes por estancia de 838,7 euros en las mujeres y de 389,1 euros en los varones, y un exceso de mortalidad atribuible de 15,1% en las mujeres y de 12,2% en los varones. Conclusiones: además de una dieta sin gluten y otras medidas asistenciales, en estos pacientes está indicada la prevención del abuso de alcohol, y los hospitalizados que presentan estos trastornos deberían recibir asistencia especializada tras el alta hospitalaria. La detección e intervención precoz debería intentar prevenir el desarrollo de lesiones orgánicas y no centrarse exclusivamente en varones. <![CDATA[<b>Endoscopic submucosal dissection in Spain</b>: <b>outcomes and development possibilities</b>]]> Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) allows endoscopic, curative, en-bloc resection of superficial malignant or premalignant lesions. This procedure was conceived over 10 years ago in Japan, but has not experienced great expansion in Western countries for different reasons. This article reviews ESD indications and outcomes, and reflects on the reasons that prevent ESD from becoming common clinical practice in Western hospitals. Finally, recommendations on ESD training in our setting are made.<hr/>La disección submucosa endoscópica (DSE) permite la resección curativa mediante endoscopia de lesiones malignas o premalignas superficiales digestivas en una sola pieza. Esta técnica, nacida hace algo más de 10 años en Japón, no ha experimentado una gran difusión en países occidentales por diferentes motivos. En este artículo se hace una revisión de las indicaciones y resultados de la DSE, así como una discusión de los motivos por los que todavía son escasos los centros en occidente que realizan esta técnica. Por último se hacen unas recomendaciones de formación en DSE en nuestro medio. <![CDATA[<b>Gastroduodenal Burkitt's lymphoma in an immunocompetent patient</b>]]> Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) allows endoscopic, curative, en-bloc resection of superficial malignant or premalignant lesions. This procedure was conceived over 10 years ago in Japan, but has not experienced great expansion in Western countries for different reasons. This article reviews ESD indications and outcomes, and reflects on the reasons that prevent ESD from becoming common clinical practice in Western hospitals. Finally, recommendations on ESD training in our setting are made.<hr/>La disección submucosa endoscópica (DSE) permite la resección curativa mediante endoscopia de lesiones malignas o premalignas superficiales digestivas en una sola pieza. Esta técnica, nacida hace algo más de 10 años en Japón, no ha experimentado una gran difusión en países occidentales por diferentes motivos. En este artículo se hace una revisión de las indicaciones y resultados de la DSE, así como una discusión de los motivos por los que todavía son escasos los centros en occidente que realizan esta técnica. Por último se hacen unas recomendaciones de formación en DSE en nuestro medio. <![CDATA[<b>Radiofrequency ablation</b>: <b>a novel and effective treatment of severe bleeding secondary to actinic proctitis</b>]]> Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) allows endoscopic, curative, en-bloc resection of superficial malignant or premalignant lesions. This procedure was conceived over 10 years ago in Japan, but has not experienced great expansion in Western countries for different reasons. This article reviews ESD indications and outcomes, and reflects on the reasons that prevent ESD from becoming common clinical practice in Western hospitals. Finally, recommendations on ESD training in our setting are made.<hr/>La disección submucosa endoscópica (DSE) permite la resección curativa mediante endoscopia de lesiones malignas o premalignas superficiales digestivas en una sola pieza. Esta técnica, nacida hace algo más de 10 años en Japón, no ha experimentado una gran difusión en países occidentales por diferentes motivos. En este artículo se hace una revisión de las indicaciones y resultados de la DSE, así como una discusión de los motivos por los que todavía son escasos los centros en occidente que realizan esta técnica. Por último se hacen unas recomendaciones de formación en DSE en nuestro medio. <![CDATA[<b>Sclerosing cholangitis by cytomegalovirus in highly active antiretroviral therapy era</b>]]> Sclerosing colangitis (SC) due to cytomegalovirus (CMV) is very rare. It has been described mainly in immunocompromised patients. Currently, in HIV infected patients it is exceptional. The most of cases belong to pre-highly active antiretroviral therapy (pre-HAART) and those cases were in stage AIDS with less than 100 CD4/μl. The most frequently involved pathogen in pre-HAART period was Cryptosporidium parvum (30-57%) and CMV (10-30%); in late HAART period this information are unaware. CMV has been implicated as a possible etiological agent in primary SC partly because of the ability to cause liver damage and its relationship with smooth muscle antibodies. The most effective treatment for SC was the combination of antiretroviral therapy and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with sphincterotomy and stent placement. Following, we present the first case of late HAART period which describes a SC extrahepatic without papillary stenosis with CMV as the only cause and clinical presentation of HIV infection in a woman with 177 CD4/μl.<hr/>La colangitis esclerosante (CE) debida a infección por citomegalovirus (CMV) es muy rara; se ha descrito principalmente en inmunodeprimidos. En pacientes infectados por VIH es actualmente excepcional y la mayoría de casos fueron comunicados durante el periodo previo al de la terapia antirretroviral de alta eficacia (pre-TAR), y se encontraban en estadio sida con cifras de CD4 inferiores a los 100 cél/μl. En la era pre-TAR el organismo más frecuentemente implicado era Cryptosporidium parvum (30-57%) y CMV (10-30%); del periodo TAR se desconocen estos datos. El CMV ha sido implicado como un posible agente etiológico de CE primaria por su capacidad para producir daño hepático y su relación con anticuerpos antimúsculo liso. El tratamiento que ha demostrado mayor eficacia ha sido la combinación de antirretrovirales y realización de colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica con esfinterotomía y colocación de endoprótesis. A continuación presentamos el primer caso en la era tardía (a partir de 2005) del tratamiento antirretroviral de CE extrahepática sin estenosis papilar por CMV como causa única y como forma clínica de presentación de infección por VIH en una mujer con 177 CD4/μl. <![CDATA[<b>Biliary self-expandable metallic stent using single balloon enteroscopy assisted ERCP</b>: <b>overcoming limitations of current accessories</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Dysfunction of the Oddi sphinter</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Successful extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy in chronic calcified pancreatitis management</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Endometrioid adenocarcinoma in the lower rectum</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Methicillin resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> liver abscess related with colorectal cancer</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to gastrosplenic fistula</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Enterocolic lymphocytic phlebitis preceding the development of inflammatory bowel disease</b>: <b>report of a case</b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment. <![CDATA[<b>Enfermedad celiaca y sensibilidad al gluten no celiaca</b>: <b><i>1.<sup>st</sup> edition</i></b>]]> Device assisted enteroscopy (DAE) techniques have been recently developed for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. These techniques can also be used to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with surgically altered anatomies. The main difficulties with DAE-ERCP are related to type of surgery, to the different dimensions and lack of frontal view of the enteroscope and to the resulting limitations with the use of standard accessories, resulting in the need of dedicated accessory devices. Although most ERCP techniques have been successfully performed with DAE-ERCP, biliary self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) have not yet been used, as dedicated biliary SEMS for the enteroscope are lacking. The authors present a case report showing a new method to place standard biliary trough-the-scope SEMS with DAE-ERCP, using a different technique of stent deployment.