Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 106 num. 4 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>The study of chronic pancreatitis epidemiology</b>: <b>the big challenge</b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>A Spanish multicenter study to estimate the prevalence and incidence of chronic pancreatitis and its complications</b>]]> Background and objective: No nation-wide epidemiological study on the incidence and prevalence of chronic pancreatitis (CP) had been thus far carried out in Spain. Our goal is to estimate the prevalence and incidence of CP, as well as to determine the diagnostic and therapeutic criteria used in Spanish pancreas units. Methods: An observarional, descriptive study of hospital pancreas units in Spain. CP-related epidemiology, etiology, manifestations, diagnostic tests, functional complications, and treatments were all assessed using a structured questionnaire. Overall results were estimated by weighting cases in each site. Results: Information was collected from six pancreas units with a sample frame of 1,900,751 inhabitants. Overall prevalence was 49.3 cases per 10(5) population (95 % CI, 46 to 52) and incidence was 5.5 cases per 10(5) inhabitant-years (95 % CI, 5.4 to 5.6). Most common etiologies included tobacco and alcoholism, which were associated with three in every four cases. The most prevalent symptoms were recurring pain (48.8 %) and chronic abdominal pain (30.6 %). The most widely used diagnostic method was echoendoscopy (79.8 %), CT (computerized tomography) (58.7 %), and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)/MRCP (magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography) (55.9 %). Most prevalent morphologic findings included calcifications (35 %) and pseudocysts (27 %). Exocrine (38.8 %) and endocrine (35.2 %) pancreatic insufficiency had both a similar frequency. Treatments used were rather heterogeneous among sites, with enzyme replacement therapy (40.7 %) and insulin (30.9 %) being most commonly used. Conclusions: Pancreas units amass a significant number of both prevalent and incident CP cases. Patients seen in these units share a similar typology, and differences between units are greater regarding diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.<hr/>Antecedentes y propósito: en España no se ha llevado a cabo hasta ahora ningún estudio epidemiológico nacional sobre la incidencia y prevalencia de la pancreatitis crónica (PC). El objetivo es estimar la prevalencia e incidencia de casos de PC, así como los criterios diagnósticos y terapéuticos utilizados en las unidades de páncreas españolas. Métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo de las unidades de páncreas de ámbito hospitalario en España. Mediante un cuestionario estructurado se valoró la epidemiología de la PC, la etiología, sintomatología, pruebas diagnósticas, complicaciones funcionales y los tratamientos utilizados. Los resultados globales se estimaron mediante la ponderación por la casuística de cada centro. Resultados: se recopiló información de seis unidades de páncreas, con un marco muestral de 1.900.751 habitantes. La prevalencia global fue de 49,3 casos por 10(5) habitantes (IC95 % 46 a 52) y la incidencia de 5,5 casos por 10(5) habitantes-año (IC95 % 5,4 a 5,6). Las etiologías más frecuentes fueron el tabaco y el alcoholismo que se asociaron a tres de cada cuatro casos. La sintomatología más prevalente fue el dolor recidivante (48,8 %), seguido del dolor abdominal crónico (30,6 %). El método diagnóstico más utilizado fue la ecoendoscopia (79,8 %), la TC (tomografía computerizada) (58,7 %) y la RNM (resonancia magnética)/CPRM (colangiopancreatografía por resonancia magnética) (55,9 %). Los hallazgos morfológicos más prevalentes fueron las calcificaciones (35 %) y pseudoquistes (27 %). Se presentaron con una frecuencia similar la insuficiencia pancreática exocrina (38,8 %) y la endocrina (35,2 %). Los tratamientos utilizados fueron bastante heterogéneos entre centros, siendo los más frecuentemente usados el tratamiento enzimático sustitutivo (40,7 %) y la insulina (30,9 %). Conclusiones: las unidades especializadas del páncreas acumulan un importante número de casos prevalentes e incidentes de PC. La tipología del paciente atendido en estas unidades es similar con mayores diferencias entre unidades en los métodos diagnósticos y terapéuticos utilizados. <![CDATA[<b>Hepatotoxicity associated with statin use</b>: <b>analysis of the cases included in the Spanish Hepatotoxicity Registry</b>]]> Objectives: The hepatotoxic potential of statins is controversial. The objectives of this study were to describe the relative frequency of hepatotoxicity caused by statins and the phenotypes found in Spain. Patients and methods: The incidence of hepatotoxicity attributed to statins in the Spanish Hepatotoxicity Registry (REH) were studied and compared with those attributed to other drugs. Results: Between April 1994 and August 2012, the REH included a total of 858 cases of which 47 (5.5 %) were attributed to statins. Of these, 16 were due to atorvastatin (34 %); 13 to simvastatin (27.7 %); 12 to fluvastatin (25.5 %); 4 to lovastatin (8.5 %) and 2 to pravastatin (4.3 %). Statins represented approximately half of the cardiovascular group which occupied place (10 %), after anti-infectious agents (37 %) and central nervous system drugs (14 %). The hepatocellular pattern was predominant, especially in the simvastatin group (85%), the cholestatic/mixed pattern was more frequent with fluvastatin (66 %) and had a similar distribution to atorvastatin. Patients with statin-induced toxicity were older (62 years versus 53 years, p < 0.001) and more often demonstrated an autoimmune hepatitis phenotype (8.5 % versus 1.4 %, p < 0.003). Conclusions: Statins are not a common cause of hepatotoxicity in Spain. Atorvastatin is the statin involved in the greatest number of incidents. The liver injury pattern varies among the different statins. The hepatitis phenotype with autoimmune features appears to be a characteristic signature of statin-induced hepatotoxicity.<hr/>Objetivos: el potencial hepatotóxico de las estatinas es controvertido. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir la frecuencia relativa de hepatotoxicidad por estatinas y los fenotipos de presentación en España. Pacientes y métodos: se analizaron las incidencias de hepatotoxicidad atribuidas a estatinas en el Registro Español de Hepatotoxicidad (REH) y se compararon con las atribuidas a otros fármacos. Resultados: entre abril de 1994 y agosto de 2012 se incluyeron en el REH un total 858 casos de los que 47 (5,5 %) se atribuyeron a estatinas. De ellos, 16 fueron por atorvastatina (34 %); 13 por simvastatina (27,7 %); 12 por fluvastatina (25,5 %); 4 por lovastatina (8,5 %) y 2 por pravastatina (4,3 %). Las estatinas representaban aproximadamente la mitad del grupo cardiovascular que ocupaba la 3.ª posición (10 %), tras anti-infecciosos (37 %) y fármacos del sistema nervioso central (14 %). El patrón hepatocelular fue predominante, especialmente en el grupo de simvastatina (85 %), el colestático/mixto fue más frecuente con fluvastatina (66 %) y se distribuyó de manera similar con atorvastatina. Los pacientes con toxicidad por estatinas eran de edad más avanzada (62 años vs. 53 años, p < 0,001) y mostraban más frecuentemente un fenotipo de hepatitis autoinmune (8,5 % vs. 1,4 %, p < 0,003). Conclusiones: las estatinas no son una causa frecuente de hepatotoxicidad en España. La atorvastatina es la estatina implicada en un mayor número de incidencias. El patrón de lesión hepática varía entre las distintas estatinas. El fenotipo de hepatitis con rasgos de autoinmunidad parece ser una firma característica de la hepatotoxicidad por estatinas. <![CDATA[<b>The effect of glutamine and synbiotics on the healing of colonic anastomosis</b>]]> Introduction: Intestinal wound healing is an essential process for surgical reconstruction of the digestive tract. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of perioperative administration of glutamine and synbiotics on the biological behavior of intestinal mucosal barrier and the healing of colonic anastomosis in rats. Material and methods: 80 Wistar rats were divided in five groups. A: Control. B: Mechanical bowel preparation and antibiotics. C: Glutamine. D: Synbiotics. E: Glutamine and synbiotics. The animals were sacrificed on 3rd and 7th postoperative day. Results: Zero mortality and no septic complications were noted. On 3rd postoperative days, a significant weight loss was observed in all groups in comparison with the preoperative weights, but on the 7th day in groups C and E, in contrast with the other groups, weight loss was not significant. On the 3rd postoperative day, neoangiogenesis, inflammatory infiltration and fibroblast activity were significantly enhanced in group E compared to control. On the 7th postoperative day in group E fibroblast activity was significantly enhanced and inflammatory infiltration was significantly limited compared to control. The bursting pressures as well as the hydroxyproline tissue content were significantly higher in the group E on 3rd and 7th postoperative days. The percentage of positive mesenteric lymph node cultures were significantly limited in group E compared to control. Conclusions: The administration of synbiotics in conjunction with glutamine resulted in increasing the mechanical strength of the anastomosis, thus increasing the bursting pressure and decreasing or effacing of anastomotic dehiscence and limiting bacterial translocation. <![CDATA[<b>Polycystic liver in the adult (PLA) in Spain</b>: <b>analysis of a structured survey analysing the experience and attitude of gastroenterologists in Spain</b>]]> Background: Polycystic liver in the adult (PLA) is a rare disease characterized by chronic liver enlargement. Objective: To analyse gastroenterologists' involvement in, experience with, and attitude toward diagnosing, monitoring, and treating patients with PLA in Spain. Methods: Each of seven study coordinators contacted 15 specialists in their geographic area about participating in the study via an online structured survey. Results: Of the 105 clinics contacted, 88 completed the questionnaire, with a mean of 3 patients being followed per practice, although 6 clinics were following more than 20 patients with PLA. Patients were being followed mainly by the Department of Hepatology (81 %) and/or the Department of Gastroenterology (33 %). The majority of patients were diagnosed (98 %) and monitored (97 %) using liver ultrasound. When diagnosed, 76 % of patients were under 50 years of age, females predominating. The primary treatment objective for the patients was symptomatic management. Pharmacotherapy was prescribed by 28 % of physicians: Somatostatin analogues, primarily, followed by mTOR inhibitors. One-third of the clinics indicated that they had patients who had undergone liver transplant and/or surgery. Conclusions: Ultrasound is the diagnosing and monitoring method of choice. Among the clinics using pharmacotherapy for symptomatic management, somatostatin analogues were the drugs of choice. These clinics' infrequent use of invasive procedures suggests that they perceive the various invasive techniques as not very effective.<hr/>Antecedentes: la poliquistosis hepática del adulto (PHA) es una enfermedad rara caracterizada por el engrandecimiento crónico del hígado. Objetivo: analizar la implicación, experiencia y actitud de los especialistas españoles en el diagnóstico, seguimiento y tratamiento de los pacientes con PHA. Métodos: siete coordinadores del estudio contactaron cada uno con 15 especialistas de su entorno geográfico para participar en el estudio a través de una encuesta estructurada online. Resultados: de los 105 clínicos contactados, 88 completaron el cuestionario, siguiendo una mediana de 3 pacientes por consulta, aunque 6 clínicos realizan seguimiento a &gt; 20 pacientes con PHA. El seguimiento se realiza mayoritariamente en el departamento de hepatología (81 %) y/o gastroenterología (33 %). La ecografía hepática se usa para el diagnóstico (98 %) y seguimiento (97 %) de la mayoría de los pacientes. En el momento del diagnóstico, 76 % de los pacientes tenían < 50 años predominando las mujeres. El objetivo principal del manejo de los pacientes es el control sintomático. Un 28 % de los médicos prescriben tratamiento farmacológico, principalmente análogos de somatostatina, seguidos por inhibidores de mTOR. Un tercio de los clínicos indicó que tenían pacientes que habían recibido trasplante hepático y/o cirugía. Conclusiones: la ecografía es la técnica de elección para el diagnóstico y seguimiento. Entre los clínicos que administran tratamiento farmacológico para el control sintomático, los análogos de somatostatina son los fármacos de elección. El uso poco frecuente de técnicas invasivas sugiere que los clínicos tienen una percepción bastante pobre de la utilidad de las distintas técnicas invasivas. <![CDATA[<b>Genetic and molecular mechanisms leading to eosinophilic esophagitis</b>]]> From the epidemiologic studies, to the first genome wide association study in 2010, the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of EoE has been both inspiring and puzzling. Epidemiologic studies have highlighted the contribution of the genetic in the EoE disease by emphasizing the presence of familial type of EoE, but has also revealed the complexity of its transmission that does not follow a Mendelian inheritance. The molecular pathogenesis advances have helped in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying this esophageal inflammation but has also allow the identification of candidate genes for which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are associated with the disease. Recently, the genome wide analysis of more than half a million single nucleotide polymorphism has allowed the identification of gene variations associated with the EoE disease and has led to substantial advance in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to EoE. Undeniably, EoE is a complex polygenic disease and we certainly are only at the ground level of its detailed comprehension. <![CDATA[<b>Anorectal melanoma associated with colonic metastasis</b>]]> From the epidemiologic studies, to the first genome wide association study in 2010, the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of EoE has been both inspiring and puzzling. Epidemiologic studies have highlighted the contribution of the genetic in the EoE disease by emphasizing the presence of familial type of EoE, but has also revealed the complexity of its transmission that does not follow a Mendelian inheritance. The molecular pathogenesis advances have helped in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying this esophageal inflammation but has also allow the identification of candidate genes for which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are associated with the disease. Recently, the genome wide analysis of more than half a million single nucleotide polymorphism has allowed the identification of gene variations associated with the EoE disease and has led to substantial advance in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to EoE. Undeniably, EoE is a complex polygenic disease and we certainly are only at the ground level of its detailed comprehension. <![CDATA[<b>Bouveret's syndrome</b>: <b>evaluation with multidetector CT</b>]]> From the epidemiologic studies, to the first genome wide association study in 2010, the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of EoE has been both inspiring and puzzling. Epidemiologic studies have highlighted the contribution of the genetic in the EoE disease by emphasizing the presence of familial type of EoE, but has also revealed the complexity of its transmission that does not follow a Mendelian inheritance. The molecular pathogenesis advances have helped in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying this esophageal inflammation but has also allow the identification of candidate genes for which single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are associated with the disease. Recently, the genome wide analysis of more than half a million single nucleotide polymorphism has allowed the identification of gene variations associated with the EoE disease and has led to substantial advance in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms leading to EoE. Undeniably, EoE is a complex polygenic disease and we certainly are only at the ground level of its detailed comprehension. <![CDATA[<b>Peri-ileostomy pyoderma gangrenosum</b>: <b>case report</b>]]> Pyoderma gangrenosum is one of the most severe complications that can occur following stoma placement. Despite few cases reported in the literature, it is considered an underdiagnosed entity. We present a case of peri-ileostomy pyoderma gangrenosum (PPG) in a patient who underwent a pancoloproctectomy and permanent ileostomy due to ulcerative colitis (UC). Treatment was based on local cures, proper fitting of ostomy devices, topical tacrolimus and systemic corticosteroids, adalimumab and antibiotics. Satisfactory resolution was achieved in eight weeks.<hr/>El pioderma gangrenoso es una de las complicaciones más graves que se pueden presentar tras la realización de un estoma. A pesar de los pocos casos descritos en la literatura, se considera que está infradiagnosticado. Se presenta un caso de pioderma gangrenoso peri-ileostomía en una paciente sometida a pancoloproctectomía e ileostomía definitiva por colitis ulcerosa. El tratamiento se basó en curas locales, adecuación de los dispositivos colectores, aplicación tópica de tacrolimus y administración sistémica de corticoides, adalimumab y antibióticos. La curación se produjo en ocho semanas de manera satisfactoria. <![CDATA[<b>Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma</b>: <b>an unreported association</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica. <![CDATA[<b>Pain in the abdominal wall</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica. <![CDATA[<b>Hypoxic hepatitis as diabetic ketoacidosis complication</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica. <![CDATA[<b>The effect of controlling inflammatory activity in the colon on the response to infliximab of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated with ulcerative colitis</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica. <![CDATA[<b>Massive splenic infarction leading to sickle cell disease</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica. <![CDATA[<b>A rare case of giant pseudopolyp and colitis cystica profunda coexistence in an ulcerative colitis patient</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica. <![CDATA[<b>Ileal carcinoid tumor within Crohn's disease</b>]]> Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver -a type of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension- is a rare condition of unknown etiopathogenesis that has been associated with multiple disorders, including diverse types of hematologic disease. We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides variety, staged as T2N0M0B0, where a transjugular liver biopsy demonstrated the presence of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with a hepatic venous pressure gradient of 15 mm Hg. The study was triggered by the incidental radiologic finding of hepatomegaly with indirect evidence of portal hypertension. We are not aware of any previous reports on the association of nodular regenerative hyperplasia with mycosis fungoides in the medical literature.<hr/>La hiperplasia nodular regenerativa hepática -una modalidad de hipertensión portal no cirrótica- es una enfermedad poco frecuente de etiopatogenia desconocida que se ha asociado a multitud de trastornos diversos, incluyendo enfermedades hematológicas de distinta índole. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 36 años diagnosticada de linfoma cutáneo de células T, tipo micosis fungoide, estadio T2N0M0B0, en la que una biopsia por vía transyugular demostró la existencia de una hiperplasia nodular regenerativa con gradiente de presión venosa hepática de 15 mm Hg; el detonante del estudio fue la aparición radiológica de una hepatomegalia incidental con datos indirectos de hipertensión portal.No nos consta que la asociación entre hiperplasia nodular regenerativa y micosis fungoide esté descrita en la literatura médica.