Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Archivos de Zootecnia]]> vol. 62 num. 240 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Performance of layers fed toasted, boiled or boiled and soaked castor oil seed meal (<i>R. Communis</i>)</b>]]> A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the response of Isa Brown laying hens to three different methods of processing castor oil seed meals (CSM); toasting, boiling and boiling-and-soaking for using as total substitute for soybean meal. Two hundred, 75-week old laying birds were randomly assigned to four experimental diets in a completely randomized design experiment. The control diet (CD) contained 19.10 % soybean; the proportion of soybean in the CD (T1) was replaced completely with toasted, boiled and boiled-and-soaked castor oil seed meal in diets T2, T3 and T4 respectively. Chemical analysis showed that treatment methods did not have any significant (p&gt;0.05) effect on the dry matter (DM), crude fibre (CF), ether extract (EE), ash, nitrogen free extract (NFE) and gross energy of the meal. However, the crude protein value of the toasted meal (24.55 %) decreased (p<0.05) significantly as compared to the other two treatment methods. Toasted method also retain significantly (p<0.05) higher level of ricin value (0.21 mg/100 g) when compared to boiling (0.09 mg/100 g) and boiling-and-soaking (0.03 mg/100 g). Birds on the control diet, T3 and T4 had numerically (p&gt;0.05) similar values of final live weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio and hen day production that were significantly (p<0.05) favorable than birds on T2. Birds on T2 also had significantly (p<0.05) depressed liver weight (2.11 %) as compared to birds on the control diet (2.87 %). Haemoglobin (Hb) values also showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in birds on T2 (2.23 g/dL) than that of birds on the control (10.67 g/dL), T3 (10.11 g/dL) and T4 (10.35 g/dL). Birds on T2 equally had a significantly (p<0.05) decreased RBC (154.33 x10³) in relation to the control diet (288.02 x10³ ).The egg quality parameters were not significantly (p&gt;0.05) affected by the test ingredient apart from promoting lighter egg yolk coloration. The study showed that boiled and boiled-and-soaked CSM can totally replace soybean meal in layers diet without any adverse effect on egg production, external and internal egg qualities, except encouragement of lighter yolk coloration. Boiling-and-soaking however, as a processing method had no special advantage in terms of egg production parameters and egg quality parameters, hence the additional task of soaking after boiling was unnecessary. Boiling of castor oil seed for 40 minutes is therefore preferred among the treatment methods. As an industrial waste, CSM incorporation in layer diets as a feed ingredient especially for large scale operations would results in substantial cost savings.<hr/>Un ensayo de alimentación fue realizado para investigar la respuesta de gallinas ponedoras Isa Brown a tres métodos diferentes de procesamiento de las semillas de ricino (CSM); que son tostado, hervido y hervido humedecido para usarlos como sustitutos totales de la harina de soja. Doscientas gallinas ponedoras de 75 semanas fueron aleatoriamente asignadas a 4 dietas experimentales en un diseño completamente al azar. La dieta control (CD) contenía 19,1 % de soja; la proporción de soja en la CD (T1) fue sustituida completamente con harina de semilla de ricino, tostada, hervida y hervida y humedecida en las dietas T2, T3 y T4 respectivamente. Los análisis químicos demostraton que los métodos aplicados no tuvieron efectos significativos sobre la materia seca, fibra bruta, extracto etéreo, cenizas, extracto no nitrogenado y energía bruta de la harina. Sin embargo, la proteina bruta de la harina tostada (24,55 %) disminuyó (p<0,05) en comparación con los otros 2 tratamientos. El método de tostado mantuvo significativamente (p<0,05) elevados valores de ricina (0,21 mg/100 g) comparado al hervido (0,09 mg/100 g) y el procedimiento de hervido y humidificación (0,03 mg/100 g). Las aves de las dietas control, T3 y T4 determinaron valores numericamente similares del peso vivo final, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y producción diaria por gallina que fueron significativamente (p<0,05) favorables respecto a las aves del T2. Las aves del T2 tuvieron también un peso del hígado (2,11 %) menor (p<0,05) que las de la dieta control (2,87 %). La hemoglobina también demostró un descenso significativo en las aves del T2 (2,23 g/dL) respecto a las de la dieta control (10,67 g/dL), T3 (10,11 g/dL) y T4 (10,35 g/ dL). Igualmente las aves del T2 tuvieron valores inferiores de RBC (154,33 x10³) en relación con la dieta control (288,02 x10³ ). Los parámetros de calidad del huevo no fueron afectados por los ingredientes probados aparte de la coloración de la yema. El estudio demostró que la CSM hervida o hervida y humedecida puede reemplazar totalmente a la harina de soja en la dieta de ponedoras sin ningún efecto adverso sobre la producción de huevos, calidad interna y externa, salvo una coloración más clara de la yema. El hervido y humedecido sin embargo, no tiene especial ventaja como método de tratamiento en términos de producción y calidad de huevos, por lo que la tarea adicional de humedecer después del hervido es innecesaria. El hervido de la semilla de ricino durante 40 minutos, es por ello, preferible a los otros métodos. Como residuo industrial la incorporación de CSM en la dieta de ponedoras como ingrediente alimenticio, especialmente en operaciones a gran escala puede dar lugar a considerables ahorros de costes. <![CDATA[<b>Effects of two carbohydrate sources on nitrogen capture and on productive performance in dairy cows</b>]]> El estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar si la suplementación con dos fuentes de carbohidratos de distinta tasa de degradación disminuía la concentración de amoníaco al incrementar la captura de nitrógeno por las bacterias ruminales en vacas en lactancia, pastoreando ballica perenne (Lolium perenne), con alto contenido de proteína. Se utilizaron 4 vacas con cánula ruminal distribuidas en 4 tratamientos con distintas proporciones de maíz:avena, como suplemento: T0 (control): sin suplementación; T1: 80:20; T2: 50:50 y T3: 20:80. Se utilizó un diseño de cuadrado latino de 4 x 4 y los efectos se midieron en la concentración de amoníaco ruminal, amoníaco y urea en sangre y urea en leche además de producción y composición de la leche. La pastura de ballica perenne presentó un 23 % de proteína bruta y 14,4 MJ*kg-1 de energía metabolizable.El aporte energético en los tratamientos con suplementación fue similar, ajustando la cantidad de suplemento diario. Los tratamientos con suplementación, a excepción del T3, presentaron una concentración de amoníaco ruminal menor (p<0,05), que la del testigo (19,8; 13,1; 10,6 y 14,6 mg*dL-1, para T0, T1, T2 y T3 respectivamente) sin diferencias entre los tratamientos con suplementación (p&gt;0,05). Tampoco hubo diferencias (p&gt;0,05) para concentraciones de amoníaco plasmático, urea plasmática, producción de leche, contenido de grasa, proteína, energía y urea en leche. El suministro de mezclas de maíz y avena a vacas en praderas de ballica de alto contenido de proteína degradable, reduce la concentración de amoníaco ruminal, pero este efecto no se traduce en mayores producciones de leche o cambios en sus componentes.<hr/>The objective of this study was to determine if the supplementation with two carbohydrate sources that have different degradation rates, reduces the ammonia production by ruminal bacteria by increasing the nitrogen capture in dairy cows grazing high protein contents pastures. Four dairy cows fitted with ruminal cannulas were randomly assigned to four treatments, corresponding to different proportion of corn:oat: T0 (control): grazing without supplementation; T1: 80:20; T2: 50:50 and T3: 20:80. Pasture consisted of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) with 23 % crude protein and 14,4 MJ*kg-1, and the effects were measured on ruminal ammonia concentration, blood ammonia and urea, and milk production and composition (protein, fat and urea). Energy supply was made similar by changing the amount given. A 4 x 4 latin square design was used. The supplementation with carbohydrate sources independent of treatments, significantly reduced ammonia concentration (p<0,05) and no significant effects among supplemented treatments were found (19.8, 13.1, 10.6 and 14.6 mg*dL-1 for T0, T1, T2 and T3 respectively). No significant differences (p&gt;0,05) were found neither for plasma ammonia and urea nor for milk production, milk fat and protein, milk energy and milk urea content. It is concluded that supplementation with mixtures of corn and oat grains to dairy cows grazing ryegrass pastures with high protein content reduces rumen ammonia concentration but do not affect milk production, milk components and milk urea. <![CDATA[<b>Yield potential of <i>Pennisetum</i> spp. under nitrogen levels in the forest zone of Pernambuco</b>]]> Avaliou-se o potencial produtivo, a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de 16 genótipos de Pennisetum spp. sob a influência de quatro níveis de nitrogênio, durante seis ciclos de avaliações. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco/Itambé, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro níveis de nitrogênio (N) (controle, 30, 60 e 90 kg ha-1 corte-1) e 16 genótipos (G) de Pennisetum spp. (10 novos híbridos interespecíficos, um híbrido interespecífico cultivado e cinco cultivares de capim-elefante), em três blocos. Os ciclos (CI) compreenderam avaliações em 2010 (21/04, 19/ 07 e 28/09) e em 2011 (06/01, 07/04 e 03/08). A massa de forragem (MF), o comprimento da folha (CF), a largura da folha (LF) e o comprimento do entrenó (CE) sofreram influência da interação tripla (N x G x CI). O novo híbrido, IPA-7 (Pioneiro x IPA Bulk-1) não foi influenciado pela interação, apresentando adaptabilidade geral (β1= 1) e alta estabilidade (σ²di= 0) para a MF, com valores médios de 0,88 kg MS touceira-1 corte-1, 76,24 cm e 78,79 mm, para a MF, CF e CE, respectivamente. Este híbrido poderá ser selecionado para a próxima fase do Programa de Melhoramento de Pennisetum spp.<hr/>The productive potential, adaptability and stability were evaluated in 16 Pennisetum spp. genotypes under the influence of four nitrogen levels in six evaluations cycles. The experiment was carried out in 2009, at the Itambé Experimental Station of Pernambuco, Agricultural Research Institute-IPA, Northeast Brazil, in split plots scheme, with four nitrogen (N) levels (control, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 cut-1) and 16 Pennisetum spp. genotypes (G) (10 new interspecific hybrids, one cultivated interspecific hybrid and five elephant grass varieties), in three blocks. The cycles (CI) comprised evaluations in 2010 (04/21, 07/19 and 09/28) and 2011 (01/06, 04/07 and 08/03). The forage mass (MF), the leaf length (CF), the leaf width (LF) and the internode length (CE) were influenced by triple interaction (N x G x CI). The new hybrid, IPA-7 (Pioneiro x IPA Bulk-1), was not influenced by the interaction, presenting high adaptability (β1= 1) and high stability (σ2di= 0) for the MF, reaching average of 0.88 kg DM shoot-1 cut-1, 76.24 cm and 78.79 mm for MF, CF and CE, respectively. This hybrid can be selected for the next phase of the Breeding Program of Pennisetum spp. <![CDATA[<b>Nutrients of <i>Brachiaria brizantha</i> and campo grande stylo in monocropping and intercropping systems</b>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar a concentração de nutrientes de cultivares de Brachiaria brizantha e estilosantes 'Campo Grande' em cultivo solteiro e consorciado sob diferentes métodos de plantio, por um período de dois anos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos completos ao acaso, com medidas repetidas no tempo, com quatro repetições, cujos tratamentos foram constituídos dos seguintes sistemas: estilosantes 'Campo Grande', capim 'Xaraés' e capim 'Marandu' solteiros ou consorciados com estilosantes, em linha ou à lanço. As avaliações foram realizadas durante dois anos por estações (outono, inverno, primavera e verão) nas mesmas parcelas. Os resultados demonstraram que a consorciação entre gramínea e leguminosa influencia no estado nutricional das forrageiras, por trazer melhoria na concentração dos nutrientes. No geral, o método de plantio em linha proporcionou melhores concentrações de nutrientes.<hr/>This study evaluated the nutrient concentration of cultivars Brachiaria brizantha and estilosantes 'Campo Grande' in cropping and intercropping systems under different planting methods, for a period of two years. The experimental design was a complete randomized block, with measurements repeated over time, with four replications which treatments consisted of the following systems: estilosantes 'Campo Grande'; 'Xaraés' grass; 'Marandu' grass in monocropping or intercropped with estilosantes 'Campo Grande' in rows or at broadcast. The evaluations were conducted for two years in fall, winter, spring and summer on the same plots. The results showed that intercropping grass and legume influences the nutritional status of forage improving nutrient concentration. In general, the rows planting provided better nutrient concentrations. <![CDATA[<b>Babassu mesocarp flour in broiler diets at the initial stage</b>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo, rendimento de carcaça e proteínas do sangue de 200 frangos de corte (machos, Cobb 500), no período de 8 a 21 dias de idade, alimentados com dietas a base de milho e farelo de soja contendo 0, 6, 12 e 18 % de farinha do mesocarpo de babaçu (Orbignya martiana) (FMB), distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com 4 tratamentos (níveis de FMB, rações formuladas para serem isoenergéticas e isoprotéicas), 5 repetições, sendo cada parcela experimental composta por 10 aves. Aos 21 dias de idade as aves foram abatidas para avaliação de rendimento de carcaça, e proteínas do sangue. A inclusão da FMB não afetou o consumo de ração, porém piorou o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar no nível de 18 %. O rendimento de carcaça foi afetado nos maiores níveis de inclusão. Os menores níveis de proteína total e globulinas foram observados na inclusão de 6 %. Conclui-se que a adição de até 12 % de farinha do mesocarpo de babaçu nas rações não compromete o desempenho. A inclusão de FMB aumenta o custo por kg de frango produzido e reduz a margem bruta, sendo economicamente inviável.<hr/>The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance, carcass yield and blood proteins of 200 male broilers (Cobb 500) on the 821 days of age period, fed diets based on corn and soybean meal containing 0, 6, 12 and 18 % of babassu (Orbignya martiana) mesocarp flour (FMB), distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments (levels of FMB, diets formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous), five replicates and a experimental unit with 10 broilers. At 21 days old the broilers were slaughtered to evaluate carcass yield, and blood proteins. The inclusion of FMB not affected feed intake, but decreased the weight gain and feed conversion in the level 18 %. Carcass yield was affected in the highest levels of inclusion. The levels of total protein and globulins were the lower in the 6 % of inclusion. In conclusion, the addition up to 12 % of FMB did not compromise the performance of broiler. The inclusion of this ingredient increases the cost per kg of chicken produced and decreases the gross margin, being economically unviable. <![CDATA[<b>Lysine nutritional plans for swine from initial to finishing phase</b>]]> Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar planos nutricionais de lisina para suínos criados em lotes mistos, dos 63 aos 164 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 240 animais, com peso inicial de 24,6±1,5 kg, distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro planos nutricionais (A: 1,05-0,88-0,82-0,78-0,78; B: 1,05-0,87-0,800,76-0,76; C: 1,05-0,85-0,77-0,71-0,71 e D: 1,050,82-0,75-0,70-0,69 % de lisina digestível, respectivamente dos 63 aos 74 dias, dos 75 aos 89 dias, dos 90 aos 111 dias, dos 112 aos 135 dias e dos 136 aos 164 dias), com seis repetições e dez animais cada. Os planos contendo as sequências nutricionais de A e B melhoraram a conversão alimentar dos suínos quando comparados aos demais planos nutricionais. Os suínos alimentados com o plano nutricional contendo a sequência D apresentaram menor peso de carcaça quente. O plano nutricional correspondente a sequência C, respectivamente para suínos dos 63 aos 74 dias, dos 63 aos 89 dias, dos 63 aos 111 dias, dos 63 aos 135 dias e dos 63 aos 164 dias atende as necessidades nutricionais e maximiza o desempenho e as características de carcaça da fase inicial a terminação.<hr/>This study was conducted to evaluate the lysine nutritional plans for pigs reared in mixed batches, 63 to 164 days of age. Two hundred and forty animals, with initial body weight of 24.6±1.5 kg, were distributed in a randomized block design with four nutritional plans (A: 1.05-0.88-0.82-0.78-0.78; B: 1.05-0.87-0.80-0.76-0.76; C: 1.05-0.85-0.770.71-0.71 and D: 1.05-0.82-0.75-0.70-0.69 % of digestible lysine, respectively from 63 to 74 days, 75 to 89 days, 90 to 111 days, 112 to 135 days and 136 to 164 days) with six replicates of ten animals each. The nutritional plans with the sequences A and B improved feed conversion of pigs when compared to other nutritional plans. Pigs fed on the nutritional plan D had lower hot carcass weight. The nutritional plan corresponding to sequence C, respectively, for pigs from 63 to 74 days, 63 to 89 days, 63 to 111 days, 63 to 135 days and 63 to 164 days meet the nutritional needs and maximizes the performance and carcass traits of the initial at finishing phase. <![CDATA[<b>Sensorial characteristics of eggs stored at room temperature under different packing conditions</b>]]> O presente estudo objetivou avaliar as características sensoriais de ovos, de casca branca, higienizados ou não, armazenados em diferentes condições de embalagens, sob temperatura ambiente. Foram utilizados 200 ovos, distribuídos em um DIC em esquema fatorial 3x2x4+1, sendo três condições de embalagens (filme PVC, vácuo parcial e vácuo parcial com sequestrantes de gás oxigênio), quatro períodos de armazenamento (7, 14, 21 e 28 dias), higienizados ou não, e testemunha (ovos frescos), com 4 repetições 2 ovos cada, e 10 julgadores. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais e olfativas dos ovos nos diferentes períodos de armazenamento, por análise descritiva quantitativa (ADQ) em escala não estruturadas de 9 cm. A condição de vácuo parcial mostrou que os ovos foram rejeitados pela aparência externa e interna, e odor externo da casca, principalmente se não higienizados. E ainda nesta condição, foram percebidos odores azedos e gemas opacas. Na condição de vácuo com sachês sequestrantes de O2 foram notados odores de podre, principalmente quando higienizados. Conclui-se que, ovos embalados em filme de PVC mostraram melhores aceitações em todos os atributos avaliados, independente de terem sido higienizados.<hr/>This study evaluated the sensory characteristics of white-shelled eggs, sanitized or not, stored under different packaging conditions at room temperature. There were used 200 eggs, distributed in a completely randomized design in a 3x2x4+1 factorial arrangement, three packaging conditions (PVC film, partial vacuum, partial vacuum with oxygen gas absorber), storage period (7, 14, 21 and 28 days), sanitized or not, and control (fresh eggs), with four repetitions of two eggs, and ten judges. The eggs were visually and olfactorily evaluated in different periods of storage, by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) by means of unstructured scales of 9 cm. Partial vacuum condition showed that the eggs were rejected by the external and internal appearance and external odor, especially if not sanitized. In this condition were observed sour smells and opaque egg yolks. In vacuum with O2 sachets absorbers were noted sour smells, especially if sanitized. It can be concluded that eggs packed in PVC film, sanitized or not, showed the best acceptances in all attributes. <![CDATA[<b>Genetic evaluation for body traits in farmed Nile tilapias</b>]]> No presente estudo estimou-se valores genéticos, as diferenças existentes nas respostas à seleção, os componentes de (co)variância e parâmetros genéticas de características morfométricas de tilápias do Nilo (O. niloticus), cultivados em sistema de tanques rede. Foram analisadas características morfométricas e de desempenho de 1824 animais. As estimativas de herdabilidades oscilaram entre 0,08541 a 0,194 e a participação relativa dos ambientes comuns de larvicultura e alevinagem variaram entre 0,07402 a 0,1586 e 0,00087 a 0,0795 respectivamente. Os valores de correlações genéticas e de ranking apontaram existência de forte associação genética entre as características avaliadas. Os maiores ganhos genéticos foram para peso e ganho em peso diário, com a melhor resposta a seleção indireta foi verificada para peso. A seleção para velocidade de crescimento promoveram ganho genético em características morfométricas.<hr/>Breeding values, the differences in responses to selection, the (co)variance components and genetic parameters of the morphometrics traits of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) reared in cages were estimated. Morphometric and performance traits of 1824 animals were analyzed. The estimated heritability ranged from 0,08541 to 0,194 and the proportion of the variation due common environmental/hatchery and nursery effects ranged from 0,07402 to 0,1586 and 0,00087 to 0,079, respectively. The values of genetic correlations and ranking indicated a strong association between genetic traits. The largest genetic gains were for weight and daily weight gain, and the best response to indirect selection was checked for weight. Selection for growth rate led to genetic gain in morphometric traits. <![CDATA[<b>Frequency of supply of diet over the characteristics of bovine carcass in feedlot</b>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar a influência de diferentes freqüências do fornecimento do volumoso e concentrado sobre as características da carcaça nas categorias vaca e novilha, terminadas em confinamento. Foram utilizadas 16 novilhas e 16 vacas, com idade média de 20 e 66 meses e peso médio inicial de 338 e 432 kg, respectivamente, provenientes de gerações avançadas do cruzamento rotativo contínuo entre as raças Charolês e Nelore. Os tratamentos representados pelas freqüências do fornecimento do volumoso (V) e do concentrado (C), foram: 2 V/C (V e C duas vezes ao dia); 1 V/C (V e C uma vez ao dia); 1 V/ 2 C (V uma vez e o C duas vezes ao dia); 1 V/3 C (V uma vez e o C três vezes ao dia). Cada fornecimento alimentar foi ofertado às categorias vaca e novilha. A dieta fornecida foi composta de 60 % de silagem de milho e 40 % de concentrado com base na matéria seca. O abate foi realizado em frigorífico comercial, seguindo as normas do estabelecimento. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 x 2 (fornecimento x categoria). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste t. Não houve interação significativa entre freqüência de fornecimento e categoria animal. A freqüência de fornecimento não promoveu alterações nas características da carcaça avaliadas (p>0,05). As vacas apresentaram maior peso de abate e de carcaça quente e fria em relação às novilhas (525,5; 291,0; 281,7 kg vs. 424,7; 236,1; 227,5 kg, respectivamente). Entretanto, as carcaças das novilhas apresentaram maior porcentagem de traseiro do que as vacas.<hr/>The influence of different frequencies of supply of roughage and supplement on carcass characteristics of feedlot cows and heifers was studied. Sixteen heifers and sixteen cows, with average age of 20 and 66 months and initial weight of 338 and 432 kg, respectively, from advanced generations of Charolais and Nellore continuous rotational crossbreeding were used. The treatments, representing the frequencies of the supply of roughage (V) and concentrate (C), were: 2 V/C (V and C twice a day); 1 V/C (V and C once a day); 1 V/2 C (V once a day and C twice a day); 1 V/3 C (V once a day and C three times a day). Each treatment was offered to cows and heifers. The supplied diet was composed by 60 % of corn silage and 40 % of concentrate, on dry matter basis. The slaughter was carried out in commercial refrigerated slaugher house, following the rules of the establishment. The complete randomized experimental design was used, with a factorial arrangement of 4 x 2 (frequency of supply x category). Data were submitted to a variance analysis and the means were compared by t test. No significant interaction was observed between frequency of supply and animal category. The frequency of supply did not change the evaluated carcass characteristics (p>0.05). The cows presented higher slaughter weight and hot and cold carcass weights when compared to heifers (525.5, 291.0, 281.7 kg vs. 424.7, 236.1, 227.5 kg, respectively). However, the carcasses of heifers showeda higher percentage of rear cows. <![CDATA[<b>Performance and plasma profile of dairy cows fed full or processed whole raw soybean in diets</b>]]> O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes formas de utilização de grão de soja integral e moído em diferentes peneiras e seus efeitos sobre o consumo de matéria seca, produção e composição do leite e os parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Holandesa, agrupadas em três quadrados latinos balanceados 4x4, alimentadas com as seguintes rações: 1) controle (C); 2) grão de soja integral (GI); 3) grão de soja moído 2 mm (G2), e 4) grão de soja moído 4 mm (G4). Houve redução no consumo de matéria seca em vacas suplementadas com as rações contendo grão de soja integral ou moído em relação à ração controle. Os parâmetros de produção e composição do leite, não foram influenciados pelas dietas experimentais. Não houve efeito das dietas fornecidas para as vacas sobre as concentrações dos parâmetros sanguíneos, glicose, ureia, nitrogênio ureico no soro (NUS), proteína total, albumina e as enzimas hepaticas aspartato aminotranferase (AST) e gama glutamil transferase (GGT) exceto para colesterol total e colesterol-HDL. O processamento do grão de soja cru não alterou o desempenho produtivo e o perfil plasmático de vacas leiteiras no terço médio de lactação.<hr/>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different forms of use of processed or full whole raw soybean in different ground of screens and their effects on dry matter intake, milk yield and composition and blood parameters. Twelve Holstein cows were grouped in three balanced 4x4 Latin squares and fed the following diets: 1) control (C), 2) whole raw soybean (GI), 3) ground soybean 2mm (G2) and 4) ground soybean 4 mm (G4). A reduction in dry matter intake in cows fed diets containing whole raw soybean or ground in relation to the control diet. The parameters of production and milk composition were not affected by the experimental diets. There was no effect of diets for cows on concentrations of blood parameters, glucose, urea, blood urea nitrogen (NUS), total protein, albumin and hepatic enzymes aminotranferase aspartate (AST) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) except for total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. The processing of whole raw soybean did not affect the performance and plasma profile of midlactation dairy cows. <![CDATA[<b>Performance and incidence of diarrhea in piglets fed with whey</b>]]> Avaliou-se influência da adição do soro de leite sobre o desempenho de suínos nas três semanas iniciais da fase creche e a ocorrência de diarréia. Trinta leitões desmamados aos 21 dias de idade com peso vivo médio de 6,00 ± 0,44 kg foram distribuídos, alojados individualmente, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 3 tratamentos: adição de 0 (T1), 10 (T2) e 20 % (T3) de soro de leite a ração controle. As avaliações realizadas foram o desempenho dos animais e a ocorrência e características físicas ou escores das fezes geradas. Não se verificou diferença no ganho médio diário em peso, porém o menor (p<0,05) consumo médio diário de ração foi para animais submetidos ao T1, fato este que acarretou melhor conversão alimentar. Houve diferença (p<0,05) entre os tratamentos sobre a ocorrência e escores de diarréia, sendo que no T1 verificouse a maior (p< 0,05) severidade, o que se comprova tendo em vista a maior ocorrência de escore 3, ou seja, fezes líquidas. A inclusão do soro de leite à dieta de leitões em início da fase creche acarreta aumento no consumo médio diário de ração, no entanto é eficaz na redução de ocorrência de diarréias nos leitões.<hr/>The influence of whey on the piglet performance and diarrhea incidence in three initial weeks of the initial phase was studied. Thirty suckling piglets weaned at 21 days of age and weighting 6.0 ± 0.4 kg were randomized in one of the three treatments related with whey concentration on regular diet: 1) 0 % (T1); 10 % (T2) and 20 % (T3) of whey and kept individually. The characteristics of the feces were observed and classified according to score level of diarrhea. There was no difference in daily weight gain, however, for the animals underwent the T1, feed intake of the diet was lower (p<0.05) which caused less feed conversion. The incidence and the scores for diarrhea were different (p<0.05) between the treatments. The score 3 of diarrhea, liquid feces, indicates the severity of the process and it was more frequent (p<0.05) in T1. The inclusion of whey on the diet increased the fed consumption and reduced the incidence of diarrhea in piglets at initial phase of development. <![CDATA[<b>Quality of capim-de-raíz (<i>Chloris orthonoton</i>, doell) hay in small ruminants</b>]]> O trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a composição química, consumo e digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS) e de nutrientes, a cinética de degradação da MS e FDN e quantificar o balanço de nitrogênio em ovinos, alimentados com feno de capim-de-raiz. Utilizaram-se 5 ovinos da raça Santa Inês com peso médio de 28,34 kg PV. O feno apresentou 90,66 % de MS; 7,16 % de PB e 65,34 % de FDN. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, PB e FDN foram de 52,8; 70,6 e 40,4 %, respectivamente. Os animais apresentaram baixo consumo de MS do feno (1,4 % do PV), mas balanço positivo de nitrogênio. O feno de capim-de-raiz, quando confeccionado em estágio de floração, apresenta baixo valor nutritivo, não sendo recomendado como fonte exclusiva de alimento para manutenção de ovinos.<hr/>The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition, intake and digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients, ruminal degradation kinetics of DM and NDF and quantify the nitrogen balance in sheep fed Chloris orthonoton hay. The experiment was carried out with five sheep with 28.34 kg LW. The hay showed 90.66 % DM, 7.16 % CP and 65.34 % NDF. The digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and NDF were 52.8, 70.6 and 40.4 %, respectively. The animals showed low dry matter intake (1.4 % of BW), but positive nitrogen balance. Chloris orthonoton hay when done in flowering stage has a low nutritional value and is not recommended as single source of food for maintenance of sheep. <![CDATA[<b>Effects of method and length of storage on egg quality of giant African land snail (<i>A. marginata</i>)</b>]]> Seventy five giant African land snails were used to investigate the effect of method and length of storage on snail egg quality. Snail eggs were stored either in fridge (cold), in a container on a shelf (ambient) or in earthen pot (earthen) for 1, 2 3 and 4 weeks. Parameters measured were: external (egg length, egg weight, egg circumference, egg shape index, percentage egg weight loss, percentage egg volume loss) and internal (albumen weight, albumen height and egg pH). Storage method had no effect on external egg parameters measured but affected internal parameters (p<0.001). Length of storage had significant effect (p<0.01) on albumen height, and weight and volume percentage losses (internal parameters). Egg weight loss was highest in earthen pot and lowest in both cold and ambient for the first two weeks of storage, thereafter, it increases with length of storage. Egg volume loss was also found to be highest in earthen pot and lowest in cold storage. It can be concluded that room and cold storage can be used for snail egg (Archachatina marginata) between 1-2 weeks of storage for better egg quality.<hr/>Setenta y cinco caracoles gigantes africanos fueron empleados para investigar el efecto del método y duración del almacenamiento sobre la calidad de sus huevos. Los métodos de almacenaje fueron: refrigerador (cold), contenedor en una estantería (ambient) y olla de barro (earthen) durante 1, 2, 3 y 4 semanas. Se midieron características externas (longitud, peso, circunferencia, forma y pérdidas de peso y volumen) e internas (peso y altura del albumen y pH del huevo). El método de almacenamiento no tuvo efecto sobre las características externas, pero afectó a las internas (p<0,001). La duración del almacenamiento influyó (p<0,01) sobre altura del albumen, y pérdida de peso y volumen. La mayor pérdida de peso del huevo durante las dos primeras semanas de almacenamiento se registró en la olla de barro y aumentó con la duración del almacenamiento. La pérdida de volumen también fue mayor en la olla de barro y menor en el almacenamiento en frío. Se concluye, que el almacenamiento en frío o a temperatura ambiente de los huevos de (Archachatina marginata) durante 1-2 semanas permite mejor calidad. <![CDATA[<b>Egg laying and albumen gland composition of <i>Archachatina marginata</i> during growth phases</b>]]> The egg laying pattern and albumen gland composition in three growth phases of Archachatina marginata: snailet, juvenile and adult were investigated in this study. The juvenile stage laid the highest number of snails (9.3) followed by the adult stage (4.7), while no egg was laid by the snailet phase. However, the eggs laid by the adult phase were significantly (p<0.05) heavier than those laid by the juvenile stage. The adult stage had the biggest albumen gland (7.30±0.1cm) and the highest lipase, proteinase, α-glucosidase, amylase and cellulase activities followed by the juvenile stage, while the snailet had the least values. However, results of organic composition of the albumen gland show that juvenile phase has a statistically higher protein, glucose and lipid composition than the other two growth phases. Correlation analysis showed a strong positive relationship between egg number and albumen gland glucose, protein and lipid composition It can thus be inferred that juvenile stage of A. marginata has the best reproductive capability and potential.<hr/>Se analizó el modelo de puesta y la composición de las glándulas del albumen de Archachatina marginata en tres fases de crecimiento: cría, juvenil y adulto. La puesta fue mayor en la etapa juvenil (9,3) seguida de la adulta (4,7), no hubo puesta de huevos en las crías. Los huevos de la etapa adulta fueron más pesados (p<0,05) que los de la juvenil. Los adultos tuvieron las glándulas de albumen más grandes (7,30 cm) y las mayores actividades lipasa, proteinasa, α-glucosidasa, amilasa y cellulasa, seguidas en orden decreciente por juveniles y crías. En la fase juvenil hay mayor concentración de proteína, glucosa y lípidos en la glándula del albumen. Se registraron fuertes relaciones positivas entre número de huevos, y glucosa, proteína y lípidos de la glándula del albumen. Puede inferirse que en la etapa juvenil de A. marginata, son mayores el potencial y la capacidad reproductiva. <![CDATA[<b>Population study and food sources in <i>Apis mellifera</i> L., colonies in Uruguay</b>]]> La producción de miel en Uruguay se realiza fundamentalmente durante la primavera y el verano. Sin embargo, en la costa este los apicultores pueden extender su producción al otoño e invierno. Para analizar esta situación, se escogió un apiario en esa zona en el cual se registraron parámetros poblacionales, y se determinó el origen botánico de muestras de néctar y polen corbicular durante un año. Las colonias mantuvieron tamaños poblacionales relativamente altos. El polen de Eucalyptus spp. se destacó como dominante en la mayoría de las muestras tanto de néctar como de polen. Otras especies relevantes fueron Baccharis spp., Trifolium repens, Acacia longifolia, Lotus sp. y Eryngium spp.<hr/>Honey production in Uruguay occurs mainly during spring and summer. However, on the East coast beekeepers can extend their production into autumn and winter. To analyze this situation we chose an apiary located at the mentioned area where population parameters were recorded during a year. Nectar and pollen loads samples were also analyzed to determine their botanical origin. Over the sampling period, the colonies had high population sizes. Eucalyptus spp. pollen was dominant in most nectar and pollen samples. Other relevant species were Baccharis spp.Trifolium repens, Acacia longifolia, Lotus sp. y Eryngium spp. <![CDATA[<b>Immunocastration effect on the weight of carcass and main lean cuts in Iberian females</b>]]> Se utilizaron 192 hembras Ibéricas (cruzadas, Duroc*Ibérica), con 110 días de edad y 45 ± 3,41 kg de peso vivo para estudiar el efecto de la inmunocastración en el rendimiento de la canal y de las piezas nobles. Los animales experimentales se distribuyeron en 3 tratamientos: hembras castradas quirúrgicamente (CC), hembras enteras (CE) y hembras inmunocastradas (CI), siendo el diseño experimental en bloques completos al azar, con 48 réplicas totales de 4 cerdas cada una, 12 réplicas por bloque y 16 por tratamiento. El pienso fue el mismo para todos los animales, suministrándose ad libitum. Una vez realizado el sacrificio de los animales, se seleccionaron 31 hembras por cada tratamiento para evaluar la canal y el rendimiento de las piezas nobles. Las cerdas CI tendieron a presentar un mayor peso de sacrificio y peso de canal (p<0,10), siendo los pesos de jamones y paletas similares a las hembras CE (p&gt;0,05), y significativamente menos pesados en el grupo de las hembras CC (p<0,05). Por el contrario, el peso de los lomos resultó significativamente mayor en las hembras CE que en las CI y CC (3,05 vs. 2,82; 2,71 kg, respectivamente; p<0,05). Se calcularon las ecuaciones de regresión relacionando el peso de la canal con el peso del jamón, la paleta y el lomo para cada tratamiento. Las mejores relaciones entre las variables se obtuvieron con funciones lineales en el caso del jamón y la paleta (R²&gt;55 %; p<0,05) y, en el caso del lomo, lineal y no significativa en el grupo CC (p&gt;0,05) y cuadráticas para los grupos CE y CI (p<0,05). La inmunocastración favorece el crecimiento de las cerdas y que la castración quirúrgica no presenta ninguna ventaja productiva.<hr/>A total of 192 Iberian females (Duroc*Iberian), with 110 days of age and 45 ± 3.41 kg BW, were used to study the effect of immunocastration in yield of carcass and prime lean cuts. There were three treatments: surgically castrated females (CC), entire females (CE), and inmunocastrated females (CI) the experimental design was a complete randomized blocks with 48 replicates total (4 pigs in each), 12 replicates per block and 16 per treatment. The feed, the same for all animals, was suministered ad libitum. After sacrifice, 31 pigs were selected for each treatment to assess the performance of carcass and main lean cuts. Treatment CI tended to improve slaughter and carcass weights (p<0.10), with the same weight of hams and forelegs that CE (p&gt;0.05) and significantly less in the CC (p<0.05). By contrast, the loins were heavier in CE than in CI and CC (3.05 vs.2.82, 2.71 kg, respectively; p<0.05). Regression equations were established relating the carcass weight with hams, forelegs and loins weights. The best relationships between variables were obtained with linear functions in the case of ham and foreleg (R²&gt;55 %; p<0.05). For loin, linear and non-significantly in CC (p&gt;0.05) and quadratic for CE and CI (p<0.05). The immunocastration favors the growth of Iberian female; the surgical castration is the least interesting option. <![CDATA[<b>Preliminary study on the performance of rabbit bucks fed sole forage, concentrate and their mixtures</b>]]> Thirty five rabbit bucks of mixed breed of 7 weeks of age, weighing 519±5.00 g were used to investigate the potentials of two common weeds, Aspilia africana (Aa) and Tridax procumbens (Tp) as forages. The rabbits were divided into 5 groups in a completely randomised design. Group 1 was placed on sole concentrate feeding; concentrate feeding was skipped for 1, 2 and 3 days in groups 2, 3, and 4 respectively with ad libitum mixed-forage Aa and Tp feeding. Group 5 was fed on a mixed-forage diet of 250 g Aa: 250g Tp. The daily pellet intake decreased linearly as the number of days that concentrate feeding was skipped increased. Rabbits in groups 2 and 4 reached puberty at 13.8 and 14.0 weeks respectively, which were longer (p<0.05) than 12.8 and 13.1 weeks for groups 1 and 3. None of the rabbits on the sole forage diet reached puberty at the end of the experiment. Supplementation of the test forages with 23-43 g of a balanced concentrate feed per rabbit per day could give satisfactorily performance.<hr/>Treinta y cinco conejos de raza mezclada de 7 semanas de edad con peso de 519±5,00 g, fueron empleados para investigar el potencial de dos adventicias comunes, Aspilia africana (Aa) y Tridax procumbens (Tp) como forraje para conejos. Los conejos fueron divididos en 5 grupos con un diseño completamente al azar. El grupo 1 consumió solamente concentrado. El concentrado fue omitido por 1, 2 o 3 días en los grupos 2, 3 y 4 respectivamente con alimentación ad libitum de una mezcla de Aa y Tp. El grupo 5 fue alimentado con mezcla de 250 g de Aa y 250 g deTp. La ingestión diaria de gránulos, disminuyó linealmente al aumentar el número de días en que el pienso era omitido. Los grupos 2 y 4 alcanzaron la pubertad a 13,8 y 14,0 semanas respectivamente, tiempo que fue mayor (p<0,05) que las 12,8 y 13,1 semanas que tardaron los grupos 1 y 3. Ningún conejo de la dieta exclusiva de forraje alcanzó la pubertad al final del experimento. La suplementación del forraje con 23-43 g por conejo y día de un concentrado balanceado podría permitir un rendimiento satisfactorio. <![CDATA[<b>Evaluation of devices for feeding mandaçaia (<i>Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides</i>)</b>]]> Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes dispositivos para alimentação de colônias de abelha mandaçaia. Foram avaliados três alimentadores, Eiratama, Pernambucano e Prato, para a alimentação energética. Foram utilizados 5 dispositivos por tratamento, totalizando 15 colônias. Foram avaliados à capacidade de coleta e tempo até o consumo total do alimento fornecido. O Prato apresentou média para consumo de alimento de 13,55 mL, sendo superior aos demais. Concluiu-se que, para a alimentação da abelha mandaçaia o Prato foi o mais eficiente.<hr/>Three devices for feeding mandaçaia bee, for easy handling and efficiency use: Eiratama, Pernambucano and Prato, were evaluated. Five devices for treatment and 15 colonies total were used, testing the collect capacity and time spent to total consumption. The Prato device showed mean consumption of 13.55 mL, being higher than the others. For feeding mandaçaia bee, the Prato type was the most efficient. <![CDATA[<b>Nitrogen balance of barrows (15-30 kg) fed low protein and different digestible isoleucine levels</b>]]> Twenty crossbred castrated barrows, averaging 22.26 ± 1.79 kg of body weight, were used. The animals were individually alloted in metabolic cages, in a randomized blocks design, with five treatments (0.45, 0.52, 0.59, 0.66 and 0.73 % of digestible isoleucine) and four replicates. The diets were based on corn and soybean meal with low crude protein (14.15 %) and different levels of digestible isoleucine. The diets were humidified and supplied twice a day (7 am and 7 pm) to reduce losses and facilitate ingestion. The experimental period lasted 12 days, being 7 days for adaptation to metabolic cages and experimental diets and 5 days for total feces and urine collection. Feces were analyzed for dry matter and nitrogen (N), whereas urine samples were analyzed for N. The plasma urea nitrogen was also determined. Then, the N intake, N excretion (feces and urine), N absorbed, N retention, N retention/N intake, N retention/N absorbed and total N excretion were determined. Only N intake (g/kg BW0.75/day) was influenced (p<0.05) by digestible isoleucine levels, showing a linear increase on N intake as digestible isoleucine levels increased in the diets.<hr/>Foram utilizados vinte suínos mestiços, machos castrados, com peso vivo inicial médio de 22,26 ± 1,79 kg; distribuídos individualmente em gaiolas de metabolismo, em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (0,45; 0,52; 0,59; 0,66; 0,73 % de isoleucina digestível) e quatro repetições. As dietas foram formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja, com baixa proteína bruta (14,15 %), e diferentes níveis de isoleucina digestível. As dietas foram umedecidas e fornecidas duas vezes ao dia (7 e 19 h) para reduzir perdas e facilitar a ingestão. O período experimental teve duração de 12 dias, sendo 7 dias para adaptação às gaiolas metabólicas e rações experimentais e 5 dias de coleta total de fezes e urina. Posteriormente, foi determinado o teor de matéria seca das fezes e o teor de nitrogênio (N) das fezes e urina, bem como o nitrogênio da uréia plasmática. Foram, então, calculados o consumo de N, excreção de N (fezes e urina), N absorvido, N retido, N absorvido/N retido, N retido/N consumido, N retido/N absorvido e excreção total de N. Obteve-se significância (p<0,05) apenas para o nitrogênio ingerido (g/kg PV0.75/dia), em que o modelo linear apresentou aumento nos valores de N ingerido à medida que aumentaram os níveis de isoleucina digestível nas rações.