Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas]]> vol. 101 num. 12 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Cribado selectivo del cáncer colorrectal en poblaciones con riesgo promedio</b>]]> <![CDATA[<B>Adenomas malignos de colon. Criterios terapéticos</B>: <B>Resultados a largo plazo después de un tratamiento de una serie de 42 pacientes en nuestra área sanitaria</B>]]> Objective: a) to evaluate the appropriateness of histological criteria as proposed by Morson as indicators for surgery; and b) to compare the adequacy of Morson's criteria with Haggitt's levels as indicators for surgery in the case of malignant sessile lesions. Material and methods: we carried out a prospective, protocolized study of 42 patients with polyps with invasive carcinoma (IC) who underwent colonoscopic polypectomy from 1979 through 2008. We applied the histological criteria proposed by Morson to all the patients included in the series. Results: we treated 24 polyps with IC and favorable histological criteria (FC) and 18 polyps showing unfavorable histological criteria (UC). All polyps with FC were treated by means of colonoscopic polypectomy. None of the patients showed signs of disease after a mean follow-up period o f 9.67 yrs. Patients with polyps with UC were recommended to undergo surgery. The presence of unfavorable histological criteria in the polypectomy sample was clearly associated with an unfavorable patient outcome and showed a 100% sensitivity level, a negative prognostic value (NPV) of 100%, and a false negative (FN) percentage of 0% for the prognosis of the disease. We found 12 sessile polyps (Haggitt's level 4). Colonoscopic polypectomy was the treatment employed in 9 out of 12 cases. All patients are free from disease (mean follow-up 7.3 yrs). If Haggitt's level criteria had been applied, all 12 patients would have undergone surgery. This means 58% more patients than following Morson's criteria. Conclusions: Morson's criteria are considered an adequate diagnostic tool for the indication of surgery in patients with malignant adenomas. Haggitt's invasion levels do not accurately discriminate the necessity for surgery in case of malignant sessile lesions. <![CDATA[<B>Eventos adversos de la CPRE en el Hospital de San José de Bogotá</B>]]> Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has become the preferred treatment method for hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease. Despite technological progress this technique continues to account for the greatest morbidity and mortality caused by digestive endoscopic procedures. ERCP carries a risk of pancreatitis, perforation, hemorrhage, cholangitis and cardiopulmonary events occurring in upto 10% of patients in referral centers, implying a mortality of up to 1%, not including therapeutic failures or the need for re-intervention. A greater mortality rate has been demonstrated in prospective studies rather than in retrospective studies, but overall, the number of complications described in the literature is much lower than the number of complications that actually occur. A descriptive prospective study was conducted at San José Hospital from April 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007 in patients who underwent an ERCP and had a 1-month follow-up. A total of 381 patients were included; 9 (2.3%) were excluded, and of the remaining 372 there was an overall success in 79.6% of cases, 8.3% had a second intervention, 7.6% developed complications (pancreatitis, perforation, hemorrhage, cholangitis, pain, intolerance to sedatives, and cardiopulmonary events), and 4.3% were failed ERCP studies. The mortality rate of the ERCP procedure was 0.8%. ERCP-related complications were determined at a teaching center, and this suggests the need to implement centers of excellence in order to improve the efficacy of the procedure.<hr/>La colangiopancreatografía retrograda endoscópica (CPRE) se ha convertido en el procedimiento terapéutico por excelencia de la vía biliopancreática. A pesar de los avances tecnológicos continúa siendo la técnica con mayor morbimortalidad de la endoscopia digestiva. Las complicaciones de la CPRE incluyen la pancreatitis, perforación, hemorragia, colangitis y eventos cardiopulmonares que en centros de referencia ocurren hasta en un 10%, implicando una mortalidad hasta del 1%, sin incluir las fallas terapéuticas ni las reintervenciones. En los estudios prospectivos se ha demostrado un porcentaje mayor de morbilidad que en los retrospectivos, aunque en general, en los estudios publicados, se reconoce un porcentaje menor de complicaciones al que realmente ocurre. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo desde el 1 de abril de 2006 hasta el 30 de abril de 2007 en los pacientes del Hospital de San José a quienes se les practicó CPRE con un seguimiento durante un mes. Se incluyeron 381 pacientes, se excluyeron 9 (2,3%), de los restantes 372 pacientes estudiados el 79,6% fueron exitosos, el 8,3% reintervenidos, el 7,6% presentaron complicaciones (pancreatitis, perforación, hemorragia, colangitis, dolor, intolerancia a la sedación y eventos cardiopulmonares) y el 4,3% fueron fallidas. La mortalidad atribuida al procedimiento fue del 0,8%. Se determinaron las complicaciones debidas a la CPRE en un centro de enseñanza sugiriendo el establecimiento de centros de excelencia en busca de una mayor efectividad del procedimiento. <![CDATA[<b>Enfermedades celiacas e infección por <i>Hp</i> en Irán</b>]]> Background: we assessed the prevalence, the related symptoms, and the endoscopic and histologic gastric features of celiac disease (CD) in patients with Helicobacter pylori (Hp). Methods: 450 dyspeptic patients were studied. Biopsies of gastric antrum and duodenum, CD serology, and total IgA were obtained. Histological findings were scored with the Marsh-Rostami criteria. Results: 411 (91.3%) patients were Hp positive. Duodenal histology was normal in 385 (85.6%) patients, 124 (27.5%) had duodenitis and 28 (6.2%) showed duodenal abnormalities (Marsh I-IIIc). Twenty three/28 (82.1%) patients with malabsorption pattern were also Hp positive. Serological analysis: 12 of 31 (38.7%) positive patients had abnormal histology (Marsh I,-IIIc). Nine out 450 patients were IgA deficient; none of them was serologically positive for CD. Conclusion: although a high prevalence of Hp infection was found in this study, the relationship between Hp infection and CD was similar to that reported in other geographic areas. <![CDATA[<b>Cribado del cáncer colorrectal</b>: <b>estrategias para seleccionar a poblaciones con un riesgo moderado para esta enfermedad</b>]]> Objective: to analyse the association between rectal bleeding or a family history of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the results obtained in two rounds of a CRC screening pilot programme performed in L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain. Subjects: males and females (50-69 years) were the target population. Together with the invitation letter, they received a questionnaire in which they were askaed about rectal bleeding, family history of CRC and related neoplasms. The screening test was a guaiac-based faecal occult blood test (FOBT), and colonoscopy for positive tests. Results: 25,829 FOBT were performed in 18,405 individuals. Information on rectal bleeding and a family history of CRC were obtained for 9,849 and 9,865 cases, respectively. Male sex (OR = 1.32), 60-69 years of age (OR = 1.48), rectal bleeding (OR = 1.84) and history of CRC (OR = 1.54) were independent predictors of positive FOBT. With regard to colonoscopy, a greater risk of diagnosing advanced neoplasm was observed among men (OR = 2.47) and subjects with a family history of CRC (OR = 1.98). Conclusions: CRC screening programmes must have instruments that make it possible to select the candidate population and the possibility of offering a study suited to the risk of individuals who are not susceptible to population screening by means of FOBT. <![CDATA[<B>Mamometría de alta resolución e impedancia/mamometría - pH</B>: <B>nuevas técnicas para el avance en el conocimineto de la función esofágica y su aplicación clínica</B>]]> Objective: to analyse the association between rectal bleeding or a family history of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the results obtained in two rounds of a CRC screening pilot programme performed in L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain. Subjects: males and females (50-69 years) were the target population. Together with the invitation letter, they received a questionnaire in which they were askaed about rectal bleeding, family history of CRC and related neoplasms. The screening test was a guaiac-based faecal occult blood test (FOBT), and colonoscopy for positive tests. Results: 25,829 FOBT were performed in 18,405 individuals. Information on rectal bleeding and a family history of CRC were obtained for 9,849 and 9,865 cases, respectively. Male sex (OR = 1.32), 60-69 years of age (OR = 1.48), rectal bleeding (OR = 1.84) and history of CRC (OR = 1.54) were independent predictors of positive FOBT. With regard to colonoscopy, a greater risk of diagnosing advanced neoplasm was observed among men (OR = 2.47) and subjects with a family history of CRC (OR = 1.98). Conclusions: CRC screening programmes must have instruments that make it possible to select the candidate population and the possibility of offering a study suited to the risk of individuals who are not susceptible to population screening by means of FOBT. <![CDATA[<B>Resección endoscópica de tumor del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) rectal utilizando bandas elásticas</B>]]> Objective: to analyse the association between rectal bleeding or a family history of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the results obtained in two rounds of a CRC screening pilot programme performed in L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain. Subjects: males and females (50-69 years) were the target population. Together with the invitation letter, they received a questionnaire in which they were askaed about rectal bleeding, family history of CRC and related neoplasms. The screening test was a guaiac-based faecal occult blood test (FOBT), and colonoscopy for positive tests. Results: 25,829 FOBT were performed in 18,405 individuals. Information on rectal bleeding and a family history of CRC were obtained for 9,849 and 9,865 cases, respectively. Male sex (OR = 1.32), 60-69 years of age (OR = 1.48), rectal bleeding (OR = 1.84) and history of CRC (OR = 1.54) were independent predictors of positive FOBT. With regard to colonoscopy, a greater risk of diagnosing advanced neoplasm was observed among men (OR = 2.47) and subjects with a family history of CRC (OR = 1.98). Conclusions: CRC screening programmes must have instruments that make it possible to select the candidate population and the possibility of offering a study suited to the risk of individuals who are not susceptible to population screening by means of FOBT. <![CDATA[<B>Endometriosis ileal como causa de obstrucción de intestino delgado</B>: <B>diagnóstico por tomografía computarizada multicorte</B>]]> Objective: to analyse the association between rectal bleeding or a family history of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the results obtained in two rounds of a CRC screening pilot programme performed in L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain. Subjects: males and females (50-69 years) were the target population. Together with the invitation letter, they received a questionnaire in which they were askaed about rectal bleeding, family history of CRC and related neoplasms. The screening test was a guaiac-based faecal occult blood test (FOBT), and colonoscopy for positive tests. Results: 25,829 FOBT were performed in 18,405 individuals. Information on rectal bleeding and a family history of CRC were obtained for 9,849 and 9,865 cases, respectively. Male sex (OR = 1.32), 60-69 years of age (OR = 1.48), rectal bleeding (OR = 1.84) and history of CRC (OR = 1.54) were independent predictors of positive FOBT. With regard to colonoscopy, a greater risk of diagnosing advanced neoplasm was observed among men (OR = 2.47) and subjects with a family history of CRC (OR = 1.98). Conclusions: CRC screening programmes must have instruments that make it possible to select the candidate population and the possibility of offering a study suited to the risk of individuals who are not susceptible to population screening by means of FOBT. <![CDATA[<B>Síndrome de Peutz-Jeghers y adenocarcinoma duodenal-yeyunal</B>: <B>implicaciones terapéuticas</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Probióticos en patología digestiva</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<b>Adenocarcinoma ileal diagnosticado por enteroscopia de doble balón</b>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Gist gástrico gigante</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Hernia de Morgagni de presentación en edad adulta</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Mujer de 84 años que consulta por edema en miembros inferiores</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Perforación de la unión rectosigmoidea por ingestión de cuerpo extraño</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Paniculitis mesentérica</B>: <B>trauma abdominal o cirugía como factor causal</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed. <![CDATA[<B>Réplica</B>: <B>Paniculitis mesentérica: cirugía abdominal o trauma como factor etiológico</B>]]> The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal dominant hamartomatous poliposis describred in 1921. Hemminki in 1997 described the presence of LKB-1 mutation tumor-suppressor gen. The patients with PJS develop a higher cumulative incidence of gastrointestinal, pancreas and extraintestinal tumors, being occasion of a renew interest on hamartomatous polyposis syndromes regarding the clinical care, cancer surveillance treatment and long term follow-up. We report the case of a 38 years old male, diagnosed of PJS who developed a multiple adenocarcinoma in duodenum and yeyunum. Surgically treated and with a long-term free disease survival of 11 years represents the sixth case reported in the spanish literature of PJS associated with a gastrointestinal tumor. A critical review, molecular alterations and the established criteria of tumor screening and surveillance are reviewed.