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Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial
 ISSN 2173-9161 ISSN 1130-0558



Zubillaga Rodríguez, I.; Sánchez Aniceto, G.; Montalvo Moreno, J.J.; Díaz Lobato, R.

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Fucini, M.C.; Baudo, J.E.; Bencini, A.C.; Sosa, L.A.; Etchegoyen, L.M.; Fornés, C.G.; Solari, L.; Milat, E.I.

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Hernández Alfaro, Federico

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González Lagunas, J.; Molina Montes, J.; Mareque Bueno, J.

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González-García, R.; Navas-Gías, L.; Rodríguez-Campo, F.J.; Sastre-Pérez, J.

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Cebrián Carretero, J.L.; Carrascal Morillo, M.T.; Vincent Fraile, G.; Ortiz de Artiñano, F.

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González, L.R; Stolbizer, F.; Gianunzio, G.; Mauriño, N.; Paparella, M.L.

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Charro-Huerga, E.; Ferreras Granado, J.; Vázquez Mahía, I.; López-Cedrún, J.L.

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López Vaquero, D.; Infante Cossío, P.; Acosta Feria, M.; Hernández Gutiérrez, J.; García-Perla García, A.; Gutiérrez Pérez, J.L.

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Torres Gómez, Francisco Javier; Torres Carranza, Eusebio; Moreno Corral, Sandra

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