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Nutrición Hospitalaria

 ISSN 1699-5198 ISSN 0212-1611

MONEREO MEGIAS, Susana; ARNORIAGA RODRIGUEZ, María; OLMEDILLA ISHISHI, Yoko Lucía    MARTINEZ DE ICAYA, Purificación. Role of fermented beverages in the maintenance of weight loss. []. , 33, 4, pp.37-40. ISSN 1699-5198.  https://dx.doi.org/10.20960/nh.343.

Obesity is a very prevalent disease with multiple chronic complications that decrease or disappear after a small (5-10%) but maintained weight loss. Nevertheless, maintaining weight loss after the treatment is very difficult and it involves one of the biggest challenges to control this epidemic. Although the reasons that contribute to regain the lost weight are diverse and related to the biological response to caloric restriction and the lack of adherence to treatment, up to 20% of the patients are able to keep it off. The keys to success, involve the maintenance of healthy habits, exercise and a reasonable daily calorie intake to allow a normal way of life, without sacrificing the social life. At this point, learning to distinguish food and drink options in a society where social life often revolves around the table is very important. We review the keys to keep the weight off after a diet as well as the role of fermented beverages such as beer, in this process. In conclusion, maintenance the weight loss is harder than losing it. The mild-to-moderate consumption of fermented beverages such as beer is not associated with weight increase.

: Obesity; Weight maintenance; Alcohol; Beer intake; Abdominal obesity.

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