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Enfermería Global

 ISSN 1695-6141




From the concept of Independence to the questioning of its use in practice: scoping review

Andreia Maria Novo Lima1  , Maria Manuela Ferreira da Silva Martins2  , Maria Salomé Martins Ferreira3  , Carla Sílvia Fernandes2  , Soraia Dornelles Schoeller4  , Vítor Sérgio Oliveira Parola5 

1 Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Porto, Portugal. amlima@ufp.edu.pt

2 Escuela Superior de Enfermería de Oporto - CINTESIS, Porto, Portugal.

3 Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

4 Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitario Rector João David Ferreira Lima, Trindade - Florianópolis - SC, Brasil.

5 Escuela Superior de Salud de la Universidad Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal. Unidad de Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud: Enfermería, Portugal. Centre for Evidence Based Practice: A Jonna Briggs Institute Centre of Excellence, Coimbra, Portugal.



Independence is a widely used concept by the most practical areas of health knowledge, being essential to know its real meaning for subsequent application.


Scoping review based on the recommended principles by Joanna Briggs Institute and by the conceptual analysis method from Walker and Avant. Careful research was realized in the databases: Scopus, CINAHL complete, and MEDLINE. Two independent reviewers evaluate the relevance of the articles' understudy, the extraction, and article synthesis.


One hundred and two articles were included, after the application of the inclusion criteria. The majority of the authors define independence as the physical capacity for self-care and for the realization of the daily activities. Other authors, confuse independence with autonomy, referring to independence as the cognitive capacity, financial capacity, social capacity, and decision capacity.


Independence includes the ability to perform self-care and daily living activities.

Keywords: Patient care; Concept Formation; Rehabilitation Nursing; Independent Living; Health Promotion


In clinical practice, the concept of autonomy is daily applied when trying to refer to person independence1. Autonomy is a multidimensional concept that contains the cognitive state, emotional intelligence, the social situation, and the intellectual and physical condition 2. Therefore, it is understood that a person is autonomous if she is able to satisfy the conditions previously described, demonstrating decisional autonomy, relational autonomy, and executional autonomy3. Independence is understood as the competence in performing daily life activities and self-care without the help of third parties4. Like this, the transition processes between dependence and independence are recognized for being in the domain of autonomy5.

Since there are different versions of both concepts, in the professional speeches, the nursing should search "change your lenses to see in a new way and appreciate some of your beauty, art and humanity, as well as your science", since this "requires its own description, has its own phenomena, and needs its own method for clarifying its own concepts, meanings, relationships and contexts”6, allowing the implementation of different nature interventions.

We know that the nursing affirmations passes, necessarily by the clarification and application of their own knowledge7. Therefore, being the nurse the professional with greater proximity to the patient and being him the holder of knowledge, able to satisfy their needs, is his function to understand what involves and surrounds the independence, in a way to materialize its effectiveness without the possibility of bias in its interpretation. After realizing this disparity in clinical practice, a preliminary research was realized in the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, in PubMed and Scopus, without identifying any revision about the theme in the consulted literature.

Concerning the objectives, this study intended to map the existing evidence on the concept of independence and analyze the concept according to its application in the most diverse areas of knowledge, using the recommended model to conceptual analysis from Walker e Avant7. It is intended to understand in a significant and coherent as possible way the concept in the study, outlining their involvement, contributing, this time, for a better understanding from the health professionals, namely the nurses, which have a leading role in promoting the person's independence.


The synthesis of evidence through the realization of a systematic revision is a central point of the practice based on the evidence8. A scoping review was carried out for being a kind of revision, which has as essential objectives: map the existing evidence relating to a research area and identify possible gaps in existing evidence9.

Therefore, this is a scoping review that looks to map in the existing bibliography thoroughly, the application of the concept of independence, to obtain the subsidies needed to analyze this concept. Currently, this research method assumes crucial importance, insofar as it allows incorporating into nursing practice, the scientific evidence, gathering data from developed studies according to different methodologies10. The study followed all the phases suggested by the Joanna Briggs Institute9.

Regarding the analysis of the concept of independence, assumptions of the method of analysis of the concept of Walker e Avant were used, once this is the most used and appropriate concept analysis method for the professional are of nursing7.

The concept analysis followed the recommended steps by the model itself, such as: concept selection; determination of the analysis objectives and purposes; identify all the possible uses of the concept; determine the definition attributes; identify the case model; identify borderline, related, contrary, invented and inappropriate cases; identify antecedents and consequences, define empirical references7.

Taking into account the knowledge that was intended to synthesize, the revision had as a starting point the following question: "What is the scope of the application of the concept of independence, in the existing bibliography, in the most diverse areas?"

Making use of the strategy participants, concept e context (PCC), was included in the scoping review studies that: a) as to the type of participants, approach the sick person; b) as to the concept, approach the concept of independence of the person; c) as to the context, it will be contemplated all the contexts, in the most diverse areas of knowledge; d) as to the study types, it will be contemplated qualitative and quantitative studies and all the kinds of literature revision.

The research strategy includes published studies, being performed in three steps: 1) Initial research in the databases Scopus, MEDLINE (via PubMed) and CINAHL (via EBSCO), then performing an analysis of words of texts in the titles and abstracts and the index terms used in the article description; 2) Second research making use of the keywords and index terms identified, in the databases included (Table 1); 3) The bibliographic references of the identified articles were examined to identify added studies. Studies wrote in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were considered for inclusion in this review, regardless of the year of publication.

Table 1.  Search strategy applied by database and the respective results 

The article pertinence for the revision was examined by two independent reviewers, using the title and abstract literature. The complete articles have been recovered when the inclusion criteria were fulfilled. Two reviewers analyzed, in an independent way, the articles in full text, to ascertain if these, fulfilled the defined inclusion criteria. In case of disagreements, between the two reviewers, they have been resolved, making use of the discussion with a third reviewer. The investigators developed an instrument aligned with the objectives, with the starting question and with the questions of conceptual analysis, for data extraction.


Such as it is introduced in figure 1, the research identified 1586 articles with potential relevance to the present study. Of these, 67 were excluded for being in duplicate, from the remaining 1519 articles, 1173 articles were excluded after reading the title and summary, 244 articles were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria after reading the full text. After the described selection, there were 102 articles included in this revision.

Figure 1.  Flowchart PRISMA (adapted) of the study selection process 

Once the mapping was realized in a systematized form, of the studies that meet the defined inclusion criteria, a concept analysis was carried out.

According to the results from the analysis of the concept of independence and following the recommended model by Walker e Avant7, as regards:

Concept selection - In providing nursing care, we highlight the importance of the recovery/maintenance of the person independence, since in most situations that motivate hospitalization, this may be compromised. It is recognized that the first cause of functional declination, mainly in the elderly person is the hospitalization, in which they lose an average of 30 to 60% of their independence in carrying out self-care and other activities of daily living11. In clinical practice, independence is directly associated with the physical capacity of the person for self-care realization and daily living activities5,12.

Determination of the analyze objectives - The health professionals, namely the nurses are daily faced with the need to work on the people's independence they care for, as a result of disease processes or even the vulnerability that is advancing age causes, there is a need for the implementation of interventions that respond to the promotion or maintenance of independence.

Identification of the possible uses of the concept - from the data analysis, the investigators identify the areas that approach the concept, being these areas more practical, where there is direct contact between the professional and the patient. Between these areas, we found nursing13, medicine4,5, phycology14,15, physiotherapy16, pharmaceutical sciences12,17, occupational therapy18,19, health sciences20)(21)(22, physical education23) and sociology24,25. Other areas such as engineering, despite not working directly with the patient, they invest in research and in the realization of adaptive means/strategies, capable of responding to independence26)(27. From the cited articles, the majority makes reference to the concept as being the capacity for self-care and the performance of daily life activities. Therefore, it involves physical capacity. Although, in minority, some authors refer to the concept of independence, as when it comes to autonomy14,15. Perhaps, this is since the concept of autonomy comprises several capacities, namely physical capacity.

Determination of the attributes that define the concept and definition of the empirical references of the concept - After analyzing all forms of using the concept of independence, it was possible to determine its features.

According to the results, independence refers to the patient's physical capacity for self-care and daily life activities realization12)(22. In nursing and other areas of health, it is essential, diagnosis and implementation of targeted actions, understanding the concepts are essential. The data contributed to the understanding of the concept of independence, allowing it to outline its attributes, antecedents, and consequences, as shown in table 2. Regarding the antecedents, all aspects addressed in the consulted bibliography were highlighted, even if only referenced in one or a few articles.

Table 2.  Presentation of the attributes, antecedents and consequences of the concept of independence. 

Identification of a case for nursing practice - Victim of a road accident, a person becomes quadriplegic, therefore, physically dependent for the realization of daily life activities and for self-care, however, have the capacity of decision, being, except for physical, autonomous capacity. Another patient is confused, but with the physical capacity to perform self-care and daily activities, being this patient considered independent, but not autonomous, as autonomy comprises other areas, as previously mentioned13).


It's perceived in the different areas of knowledge, indeed, some confusion between the concepts of autonomy and independence. However, most authors define the concept of independence as the capacity for self-care and for carrying out their daily life activities, without third-party help12)(22. The authors define the concept of autonomy as a multidimensional concept, which involves the physical, cognitive, intellectual, social capacity and emotional intelligence2. Thus, independence is a part of autonomy28.

The concept of independence is more approached by the scientific areas, which directly contact with patients, such as nursing, medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, pharmaceutical sciences, occupational therapy, health sciences, physical education and sociology, although, the engineering, namely biomedical engineering, also pronounce on the concept. The latter do so, insofar as they too, through their research and in the performance of their duties, contribute to independence, with the construction of adaptive strategies, to meet needs in this area. Some authors refer to independence as the financial capacity14, capacity to maintain social relations29, cognitive capacity29, capacity to solve problems29 and capacity to make decisions20. Hence the confusion that exists between both of the concepts. Some of these aspects concern the concept of autonomy and financial capacity, it is not a personal capacity.

Thus, as Beaucham and Childress point out, independence allows the person to put into practice the right of freedom and authority arising from their autonomy18.

The nursing, especially rehabilitation nursing, while a great independence promoter30, it needs to analyze the concepts to examine its practices and reflect on them.

More studies should be realized in this ambit to clarify the concepts used. In this review, we only included studies published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, which may have been a limitation.


From this review and analysis, it was possible to identify the essential components of the concept. Independence includes the ability to perform self-care and daily living activities. The concept of autonomy involves the concept of independence, and therefore, concerning the provision of care, professionals must meet the needs of each person and identify which of the concepts will need their intervention and prescribe and implement interventions aimed at their satisfaction. This analysis allows, the nurses in general and the specialist nurses in rehabilitation nursing in particular, to direct their care in an effective way, allowing to highlight in the care processes the interventions that promote independence. Thus, further studies must be carried out on the concepts used in the field of nursing.


The authors thank the support of Fernando Pessoa University (UFP)


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Received: September 18, 2020; Accepted: January 13, 2021

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