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Revista de Medicina y Cine

 ISSN 1885-5210

BORDALLO LANDA, Javier; GONZALEZ RODRIGUEZ, Sara    HIDALGO, Agustín. Formative value of cinema and literature in health sciences students. General features. []. , 18, 2, pp.165-178.   04--2022. ISSN 1885-5210.  https://dx.doi.org/10.14201/rmc.28519.

The aim of this work is to present the conceptual BASIS of the optional subject Cinema, Literature and Medicine that is taught in the second year of the degree in Medicine at the University of Oviedo since 2011-2012 school year. The contents discussed are a general introduction to the ways in which film and literature can help to the teaching of medicine and how they can contribute to the exposure of students to cross-cutting aspects of medicine unfocused throughout the whole Degree. Cinematographic language facilitates the approach to complex issues in which the ethical and social aspect of disease can be aced clearly, concisely and directed at the main elements through the interpretation by actors of COMPLEX problems that, OTHERWISE, would be difficult and hard to understand. Literature, both through writing and reading, allows to alleviate the emotional tension caused by the disease, patiently and reflexively internalize the experience of becoming ill, and rearraange vital activity in line with the imposition of limitations that are specific and characteristic of each nosological process.

: cinema; literature; teaching of medicine; transversal undergraduate competences.

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