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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


AVELAR, A.C.; FERREIRA, W.M.; BRITO, W.  and  MENEZES, M.A.B.C.. Mineral composition of phosphates, limestone and bone meal used in Brazilian Agriculture and livestock. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2009, vol.58, n.224, pp.737-740. ISSN 1885-4494.

This study aimed to characterize the common phosphates, a bone meal and a limestone usually used in Brazilian agriculture and livestock. The solutions used to measure the solubility of phosphates were 2 and 10% citric acid. Calcinated bone meal and bovine mineral supplement presented very low solubilities. Many techniques were employed in the mineral analyses: X-ray diffractometry, atomic absorption with carbon furnace, colorimetric and gravimetric techniques and instrumental neutron activation. Except for limestone, monoammonium and ammonium sulfate phosphate, many tested phosphates are simultaneously P and Ca sources. Many of these products are also sources of one or more elements such as S, Si, Na, Fe, Zn and Co.

Keywords : Phosphorus; Calcium; Micronutrients; Solubility.

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