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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


HURTADO-BURILLO, M. et al. Study of microsatellite markers in stingless bees Melipona colimana and M. beecheii from Mesoamerica. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2014, vol.63, n.241, pp.145-151. ISSN 1885-4494.

In this study, variability of microsatellite loci has been for the first time analyzed in the wild stingless bee Melipona colimana. Data have been compared with those obtained from an insular population of the managed species M. beecheii. Genotyping results in M. colimana demonstrate that microsatellite loci sequences are conserved within the genus Melipona. Population parameters such as number of alleles and heterocigosity values, were not significantly different between the two studied species, both being within the observed range in other Melipona species. Values of the insular M. beecheii population were lower than in previously studied continental populations of the same species, in agreement with the results obtained in other island organisms. Wild M. colimana colonies are susceptible to deforestation effects, so that, we have compared the genetic parameters of colonies from a deforested area with those of a conserved area. Population diversity was not significantly different, may be due to recent environmental perturbations that are not yet reflected in the genetic diversity of these insects.

Keywords : Genetic diversity; Deforestation; Meliponiculture; Mexico; Cuba.

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