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Medicina Intensiva

Print version ISSN 0210-5691


MINAMABRES, E.; HOLANDA, M.S.; DOMINGUEZ ARTIGAS, M.J.  and  RODRIGUEZ BORREGAN, J.C.. Therapeutic hypothermia in neurocritical patients. Med. Intensiva [online]. 2008, vol.32, n.5, pp.227-235. ISSN 0210-5691.

Induced hypothermia in neurocritical patients is one of the most promising neuroprotective therapies in the last decade. Unfortunately, the promising results obtained in experimental studies have had an unequal reflection in the different diseases that affect the neurocritical patient. The use of therapeutic hypothermia is clearly established in patients with neurological deterioration after cardiac arrest. On the contrary, its use in patients with traumatic brain injury is highly controversial. There is not enough evidence in stroke and hemorrhagic patients to support its use except in clinical trials. Nowadays, the greater understanding of the pathophysiology of secondary brain damage, the go od clinical results obtained in randomized clinical trials in patients with cerebral anoxia after ventricular fibrillation and the new cooling methods that have appeared have improved the interest of hypothermia in neurocritical patients. Induced hypothermia has a role in the intensive care unit. Critical care physicians should be familiar with the physiologic effects, current indications, techniques, and complications of induced hypothermia. This review elaborates on the clinical implications of hypothermia research in traumatic brain injury, anoxic, brain injury, stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage.

Keywords : hypothermia; neuroprotection; Intensive Care Units; brain injury.

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