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Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana

On-line version ISSN 1989-2055Print version ISSN 0376-7892


MORENO GALLENT, I.  and  RIBERA PONS, M.. Mastopexy with and implant: A 5 year follow-up. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2006, vol.32, n.2, pp.107-116. ISSN 1989-2055.

A revision of Mastopexy with an implant technique is carried out by the author. One of the most difficult disturbances that the surgeon faces is the ptotic breasts, which present a great skin excess and a low volume of mammary gland. These would be the adecuate cases for this technique. It is very frequent and it is produced after big weight losses, repeated or extended lactations, or after involution produced by the aging process. Another indication for carrying out this process would be secundary mammaplasty with skin remaining and atrophy due to the compression of the inmplant for a long time. The technique is presented, and the advantages and complications are discussed, as well as the evolution through time. This technique has few complications and a high level of patient satisfaction.

Keywords : Mastopexy; Breast implant.

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