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Farmacia Hospitalaria

On-line version ISSN 2171-8695Print version ISSN 1130-6343


GOMEZ-GANDA, Laura; TERRADAS-CAMPANARIO, Sonia  and  CAMPANY-HERRERO, David. Physicochemical characterization of micafungin and anidulafungin for its nebulized administration. Farm Hosp. [online]. 2019, vol.43, n.5, pp.163-165.  Epub Oct 14, 2019. ISSN 2171-8695.


To determine by experimentation whether micafungin and anidulafungin possess physicochemical properties suitable for nebulization.


PH, osmolality, viscosity, density and chloride content were determined by pH monitoring, osmometry, viscometry, densitometry and potentiometry in two samples of different concentrations, 5 and 10 mg/mL each echinocandin.


The results obtained for micafungin solution were: pH 5.80 (0.14), osmolality 293.33 (1.53) mOsm/kg, chloride content 134.67 (0.58) mmol/L and density 1,009.4 (0,1) kg/m3; while for 10 mg/mL solution: osmolality 342.00 (1.00) mOsm/kg, chloride content 139.67 (0.58) mmol/L and density 1,014.5 (0.2) kg/m3. The results obtained for 5 mg/mL anidulafungin were: pH 4.22 (0.01), osmolality 464.67 (2.52) mOsm/kg, chloride content 137.00 (0.00) mmol/L and density 1,016.5 (0,2) kg/m3; while for 10 mg/mL solution: osmolality 656.33 (1.15) mOsm/kg, chloride content 132.00 (0.00) mmol/L and density 1,029.8 (0.4) kg/m3.


PH, osmolality, chloride content and density values proved to be suitable for proper tolerability by nebulization.

Keywords : Micafungin; Anidulafungin; Antifungal; Nebulized; Scedosporium; Scopulariopsis.

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