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Psychosocial Intervention

On-line version ISSN 2173-4712Print version ISSN 1132-0559


GARRIDO-MACIAS, Marta; VALOR-SEGURA, Inmaculada  and  EXPOSITO, Francisca. Would I leave my partner? Influence of severity of the transgression, satisfaction and commitment on the decision making. Psychosocial Intervention [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.2, pp.111-116. ISSN 2173-4712.

Leaving a relationship is one of the most difficult decisions that people have to make at some point in their life. This research aims to contribute to understanding the process involved in this decision by analyzing 2 studies. The first one included 265 participants from general population and the principal aim was to examine different types of transgressions (conflicts) that would lead people to leave a relationship, as well as severity and gender differences in this transgressions. The second one (90 participants from general population) analyzed the influence of the severity of the transgression, the satisfaction and commitment in the probability of leaving the relationship. Results from the first study showed that infidelity is the most serious transgression and lying the least serious one. Moreover, women perceive the transgressions as more severe than men. The second study proved that commitment mediated the connection between satisfaction and probability to leave the relationship only in the less serious transgression. Results highlight the relevance that severity of the transgression, commitment and satisfaction have in the decision to leave a relationship or to stay in it.

Keywords : Transgressions; Leaving a relationship; Severity; Satisfaction; Commitment.

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