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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


AGUILAR GALLARDO, Irene  and  CALVO, María Julia. Living the work of seafood divers who have suffered an accident. Index Enferm [online]. 2005, vol.14, n.50, pp.10-14. ISSN 1699-5988.

The objective of this research is to describe the work experiences of the shellfish divers who belong to the province of Llanquihue and Palena who have suffered and accident during the diving their job from the cultural context. To carry out this study we used the qualitative research and we shose the Spradley's etnographic method (1979-1980). The date was recolected through the direct abservation and the ethnographic interviews. When validating the dominiums, taxonomies and topics, the main theme emerges, which is: describing experiences to the job, when they show us their ideas an perceptions of life which are similar among them and difference when they tell us the reazons to continue in this activity, they love their job, other fed obliged to do it because it is their only option in lif for the subsistence. The subtopic of this research is "the product is in the decpest part of the sea". From this we extract the dominium related to the divers`s shellfish: he risks of working in the profundity of the sea, causes of accidents and its consequenses, their rehabilitation and methods to prevent accidents. The knowledge we got through this study gave the Servicio de Salud a widev view of experences the life and the risky work of the shellfish divers`in the cultural context. These facts facilitate to interact with this group human in order to work with them in the prevention of accidents in the sea, the promotion of methods and ways of preventing accidents, and also the adecuate therapies for rehabilitation in case of accidents.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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