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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


RAMOS-MORALES, Nora; MARIN-FLORES, Juana; RIVERA-MALDONADO, Sandra  and  SILVA-RAMALES, Yolanda. Obesity in scholar population and the relation whith the concump of fast food. Index Enferm [online]. 2006, vol.15, n.55, pp.9-12. ISSN 1699-5988.

Introduction: The who has considered the obesity like epidemic. In Mexico the abandonment of traditional patterns of feeding and the adoption of food consumption of high power value, in the average student and relative, the scholastic children the consumption has favored the increase of obesity and the appearance of considered diseases of adults. Objective: To identify the relation that exists between the frequent consumption of fast food and the obesity in children of scholastic. Methodology: The study included children and children of 9 to 12 years, excluding itself those under dietetic regime or other hormonal deficiencies. To ask age, determined the weight and the stature of each subject for the calculation of the index of corporal mass and on the basis of it assigned category of normal, overweight or obesity. To each subject a level of ingestion of frequent food fast, habitual or occasional was assigned, according to the number of foods whose ingestion was reported like daily by means of a autoaplicable questionnaire.  Results: The proportion of normal subjects was analyzed, with overweight and obesity according to the frequency of the ingestion of CR by means with square chi. Was a significant association between the consumption of CR and the level of weight, more evident for feminine sex (p 0,09 for men and 0,007 for the woman). In both sexes, the observed difference is atribuíble to an increase in the proportion of obese subjects in the group with frequent consumption of CR as well as a greater number of normal subjects that they consume this type of foods in occasional form. Was calculated reason of momios for the risk of obesity according to the level of fast ingestion of food. One was that in the men, the frequent ingestion of CR increases to 3,33 times the risk of in the women, the OR was of 2,4 for the high consumption of CR. The atribuíble risk to the frequent consumption of this type of food was of a 20%. Conclusions: More of 50% of the studied children they attend with overweight or obesity, coverall in masculine sex. Was association between the ingestion of CR and the degree of obesity, more evident in feminine sex. The risk of presenting/displaying overweight or obesity in subjects with high ingestion of CR is of 3.0.

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