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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


MARIANO JUAREZ, Lorenzo. The prevention of desnutrition in the eastern of Guatemalan. New cares, the same representations. Index Enferm [online]. 2006, vol.15, n.55, pp.22-25. ISSN 1699-5988.

The manifolds rhetoric’s that contain the health and disease process permit to construct the pathologies process of different ways. The C'hortís from eastern of Guatemalan have a particular manner of constructing the children’s desnutrition, sometimes very different from biomedical model, such as the aetiology or his responsibility. From a qualitative perspective, we have done a description of practices and representations about his prevention. The children’s desnutrition is, in this contexts, a social disorder associated with specified maternal practices and a moral and social order, and is unbound, separated of the food lack; therefore the disorder’s prevention must to modify those maternal behaviours. The intensive process of social change and the incipient presence of biomedical discourse have introduced modifications in that particular manner of understating the disorder. However, this changes have introduced new practices without modify the pre-existent representations, blaming mothers again, what shows the difficult of an intercultural health-dialogue and the implications of the health interventions in this contexts, that have to pay attention to the different meanings of the disorder.

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