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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


SAENZ DE TEJADA GARCIA, Eduardo E; LOPEZ ALONSO, Sergio R  and  PRADOS BLANCO, Mara. The International Overview of Nurses at firefighter services. Index Enferm [online]. 2020, vol.29, n.3, pp.183-187.  Epub Jan 25, 2021. ISSN 1699-5988.


To describe the Professional Nurse in the Healthcare Units of Fire and Rescue Services.


Panoramic review through systematic research of information from articles indexed in PubMed, Cuiden and CINAHL.Compilation of information from websites of public administrations, or after direct requEst Collection of data on certain items. Data analysis performed using qualitative synthesis.


7 publications, 6 congress communications, 7 websites and contact with other Healthcare Units of Fire and Rescue Services, obtaining information from a total of 11 sanitary sections. Except for the nursing degree, there is a great variety of access requirements. The health problems addressed focus on life threatening situations. Nurses are accompanied by technicians and/ordoctors. Having ambulances and/or medical helicopters.


The common aspects enable the establishment of the nurse and resource profile for its extension to other Fire and Rescue Servicesa, adjusted to an advanced practice model in a complex scenario.

Keywords : Firefighters; Nursing; Nursing Prehospital Care; Emergency Medical Servi-ces; Emergency Nursing; Advanced Practice Nursing.

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