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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


ASTUDILLO, W.; MENDINUETA, C.  and  CASADO, A.. How to better confront losses in palliative care. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2007, vol.14, n.7, pp.511-526. ISSN 1134-8046.

Crisis is a part of life. When facing the loss of a loved one, it is necessary to créate time for a realistic renewal through the recognition of the problem and of our own strengths. We are not as easily disappointed and improve our satisfaction when our expectations of ourselves and others are cióse to reality. We need to accept ourselves as we are: individuáis that may improve with the acquisition of good habits such as humour, avoiding isolation, accepting the help of others and cultivating a web of social support. The incidence of sickness increases when a person sees himself deprived of the company of his family and friends. All crisis survivors see life in another way and learn to live in the present as much as possible, and to improve their relationships and care for their relatives and loved ones, because in times of grief, not only are these ties the main way to prevention but also they reduce its impact and treat/cure the loss.

Keywords : Grief; prolonged affliction; complicated grief; support and treatment; Palliative care.

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