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Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor

Print version ISSN 1134-8046


MEDINA-GUTIERREZ, A. A. et al. Use of the Spinal Cord Stimulation in patients with severe chronic pain in the C.M.N "20 of November" Pain Unit: Our experience. Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.2, pp.94-103. ISSN 1134-8046.

Introduction and objectives: The patients with chronic intractable pain needs multimodal therapuetic approach. The spinal cord stimulation is part of the therapuetic interventions in this tipe of patients.The aim of our study is to know the utility of the spinal cord stimulation for the control of pain and its impact in the quality of life in the Pain clinic of the C.M:N. "20 de Noviembre". Methods: 31 patients with chronic intractable refractory pain and disability, measure with Visual Analogue Scale, Oswestry Questionaire for dissablity, previous to the implantaction fo the spinal cord stimulation electrode. Follow up from 3 moths up to 3 years. Statistical análisis with descriptive tests and Anova (p=0.005 SS). Results: 31 patients, mean age 53.7 years, female gender in 67.74%, male gender in 32.26%, with postlaminectomy syndrome in 67.74 % mean VAS previous to the SCS electrode implantaction of 8.3 (SD 0.877), mean inicial Oswestry índex of 31.9 (SD 3.714 )equivalent to a 63.6% disability. 3 months follow up after the SCS electrode implantaction we observe a mean reduction in the VAS of 2.81, (SD 1.166) was statistical significant (p=0.003) the patients report a mean of 18.29 (SD 1.918) in the Oswestry índex (36.58% dissability). 6.45% of the patients presented minor complications after the implantaction. In 6.45% we found migration of the electrode, and 2 (6.45%) presented complications related to the equipment. Discussion and conclusions: Our results are similar to the ones reported by other authors, we found that the VAS reduction was statistical significant even do the small number of patients in our study, The complications due to the impantaction are similar and between the reported ranges. We consider that the spinal cord stimulation is a good option in patients with chronic intractable pain, when a carefull sellection of candidates are made.

Keywords : Chronic Intractable Pain; Spinal Cord Stimulation.

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