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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


ROS-SANCHEZ, Tania  and  LIDON-CEREZUELA, Beatriz. The experience of empowerment in women older than 65 years. Qualitative study. Gerokomos [online]. 2018, vol.29, n.1, pp.3-8. ISSN 1134-928X.


Know the empowerment’s experience of a group of women over 65 years.


the sample consisted of 5 women and was selected by purposeful sampling in Consultations of Nursing and Medicine on Primary Heath Care Center “Vistabella”. We performed a Phenomenological Qualitative Study; data collection instrument was an indepth interview, whose script was developed from the main characteristics of empowerment.


The information was classified in five categories response: “Self-Esteem”, “Self-Determination-Decision Making”, “Self-Reliance”, “Social” and “Education”. The latter was an emerging category, that women used the education to justify their answers.


The respondents expressed low self-esteem, difficulty of holding the reins of his life, insecurities and limited social participation, which indicated a lack of empowerment. They related this with the education they had received, based on gender mandates that recluse women to the private sphere and eliminate the principle of equal opportunities to men.

Keywords : Women’s rights; self-concept; personal autonomy; education; empowerment; qualitative study.

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