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ROSENDO FERNANDEZ, José Manuel et al. Information system for curing products in a humid environment. Gerokomos [online]. 2018, vol.29, n.1, pp.34-38. ISSN 1134-928X.

The information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are valuable tools for the training and learning in all fields. The nursing profession has assimilated these technologies in daily work, however in the chronic wounds area its application is not as extensive as it would be desirable.

With the aim of reducing variability in the treatment of chronic wounds, improving the quality of care provided, facilitating the communication among professionals at different levels of care, and optimizing the use of Moist Healing Environment (MHE) products, in the year 2012 it was created the "wound consulting" project, composed of professional nurses who act as reference, support and counseling team.

Key for the achievement of these objectives and the optimum management of the MHE products is the Information System of Healing Products in Moist Environment (SICAH), a tool to support the standardization of MHE dressing applications based on the registration of the characteristics of the wounds, which is

accessible from all the levels of care in our health area. This system allows a global view of the active and healed wounds in real time, and makes possible the tabulation of a series of variables such as locations, category/grade, etiology, area of wound origin, adv.

The use of ICT in the field of wounds, in addition to promoting a unified registry common to all professionals, it facilitates the research making progress our profession.

Keywords : Information technologies and communication projects; information systems; nursing; wounds and injuries.

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