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Print version ISSN 1134-928X


BEJARANO GOMEZ, María del Carmen et al. Declaration of living wills, a vital testament for ensuring personal self-reliance. Gerokomos [online]. 2019, vol.30, n.3, pp.119-123.  Epub Nov 18, 2019. ISSN 1134-928X.


Considering the small number of Living Will declarations made; the differences between the documents of each Autonomous Community, the lack of publicity about its existence; and the importance and the benefits that could bring an increase in the number of deponents… we wonder: ¿Why are the Living Will Declarations still unknown?


To know if the public is aware of the existence of the Living Will Declarations. To know if there are persons with the intention to make use of it.


After a previous bibliographical research, a transversal descriptive observational study of a total of 1652 people between 18 and 79 years of the whole national territory was carried out. For the collection of information, a selfdesigned, anonymous and specific questionnaire was developed and disseminated through the web via email, instant messaging and social networks. A multivariate statistical analysis IBM SPSS Statistics 19.


Almost 90% of respondents have thought about their own death. A little over 50% knew what the anticipated Wills were. 90% said that the document was very useful. Only 3% had registered the document.


The use of anticipated wills is undoubtedly of vital importance for the elderly population, and also for the society as a whole, since neither illness nor death take age into account. If this document is taken into account, it will ensure respect in any situation and for each individual to decide over its freedom and autonomy.

Keywords : Living Wills; death; euthanasia; personal autonomy.

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