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FERNANDEZ DIAZ, David; DIEZ ESTEBAN, María Eugenia; NEVADO SANCHEZ, Endika  and  FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, María Elena. Teleconsultation as an information system in the care of patients with cutaneous integrity deterioration. Gerokomos [online]. 2020, vol.31, n.4, pp.256-260.  Epub Feb 08, 2021. ISSN 1134-928X.


To evaluate the benefits of teleconsultation compared to the conventional face-to-face consultation in patients with cutaneous integrity deterioration.


Pilot study of controlled, randomized, open intervention. Subjects of study: patients with deterioration of the cutaneous integrity belonging to the urban health centers. Two groups were created, one on which the intervention will be carried out through teleconsultation and another control group where the consultation and Assessment was done in person. Collection of data through observation, interviews, questionnaires and validated scales.


A total of 31 consultations were carried out from the health centers, 12 of which were in person (38.7%) and 19 through teleconsultation (61.3%). The lesions consulted are mostly of venous origin. These patients present altered quality of life. A mean improvement of 6 points is obtained in the PUSH scale in the face-to-face modality versus 8 points in the teleconsultation, the time in which the epithelialization of the lesions in the latter is achieved.


Teleconsultation is emerging as a new organizational system, a new way of organizing and managing the provision of health services for the benefit of patients, professionals and the health system in general. Establishing a fast, fluid, effective and efficient communication channel that has a direct impact on the patient, reducing time for the resolution of his health problem, avoiding unnecessary movements and reducing costs.

Keywords : Teleconsultation; wounds; communication; quality.

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