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Revista Española de Salud Pública

On-line version ISSN 2173-9110Print version ISSN 1135-5727


GIRALDO CASTELLANO, Pilar et al. Ageing of the population and number of acquired primary blood diseases in one area of the Autnomous Region of Aragón. Rev. Esp. Salud Publica [online]. 1998, vol.72, n.6, pp.559-570. ISSN 2173-9110.

BACKGROUND: Aging probably comprises one of the major factors contributing to the onset of acquired primary blood diseases (APBD’s), most of which are of a chronic type. The purpose of this study is that to analyze the rate of occurrence (RO) of HPA in a population of 522,621 inhabitants (Males: 252,721; Females: 269,900) showing a negative vegetative growth (-1.4/ 105 inhabitants/year), said occurrence being dealt with separately for the population under age 60 and the population over age 60. METHODS: In January-December, 1994, a estimate was made of the HPA rate of occurrence and rate of analyses among the patients from the area in question, dealing separately with those under age 60 and over age 60. The diagnostic criteria applied were Monoclonal Gammopathies of Undetermined Significance (MGUS’s) in keeping with Kyle’s criteria. Multiple Myeloma (MM) and Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia (CLL) in keeping with the Myeloma Task Force criteria, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin’s Disease (HD) in keeping with the REAL classification, Myelodisplasic Syndromes (MS’s) and Acute Leukemia (AL) in keeping with the FAB classification, Chronic Myeloproliferative Syndromes (CMS’s) in keeping with the PVSG. For calculating the rates of occurrence, descriptive epidemiological methods were used. RESULTS: The highest rates of blood analyses as the result of suspected APH’s fell within the over 60 age group ( p<0.0001). During the length of time analyzed, a total of 302 APH’s (<60/> years: 100/202, p<0.0001) were diagnosis, being worthy of special mention: 84 MGUS’s; 21 MM’s; 57 NHL’s; 26 CLL’s; 33 CMS’s; 11 AL’s and 14 HD’s. The spread by gender was: Males: 177; Females 125. Average age: 63.54 years (age range 19-92). The rates of occurrence (cases/105 inhabitants/year) were (<age 60/> age 60): overall: 31.31 / 178.86; MGUS: 7.37 / 52.87; MM: 1.84 / 13.21; NHL: 5.53 / 34.36; CLL: 1.53 / 18.50; MS: 0.62 / 27.31; CMS: 5.52 / 16.74 ; AL: 1.53 / 5.29; HD: 3.68 / 1.76. CONCLUSIONS: The highest rate of analyses as the result of suspected APH was found among those over 60 years of age. The overall occurrence of APH is significantly higher in those over age 60, as well as for each type of APH taken into account, except for AL and HD. The highest rate of occurrence is that of MGUS, NHL and MS’s, especially in males.

Keywords : Ageing; Acquired Primary Blood Diseases; Incidence.

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