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Revista Española de Salud Pública

On-line version ISSN 2173-9110Print version ISSN 1135-5727


ORY MANCHON, Fernando de et al. Seroepidemiology of cytomegalovirus in the autonomous Region of Madrid. Rev. Esp. Salud Publica [online]. 2001, vol.75, n.1, pp.00-00. ISSN 2173-9110.

Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is frequently assympomatic. However, it constitutes an important cause of congenital disease and severe pathology in immunodepressed patients, thus representing an important problem in Public Health. The object of this work was to study the prevalence of IgG against CMV (IgG-CMV) in the general population from Madrid.  Methods: It is a transversal study, in which IgG-CMV was assayed in a representative sample of the general population from the Region of Madrid, aged 2 to 60 years (n=2030). Participants were recruited by a two-stage cluster sample procedure from those attending primary health care centres between October, 1993 and February, 1994. For the statistical analysis the *2 and *2 lineal trend tests were employed. The percentages of seroprevalence and the specific odds ratios were calculated with confidence intervals of 95%.  Results: The overall seroprevalence has been 62,8% (IC95% 60,6-64,9), ranging from 58,4% (IC95% 55,2-61,5) in men to 66,7% (IC95% 63,7-69,5) in women. A significant association between increase of the age and increment of the seroprevalence was observed. The consult to dentistry, the antecedent of surgery, as well as tattooing and acupuncture has been identified as risk factors of acquiring the infection. On the other hand, to have carried out University studies seems to act as a significant factor of protection.  Conclusions: Although the risk factors detected risk indicates a transmission by blood, the high prevalence suggests the existence of other more common ways. The age-dependent seroprevalence increase confirms an important number of infections in the adult age. However, it cannot be exclude that this increase responds to an effect cohort due to socio-economic improvements similar to the detected for other virus.

Keywords : Cytomegalovirus; Antibodies; Seroprevalence.

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