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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141


DANTAS-ALMEIDA, Priscilla et al. Instrument validation: online sex media consumption and HIV/AIDS risk practices. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.69, pp.384-425.  Epub Mar 20, 2023. ISSN 1695-6141.


To describe the process of validation of appearance, clarity and relevance of the content of the instrument entitled: "Consumption of online sexual media and HIV/AIDS risk practices".

Materials and Method:

Methodological study developed from the Delphi technique. The evaluation was performed by judges and followed three phases: the adaptation of the original instrument to the context of online sexual media, the content validation of the adapted instrument and semantic verification. The data were processed in IBM® SPSS® software with descriptive statistical analysis.


CVI was satisfactory for the domains of sexual health (93.4%) and sexual practices (94.2%), while the items related to the consumption of explicit sexual media obtained CVI of 100.0% for both criteria.


High content validity and positivity indexes were obtained, indicating that the validated instrument "Consumption of sexual media and HIV/AIDS risk practices" allows us to reliably and quality analyze the influence of sexual media consumption on HIV risk practices.

Keywords : Video-Audio Media; Sexual Behavior; Validation Study; HIV.

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