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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141

Enferm. glob. vol.22 n.70 Murcia Apr. 2023  Epub June 26, 2023 


The usefulness of complementary therapies in pain management during childbirth: an integrative review

Margarita Palet-Rodríguez1  , Elisabet Torrubia-Pérez1 

1Rovira i Virgili University. Tarragona. Spain



Labor pain is one of the most worrying things for future mothers. Nurses ensure the well-being of patients in all these aspects and it should be noted that there are various complementary options to epidural analgesia.


To identify the complementary therapies that could be applied effectively and safely in pregnant women, to analyse the contributing factors of greater well-being for the parturient and to evaluate their utility.


This integrative review was carried out in online databases: PubMed, Scopus and Dialnet. Articles whose publication date was not more than ten years ago, written in English, Spanish or Portuguese and open access were included.


16 studies about the application of different complementary therapies used safely in pregnant were included and analysed. The obtained results of the application of complementary techniques in previous studies were considered and grouped according to typology: body-mind interventions, alternative medical practice, manual healing methods, immersion in water and swiss ball, aromatherapy and auriculotherapy and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.


The variety of effective and safe complementary therapies on labour is evidenced, as well as their usefulness to reduce the possible inconveniences that may appear during this process, increasing the positive experience of labour.

Keywords: Pain; Labor; Birth; Complementary therapies; Non-pharmacological method; Epidural analgesia


Labor and birth are profound and unique experiences and, also, complex physiological processes. Etymologically, the word parturition comes from the Latin term “partus” which means to give birth. It consists of the birth of a human being who will need to adapt to a new environment, needing, in turn, the attention and care of their family to cover their basic needs1.

Many factors condition this process, which determines a wide array of labor and delivery scenarios, with natural childbirth being the focus of this study.

According to the Federation of Associations of Midwives of Spain (FAME, according to its Spanish acronym), natural childbirth is the “unique physiological process by which a woman ends her pregnancy to term, which involves psychological and sociocultural factors, with a spontaneous onset and which develops and ends without complications, culminating with birth and without requiring any additional intervention other than the comprehensive and respectful support of the process”2. Various techniques and resources apply to this type of childbirth to promote a unique experience for the woman and the newborn. However, it is worth noting that labor and delivery are not passive processes. The capability of the fetus to pass through the pelvis successfully depends on the interaction of different related variables3) and on the muscular activation of the mother, which is initiated by uterine contractions in increasingly shorter time intervals and with increasing intensity1.

All through this process, there is pain, which cannot be simply defined due to its subjective nature. Therefore, providing a unanimous definition poses a great challenge. Currently, according to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is defined as: “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage”4. A defense mechanism whose main function is detecting and locating the processes that are damaging body structures, while integrating a subjective experience based on thoughts, sensations, and behaviors.

It is worth noting that pregnant women are greatly concerned about the fear of childbirth, which is a physiological response capable of altering the emotional balance and causing great anxiety5. These aspects are closely related and occur, to a greater extent, when delivery is imminent and related to the concerns and fears that pregnant women have for their own health and that of their children5,6.

The pain of childbirth is linked to the human experience, and it is described as one of the most intense pains a person can feel. It is widely accepted that the greater the anxiety, the greater the pain. However, it is worth noting that multiple factors can modify this relationship, such as the personality of the individual, the characteristics of the process, and the degree of knowledge, etc. Therefore, pain is not only physical. It has been shown that education and culture indirectly affect the perception of pain, resulting in individual life and childbirth experiences6,7.

Each person has a different pain tolerance threshold and its intensity depends on multiple factors, ranging from the size and position of the baby to the level of comfort of the woman during the process, as well as the strength of her contractions. Inadequate management of pain can lead to medical complications and unfavorable obstetric and neonatal outcomes, and, also, prolonged hospital stays and unnecessary suffering6,8.

Currently, pain relief during childbirth is demanded by most pregnant women and is considered their essential right. Analgesia must be offered to all women, and except for their refusal or express medical contraindication, no reason justifies the refusal to provide it9.

Despite being available since 1901, epidural analgesia (EA) was not widely used until the 1970s, as some physicians in the field of anesthesiology considered it to be dangerous and difficult to administer. Various analgesic techniques and a wide variety of drugs have been used to try to mitigate labor pain, but of all of them, the most effective technique with the most favorable benefit/risk ratio to manage pain is still the EA10,11.

Nowadays, this is the most studied, widespread, and used method to relieve and manage the pain related to labor and delivery11. It provides superior pain relief during all phases of labor compared to any other systemic analgesia and offers multiple advantages, such as high maternal-fetal safety, maximum efficacy in relieving pain and anxiety, and the chance for active maternal participation throughout the entire process9,10.

Considering the many factors-not just physiological-that influence labor pain, there is a wide range of non-pharmacological complementary therapies (CTs) available. Due to their extensive variability and constant transformation, they have not been defined homogeneously. Seeking to reach a consensus, the World Health Organization (WHO), defines them as: “a broad set of health care practices that are neither part of the traditional nor conventional medicine of a given country nor fully integrated into the prevailing health system”12. The reason they are called complementary is that these therapies are used jointly with allopathic medicine, in this case, EA13.

While studying the hypothesis that administering CTs can be beneficial during labor-as a complement, not a substitute of EA-we found that deeper knowledge is required.

For this reason, this review aims to identify those complementary therapies that may be used effectively and safely in pregnant women; and to analyze and evaluate the usefulness of the contributing factors improving the well-being of the parturient, extracted from the selected bibliography.


Study Design

To achieve the proposed objectives, we have carried out a critical, or integrative review (IR), of the literature, based mainly on primary studies and previous reviews. The IR allows the incorporation of evidence into clinical practice through a search, followed by the critical evaluation and synthesis of the information compiled, to implement effective healthcare interventions and produce homogenous nursing knowledge. Along the same lines, we formulated the following research question based on the PICO strategy ( P- Population, I- Intervention, C- Comparison, and O- Outcome)14) - “Is the use of complementary therapies effective to manage pain during childbirth in puerperal women?”

Data Collection

Under the stated purpose, the search strategy structure used in this review takes into account terms combined with the Boolean operator AND. The descriptors used were: “non-pharmacological methods”, “complementary therapies” “alternative therapies”, “pain”, “birth”, and “labor”. The search was carried out in Spanish and English, adapting to the specifications of each database.

Period and Search Criteria

It was conducted between October 2020 and April 2021 in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Dialnet. To narrow the search scope of the study articles, we used the following inclusion criteria: articles published in 2010 onwards (in the last ten years), written or published in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, in digital format, and with access to the full text.

Exclusion criteria included: articles that did not meet the previous criteria, experimental works with non-human samples, and duplicate publications.

Simultaneously with this search, we created a descriptive Table including a synthesis of the documents we consulted, which included the following information: author, year of publication, country promoting the research, the title of the article, stated objectives, study design, sample, intervention, and outcomes, all of which contributed to the development of this work.


After identifying 113,281 scientific productions in the initial search for this IR, we applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria regarding study time, language, accessibility, and characteristics of the study sample. Consequently, we obtained 46 articles that were later evaluated entirely. Thirty of these were eliminated due to duplication or inappropriate content, obtaining a final number of 16 articles included in this review, as shown in the Flow Chart represented in Figure 1.

Adapted by the authors.

Figure 1: Adaptation of the PRISMA Flow Chart for the selection of articles. 

After filtering the available literature based on the defined criteria, we categorized the remaining publications as follows: 7 randomized control trials, 3 systematic reviews, 1 meta-analysis, 1 case-control study, 1 qualitative synthesis, 2 literature reviews, and 1 phenomenological study.

Table 1 briefly describes the main study elements that constituted the final sample of the review.

Table 1: Description of the articles selected for review. 

Table 1 (cont.): Description of the articles selected for review. 

Table 1 (cont.): Description of the articles selected for review. 

Table 1 (cont.): Description of the articles selected for review. 

After completing the search, we identified a great variety of complementary therapies, the most outstanding being:

  • Relaxation/breathing techniques: Respiratory control exercises that divert the focus of the painful sensation, while increasing the release of endorphins and, thus, facilitating adequate fetal oxygenation15.

  • Yoga: To learn about the body, its changes, and its capabilities, while incorporating mind control and breathing exercises. This discipline helps women experience a conscious and calm delivery by understanding the internal resources and individual wisdom to adequately manage the stress caused by contractions16.

  • Hypnosis: The objective of this therapy is to help pregnant women reach a state of maximum attention, by reducing awareness of external stimuli and increasing behavioral control to deal with their fears and anxieties15.

  • Massage and reflexology: Soft tissue manipulation of the body and/or use of gentle pressure on certain parts of the foot of the mother that causes an effect on another part of the body to help bring about a state of relaxation15.

  • Acupuncture and acupressure: Observational method based on Chinese theories. According to these theories, the human body encompasses a constant flow of energy called chi. This chi travels throughout the body through channels called meridians where needles are inserted to stimulate its flow. The exact position and depth of the needles are determined after a highly individualized diagnosis4,15.

  • Aromatherapy: Useful technique for the control of anxiety and pain through the use of highly concentrated essential oils, extracted from various plants used for therapeutic purposes17.

  • Auriculotherapy: Method that uses reflex points of the ear pinna on the central nervous system to treat various disorders18.

  • Birthing ball: Use of a ball as a seat that allows greater freedom of movement, pelvic rocking, and maternal upright position. It provides multidirectional mobility and support to the pelvic muscles, allowing the abdominal muscles to relax during the intercontractile intervals15.

  • Water immersion: This is the possibility of giving birth in an aquatic environment, by which the pregnant woman is immersed in water at 34-37ºC up to the pectoral muscles15.

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): Electrical impulse generator controlled autonomously by the individual that aims at reducing local pain15,19.


To facilitate the analysis of our findings, following the existing literature, we grouped the CTs based on the nature of their practice: mind-body interventions (yoga, hypnosis, relaxation techniques), alternative medical practice (acupuncture, acupressure), manual healing methods (massage, reflexology), water immersion and Swiss ball, aromatherapy and auriculotherapy, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The above provides significant alternatives for pain management and provides broader accessibility when discussed during the prenatal period.

Mind-body interventions

The use of relaxation techniques helps reduce the intensity of pain during the latent and active phases of childbirth, thus promoting a comforTable environment for the pregnant woman, and reducing stress and anxiety16. Moreover, a significant decrease in the number of assisted vaginal births through the use of this technique has been recorded20. However, other studies show the ineffectiveness of this method during labor, considering it more useful in the postnatal period21. We have drawn this conclusion from a literature review carried out in 2019 that revealed that the effectiveness of relaxation techniques is highly variable, but so is the range of application, therefore making it difficult to ensure the usefulness of this technique to relieve pain during childbirth21.

Hypnosis, on the other hand, is accomplished by the application of unified guidelines aiming at reaching an altered state of consciousness which is linked to a reduced perception of the surroundings20,22. The responsiveness of individuals can facilitate changes in perception and behavior. This way, the attention is focused on feelings of comfort or numbness, thereby enhancing women's relaxation and sense of security. It helps reduce pain intensity and shorten labor duration and hospital stay, while it provides a safe environment without any identified adverse effects22.

Nevertheless, the professional practicing hypnosis and the woman in labor must possess previous knowledge of this therapy, which implies a prior investment of their time and effort15. Bearing in mind that this technique may inhibit the emotional interpretation of painful sensations, it is worth considering it as a safe and effective complementary therapy15,20.

Lastly within this group is yoga, a discipline designed to induce calm and distractions, facilitating pain relief during childbirth. It involves becoming aware of our breathing and the ability to ignore external concerns, thus eliminating toxins present in the body and allowing the release of mental and emotional blocks16.

According to the literature reviewed, practicing yoga during labor and delivery facilitates and encourages positive reinforcement in pregnant women by enabling them to experience certain control over the situation and their own bodies21. It also helps reduce pain during childbirth which increases satisfaction with the whole experience16.

Alternative medical practice (traditional Chinese medicine)

There are various alternatives within this section, such as acupuncture and acupressure. The stimulation of strategic points located near neural structures through this type of practice can increase satisfaction with pain treatment, reducing its intensity and the need for pharmacological analgesia20,23.

The existing literature shows that techniques such as acupuncture reduce the number of assisted vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections20, while acupressure can be used to reduce anxiety at the time of childbirth23. However, despite acknowledging its benefits, some authors emphasize the importance of choosing highly trained professionals in this area, as not doing so may result in a lack of benefits and even adverse effects15,16.

Manual healing methods

In the category of manual healing methods, reflexology and massage are worth mentioning due to their ability to improve the satisfaction and experience of childbirth. Through the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, strained muscles become relaxed, helping individuals reach a state of peacefulness15. Subsequently, this helps reduce pain by inhibiting sensory transmission, improving blood flow and tissue oxygenation24.

Based on the above, the use of these disciplines entails multiple positive effects as mentioned in other studies as well. The most usual benefit is the increased perception of external affection that women feel with these therapies, which increases the feelings of care, well-being, and comfort15,21,24.

Water immersion and Swiss ball

Water immersion is another remarkable method that is being used more frequently. Women who use this method report feeling safe, relaxed, and in control of the situation25. Water allows the pelvic tissues to be more flexible and elastic, reducing pain during contractions, as well as the number of instrumental interventions during childbirth. This technique is well-accepted and it has been associated with greater satisfaction among parturient women25,26.

A clinical trial carried out in Brazil emphasizes the usefulness of hot water in this process, which stimulates the redistribution of muscle blood flow and the release of endorphins, providing comfort and improving the metabolism and elasticity of some tissues26.

Likewise, it has also been proven that the complementary use of hot bath therapies and perineal exercises with a Swiss ball leads to optimal outcomes in parturient women26. The joint use of both techniques helps significantly reduce the intensity of pain during labor, which consists of a positive advantage on a psychological level27,28. These techniques help to improve body posture, balance, and coordination as a result of their dynamic nature, which also helps the mother to maintain control of her body and develop confidence in her body and herself28.

Aromatherapy and auriculotherapy

Additional auxiliary treatments for managing pain and stress during childbirth are aromatherapy and auriculotherapy which have been gaining popularity in recent times.

Both techniques are useful for reducing pain, anxiety, and the duration of labor, and they are also safe for mothers. It is worth noting that through auriculotherapy parturient women can manage pain more successfully. Although the studies analyzed do not provide sufficient significant evidence to support the benefits of these techniques, they have not been associated with any risks17,18.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Finally, the literature includes transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a complementary and useful method for analgesia during labor, although not all studies agree with this statement. A clinical trial carried out in 2018 in Poland shows ineffective pain reduction and poor acknowledgment of its potential benefits by parturient women. Therefore, the TENS method is considered the least satisfactory pain management method, compared to the use of EA and other complementary techniques26.

Other studies support the statement that although most non-pharmacological methods for pain treatment are non-invasive and seem to be safe for the mother and the newborn, there is not enough evidence to make real clinical judgments15,25.

Authors seem to agree that AE continues to be the gold standard for pain relief, but they do not rule out TENS when used in combination with nitrous oxide, given that some studies show a decrease in pain intensity during the different stages of labor15,29.

The usefulness of complementary therapies

Thus, given the availability of the different techniques mentioned above, many studies reached the consensus that they should be offered in advance29,30. Prenatal education with CT training is an effective and viable method to manage pain and reduce medical interventions. This novel approach consists of a unique set of tools for women and couples to practice during pregnancy and labor. Furthermore, providing different options for the pregnant woman to manage her pain during labor and delivery favors more humanized, safe, and quality obstetric care19)(29)(30.

Pain relief in labor is an essential aspect of the labor process and every woman should have access to a wide variety of CTs, which offer multiple benefits15,19.

Most women define the pain of childbirth as the most intense pain they have experienced. Alleviating this pain completely or largely implies a great challenge for the professionals accompanying women during this process25.

In the process of overcoming the biomedical paradigm treasured during the last decades, increasingly more women demand more respectful delivery assistance30. Integrating the social reality and the access to information and knowledge of each pregnant woman is the foundation of their decision-making process. For all of the above, learning and understanding the different methods that can provide adequate pain management is a necessity, as is receiving proper training to provide quality care, according to the unique and specific situation of each woman. In addition to this, we must not forget the importance of sharing complete and up-to-date information based on the best scientific evidence available, so that they can freely choose which method suits them and which they wish to use15,29.

Some of the studies reviewed contemplate the combination of different techniques, contributing to increasing their effectiveness and achieving better results. Likewise, women can use them autonomously, improving their self-confidence, control, and well-being15,26.

Finally, regarding the debate about pharmacological and complementary therapies, the literature concurs with the effectiveness of CTs in childbirth; however, further research is needed19)(20)(29. We have not detected any case in which CTs alone have caused harm. Therefore, obtaining substantial evidence allows us to identify the benefits and possibilities of these techniques and establish protocols and guidelines for maternity care.

In future lines of research, conducting studies with a larger sample and specifically focused on each therapy will help obtain clearer results. Considering the benefits exposed in this review, additional studies should also focus on determining the effectiveness and outcomes regarding the intensity and satisfaction of pain relief.


Upon the identification of complementary therapies available, we analyzed their advantages and disadvantages, taking into account that, currently, EA is the most widely used therapy for pain relief, given its rapid action and great effectiveness. Therefore, we reassert that it is the method of choice.

However, CTs for pain management offer potential results, especially due to their unique quality of alleviating or eliminating pain while allowing assessing and treating women through an integral approach. Thus, they contribute to understanding pregnant women holistically and respecting their beliefs regarding the best treatment, which constitute key considerations in excellent nursing practice.

Consequently, we conclude that complementary therapies are useful resources that offer significant benefits, as long as those administering them or supervising their administration, as well as the parturient, have received relevant training.


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Received: June 29, 2022; Accepted: September 26, 2022

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