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Enfermería Global

On-line version ISSN 1695-6141

Enferm. glob. vol.22 n.70 Murcia Apr. 2023  Epub June 26, 2023 


Teaching and learning methods for nursing students on nutrition: scoping review

Sergio Yust-Muñoz1  2  , Jagoba Zarandona-Calvo1  2  , Marta Arrúe-Mauleón3  , Leyre Gravina-Alfonso4  5 

1Basque Nurse Education Research Group, Bioaraba Health Research Institute, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

2Osakidetza, School of Nursing of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

3Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, Department of Nursing, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), San Sebastián, Spain

4Biocruces Bizkaia Research Institute, Clinical Nursing and Community Health Group, Barakaldo, Bizkaia, Spain

5Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, Department of Nursing, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Spain



Food intake can determine a person's individual state of health and well-being. Addressing relevant nutrition content in the nursing curriculum is the key to providing knowledge, attitudes and skills on prevention and treatment and to promoting health.


To review the evidence concerning teaching and learning methods on nutrition for undergraduate nursing students.


A search was carried out in MEDLINE (PubMed/Ovid), Web of Science (WOS), EMBASE (through OvidSP), CINAHL (through EBSCO Publishing), ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) and Scopus. The search included publications in English and Spanish from the launch of the databases until January 2021. Primary empirical studies, studies with nursing students in the sample and studies that reported on teaching and learning about nutrition were included in this review.


22 articles met the inclusion criteria, identifying four relevant themes: 1) Review of nursing programs and curricula; 2) Teaching designs; 3) Assessment of learning; 4) Student perceptions of the teaching methodology.


This scoping review highlights the benefits of teaching nursing students about nutritional care programmes. The publications included show great heterogeneity across programmes, explicit learning outcomes and evaluation methods. Our findings suggest the need to further expand and strengthen research on design, implementation and evaluation of learning sequences.

Key words: Students, nursing; Nutritional sciences; Learning; Nursing education research; Scoping review


Food intake is the first step in cell growth, metabolism and repair1. According to the World Health Organisation, problems associated with excessive or deficient intake of macro- and/or micronutrients can determine a person's individual state of health and well-being2.

Nurses play an essential role in disease prevention and health promotion by advising on eating habits3. This requires nurses to ensure provision of nutritional care, working alongside other health professionals4.

Considering the nursing activities related to nutritional care in healthcare practice, it is key to include relevant content on nutrition in the nursing curricula to be able to provide knowledge, attitudes and skills on prevention and treatment and to promote health4.

For this reason, this review aims to obtain a comprehensive view of the teaching methods and student learning regarding nutrition content in the undergraduate nursing curricula.



This review followed the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute to develop scoping reviews5. To maintain research transparency, a protocol was registered with the Open Science Framework (OSF) on 9 November 2020 (

Search Strategy

The search strategy was used in the MEDLINE (PubMed/Ovid), Web of Science (WOS), EMBASE (through OvidSP), CINAHL (through EBSCO Publishing), ERIC (Educational Resource Information Centre) and Scopus databases. The search strategy was designed using natural language and controlled language adapted to each database. The following or similar terms were used in all databases: "Education, nursing", "Nutritional sciences", "Health Knowledge, Attitude, Practice", "Students, nursing", "Diet, food and nutrition". The search was limited to publications in English and Spanish from the launch of the databases until January 2021. In addition, as a secondary search strategy, the reference list of all included bibliographic sources was examined for additional studies.

The following inclusion criteria were determined for this review: 1) Primary empirical studies; 2) Including all undergraduate year-groups taking a nursing degree; 3) Including face-to-face or online teaching interventions, conducted in the classroom or in clinical settings; 4) Reporting on nutrition programmes in the undergraduate nursing curriculum; 5) Reporting on the teaching and/or learning method. The exclusion criteria were: 1) Editorials, opinion articles, proceedings, protocols, and posters; 2) Studies that did not include nursing students or if included, the data were not disaggregated from other types of students; 3) Studies that reported exclusively on postgraduate or continuing education for nursing professionals.

Study Selection

A total of 992 records were identified in the selected database search. These were subsequently imported into the Mendeley® bibliographic reference manager to eliminate duplicates. Out of the remaining references, 670 were excluded after reading the title and abstract, because they did not match the research study objective. The text in 98 articles was read in full, followed by a consensual discussion between at least two of the reviewers. In this screening phase, 78 references were excluded: 41 did not match the context of undergraduate nursing education, 26 did not include nursing students in the sample and 11 did not meet the determined selection criteria. Finally, 2 more articles were obtained secondarily through references from other registers, bring the inclusion total to 22 studies.

The search results and the study inclusion process are shown in the flow diagram with extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR)6 (Figure 1).

Figure 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram. 

Information extraction

After completing the article search and selection, a data extraction template was created: author, year, country of origin; research aim(s); participants, setting and design; learning outcomes, teaching methodology and learning sequence; evaluation method; and main findings. Two reviewers then independently extracted data from all the studies, discussed the results and updated the data extraction tool. Any discrepancies during data extraction were addressed by bringing a third reviewer into the discussion until consensus could be reached.

Summary of results

To understand and classify the content of the articles, several reiterative readings were carried out to produce a narrative synthesis.

There was emphasis on analysing teaching designs for nursing students concerning nutrition. The narrative content synthesis was evaluated again to identify patterns and similarities and differences in the variables. This was useful to determine the most important relationships between the included studies, making it easier to establish definitive categories to meet the objective of this scoping review.


Study Characteristics

The 22 studies included in this review were published from the launch of the databases until January 2021 7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28.

According to the origin of publication most of them were contextualised in the USA (n=11), although also found in Europe (n=8), Oceania (n=1), Latin America (n=1) and Africa (n=1) (Table 1).

Table 1: Main results of the included articles. 

Table 1 (cont.): Main results of the included articles. 

Table 1 (cont.): Main results of the included articles. 

Table 1 (cont.): Main results of the included articles. 

Table 1 (cont.): Main results of the included articles. 

Table 1 (cont.): Main results of the included articles. 

Table 1 (cont.): Main results of the included articles. 

Abbreviations: (P) Participants, (C) Context, (D) Design, (LO) Learning Outcomes, (M) Methodology, (LS) Learning Sequence.

The studies included in this review considered nursing programmes (n=7) or nursing students (n=15), as the subject of study. Four of the studies are contextualised within interprofessional education, including students from medical, physiotherapy or dietetics degrees7)(8)(9)(10.

There was great variability in the academic year in which the subject was taught. In 13 studies, the academic year was not specified and in the remaining 9 that did, there was great heterogeneity: in a single academic year; 1st year (n=2); 2nd year (n=1) and 4th year (n=3) and in more than one academic year; (1st and 2nd) - (1st, 2nd and 3rd) - (3rd and 4th), (n=3).

According to the identified research designs, descriptive studies (n=7), comparative studies (n=5), case studies (n=4) and narrative reviews (n=3) stood out, while other types of designs such as research-based studies (n=2) and a quasi-experimental design (n=1) were also found in smaller numbers.

Description of the results of the included studies

Four relevant themes were identified in the study analysis: 1) Review of nursing programmes and curricula; 2) Teaching designs; 3) Assessment of learning; 4) Students' perceptions of the teaching methodology.

Theme 1: Review of nursing programes and curricula

A total of seven studies based their research on the review of nursing programmes or curricula with regard to the nutrition content taught11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17. Five of them in US institutions,11)(12)(13)(14)(15 one in a European institution16 and one in Brazil17.

Only one study specified that nutrition content was integrated in different subjects12, but this was not specified in the rest of the studies11)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17.

There is emphasis on the theoretical aspects of nutrition, the significance of teaching about basic nutrients across different life stages and nutrition in cases of illness13)(15)(17. On the practical side, instruction on fluid and electrolyte management is prioritised12)(13)(15.

In this review, two teaching contexts were identified: the university classroom and clinical placements. Most studies focused on theoretical classes taught in the classroom7)(9)(10)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24) and some combined traditional theoretical teaching with clinical placements8)(25)(26)(27. Additionally, several studies highlighted the necessity to enhance basic nutrition content in the nursing curriculum, although the most suitable context for this is not specified(11,12,15.)

In addition to delivering theoretical and/or practical content, only two studies specified the faculty responsible for teaching nutrition subjects13,16. In the work carried out by Weigley,13 in US institutions, the subject was traditionally taught by dietetics professionals. More recently, in their study conducted in 31 European countries, Eglseer et al.16 identified that nurses were responsible for teaching nutrition in more than half of the educational institutions.

Theme 2: Teaching designs

Four studies explicitly identified the proposed learning outcomes for instruction9)(10)(18)(23. Two of them focused on acquiring interprofessional communication skills to address the patient's nutritional needs and develop clinical judgement9,10. The other two studies established learning outcomes focusing on knowledge acquisition18,23, identifying different dietary sources of nutrients and implications for nurses18 and exploring nutritional factors and other health determinants to promote wellness23.

Eleven studies specified the teaching designs used: lectures;22 lectures reinforced with case-based practice9,26; lectures supported by computer tools7,19; clinical practice27; nutrition diary24; one-day nutrition event25; photovoice23; game-based learning18; and simulation10. Three did not explain the methodology and teaching strategies used8)(20)(28.

Theme 3: Assessment of learning

From the studies included in this review, 4 report on the use of different tests and/or rating scales to assess acquired learning, without specifying whether this was part of the subject evaluation 20)(21)(22)(28.

For this purpose, the following were used: a questionnaire developed ad-hoc by the authors of the research with 30 multiple choice questions22; the validated Nutrition Knowledge Test (NKT) questionnaire20; a 20-item questionnaire, used in similar previous studies to assess nutrition knowledge in other unspecified countries28. Finally, a specific open-ended question on Mediterranean diet in addition to the KIDMED TEST (Pre-Post) used to assess adherence to the Mediterranean diet21.

Within this category, five papers were also found that reported on student learning using lectures as the unique mode of instruction or in combination with other types of strategies7)(9)(19)(22)(26. The use of lectures alone provided an increase in general nutrition knowledge in the intervention group22. Complementing the theoretical teaching with case studies increased the level of learning and was useful to work on interprofessional competencies9,26). In addition, theoretical classes supplemented with computer tools provided consistent learning, saving instructors time7,19).

Other studies assessed student participation and motivation in different activities that involved developing learning content18)(23)(24)(25. Students reported a better understanding of nutritional recommendations through keeping a food diary.24 Practical tools such as photovoice gave greater awareness of the barriers and benefits of food provision on campus23. Organising a collaborative event between university and clinical practice seems to increase student motivation25. Other methodologies such as game-based learning also seem to help improve motivation and learning of nutritional concepts18. Simulation is another teaching method that, although no differences have been found, is expected to increase clinical judgement and interprofessional communication10.

Regarding the results of the learning assessment in the studies included in this review, better results were obtained on general knowledge about nutrition22,28, carbohydrates20 and Body Mass Index (BMI)22. Worse results were obtained for sources of cholesterol20)(22)(28, sources of water-soluble fibre28, food to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease28, obesity or overweight ranges22,28, nutrient metabolism28 and physical activity20. According to Vega et al.21 slightly more than half of the nursing students did not have congruent ideas about the Mediterranean diet prior to instruction, with a statistically significant increase after instruction.

Theme 4: Students' perceptions of the teaching methodology

Two papers were identified which assessed students' perceptions of the teaching methodology19,26. Students perceived increased learning regarding eating and hydration, protocols and recognition of malnutrition and identification of relevant interventions when devising cases studies26.

On the other hand, a study that compared face-to-face training and web-based teaching, using the Student Opinion of Instruction (SUMMA) tool, obtained better results in terms of students' perception for the former mode of instruction compared to the latter19.


This review has addressed the analyses carried out by various authors on nursing training programmes and curricula, teaching designs, assessment methods and the learning acquired, plus the students' perception of the nutrition teaching methodology.

The analysis of the different programmes included in this scoping review highlights the importance of looking in greater depth at nutrition concepts in nursing curricula. This idea coincides with other health areas such as Van Horn et al.29 who highlights the need to improve nutrition content in health science studies.

Another aspect to consider would be revising the role of nurses in promoting nutritional health and lifelong wellbeing20) with the aim of including the most relevant nutrition contents for future professional practice. In addition to improving nutrition-related content, several authors reflect the need to acquire other types of competences related to the interprofessional collaborative role7)(8)(9)(10. Several studies include training on this skill with other students from different health areas such as medicine,7)(8)(9 physiotherapists7,20 or dietetics students10.

In this sense, from the results included in this review, there is no agreement on where teaching on nutrition should be included, or whether this content should be taught in a single academic year or in several academic years throughout a nursing degree. There is no consensus on the scientific literature on how to address nutritional concepts in nursing curricula design. Several authors propose that nutrition content should be integrated in several subjects12, throughout various academic years14, and including nutrition training both in the classroom and in clinical placements13. Likewise, nutritional content should explicitly appear as a compulsory subject on nursing curricula30.

Nurse educators have an important role to play in choosing the teaching and learning methodology to achieve the desired learning outcomes31. As a preliminary step, other authors emphasise the importance of identifying learning difficulties to select the most appropriate teaching and learning strategy in each case in relation to the subject matter(32.) They also highlight the need to promote learning that links theory with practice through pedagogical strategies33.

This review identified a wide variety of teaching designs for nutrition-related instruction, of which eight studies provided a detailed description of the sequence7)(8)(9)(10)(18)(19)(23)(24. This is relevant as the detailed description of the learning design facilitates interpretation of the results derived from measuring the effectiveness of the teaching interventions. Feresin et al. 17 pointed out that the approach to teaching nutrition to nursing students should differ from the traditional stance.

Regarding the knowledge acquired by students, worse levels of knowledge were identified regarding the different sources of cholesterol,20)(22)(28 identification of foods to prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases28, and managing obesity or overweight ranges, among others, with better results obtained regarding general knowledge of nutrition22,28. For this reason, educational efforts should target improving these results, with an emphasis on training teachers who cover nutrition topics9.

It is expected that if nursing students improve their learning concerning nutrition content, they would be able to provide better care to their patients32, not to mention the ultimate goal of measuring the impact of educating future professionals on individual healthcare32,34).


Among the limitations encountered when conducting this review, it should be noted, firstly, that the study search was limited to English and Spanish, leaving out papers published in other languages that might have been relevant. Secondly, there is the limitation associated with the methodology chosen to meet the objective. Scope reviews do not take into account the methodological quality of the research, so this was not a criterion considered in the inclusion/exclusion criteria when selecting papers for this study. Finally, it should be noted that the scope of professional practice is not homogeneous throughout the world, so teaching may differ according to nursing profession regulations in each area.


This scoping review provides a comprehensive and integrated overview of nutrition and nutritional care education for nursing students.

Although there is great heterogeneity among the selected papers in terms of the nutrition education programmes implemented, learning outcomes reported and evaluation methods, nutrition education is clearly important for nursing students.

Therefore, our results suggest the need for further research on design, implementation and evaluation of learning sequences in nursing-related nutrition to generate adequate evidence in each sociocultural context.


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Received: September 02, 2022; Accepted: January 12, 2023

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