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Sanidad Militar

Print version ISSN 1887-8571


NAVARRO SUAY, R.  and  PLAZA TORRES, J.F.. 1925: when we became great again... medical support in the Alhucemas landing. Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2012, vol.68, n.4, pp.247-256. ISSN 1887-8571.

The Alhucemas landing was a military operation carried out in the Rif area between the 8th September and the 13th October of 1925, by Spanish and French military units against Riffian forces. It ended with the Riffians' defeat and the occupation and total pacification of the Spanish Protectorate. It is considered the first combined-joint landing in military history and served as the basis to plan the Normandy landings during the Second World War. This article describes the land, naval and air medical support, the medical preparation of the deployment and landing, the logistics, evacuation and casualties suffered by the Spanish contingent during this operation.

Keywords : Medical Service; landing; Alhucemas; military hospital; casualties; evacuation.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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