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Sanidad Militar

Print version ISSN 1887-8571


BOBO-RUIZ, J.. Legal and administrative requirements for the sequencing of the human genome in the military context. Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2015, vol.71, n.2, pp.119-124. ISSN 1887-8571.

Genomics leads to new legal issues in addition to deepening those already raised from Molecular Genetics. The whole-genome sequencing of the human genome has evolved from economic efforts requiring an international consortium to be affordable for the average citizen. This revolutionary change also affects the administrations requiring a rethinking of the legal status of the databases for biomedical research and police DNA databases and its possible development in the military field. The same happens with biobanks associated with them. The restrictions imposed by international treaties on genomic research purposes should not obscure the broad roles of hosts in the more general framework of National Defence. The conditions that would allow genetic databases and biobanks in this context are discussed here under the new potential of the Genomics, trying to articulate its legal regime with the current national law.

Keywords : Genomics; Military Databases; Military Biobanks; International Law; Biomedical Research Spanish Act.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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