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vol.10 issue1La lenteja de parto: un recurso favorecedor de la movilidad pélvicaOpinion of nursing and correlation between the visual analog scale, verbal and numerical in the valuation of acute pain as the fifth vital parameter author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


ROMERO DE SAN PIO, Emilia; ROMERO DE SAN PIO, María Jesús  and  GONZALEZ SANCHEZ, Santiago. Derecho al honor, al prestigio y a la salvaguarda de la dignidad profesional en enfermería. Ene. [online]. 2016, vol.10, n.1. ISSN 1988-348X.

Nursing professionals must know the positive reactions against disease to give psychological help and support to the patient and family. Interpersonal contact between health professionals and patients and their families can be sources of conflict, the stress of the disease and the new situation can cause aggression towards the health team. This makes calling into question the prestige and professional dignity.

Keywords : Nursing; human characteristics; health law; personal space; patient rights.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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