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vol.13 issue2Nursing care report, conecta72 program and the case manegement nursing: medical opinion studyCuidados de enfermería en pacientes con Síndrome Coronario Agudo (SCA) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 1988-348X


LASHERAS BALDUZ, María Isabel  and  COBO GONZALEZ, Diego. Conceptualization of a person’s skin from a care perspective: approached from its loss. Ene. [online]. 2019, vol.13, n.2, 1328.  Epub Oct 21, 2019. ISSN 1988-348X.

People who have lost skin represent a worldwide social and health problem. The description of this group of people using the Orem self-care model will provide new lines of research for the maintenance of life, and continued health and personal development of the patient. Through a deductive study using extraction and elicitation of knowledge, the care of the person who loses skin is described. People with skin loss present biopsychosocial deterioration, losing part of their relationship with the environment and with themselves, and their capacity for self-care becomes limited.

Keywords : Person; Skin; Self-Care; Nursing Model.

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