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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

On-line version ISSN 2014-9840Print version ISSN 2014-9832


GUILERA, Teresa; BATALLA, Yolanda  and  SOLER-GONZALEZ, Jorge. Experiencing empathy in medical students: sensorial deprivation. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2017, vol.20, n.2, pp.53-55.  Epub Aug 16, 2021. ISSN 2014-9840.


To identify emotions experienced by medical students in a workshop of sensory deprivation to enhance empathy.

Subjects and methods

The workshop program (visual deprivation, auditory deprivation and physical disabilities) is presented. Emotions are identified and measured by Self-Assessment Manikin scale. Medical empathy is measured by Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy.

Results and conclusions

Sensory deprivation can experience different types of emotions. Identify them allows medical students to be more sensitive to people with disabilities and increase empathy.

Keywords : Emotions; Empathy; Medical education; Medical students.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )